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      • KCI등재

        Visual Landscape Structure and Multi-layer Landscape Experience at Jichang Garden in China

        Eunyeong Park 전북대학교 휴양및경관계획연구소 2017 휴양및경관연구 (J East Asian Landscape Studies) Vol.11 No.2

        This study evaluated Jichang Garden in China, which features various visual arrangements for landscape experiences. The purpose of the study was to understand concrete landscape arrangement methods and structure and to analyze the landscape experience therein. The results indicated the following elements. Water spaces in Jichang Garden created synesthetic multi-layers constructed by the sounds of the Eight-pitch stream. A multi-layer landscape structure was created through symmetrical and borrowed landscapes displayed in the buildings centering on the pond. The pot-planting landscape reveals axial and complementing landscapes that extract and separate aesthetic objects from plain walls and distracting surroundings to evoke the profound beauty of mountains and waters. By creating walkways and frameworks, the corridors serve as dividing landscapes that create a sense of direction and dynamics and divide landscapes. The moon gate and openwork windows create visual frameworks, while the overlapping of the framed and window landscapes creates a sense of depth, making the space more intriguing. First, the landscape experience, with framing and layering features, offer visual diversity and illusions. One may find Jichang Garden full of stories and landscapes as it often creates illusions to separate spaces while maintaining the atmosphere through the landscape composition and overlapping unusual layers. Second, Jichang Garden offers the experience of dynamic visual perception. In doing so, Jichang Garden combines standstill and mobile views, which offers opportunities and occasions for each individual to create different layers. Third, to recapitulate huge mountains and waters in nature, Jichang Garden overlaps a range of visual layers, reminiscent of nature outside the garden.

      • Study on Change in Landscape Structure over Time in Suburban Area by Using GIS -Case Study of Kawachinagano City, Osaka-

        Kaga, Horoyuki,Izaki, Noriaki,Shimomura, Yasuhiko,Masuda, Noboru The Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture 2001 Journal of the Korean institute of landscape archi Vol.1 No.-

        Now that importance of landscape planning unique to each area is emphasized, it is necessary to conduct landscape planning by taking advantage of natural environments unique to each ares, because its natural environments are regarded as one of the assets the area possesses. This study targets at Kawachinagano City, Osaka, one of the residential areas that I not only rich in natural and historical elements, but also has been rapidly growing. The purposes of this study are to evaluate change in landscape structure over time by analyzing relation between landform and pattern of expanding the built-up area at three time points of 1932, 1967, and 1994 with GIS (ARC/INFO 7.0.3, ARC/View 3.0 (ESRI)), as well as to make some suggestions for planning landscape unique to the area. Data on main ridges, sub ridges, main rivers, and other landform were read from the elevation map, and data on woodland, and parks and open spaces (having more than 3 ha area) were read from the existing land use map. The data were used to understand the natural structure of the city from topographic viewpoint. Next, the existing land use map prepared with data on the built-up area and urban axes consisting of roads and streets were overlaid on the elevation map in order to understand relation between pattern of expanding the built-up area and the natural structure.

      • KCI등재

        <전주지도>에 표현된 조선 후기 전주부성의 식생경관상

        강인애,노재현 한국전통조경학회 2018 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        본 연구는 조선 후기 전주부성을 그린 <전주지도>에 나타난 식생경관을 활용하여 역사도시 전주의 도시정체성 확보방안을 모색하는 기초연구로서의 성격을 지닌다. 조선 후기 전주의 도시 이미지 형성을 주도했던 지도상의 식생경관적 특성을 파악하는 한편 식생을활용한 경관 모티브 및 구성체계를 도출해 보고자 하는 목적으로 시도되었다. <전주지도>의 분석을 통해서 도출된 조선 후기 전주부의 식생경관 특성은 다음과 같이 요약된다. 첫째, 전주부성의 식재경관 구성체계는 크게 부성 주변 자연형 식재를 토대로, 거점시설물과 연계한 독립식재와 군집식재, 지형특성과 어우러져 형성된 군집식재, 민가와 어우러진 텃밭과 마당식재가 통합되어 형성된 면형 식재경관으로 구성되어 있다. 둘째, 지역수종을 활용한 깃대종의 식생경관을 특화하였다. 조선 후기 전주는 복사나무가 만개한 도화경(桃花景)의 별천지였으며 오얏나무, 매화, 살구나무, 이팝나무 등이 가득한 꽃대궐이었다. 셋째, 산지와 어우러진 자연형 식재경관요소와 군집을 이루는 민가정원형 식재경관을 배경으로 거점시설물을 중심으로 형성된 정원형 식재 등이 전주부성 식생경관을 지배하고 있다. 넷째로 지형특성상의 결함을 보완하기 위하여 조성된 비보형 식생군락지가 중요한 식재경관요소로 강조되고 있다. 다섯째로 지형특성을 고려한 생태적 식생경관을 형성하고 있다. <전주지도>를 중심으로 도출되는 전주부성의 식생경관 특성은 전주의 경관성을 회복, 재현하는데 중요한 의미를 지니고 있다. 특히 지형특성과 어우러진 비보적 개념의 식생군락지, 지형과 조화되는 생태형 식재경관 형성수법, 민가와 어우러진 민가정원형 식재경관, 지역성을 반영한 도화경의 경관 조성 등은 18C 후반 전주지도를 통해 발견한 전주부성의 특화된 경관상(景觀相)이다. This study aims to find out the characteristics of the vegetation landscape characteristics and system which led the formation of the urban image in Jeonju in the late Joseon period connected with urban spatial structure, using <Jeonjujido> designated as treasure No. 1586 which was made in the middle of 18C. The vegetation landscape characteristics of Jeonju in the late Joseon Dynasty derived from the analysis of <Jeonjujido> are summarized as follows. Firstly, the vegetation landscape system in Jeonju is composed of the natural vegetation around mountain area of Jeonju-Buseong, the independent vegetation or cluster planting forests linked with the main facilities, the Bibo-Forests connected with topographical characteristics of Jeonju, and the vegetation combined with a private garden. Secondly, planting landscape was specialized using flag species and local species. Thirdly, the garden-type plantation centered on the back yard or front of main facilities, with the background of natural vegetation landscape combined with the mountain area and the vegetation combined with a private garden, dominates vegetation landscape of Jeonju Buseong as objects. Fourthly, in order to overcome the defects of topographical characteristics, the Bibo-Forests were emphasized as an important planting landscape element in addition to the vegetation landscape elements connected with main facilities. Fifth, ecological vegetation landscape technique was taken considering the topographical characteristics. The characteristics of vegetation landscape of Jeonju Buseong, which is derived from <Jeonjujido>, have an important meaning to restore and reproduce Jeonju's historical features. Especially, the vegetation communities of the non-booming concept combined with the geographical features, the ecological landscape harmonizing with the topography, the round house type landscape mixed with the private house, and the specialization of vegetation landscape using local species are important factors in securing the city image based on the historical characteristics and creating a city brand that utilizes vegetation landscape.

      • KCI등재후보

        Characteristics of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index According to Forest Landscape Metrics Index

        김영표 한국산림휴양복지학회 2014 한국산림휴양학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        This study is more focused on structural characteristics of Forest Landscape Metrics of big cityadjacentareas with the pressure of commercial development by using time series change of the NDVI analysis inHaman county. The results of this study are as follow, In the two time horizon, the extent of NDVI areas and ForestLandscape Metrics decreased due to numerous outer influences, and number patches increased due tofragmentation. For Edge metrics & Shape Metrics, TE, MPS, and ED all increased in 2000 compared to 1985. Complexity of patch boundary form got higher in relatively high NDVI values, and got simplified in low NDVIvalues. MNN values increased, and MPI values decreased in Diversity & Interspersion Metrics. That is to say, theconnectivity of forest landscape metrics lowered due to patch fragmentation and isolation. Core Area Metrics inTotal Landscape Level are observed to have severe decrease in area, and big standard deviation of average area. Bylooking at the relationship with NDVI, NDVI with relatively high vegetation vitality had TCA and MCA value, butit shrunk big in width. To aggregate all the results of research above, forest landscape metrics according to NDVI ofHaman County has imbalance in composition and configuration, and at the side of landscape ecology, it can bejudged that unstable forest landscape structure is dangerous due to the weakening of vitality. Lastly, the results ofthe analysis of vegetation index characteristics using forest landscape metrics are to be applied efficiently to theanalysis of quantization and influence of structural pattern characteristics of forest landscape. Going one step forward,possibility as a future prediction tool offers a base line data necessary for forest landscape plan establishment offorest landscape’s soundness evaluation.

      • KCI등재후보

        도시구조물로서 한강철교의 경관색채에 관한 연구

        김조아 ( Joah Kim ),유진형 ( Jinhyung Yoo ) 한국공간디자인학회 2015 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.10 No.3

        (연구배경 및 목적)우리나라는 산업화에 따른 철거 및 정비와 지역의 지형적 변화에 비해 도시구조물은 준공된 기존의 형태를 유지하고 있어 구조물의 노후화 및 지역의 변화에 대응하지 못하고 있으며 산업화의 문제점 중 하나로 인식돼 왔다. 특히 도시구조물 중 한강철교의 색채는 주변 경관을 고려하여 적용되어야 함에도 불구하고 고채도 고명도의 색채로 주변 경관을 저해하고 있으며 도시의 정체성을 훼손하고 있다. 도시의 정체성을 나타내는데 경관은 중요한 요소이며 지역적 특성을 고려한 경관의 색채계획이 중요하다. 도시구조물의 경관 색채에 관한 연구를 통하여 색채 방향성을 제시하는데 그 목적이 있으며 도시구조물 중한강에 최초로 놓인 한강철교의 색채 개선을 주제로 삼았다. (연구방법)한강철교가 조성된 한강 경관의 계절에 따른 색채 변화와 주변 교량의 적용 색채, 한강철교에 적용된 색채를 분석하여 문제점 및 방향성을 도출하였으며 한강철교의 주요 결절 점을 중심으로 조망 점을 선정하였다. 일출과 일몰 3시간 전에 디지털카메라로 촬영을 하였으며 한국 표준색 색채 분석(KSCA)을 활용하여 모자이크 기법으로 처리한 후 색채를 추출하고 색채의 면적을 백분율로 계산하였다. 그에 따른 경관 색채와 I.R.I를 활용하여 색채 이미지를 통한 경관 색채 분포도를 분석하였으며 이 분석을 통해 한강철교의 색채 방향성을 도출하였다. (결과)한강의 사계절 색채와 한강철교 조망 점의 경관 색채를 분석한 결과 공통으로 중명도 저채도의 무채색(N 계열)의 색채가 나타났으며 한강의 수변 색채인 어두운 파란색(RB 계열), 회청색(PB 계열)과 대지 및 도로의 무채색(N 계열), 갈색(YR 계열)이 나타났다. 색채 이미지는 ‘은은한’, ‘정적인’, ‘클래식한’, ‘품위 있는’, ‘점잖은’, ‘조용한’ 등 중명도·저채도가 갖는 색채이미지를 나타냈다. 현재 한강철교는 고명도·고 채도의 녹색(G 계열)로 주변 경관과 조화롭지 못하고 자극적인 색채로 강조되어 있었다. 한강은 도시의 정체성에 중요한 요소로 경관 이미지 형성에 크게 기여하고 있으므로 한강철교는 한강에 순응하는 배경색이 되어야 한다. 수변경관 및 주변 경관의 배경색이 되기 위해서는 경관의 일부가 되도록 중명도 저채도의 무채색(N 계열)의 색채를 적용하여야 한다. (결론)인간의 다양한 활동이 만들어낸 경관은 다양한 색채와 어우러져 도시의 정체성을 나타내며 경관 색채는 도시의 정체성이 나타나도록 고려하여 계획되어야 한다. 한강철교는 한강의 수변경관을 고려하여 중명도 저채도의 무채색(N 계열)의 색채를 적용하여 주변 경관이 돋보이도록 배경색 역할을 해야 한다. 경관의 요소 중 도시구조물의 색채는 수시로 변화하는 경관변화에 맞추어 주기적으로 적용되어야 하며 도시의 정체성과 지역성이 나타나도록 색채계획이 필요하다. (Background and purpose)Despite the removal and renewal of many buildings and topographies as a result of industrialization, Korean urban structures are still in their original as-built forms, defenseless against degradation and local changes. They represent one of the problems of industrialization. Particularly, the Hangang Railroad Bridge (hereafter, the HRB), which should have reflected the surrounding landscape, is instead spoiling it and disturbing urban identity with its high color. Landscape is a key element in representing urban identity, and a color scheme that considers local characteristics is important. This study examines color direction by researching the landscape color of urban structures, focusing on color improvement of the HRB, the first urban structure built over the Han River. (Method)Seasonal color variations of the surrounding landscape and the applied colors of the HRB and adjacent bridges were analyzed to derive the problem and direction, with viewpoints selected around main nodes. Images taken using a digital camera three hours before sunrise and sunset each day were processed by Korea Standard Color Analysis (KSCA) into a mosaic so as to identify colors and calculate their areas in percentage. The identified colors were analyzed using the I.R.I. image scale to derive landscape color variations and the color direction for the HRB. (Results)Analysis of all seasonal colors of the Han River and the landscape colors around viewpoints revealed common neutrals with middle brightness and low saturation (N series); waterfront colors of the Han River, such as dark blues (RBseries) and grey blues (PB series); neutrals of the land and road (N series); and browns (YR series). The color images were “gentle,”“calm,”“classic,”“gracious,”“decent,” and “quiet,” representing middle brightness and low saturation. The present HRB has sensational color unfit for the surrounding landscape, such as green with high brightness and saturation (G series). Instead, it should have a background color fit for the Han River, an important element for the urban identity that greatly contributes to the formation of landscape image. For the background color of the waterfront and surrounding landscape, neutrals with middle brightness and low saturation (N series) should be applied to become part of the landscape. (Conclusions)The landscape produced by different human activities represents urban identity in harmony with various colors, and landscape colors should be schemed considering urban identity. Considering the waterfront landscape of the Han River, the HRB should have neutral colors (N series) with middle brightness and low saturation as background colors to the surrounding landscape. Among the landscape elements, the colors of urban structures should be attuned periodically to the ever-changing landscape and planned such that it can represent urban identity and locality.

      • KCI등재

        텍스트 마이닝 분석을 통한 조경시공 연구경향 분석

        석영선,반권수 전북대학교 부설 휴양및경관계획연구소 2022 휴양및경관연구 (J East Asian Landscape Studies) Vol.16 No.3

        This study aimed to derive research trends related to the landscape construction field from various academic journals published in Korea from 1980 to 2022 by using text mining techniques. Research trends were analyzed through VOSviewer, the big data analysis program, and focused on keywords for landscape construction. As a result, first, a total of 226 research papers related to landscape construction showed a gradual increase by an average annual average of 5.8. This is caused by the increase landscaping- related various academic journals since the 1980s, and the increase in research opportunities on landscape construction, methods of construction, and materials due to the expansion of the landscape industry. Second, as a result of analyzing co-occurrence keywords related to landscape construction, it appeared in the order of Plant, Management, Improvement, Species, etc. In addition, as a result of network analysis, it was classified into four research clusters: (1) Post-management and Function improvement, (2) Plant and Plant growth environment, (3) Space and Usability, and (4) Constructability and Economy. Third, as a result of analyzing the field of landscape construction based on the passage of time, the research trend of the field of landscape construction tends to embrace various topics. However, in the future, research on landscaping construction and maintenance smart technology in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, as well as the development of materials and construction methods considering climate change, will be more necessary. This study is meaningful in that it analyzed the research trend related to the landscape construction field in detail through bibliographic analysis for the first time in Korea. In addition, it is meaningful as fundamental data for deriving the developmental research direction in the landscape construction field in consideration of the social paradigm and technological trends changing in the landscape architecture industry. 본 연구는 1980년부터 2022년까지 국내에서 출판된 조경 시공 분야 관련 논문들을 대상으로 텍스트 마이닝 기반의 핵심 단어 분석 프로그램인 VOSviewer를 이용하여 연구 경향을 분석하였다. 연구 결과 첫째, ‘조경 시공’과 관련된 연구논문은 총 226편이며, 연평균 5.8편이 발표되었다. 이는 1980년대 이후 조경학 관련 학회 수의 증가 및 다양화, 조경 산업 확대에 따른 조경시 공, 공법, 재료 등의 연구 기회와 필요성 증가 등에 따라 점진적으로 증가하는 경향을 보인 것으로 사료된다. 둘째, 조경 시공과 관련된 동시 출현 빈도가 높은 핵심 단어를 분석한 결과, Plant, Management, Improvement, Species 등의 순으로 나타났다. 또한, 연관성이 높은 핵심 단어 간의 네트워크를 분석한 결과, ‘사후관리, 기능개선’, ‘식생, 생육환경’, ‘공간, 이용성’, ‘시공성, 경제성’ 등 4개 주제로 연구 영역이 분류되었다. 셋째, ‘조경시공’과 관련된 주요 연구영역별로 시간의 흐름에 기반하여 연구 경향 변화를 분석한 결과, 시대 변화에 따라 점차 다양한 주제를 포용하는 경향을 보였으나, 4차 산업혁명 시대에 걸맞도록 첨단 스마트 기술을 접목한 조경 시공·유지관리 기술 및 기후변화를 고려한 소재, 공법 개발 등에 대한 연구가 활발히 이루어져야 할 것이다. 본 연구는 조경 시공 분야에 대해 국내에서 최초로 빅데이터 기반의 서지 분석을 통해 연구 경향을 분석하였다는 점에서 의미가 있으며, 조경 산업의 사회적 패러다임과 기술 트랜드 변화 추이를 고려하여 조경 시공 분야의 발전적인 연구방향 도출을 위한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있다.

      • KCI우수등재

        경관의 동태성에 관한 연구

        강영조 한국조경학회 1999 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.27 No.3

        The objective of this study is to characterize the landscape retaining dynamic character through the distinction between the spatial structure and the landscape. In this study, the landscape was characterized by the image of environment viewed by human being. Firstly, the landscape was disscussed in terms of such three element as the environment viewed by human being, the psychological detachment from the environment and the meaning of image. Secondly, the dynamic character of the landscape was determined by the comparision between the spatial structure of the static elements and the landscape experience through the case study Soshe garden. In the study found that landscape experience depend on the dynamic viewpoint and human views while the spatial structure is stable and static. This study also found that landscape is an open system which can be diachronically transformed by human value, while spatial structure is a synchronic closed system.

      • KCI등재

        이질적 경관에서의 연결성 측정: 리뷰 및 적용

        송원경 ( Won Kyong Song ),김은영 ( Eun Young Kim ),이동근 ( Dong Keun Lee ) 한국환경영향평가학회 2012 환경영향평가 Vol.21 No.3

        The loss of connectivity and fragmentation of forest landscapes are seriously hindering dispersal of many forest-dwelling species, which may be critical for their viability and conservation by decreasing habitat area and increasing distance among habitats. For understanding their environmental impacts, numerous spatial models exist to measure landscape connectivity. However, general relationships between functional connectivity and landscape structure are lacking, there is a need to develop landscape metrics that more accurately measure landscape connectivity in whole landscape and individual patches. We reviewed functional and structural definition of landscape connectivity, explained their mathematical connotations, and applied representative 13 indices in 3 districts of Seoul having fragmented forest patches with tits, the threshold distance was applied 500m by considering the dispersal of tits. Results of correlation and principal component analysis showed that connectivity indices could be divided by measurement methods whether they contain the area attribute with distance or not. Betweenness centrality (BC), a representative index measuring distance and distribution among patches, appreciated highly stepping stone forest patches, and difference of probability of connectivity (dPC), an index measuring including area information, estimated integrated connectivity of patches, Therefore, for evaluating landscape connectivity, it is need to consider not only general information of a region and species` characteristics but also various measuring methods of landscape connectivity.

      • KCI등재

        조망경관의 맥락으로 본 망해사와 진봉산의 장소성

        노재현,신상섭,Rho, Jae-Hyun,Shin, Sang-Sup 한국조경학회 2007 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.35 No.3

        This study focused on the one and only temple of on the coastline of the West Sea, Kimje's Manghae Temple and Mt. Jinbong. The purpose of this study was to research the unique sense of place of the area by researching the location and view that clearly shapes the identity of the landscape. The following are the results. 1. The cultural landscape of Manghae Temple and the natural landscape of Mt. Jinbong have characteristics which take in the coastline and skyline, respectively. Specifically, from the existential vertical-horizontal images of "sky - land - Mt. Jinbong" and "moon - cloud - sea", an ascending reflection of the landscape surroundings can be found. 2. The "Sea - Manghae temple - Mt. Jinbong - sky" is the representation of the moderate 'inside-space' which belongs to the particular landscape area and which also shows the topophilia to Manghae Temple. Through this kind of interpretation, the sense of place of Manghae Temple and Mt. Jinbong reveals an intra-structure of an Imaging Landscape implying harmony and moderation, which is a unified organization of the surrounding phenomena(Temple and Mountain) and the essence (the doctrine of Buddhism) that matches Jin-muk's asceticism and lifestyle. 3. While the cultural landscape of Manghae Temple has a strong religious reference, the natural landscape Mt. Jinbong emphasizes the geography of the landscape. In other words, the motivating factor of Manghae Temple is a metaphorical sense of place such as through the "prospect of the sea" or "the Western Sea Paradise" and Mt. Jinbong, the landmark of the Kimje-Mankyung Plains and the focal point of the West Sea sunset, is highlighted as a simile for this sense of place. 4. Keeping this sense of place and territory respectively and showing the. bond with the sense of place which develops rhythmically and continuously, Manghae Temple and Mt. Jinbong are sublimated into a unified intra-structure, which reflects the Imaging landscape characteristics of "Mt. Jinbong, a focal point of the Mankyung Plains facing the West Sea" and "Manghae Temple, looking out to sea".

      • KCI등재후보

        농산촌지역의 문화적 경관으로서의 계단식 논 보전에 관한 한일 비교연구

        이숙향(Lee Sook Hyang),김영표(Kim Yeong Pyo) 한국산림휴양학회 2011 한국산림휴양학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Cultural landscapes are important assets for a nation and must be conserved to revitalize rural areas. This paper is a comparative study about conservation of cultural landscapes in Korean and Japanese rural areas. The purpose of this study is to provide future directions and strategies for conservation of Korean cultural landscapes. Accordingly, this study compares the characteristics of spatial structure and landscape components of rice terraces in Japan and Korea and clarifies the relation with a measures for both the conservation of rural landscapes and the changes in and conservation of production landscape elements. The subjects of this study are Obasute village in Japan and Gacheon village in Korea, designated as places of scenic beauty. As the result of comparative study, although many of the Korean rural areas are located in the slopes as a geographical characteristic, the decrease of farms is noticeable. Also, the responses are insufficient. And it is urgent to preserve as rice terraces. The landscapes of rice terraces form a Korean cultural landscape with a spatial structure created based on the unique culture according to the Fengshui Thought in which the rice terraces are surrounded by mountains to the north, water system on the south, and village in the center. Also, there can be 2 reasons for the loss of rice terraces: the negligence of cultivation and the change of land use by changing of farms to fields according to the national production support project. Although there is a temporary economic support for the production support organization according to the national policies, the improvement of the acknowledgement as a cultural landscape and preservation activities of the residents to preserve rice terraces are insufficient. As a result, it has been considered that to preserve the rice terraces as a Korean cultural landscape, along with maintenance and measures to utilize them as farms according to the zoning equipped with productivity and multi-dimensional functionality as farms, there is a need for local vitalization through administration and common program for residents and creating motivation to enhance the acknowledgement for preserving rice terraces landscape. 문화적 경관은 국가의 중요한 문화재이면서, 향후 농산촌 지역 활성화와 함께 보전해 가야 할 중요한 요소라고 할 수 있다. 현재 한국에서는 농산촌경관을 문화적 경관의 관점에서 보전하는 것이 과제이며, 그에 따른 보전시책이나 방안이 요구되어지고 있다. 따라서, 본 연구는 농산촌지역의 문화적 경관 중에서도 계단식 논을 대상으로 명승으로 지정된 일본 오바스테(姨捨)와 한국 가천마을을 비교 대상지로 선정하여 공간구조와 경관구성요소의 특징을 비교하고 경관보전에 관한 대처방안과 생산경관요소의 변천과의 관련성을 분석하였다. 비교 결과, 일본에 비해 한국 농산촌지역이 농지감소가 현저하며 계단식 논 보전이 시급한 것으로 나타났다. 계단식 논 경관은 북쪽으로 산이 둘러싸고 남쪽으로 수계, 중앙에 취락이 입지하는 풍수사상에 의한 독특한 공간구조로 한국 문화적 경관을 형성하고 있었다. 한편, 경관구성요소의 변천을 분석한 결과, 계단식 논의 소실의 가장 큰 원인은 경작방치로 인한 토지이용변화와 국가 생산 지원 사업으로 인해 논에서 밭으로 경지를 전용함에 따른 토지이용변화로 나타났다. 보전에 관한 대처방안은 국가 주도적인 정책으로 계단식 논 보전에 효과적이지 못하며, 주민·시민의 문화적 경관에 대한 보전 의식과 활동이 부족한 실정이다. 이러한 결과로 인해, 향후 한국 문화적 경관으로서의 계단식 논 보전방법으로, 전통적 공간구조를 계승하면서, 농지로서 생산성과 다원적 기능성을 갖춘 계획적인 토지구획에 의한 유지 및 활용방안대처와 함께, 행정과 주민의 공용 프로그램으로 지역 활성화와 함께 계단식 논 경관의 보전의식을 높이는 계기를 만드는 것이 필요할 것이다.

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