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        발해의 성벽 축조방법에 대해

        정석배(Jung Suk Bae) 한국고대학회 2017 先史와 古代 Vol.- No.54

        Among the Balhae(Bohai) fortresses in Northeast China and in Primorye-Priamurye, there are fortresses built during the Goguryeo period and built during the Balhae period and then repaired or re-built in the Liao-Jin period. In this regard, there were not a few cases when the fortresses, which have clear external characteristics of the Liao-Jin period, were represented as Balhae ones. Because of this, mistakes in systematization of the Balhae fortresses and in locating the centers of the administrative regions, districts and counties of Balhae are inevitable. Taking this into consideration, in this paper we were studying the methods of building fortress walls of Balhae, on the basis of excavated Balhae fortress walls, because the author of the article considers that the basis for studying the Balhae fortresses is the identification of features of fortresses which were exactly built in Balhae period. For the present, there are known 18 Balhae fortresses which fortress walls excavations’ results have been published. In addition, 5 more Balhae fortresses were taken into account, where the profile of fortress walls was met during the field studies. The Balhae fortresses, whose profile of walls have been studied, are divided according to the time of construction: built before Balhae then re-built in Balhae and after Balhae no used more(Sinelnikovo 1), built during Balhae and used only during Balhae(Upper capital, Xigucheng, Baliancheng, Xingnonggucheng, Nikolaevka 1, Nikolaevka 2, Starorechenskoe, Kraskino), built during Balhae and used mainly before the Jin period(Koksharovka 1, Okrainka, Smolnoye), built during Balhae and used up to the Jin period(Sumicheng, Marianovka, Novogordeevka, Izvestkovaya Sopka), and built by Malgal tribes during Balhae (fortresses of the northeast coast of Primorye Jeegitovka, Krasnoe Ozero). The fortress walls built or re-built during Balhae according to their materials and structure are divided under: entirely earth, earth with stone facing, earth with stones, entirely stone, stone with earth filling inside, stone with earth under, wooden paling. In addition, the structure of the Balhae fortress walls was studied, and we distinguished in it the prepared base, the fundamental part, the central-internal part and the side-protection walls. Fortress walls of the Liao-Jin period built mostly of earth. The ramming in the panchuk technique is typical for the Liao-Jin period, most of all built of the earth of different colors and different composition as the layered siruttok walls. But the Balhae walls in most cases are built of the earth of almost the similar or small different color and composition, the thickness of the layers is not even, and the layers do not continue to the edges of the bank, but are replaced by other layers in the middle. However, during Dongxia state of Jin period we can see walls of earth with stone facing, stone walls and walls of ramming in the panchuk technique, where the layers do not continue to the edges of the bank very rarely, but their general character differs from the Balhae ones. In addition, although in this paper we do not touch on this, planimetric characteristics and details of the Balhae fortress walls also differ from the Liao-Jin ones. Consequently, up to now the fortresses of Liao-Jing have been studied as Balhae ones, so in the future a cautious study is needed. 중국 동북지역과 러시아 연해주-아무르지역에 분포하는 발해의 성들 중에는 고구려시기에 축조된 것도 있고, 발해 때에 축조된 다음 이후 요·금대에 수축이나 증축을 거쳐 계속해서 사용된 것들도 있다. 그 결과 외견상 요·금대의 특징을 가진 성들도 여러 가지 이유로 발해의 성으로 소개된 경우가 적지 않다. 이로 인해 발해 성곽의 일반적인 특성 도출과 나아가 발해 부(府), 주(州), 현(縣)의 치소성 비정 등에서 오류가 없을 수가 없었다. 이러한 인식하에 이 글에서는 발굴조사가 된 발해성벽들을 중심으로 발해성벽의 축조방법에 대해 고찰해보았다. 발해의 성벽 축조방법을 논의의 중심에 둔 것은 발해 때에 쌓은 것이 분명한 성벽들의 특징을 밝히는 것이 발해성곽 연구의 기초가 된다고 생각하였기 때문이다. 지금까지 성벽 단면이 발굴 조사되고 그 내용이 보고된 발해성은 모두 18개소로 집계된다. 이 자료들 이외에도 답사를 통해 성벽 단면이 확인된 5개소의 발해성도 함께 참고하였다. 성벽 단면이 발굴 조사된 발해의 성들은 축조 시기 혹은 주체로 볼 때에 발해 이전에 축조되어 발해 때에 증축되고 발해 이후에는 사용되지 않은 것(시넬니꼬보 1산성), 발해 때에 축조되어 발해 때에만 사용된 것(상경성, 서고성, 팔련성, 흥농고성, 니꼴라예브까 1성, 니꼴라예브까 2성, 스따로레첸스꼬예 성, 끄라스끼노 성), 발해 때에 축조되어 주로 금대 이전까지 사용된 것(꼭샤로브까 1성, 오끄라인까 성, 스몰노예 성), 발해 때에 초축되고 금대에도 사용된 것(소밀성, 마리야노브까 성, 노보고르제예브까 성, 이즈베스뜨꼬바야 소쁘까 성), 그리고 발해시기 말갈계통 부족들이 축조한 것(연해주 동북해안지역의 지기또브까 성과 끄라스노예 오제로성)으로 구분된다. 발해 때에 축조한 혹은 증축한, 다시 말해서 발해 때에 쌓은 성벽은 축조재료와 세부구성 양상에 따라 전체 토축성벽, 토축즙석성벽, 토축혼석성벽, 전체 석축성벽, 토심석축성벽, 하토석축성벽, 그리고 목책성벽으로 구분하였다. 그 외에도 발해의 성벽을 지반정지부, 기초부, 중심부, 측면보호벽으로 구분하여서도 검토해 보았다. 요·금대의 성벽은 대부분이 전체 토축성벽이다. 판축다짐은 요·금대 성벽에서 가장 중요한 특징으로서 대부분의 경우 서로 다른 색깔과 성분의 토층을 거의 매번 되풀이하여 시루떡모양으로 정연하게 쌓았다. 이에 반해 발해의 판축다짐성벽은 대부분 비슷한 혹은 약간 차이가 나는 색깔과 성분의 토층들을 일정 높이 반복적으로 쌓아 올렸다는 점, 토층의 두께가 일정하지 못하다는 점, 토층이 양단까지 계속 이어진 것이 아니라 중간에서 다른 토층들로 대체된다는 점 등이 차이를 보인다. 다만 금대 동하국 시기의 성벽 중에는 토축즙석성벽, 석축성벽, 토층이 중간에 다른 토층과 대체되는 판축다짐성벽도 예외적으로 확인되고는 있지만 전반적 특징이 발해의 것과는 차이를 보인다. 그 외에도 본고에서는 논의하지 않았지만 성의 평면적 특징과 성벽부속시설도 발해와 요·금대 성들은 서로 많은 차이를 보인다. 따라서 지금까지는 발해 성곽연구에 요·금대의 성들이 포함되곤 하였는데 앞으로는 신중한 접근이 필요하다고 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        Strength Characteristics of Rammed Earth Using Hwangtoh Binder

        Hwang, Hey-Zoo,Yang, Jun-Hyuk The Korean Institute of Building Construction 2013 한국건축시공학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        There has recently been a great deal of research into the appropriate building materials for eco-friendly construction. In the field of earth architecture, there have been walls made of pure earth or with rammed earth including a small amount of cement. The purpose of the study is to investigate the possibility increasing compressive strength through a more eco-friendly composition by using Hwangtoh binder rather than cement to increase the strength performance of rammed earth. It was found that the more the ratio of binder was increased, the more the strength was increased, but enhancement did not increase noticeably in the lower part that did not compact completely, and proper height to pour earth is 200 mm. When stone dust was added, compressive strength was lower than when adding fine aggregate and coarse aggregate, but a finer surface texture was provided.

      • KCI등재

        Strength Characteristics of Rammed Earth Using Hwangtoh Binder

        황혜주,양준혁 한국건축시공학회 2013 한국건축시공학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        There has recently been a great deal of research into the appropriate building materials for eco-friendly construction. In the field of earth architecture, there have been walls made of pure earth or with rammed earth including a small amount of cement. The purpose of the study is to investigate the possibility increasing compressive strength through a more eco-friendly composition by using Hwangtoh binder rather than cement to increase the strength performance of rammed earth. It was found that the more the ratio of binder was increased, the more the strength was increased,but enhancement did not increase noticeably in the lower part that did not compact completely, and proper height to pour earth is 200 mm. When stone dust was added, compressive strength was lower than when adding fine aggregate and coarse aggregate, but a finer surface texture was provided.

      • KCI등재

        중국 하남지역 선사시대 토성 축성기술 연구

        김봉근 한국고대학회 2023 先史와 古代 Vol.- No.72

        The article examined the construction techniques of prehistoric earthen ramparts in the Hanam(河南) region of China. From the Neolithic period, China employed various techniques such as the earth-and-branch method, reduction technique, earthwork, earthen rampart, wooden planks, and wooden posts to build city walls. Additionally, based on the characteristics of the soil and evidence of construction within the city walls, three construction types were identified: Type A, which involves constructing panel structures; Type B, which repeats the process of building sections through soil layering, cutting, and adding; and Type C, which involves building walls by adding to protruding natural terrain or earthen features. As a result, both cases of using a single construction type for the entire city wall and combining different construction techniques for foundation, central core, inner, and outer layers were observed. This diversity in construction techniques reflects the pinnacle of contemporary scientific and civil engineering technology of the time. Furthermore, through the examination of the construction techniques of prehistoric earthen ramparts in the Hanam region of China, the article proposed a classification of construction techniques that had been ambiguously used in China. Drawing from the basic concept of compaction, these techniques can be categorized into "hangchuk(夯築)" and "toechuk(堆築)" based on their approach to compaction. Hangchuk involves constructing city walls using materials like stones or wooden posts. Depending on the presence of panel structures, hangchuk can be further classified into rammed earth (Type A) and direct compaction (Type B). Notably, direct compaction involves building city walls without panel structures and likely utilized the reduction technique to carve out less stable areas to enhance stability and robustness. On the other hand, toechuk (Type C) uses a wooden planks making it difficult to detect or clearly understand compaction traces. This method often involves utilizing natural terrain or earthen materials to create sloping compactions. In Korea, continuous research and comparison with Chinese archaeological data have been carried out to understand ancient construction techniques. However, difficulties have arisen due to terminology and conceptual challenges when interpreting ancient Chinese construction techniques. Overcoming these challenges and fostering ongoing interest and research in ancient Chinese earthen ramparts are essential for gaining insights into ancient Korean earthen ramparts construction techniques. It is hoped that this article will contribute to the understanding of ancient Korean earthwork construction methods. 본고에서는 중국 하남지역의 선사시대 토성유적의 축성기술을 살펴보았다. 중국은 신석기시대부터 부엽공법과 삭감(削減)기술, 토제(土堤), 토괴(土塊), 목판과 목주를 사용한 판축 등 다양한 기술을 통해 성벽을 축조하였음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 토층의 양상과 성벽 내에서 확인되는 축성 관련 흔적에 따라 판축구조물을 통해 축조하는 A형, 축조 구간 성토 → 커트 → 덧붙이기 과정을 반복하여 축조하는 B형, 돌출된 자연 지형이나 토제에 덧붙여 성벽을 축조하는 C형으로 구분하였다. 그 결과, 성벽 전체가 단일 축성기술로 축조되는 경우와 기저부와 중심토루, 내‧외피토루를 서로 다른 축성기술로 축조하는 경우도 확인된다. 이러한 축성기술의 다양화는 당대 최첨단 과학기술과 토목기술을 통해 이루어낸 결정체임을 반영하고 있다. 한편, 중국 하남지역의 선사시대 토성의 축성기술을 통해 그동안 중국에서 불명확하게 사용되었던 축성기술의 분류안을 제시해 보았다. 먼저 다짐이라는 축성의 기본 개념에 착안하여 다짐 방식을 기준으로 ‘항축(夯築)’과 ‘퇴축(堆築)’으로 분류할 수 있다. 항축은 강돌이나 나무막대 등을 사용한 다짐 방식인 항타로 성벽을 축조한다. 항축은 다시 성토 방식에 따라 판축구조물의 유무에 따라 판축(A형)과 직항(B형)으로 세분된다. 특히, 직항은 판축구조물 없이 성벽을 축조하는데, 성벽의 안정성과 견고성을 확보하기 위해 다짐 강도가 떨어지는 부분을 깎아내는 삭감기술이 사용되었을 것으로 판단된다. 반면, 퇴축(C형)은 박타라는 다짐 방식을 사용하였기 때문에 다짐 흔적이 확인되지 않거나 명확하지 않고, 자연 지형이나 토제를 활용하여 경사방향으로 성토하는 방식을 보인다. 국내에서는 고대 축성기술을 이해하기 위해 중국고고학 자료와의 비교‧연구가 지속적으로 이루어져 왔다. 그러나 용어나 개념상의 문제 등으로 고대 중국의 축성기술을 이해하는데 어려움이 많았다. 이러한 상황을 극복하고, 향후 고대 한국의 토성 축성기술을 다각도에서 이해하기 위해 고대 중국의 토성에 대한 지속적인 관심과 연구가 이루어지길 기대하며, 본고가 고대 한국의 토성 축성기술을 이해하는데 도움이 되길 바란다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 고대 판축기술의 변천양상

        김봉근 호서고고학회 2024 호서고고학 Vol.- No.57

        중국의 판축 관련 연구는 발굴조사를 통해 확인된 판괴의 조합형태와 목판, 목주, 횡목, 끈 등 그 개별 흔적에 집중한 바, 각 토성유적 성벽 전체의 판축기술을 파악하려는 시도가 부족했다. 이에 판축구조물과 판축방식의 검토를 통해 판축기술의 변천양상을 파악해 보았다. 그 결과, 중국 고대 판축기술은 신석기시대 앙소문화 후기 황하중하류 유역에서 토성이 축조되기 시작하면서 등장한다. 문헌기록에서‘정(楨)’과‘간(幹)’이라고 불리는 목주로 목판을 고정하는 판축구조물 외에 중국 고대 토성은 다양한 판축구조물을 사용해 축조되었음을 알 수 있었다. 판축방식으로는 방괴판축, 분단판축, 연접판축 등 여러 방식을 사용하였는데, 판축구조물과의 관계로 보아 각각의 판축방식은 하나또는 두 유형의 판축구조물을 사용하여 성벽을 축조하였음을 알 수있었다. 특히, 목판의 연결이나 횡목으로 목판을 지지·고정하는 방법 등이 출현하면서 판축구조물은 물론 판축방식의 변화를 불러왔다. 지금까지 중국의 토성에 대한 고고학적 조사가 주로 중원지역을중심으로 이루어지다 보니 축성기술에 대한 연구가 그다지 진전이없었다. 특히 황하 중하류를 제외한 기타 지역의 판축기술 변천 양상을 구체적으로 파악하기에는 여전히 어려움이 있다. 앞으로 고고학적 조사와 연구가 지속적으로 이루어져 많은 성과가 축적된다면 중국의 각 지역 판축기술의 변천 양상은 물론 나아가 한국과의 관계에대해서도 보다 진전된 연구가 이루어질 수 있을 것으로 기대되며, 본고가 한국 고대 판축기술을 이해하는데 도움이 되길 바란다. In this paper, we looked at the rammed earth technology used in the earthen ramparts in ancient China. So far, research related to the rammed earth in China has focused on the combination of pangoe(版塊) and individual traces such as woodboards, wooden pillars, horizontal woods, and strings, and there has been a lack of attempts to identify the rammed earth technology of the entire rampart of each remains. I examined the rammed earth pattern of the entire rampart through the examination of the rampart earth structures and rampart methods. As a result, China's ancient rammed earth technology appears when ramparts begin to be built on mid~downstream of the Yellow river in the late neolithic yangshao culture(仰韶文 化). In the literature records, it can be seen that in addition to rampart earth structures (corresponding to types A and C) that fix the wooden plates with wooden pillar called ‘jeong(楨)’and ‘gan(幹)’, Chinese ancient ramparts were built using various rampart earth structures. The rammed earth method also used various methods such as banggoe rammed earth(方塊 版築), bundan rammed earth(分段版築), yeonjeop rammed earth(連接版築), and if you look at the relationship with the rammed earth structure, you can see that each rammed earth method uses one or two types of rammed earth structures to build the rampart. In particular, the appearance of methods for connection of wood plates and supporting and fixing the wood plate by using horizontal wood has led to a change in the rammed earth structure as well as its methods too. In the meantime, archaeological investigations of ramparts in China have been conducted mainly in the midland areas, and the study of construction technology was not very detailed, so it is still difficult to specifically identify the transformation of rammed earth technology in other areas except mid~downstream of the Yellow river. In the future, if archaeological research and research continue to be accumulated and a lot of achievements, we hope that more advanced research will be conducted not only on the transformation of rammed earth technology in each region of China, but also on its relationship with Korea, and I hope that this paper will help us understand Korea's ancient rammed earth technology.

      • KCI등재

        흙다짐 콘크리트의 압축강도 및 탄성계수 특성

        양근혁(Yang Keun-Hyeok),황혜주(Hwang Hey-Zoo) 대한건축학회 2010 大韓建築學會論文集 : 構造系 Vol.26 No.3

        This study examined the effect of specimen size on the compressive strength and elastic modulus of high-performance rammed earth concrete. Natural hwangtoh or alkali-activated (AA) hwangtoh was used for cementless binder. The diameter of cylindrical specimens varied from 100 ㎜ to 300 ㎜, while the aspect ratio of specimens remained constant to be 2.0. In addition, a rammed earth wall of 2400×1800×300 ㎜ was constructed and cylindrical core samples of 100×200 ㎜ were prepared from the wall in order to evaluate the compressive strength of rammed earth concrete against the placing position of the concrete. Test results showed that the decreasing rate of compressive strength according to the increase of specimen size was more prominent in rammed concrete than in wet-cast concrete. In particular, the scale factor for cylindrical specimen with 100 ㎜ diameter against that with 150 ㎜ diameter was recorded to be 0.52 and 0.6 for natural hwangtoh-based rammed concrete and AA hwangtoh-based rammed concrete, respectively, indicating that these values are much lower than the scale factor for ordinary portland cement concrete specified in ACI 318-08 code provision. The compressive strength of rammed earth concrete was also significantly affected by the placing position of concrete. The compressive strength measured from core specimens sampled from bottom zone of rammed earth concrete wall was lower by around 35% than that measured from top zone. On the other hand, the elastic modulus of AA hwangtoh-based rammed concrete could be conservatively predicted using the equation proposed by ACI 318-08 when the diameter of cylindrical specimen was below 200 ㎜.

      • 고층형 흙다짐 공법의 사례 연구

        김호천,이상원,이종국 대한건축학회지회연합회 2007 대한건축학회지회연합회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2007 No.1

        This research intends to understand the rammed earth method and suggest the possibilities of adoption on high-rise rammed earth structures through the case study on the method. The rammed earth construction has been regarded as one of the solutions in the modern environmental-friendly construction field, thus according to such trend, this study tries to find out the limitations of the rammed earth structures to be multistory and grope for solutions in the attached wall construction method. The procedures of this research is to figure out the limitations of rammed earth structures through theoretical consideration on those structures and analyze the actual cases of them, and to assure the possibilities on the development of the rammed earth method that can make the structures multistory earthen structures in the rammed earth method and induce immediate issues for it.

      • 증평 이성산성 축조기법에 대한 검토

        심정보 한국성곽학회 2014 한국성곽학보 Vol.25 No.-

        증평 이성산성은 토축산성으로 남성과 북성이 이격하여 축조되어 있어 입지적인 약점을 서로 보완할 수 있다는 점에서 백제산성의 특징 중에 하나인 모자성에 해당한다고 하겠으나 두 城모두 내성과 외성을 갖추고 있는 특이한 유형에 속한다고 하겠다. 북성의 전체 둘레는 내성 219m, 외성이 310m로 내외성의 공유벽 100m를 포함하여 전체 둘레는 429m이다. 南城은 이성산 정상부를 에워싼 테뫼식산성과, 계곡을 포함한 포곡식산성이 부가된 복합식산성으로 테뫼식산성의 둘레는 741m이고, 포곡식의 외성은 1,052m으로 내·외성 공유벽 191m를 제외하면 전체 둘레는 1,411m에 달한다. 남성의 체성 축조기법은 성토기법을 기본으로 하되 부분적으로 유사판축기법이 채용되고 있으며, 북성은 남성 보다 유사판축기법이 좀 더 많이 채용되면서 판축기법도 관찰되고 있어 남성 보다 발전적인 형태를 갖추고 있다고 하겠다. 기저부 조성에 있어서 성토층의 유동성을 억제하고 안정화시키기 위하여 목주를 시설한 점과 암반 외벽 경사면에 성토층의 접착력 감소를 최소화시키기 위하여 길게 홈을 파서 기저부 성토층과의 밀착력을 높이기 위한 시설은 새롭게 확인된 것으로 의미가 크다고 하겠다. 특히, 남성과 북성 모두 체성 축조에 있어서 벽심을 시설하여 이에 의지해서 축성해 나간점과, 남성 서벽에서 확인된 표토블록의 사용 사례는 최근에 논의되고 있는 토성축조기법에 있어서의 다양한 축성방법 중의 하나가 확인되었다는 점에서 주목된다. 영정주와 협판을 사용하지 않고 성벽을 축조하기 위해서는 벽심이 협판의 역할을 대신하고 있기 때문에 유사판축에 의한 축성이 가능하다는 장점이 있다. 토성 축조에 있어서 판축기법이 보급되기 이전에 축성공정을 앞당길 수 있는 중요한 시설이라 하겠다. 남성 서벽에서 확인된 표토블록은 외벽 벽심을 내향하여 사직선으로 보축하여 형성한 중심토루를 보강한 것이라 하겠다. 표토블록은 유사판축이 판축기법에 준해서 목봉으로 다지기 때문에 이 압력으로 중심토루가 뭉개지거나 내려않는 것을 방지하기 위해 시설한 발전된 축성기술의 하나라 하겠다. 중심토루를 토괴(土塊)로 보강하고 이 중심 토루에 의지해서 유사판축으로 토성을 구축한 사례로 지탑리토성이 주목되며, 증평 이성산성 보다 선행한다고 판단되어 어느정도 계통성을 살필 수 있는 성곽유적이라고 하겠다. 앞으로도 점토괴나 표토블록을 사용한 토성의 조사사례가 축적되어 비교 검토할 수 있는 기회가 있기를 기대해 본다. 그리고, 토성 조사과정에서 일반적으로 알려져 있는 성토법, 삭토법, 판축법 외에도 다양한 축조기법이 확인될 가능성이 있음에 유의하여야 할 점이라 생각된다. Iseongsanseong Fortress in Jeungpyeong is an earthen fortress which is composed of north and south fortresses. Since these two fortresses were built separately, each of them can make up for the other one’s geographical weaknesses. Such a structure called “mother and son” was commonly used for many of Baekje’s mountain fortresses. However, what makes Iseongsanseong unique is the fact that each of its north and south fortresses has an inner and outer wall. The body of the south fortress was mainly constructed with the remblai technique while part of it was built with the semi-rammed earth technique. For the north fortress, this second technique was used more often while the real rammed earth technique has also been identified. This implies that the north one has a more developed form compared to the south one. Meanwhile, new meaningful discoveries were made in Iseongsanseong. First, wooden poles were erected on the base in order to keep the remblai layer from moving. Second, a special structure with a groove was used to ensure that the remblai layer on the sloped outside is fixed to the one on the base. Other important discoveries were made; each of north and south fortresses has a center line of wall in its body and the western part of the south fortress includes surface soil blocks. These discoveries are notable because they constitute two of the diverse construction techniques of earthen fortifications that have been discussed recently. First, a center line plays the role of planks when building a fortress without pillars or planks, so the semi-rammed earth technique can be used. Second, surface soil blocks complement central earthworks that are formed in a diagonal line coming from the central line of the wall on the outside. Such blocks also constitute another advanced construction technique. When using the semi-rammed earth technique, these blocks are hardened as they are hit by wooden clubs. Such strengthened blocks prevent the central earthworks from collapsing. Finding other cases of earthen fortifications using clay masses or surface soil blocks could contribute to a rich comparative study. Furthermore, it is also necessary to pay attention to the possibility of identifying diverse construction techniques other than remblai, soil levelling and rammed earth techniques which have already been found through research on earthen fortifications.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of the Structural Stability of Rammed Earth Construction

        Hwang-Sik Min,Deuk-Youm Choen 대한건축학회 2018 Architectural research Vol.20 No.3

        The restoration of foundations supporting the immense load of the stone pagoda at Mireuksa Temple Site prioritizes securing its structural stability. But so far, rammed earth construction is still not easy to determine the structural stability. This paper aims to emphasize that a scientific experimental study was conducted on a rammed earth construction, to identify its methodology and obtain objective data about structural stability of the foundation work. An experimental study fabricated specimens from the soil that had been removed during the excavation survey, determined the allowable bearing capacity through plate load tests, and compared the results with the predicted stress after reassembly of the stone pagoda to estimate the structural stability. Then, the repair method was selected based on the experimental study result. The evaluation method of the restoration of foundations consisted of an examination of the allowable bearing capacity and settlement. The allowable bearing of the reinforced foundation was more than twice the contact pressure under the stacked stones of the pagoda. The possibility of settlement of the rammed earth foundation soil layer during the pagoda assembly is expected to be very low because the settlement amount of the reformed soil layer is less than half of the settlement of the stabilized existing soil layer.

      • KCI등재

        담틀 건축 자동화 시스템을 위한 다짐기 동역학 모델링

        허지아웨이,이상룡,이학 한국기계기술학회 2022 한국기계기술학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Interest in the rammed construction method using eco-friendly materials is increasing in modern architecture. However, the work of construction is not convenient and will require a lot of manpower and time. This study proposes an automation compactor consisting of a compactor frame, crank arm, servo motor, wire, and a compactor hammer. The compactor hammer is fixed on the wire to achieve up-down movement by servo motor. And the state of up-down movement of the proposed compactor in 4 steps was had a dynamic analyzed. Through the actual compression experiment, the reliability of the proposed compactor is verified and is expected to be used in rammed earth construction.

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