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        <東明王篇>을 통해 본 李奎報의 스토리텔링 전개

        이학주 사단법인 한국문학과예술연구소 2017 한국문학과 예술 Vol.24 No.-

        This study examines how Lee Gyu-Bo practiced story-telling through his "King Dongmyeong" and its preface. He recorded the purpose and method of his writing "King Dongmyeong." And actually he story-told his "King Dongmyeong." The preface of "King Dongmyeong" has the general characteristics of Story-telling. First, he used the story of "Yeohang" and "Old History of Three Countries" as his one source. Second, the trend of contemporary was fantasy worlds. Third, readers of public wanted for the story of King Dongmyeong to be descended unchanged. Forth, he used an epic as a media. Fifth, he made it public that our country is the country of Saints through story marketing. And this study also examined how Lee Gyu-Bo practiced story-telling in "King Dongmyeong" by his epic. He separated meaning form words. The saint in the preface is to meaning, fantastic ghost is to words. He used fantastic motif, which was the trend of contemporary, as words to express the meaning. He accepted the fantastic motif practiced in the contemporary fantastic novel through the media of epic for story-telling. Further, he satisfied the readers by proving the fantastic motif. His work touched and moved the readers. He succeeded in making public that our country is the country of Saints through story marketing, the ultimate purpose of story-telling. 이글은 <동명왕편>과 그 병서를 중심으로 이규보가 어떻게 스토리텔링을 전개했는지를 알아보았다. 이규보는 서사시 <동명왕편>을 쓰면서 그 병서를 통해서 목적과 방법 등에 관해 기록을 했다. 그리고 실제로 <동명왕편>을 스토리텔링 했다. 이에 <동명왕편>병서에는 스토리텔링의 전반적인 성격을 모두 갖추고 있었다. 첫째, 원소스는 여항의 이야기와 『구삼국사』의 내용으로 하였다. 둘째, 당시의 트렌드는 환상세계에 있었다. 이는 당시 전기문학(傳奇文學)의 유행과도 무관하지 않다. 셋째, 독자 또는 대중의 욕구는 동명왕의 이야기를 있는 사실 그대로 기록해서 전승할 수 있도록 하는 것이었다. 넷째, 매체는 서사시를 사용했다. 다섯째, 이야기마케팅은 시를 지어 기록하여 우리나라가 본래 성인(聖人)의 나라임을 알리고자 하였다. 다음은 이규보가 서사시를 통해서 <동명왕편>을 어떻게 스토리텔링으로 전개했는지를 알아보았다. 이규보는 ‘뜻’과 ‘말’을 구분하여 작품을 썼다. 병서에서 말한 성신(聖神)은 뜻에 해당하고 환귀(幻鬼)는 말에 해당한다고 볼 수 있다. 이에 뜻을 나타내기 위해서 말은 당대의 트렌드로 쓰였던 환상모티프를 사용했다. 이때 사용한 스토리텔링 매체가 서사시였고, 전기소설 등에서 활용되던 환상모티프를 그대로 수용했으며, 오히려 환상모티프를 증명하여 역사적 진실을 전하고자 하는 독자의 욕구를 충족시켰다. 이런 이규보의 작업이 독자의 감성을 자극하여 움직일 수 있게 하였다. 이를 통해 스토리텔링의 궁극적인 목적인 이야기마케팅으로 우리나라가 성인의 나라임을 알리고자 한 바를 이루었다.

      • KCI등재

        <판의 미로>에 나타난 환상성과 미궁의 모티프

        노시훈 대중서사학회 2019 대중서사연구 Vol.25 No.4

        본고의 목적은 기예르모 델 토로의 <판의 미로>(2006)를 환상영화로 평가하게 해주는 특성과 그것에 밀접하게 결부되어 나타나는 미궁의 모티프의 의미와 기능을 고찰하는 데 있다. 츠베탕 토도로프는 ‘환상적인 것’을 현실에 침입한 초자연적인 사건에 직면하여 자연적 해석과 초자연적 해석 사이에서 겪는 망설임이라고 정의하였는데, <판의 미로>는 그 망설임이 사라져 환상적인 것이 ‘기이’장르나 ‘경이’장르로 들어가도록 하지 않고 그 상태가 그대로 유지되도록 하기 때문에 이 영화에서는 환상성이 계속해서 잘 드러난다. 이때 미궁은 환상계로 들어가는 통로이자 그것을 대표하는 공간으로서 예술을 상징한다. 로즈메리 잭슨은 환상이 “문화적 속박으로부터 비롯된 결핍을 보상하려고 하는 욕망의 문학”이어서 무의식적 제재들을 반복적으로 다룬다고 보았는데, 델 토로의 영화는 환상 세계에서 가족 로맨스가 이루어지도록 함으로써 욕망의 표현으로서의 환상의 특성을 잘 보여준다. 이때 미궁은 욕망의 장소로서 마음을 상징한다. 캐스린 흄은 환상이 미메시스와 같이 현실에 대한 반응이자 ‘일치된 현실로부터의 이탈’이라고 정의하였는데, 이 영화는 ‘비전’장르로서 ‘대조’의 방법을 통해 환상계가 현실계를 비추도록 함으로써 그 정의를 충족시키고 그것이 가진 환상성을 돋보이게 한다. 이때 미궁은 현실계의 거울로서 세계를 상징한다. 이처럼 <판의 미로>는 환상적인 것이 매우 효과적으로 기능한다는 점에서 환상영화를 대표할 만하며, 이 영화에 나타난 미궁은 예술, 세계, 마음의 세 가지를 모두 상징하여 의미가 충만한 모티프라고 평가할 수 있다. 본고의 의의는 위와 같은 고찰을 통해 한 모티프가 특정 장르에서 작용하는 방식을 조명한 데 있다.

      • KCI등재

        현대소설에 나타난 변신 모티프와 환상

        김미영 ( Mi Young Kim ) 한국문학교육학회 2009 문학교육학 Vol.30 No.-

        This study set out to investigate the meanings of diverse fantasy texts in modern novels through the patterns of "transformation" motif by analyzing how "fantasy" was formed in what networks with the reality of the times. The same "transformation" motif can manifest itself in diverse meaning changes as the aspects of the times are reflected and thus contribute to the broader horizon of fantasy literature. Subversiveness, one of the characteristics of fantasy literature defined by Jackson, lies in the vein of the logic of resistance discourse, which offers crucial implications for the reasons behind today`s modern authors` interest in "fantasy." The study focused on the works by Jang Yong-hak, Choi In-hun, Choi In-ho, Kim Yeong-ha, Song Gyeong-a, Oh Su-yeon, and Han Kang. The transformation motif in Yeokseongseoseol by Jang Yong-hak and Guwoonmong by Choi In-hun leads the way to the fantasy to reveal the critical awareness of the post-war generation. The Room of Others by Choi In-ho has the characteristics of a fantasy text to show alienation and absence of communication in the industrialization era. In the 1990s authors` interest in fantasy increased both in quality and quality. By reviewing High-Tension Lines, Books, Invisible Man, Bugs, and Fruit of My Lady, the investigator found out that the fantasy texts reflected the diverse aspects of society.

      • KCI등재

        김동리 소설의 변신 모티프 연구-신라 연작 소설을 중심으로-

        오은엽 한국언어문학회 2012 한국언어문학 Vol.82 No.-

        This paper is to investigate the ontological conditions for the motif of metamorphosis centering on the series of Silla in Donglee Kim’s Historical Novels. Donglee Kim has created the writer’s sole literary archetype by variously involving the self-references related to the meaning of the soul of Silla, as well as the canonical message. In “Madam Suro,” Kim maintained the canonical message and the fantastic mystery of Madam Suro’s story and song. At the same time, he sublimated the beauty of Suro by whom gods became moved in the artistic soul of the Silla nation. The belief that the artistic stage started with the beauty of Suro moves the order of the universe, and the wailful parting for the sake of artistic consummation are the elements that reveal the ‘soul of Silla’ or ‘spirit of Silla’ connected with the Silla nation’s unconsciousness that reveres beauty and sanctity. The appearance of Suro in which the soul of Silla is realized is like the process of transforming into a shaman. These aspects of metamorphosis are recreated as Donglee Kim’s own literary archetype in his other works, as well, through the theosophism and wonders by the shamans who keep alive the soul of Silla. Among others in the series of Silla, Kim shows vulgarization of those figures with sacredness and prodigiousness, as part of metamorphosis, by recreating the stories of the extraordinary people, e.g. “Seok, Talhae,” “Choi, Chiwon,” and “Ureuk,” based on the motif of an unfulfilled love. The components of “Seok, Talhae” attenuates the wonder; instead, they intensify the aspect of humanity that shows anguish between allegiance and love. “Choi, Chiwon” retains a minimum of the canonical message and adopts the technique of a three-fold story-within-a-story narration in which the story of ‘Ssangnyeobun’ is being deduced. In portraying the humane aspect of Choi, Chiwon who got enamored with Surang, Donglee Kim shows the unreachable beauty and the tragedy of the fated love via the Buddhist imagination. In “Ureuk”, the other side of the genius musician, Ureuk is magnified. Prince Ureuk of Gaya, who appears in the imaginary story of “Ureuk-jeon,” is accomplishing his love, which is impossible in reality, through music in a fantastical way. With regard to music, Ureuk fiercely continues to pursue the perfection of self and he is described as a hermit who transcends human limits and seeks the supreme bliss. Thus it becomes a melodious poetic text, rather than a historical novel. The soul of Silla that Kim pursues in the works set in Silla is related with the belief that the utmost of humans exerts influence on a world beyond the phenomenal world. When reinterpreted by means of the ontological conditions for the motif of metamorphosis, many of Donglee Kim’s works, which have been denigrated or disregarded, can be found as an essential pivot of the consistent aesthetic system penetrating Kim’s world of novels, not only are they related to one another with a systematic aesthetical principle.

      • KCI등재

        김동리 소설의 변신 모티프 연구

        오은엽(Oh, Eun-yeop) 한국언어문학회 2012 한국언어문학 Vol.82 No.-

        This paper is to investigate the ontological conditions for the motif of metamorphosis centering on the series of Silla in Donglee Kim's Historical Novels. Donglee Kim has created the writer's sole literary archetype by variously involving the self-references related to the meaning of the soul of Silla, as well as the canonical message. In "Madam Suro", Kim maintained the canonical message and the fantastic mystery of Madam Sum's story and song. At the same time, he sublimated the beauty of Suro by whom gods became moved in the artistic soul of the Silla nation. The belief that the artistic stage started with the beauty of Suro moves the order of the universe, and the wailful parting for the sake of artistic consummation are the elements that reveal the 'soul of Silla' or 'spirit of Silla' connected with the Silla nation's unconsciousness that reveres beauty and sanctity. The appearance of Sum in which the soul of Silla is realized is like the process of transforming into a shaman. These aspects of metamorphosis are recreated as Donglee Kim's own literary archetype in his other works, as well, through the theoscphism and wonders by the shamans who keep alive the soul of Silla. Among others in the series of Silla, Kim shows vulgarization of those figures with sacredness and prodigiousness, as part of metamorphosis, by recreating the stories of the extraordinary people, e.g. "Seck; Tslhse". "Choi, Chiwon", and "Ureuk", based on the motif of an unfulfilled love. The components of "Sed; Talhae" attenuates the wonder; instead, they intensify the aspect of humanity that shows anguish between allegiance and love. "Cnoi, Chiwon" retains a minimum of the canonical message and adopts the technique of a three-fold story-within-a-story narration in which the story of 'Ssanznyeobun' is being deduced. In portraying the humane aspect of Choi, Chiwon who got enamored with Surang, Donglee Kim shows the unreachable beauty and the tragedy of the fated love via the Buddhist imagination. In "Ureuk", the other side of the genius musician, Ureuk is magnified. Prince Ureuk of Gaya, who appears in the imaginary story of "Ureuk-jeon", is accomplishing his love, which is impossible in reality, through music in a fantastical way. With regard to music, Ureuk fiercely continues to pursue the perfection of self and he is described as a hermit who transcends human limits and seeks the supreme bliss. Thus it becomes a melodious poetic text, rather than a historical novel. The soul of Silla that Kim pursues in the works set in Silla is related with the belief that the utmost of humans exerts influence on a world beyond the phenomenal world. When reinterpreted by means of the ontological conditions for the motif of metamorphosis, many of Donglee Kim's works, which have been denigrated or disregarded, can be found as an essential pivot of the consistent aesthetic system penetrating Kim's world of novels, not only are they related to one another with a systematic aesthetical principle.

      • KCI등재

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