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      • 산림경영사업지의 개발용지 전환 사례조사 및 개선사항의 도출

        방상원 ( Sang-weon Bang ) 한국환경정책평가연구원 2017 한국환경정책평가연구원 기초연구보고서 Vol.2017 No.-

        최근 들어 국내의 일부 사유림에서 산림경영계획 인가를 받아서 벌채한 이후에 산림경영을 지속적으로 이행하지 않은 채 골프장, 농공단지, 산업단지, 관광지 등의 개발용지로 전환되는 사례가 점차 증가하고 있다. 이 경우 산림경영지의 기존 식생은 벌채되어 유령림 조림지, 나대지 또는 초지 등으로 전환되게 되고, 그 결과 환경영향평가제도상 개발이 용이해지는 부지로 전환되게 된다. 산림경영지의 개발용지로의 전환 사례로는 골프장용지로의 개발 전환, 수련원용지로의 개발 전환, 복합테마파크부지로의 전환을 비롯하여 거의 모든 개발사업에서 개발용지로 편입·전환되고 있다. 산림경영계획의 계획내용에 따라서 산림경영계획 인가 후 모두베기, 솎아베기 등을 실시하여 기존 식생을 벌채하고 난 후에 유령림을 식재하여 육성하던 산림경영지와 우량 대경목생산 목적의 천연림보육 산림경영지 및 불량임분 개량 목적의 천연림개량 산림경영지 등이 이에 속한다. 이 경우, 산림경영지는 기존 식생이 벌채 또는 개량되어 기존의 식생보전등급보다 등급이 하락한 나대지, 초지 등으로 전환되어 환경영향평가제도상 개발이 용이한 부지(식생보전 IV등급 또는 V등급)로 전환된다. 산림경영지의 개발용지 전환 사례 유형은 크게 3가지이다. 첫째는 산림경영지 식생을 벌채한 후 산림경영을 1~3년 동안 실행하다가 개발용지로 전환되는 경우, 둘째는 산림경영지를 대상으로 천연림보육 또는 천연림개량을 3~10년 동안 실행하다가 개발용지로 전환되는 경우, 셋째는 수종개량사업 등으로 산림경영지의 식생을 벌채한 후 경제수종을 식재하여 운영하다가 특정 사유로 인하여 산림경영을 지속하지 못하게 될 시에 개발용지로 2차적으로 전환되는 경우이다. 이렇듯 산림경영지가 개발용지로 전환되는 사유로는 산림경영제도의 근간이 되는 「산림자원의 조성 및 관리에 관한 법률」에 제도적 미비점이 존재하기 때문인 것으로 보인다. 즉, 관계 법령에 산림경영계획 미이행 시에 대한 벌칙 조항이 부재하고, 산림경영계획 미이행시의 부과 과태료가 현실성이 낮은 금액으로 부과되고 있기 때문이며, 또한 산림경영계획서의 인가 시에 산림경영지가 개발용지로 전환되는 사례를 억제하기 위한 계획 검토사항이 충분히 마련되어 있지 않기 때문이다. 따라서 산림경영지의 지속가능한 이행 진작과 산림경영지의 개발용지로의 전환을 억제하기 위해서는 「산림자원의 조성 및 관리에 관한 법률」에 관련 조항을 신설하거나 기존 조항을 보완하는 노력이 필요하다. 한편 현행 환경부의 식생보전등급 판정기준 또한 개발용지로 전환된 산림경영지에 대해 적정한 보전의 기능과 억제 기능을 반영하지 못하고 있는 한계점도 존재하고 있는바, 식생보전등급의 판정기준을 갱신하거나 새로운 판정기준을 제정하는 것이 시급히 요구된다고 하겠다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 한계점을 해결하기 위하여 3개의 환경영향평가 기초방안을 도출하였다. 동 기초방안은 1) 모두베기 또는 솎아베기 등을 실시하여 벌채가 광범위하게 실시된 산림경영지의 경우 벌채 이전의 과거 식생현황을 유추하여 현재의 식생현황으로 간주하여 평가하는 방안, 2) 우수 대경목 생산을 위해 잔풀베기, 가지치기 등을 실시한 천연림보육지 또는 불량임분 개량작업을 실시한 천연림개량지의 경우 현행 식생보전등급 판정기준의 일부 갱신을 통하여 산림경영지의 식생등급을 판정하는 방안, 3) 모두베기 또는 솎아베기 등 벌채가 광범위하게 실시된 산림경영지와 천연림보육 및 천연림개량 작업을 실시한 산림경영지 이외에도 산림경영이 미실시된 모든 식생지를 대상으로 할 수 있는새로운 식생보전등급 판정기준을 제정·적용하는 방안이다. 결과적으로, 산림경영지의 개발용지로의 전환을 억제하기 위해서는 현행 산림경영제도상의 제도적 미비점을 보완하고, 개발용지로 전환된 산림경영지에 대해서는 새로운 식생보전등급 판정기준을 마련하거나 기존의 기준을 일부 갱신하는 것이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 이를 통하여, 산림경영계획의 지속적인 이행을 진작하여 산림경영제도의 당초 목적과 취지를 최대한 달성하고, 동시에 산림경영지가 개발용지로 전환되는 사례를 최대한 억제함으로써 보전가치가 높은 산지 산림식생을 온전하게 보전하고 당초의 산림경영 목표를 달성하도록 하는 것이 필요한 시점이다. There have been gradually increasing the conversion of forest management mountain areas into the development sites such as golf courses, industrial parks, tourist complex and etc. without continuous implementation of the forest management. Mostly, the existing trees of forest management mountain areas of high conservation value are all cut down and the areas are subsequently transformed into either bare grounds or vegetation fields of low conservation value. When this happens the forest management area is easy to converted into a development sites due to the demotion of vegetation conservation rating in the current Environmental Impact Assessment protocol. This study investigates case study of the conversion of forest management mountain areas into the development sites. It is found that the conversion cases are divided into three categories. After getting permission of forest management plan from a relevant authority, the land owners do as follows; first, the land owners cut down all trees in the forest management mountain areas, and economic trees are planted instead and cultivated for several years according to the forest management plan permitted. At some points, the owners no longer cultivate the economic trees, and cease the forest management plan. Subsequently, the forest management mountain area is sold to land developers, resulting in the conversion of forest management mountain area into a development site. Second, the owners cut down and trim the weeds, shrubs and younger trees except well-grown indigenous trees for several years according to the forest management plan. At some points, when the owners cease the forest management plan, the forest management mountain area is sold and converted into a development site. Third, the owners plant and cultivate the economic trees, and make profits out of the economic trees by implementing the forest management plan. However at some points the owners give up the cultivation, and cease the forest management plan due to personal reason like aging. Subsequently, the forest management mountain area is sold and converted into a development site. The reasons why these kinds of conversion are getting more frequently based on the loopholes resided in CREATION AND MANAGEMENT OF FOREST RESOURCES ACT. The loopholes are as follow; first, there are no penal provisions for incompletion of a 10-year forest management plan even though the forest management mountain area is exploited and converted into a development site. Second, the amount of administrative fines for incompletion of a 10-year forest management plan is too low and impractical so that it is more profitable to sell the forest management mountain area of the deforestation to a developer rather than paying fines of reforestation costs. Third, when a relevant authority is to review a forest management plan for a permission, there are insufficient reviewing criteria in order to prevent the conversion of forest management mountain areas into the development sites such as checking a possibility of whether the proposed forest management mountain area indeed is included in the sites in the local development plan or located in a proximity to the sites of local development plan which is vulnerable to the conversion. In order to discourage conversion of the forest management mountain areas into the development sites further, new systems of vegetation conservation ranking are devised in this study. The new systems are as follows; for a forest management mountain area of deforestation, previous vegetation conservation ranking is analogized from the available relevant data such as MOE’s ecosystem-naturality map and land-environment evaluation map, KFS’s forest type map, the petition documents of forest management plan, and vegetation conservation ranking map of the surrounding areas of the forest management mountain area. Second, for permitted natural forest cultivation and improvement areas, several ranking criteria should be either excluded or less graded such as poorness of lower vegetation, incompleteness of vegetation layer structure, plant diversity, rarity, naturality and completeness of vegetation structure. Third, a whole new vegetation conservation ranking system should be designed not only for a forest management mountain area of deforestation but also for other mountain areas in general. To do this, new ranking criteria should be reflected into the current ranking. These include carbon sequestration value, vegetation-landscape value, aesthetic value, level of biodiversity promotion, values of supporting wildlife conservation such as providing breeding place, food suppling and nest and future potential value of artificial forest as well as natural forest. In conclusion, it is strongly needed to plug up the loopholes in CREATION AND MANAGEMENT OF FOREST RESOURCES ACT for the conversion of forest management mountain areas into the development sites. Meanwhile, a new vegetation conservation ranking system should be devised in order to cope with the recently increasing cases. In this way, this study can discourage the conversion of forest management mountain areas into the development lands and promote implementation of 10-year forest management plan so as to its original purpose.

      • 환경평가 지원을 위한 지역 환경현황 분석 시스템 구축 및 운영 개발계획으로 인한 국내 대기질 변화 전망 및 개발계획의 적정성 평가를 위한 대기환경 분석

        문난경 ( Nankyoung Moon ),김순태 ( Soontae Kim ),서지현 ( Jihyun Seo ) 한국환경정책평가연구원 2016 사업보고서 Vol.2016 No.-

        국토 전반에 걸친 환경현황을 지역별로 파악하고 향후 개발계획의 적정성을 평가하기 위한 분석 시스템을 구축하여 운영하는 것이 본 사업의 궁극적인 목적이다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 개발계획으로 인한 국내 대기질 변화 전망 및 개발계획의 적정성 평가를 위한 방법론을 개발하고, 적용 및 분석을 실시하였다. ○ 개발계획으로 인한 국내 대기질 변화 전망 연간 개발계획에 대한 대기질 전망의 틀을 만들기 위해 우선 산업단지와 에너지 사업 개발 계획에 대해 과거 5년간(2011~2015년) KEI에 접수된 환경영향평가서를 통해 개발계획 사업들의 관련 정보를 수집하고, 수집된 자료를 이용하여 개발계획으로 인한 배출량을 산정하였다. 개발계획으로 인한 배출량 산정 과정에서 연료사용으로 인한 배출량 외에 고려되지 못한 비점오염원 산정을 위한 원단위 추정을 수행하였다. 추정된 원단위를 적용하여 개발계획에 따른 배출량을 산정하였고, 이에 따른 대기질 변화를 살펴보았다. 대상기간 개발계획에 따른 오염물질 배출량은 대부분의 물질에 대하여 충남지역에서 상대적으로 크게 나타났다. 대기오염물질은 주로 개발계획 사업이 위치하는 지역 중 배출량이 가장 많은 울산 및 충남지역에서 가장 높은 농도를 보이며 그 영향이 상대적으로 크게 나타났으며, O<sub>3</sub>의 경우 개발계획 사업이 위치한 서해안, 광양만, 울산 등 배출원에서 어느 정도 떨어진 지역에서 고농도가 나타나 다른 물질보다 광역적인 규제 및 관리가 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 개발계획으로 인한 국내 대기질 변화 전망 연구에서 수행된 SCC별 원단위 추정은 선행연구가 전무한 상황으로 현 시점에서 가용한 자료를 최대한 활용하였다. 본 연구에서 개발된 원단위 산정 방법을 기반으로 향후 개선 연구를 지속해 나갈 계획이다. ○ 개발계획의 적정성 평가를 위한 대기환경 분석 지방자치단체별 개발 가능성 평가를 위해서는 오염물질 생성에 영향을 미치는 배출원이 어디로부터 기인하는지를 파악하는 것이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 지역별, 오염원별 배출량의 기여농도 전환율 산정을 통한 개발계획 적정성 검토를 위해 지방자치단체별, 오염원별 기여도 분석을 수행하였다. 대상 지역은 경기, 울산, 부산으로 선정하였고 각 지역별 오염원별 배출량(점, 선, 면 배출량)의 자체 및 주변 기여도를 분석하였다. 울산과 부산지역을 대상으로 주요 대기오염물질의 오염원별 배출량 기여율을 분석한 결과 일반적으로 오염원별 배출 규모에 비례하여 대기오염물질 농도 생성에 기여할 것으로 예상되는 것과 달리, 물질별로 그 특성이 다르게 나타남을 확인하였다. 울산지역 오염원별 NOx 배출량은 점 오염원이 23,652ton/yr, 선 오염원이 9,144ton/yr로 점 오염원이 선 오염원보다 약 2.5배 많이 배출되나, NO<sub>2</sub> 농도 생성에 대한 오염원별 기여율은 울산지역의 선 오염원 배출량 기여율이 15%로 점 오염원 배출량 기여율의 10%보다 크게 나타났다. 한편, 2차 오염물질인 O<sub>3</sub>은 광화학 반응의 결과로 생성되는데 이러한 특성에 따라 부산과 울산의 배출량 기여율이 다르게 나타났다. 울산 O<sub>3</sub> 농도 생성에는 울산지역 배출량이 11%, 부산지역 배출량이 11% 기여하나 부산 O<sub>3</sub> 농도 생성에는 부산지역 배출량이 6% 기여하는 반면 울산 배출량은 12% 기여하는 것으로 나타나 부산의 자체 배출량보다 인접지역 배출량이 더 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 해당 지방자치단체 내 오염원별 배출량 정보만을 다루어 대기질을 관리하는 기존 정책 기조로는 지역의 실질적 대기질 개선을 위한 실효성 있는 정책을 도출하기에 한계가 있을 수 있음을 보여준다. 따라서 효과적인 대기 관리를 위한 정책 설계를 위해서는 지역 단위의 대기질 현황 정보관리 체계를 강화하고, 지방자치단체별 오염원별 배출량이 농도 생성에 미치는 기여율 분석 자료를 활용하는 등 과학적인 분석을 기반으로 한 새로운 정책 체계로의 전환이 필요하다. 또한 올해 개발한 방법론을 바탕으로 향후 지속적으로 대상 물질 및 지역을 확대한 기여율 분석을 통해 더욱 상세한 분석을 계획하고 있으며 이를 통해 일반적이고 신뢰성 있는 결과를 도출할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. This study aims to determine the environmental status of South Korea by region and establish an analysis system to assess the adequacy of future development plans. To that end, we projected changes in air quality in accordance with development plan and analyzed the atmospheric environment in order to evaluate the adequacy of the development plan. Projection of changes in air quality in accordance with development plan To create a framework of air quality projections for the annual development plan, we gathered relevant information about development projects based on the environmental impact assessment reports that KEI has reviewed over the past five years in the area of industrial complex and energy business development plan. The collected data were used to estimate the emissions from the development plans. We estimated emission unit of non-point sources besides the emissions from fuel use that were not taken into account in the process of estimating emissions from the development plan. Estimated emission unit was applied to calculate the emission associated with the development plan and the changes in air quality were examined. During the target period, air pollutants emission associated with the development plan was relatively large for the Chungnam region compared to other regions. The places with the highest air pollutants concentrations were Ulsan and Chungnam region, which have the largest emissions among the areas where the development projects are located, and their effects are relatively large. In the case of O<sub>3</sub>, high concentrations were monitored in areas such as the West Coast, Gwangyangman Bay, and Ulsan located quite far from the emission sources of development projects. Therefore, it can be said that compared with other substances, the regulation and management of ozone should target a wider area. ○ Analysis of the atmospheric environment in order to evaluate the adequacy of the development plan It is necessary to identify where the pollutant sources are originating from in order to assess the development potential by municipality. Based on the need, we analyzed the contribution concentration of local governments and emission sources in order to evaluate the adequacy of the local development plan. The target areas of Gyeonggi Province, Ulsan, and Busan were selected, and we analyzed how each emission source (point, mobile, and area emissions) contribute to these areas and their vicinity. By analyzing the contribution concentration rate of emission sources of Ulsan and Busan, it was confirmed that the characteristics of contribution concentration rate were different by pollutant, which defies the usual expectations that contribution concentration rate will be proportional to the emissions of each pollutant. The NOx emissions of Ulsan were 23,652 ton/yr for point source and 9,144 ton/yr for mobile source. Point source emission was 2.5 times higher than mobile source emission. However, the contribution concentration rate of NO<sub>2</sub> to the line source emission was 15%, standing higher than the contribution concentration rate of NO<sub>2</sub> to the point source emission, which is 10%. Meanwhile, O<sub>3</sub> classified as a secondary pollutant is produced as a result of photochemical reaction. Due to these characteristics, the contribution rates of Busan and Ulsan were different. For the O<sub>3</sub> concentration of Ulsan it was found that the emissions from Ulsan contributed 11% while Busan contributed 11%. However, in case of Busan`s O<sub>3</sub> concentration, emissions from Busan contributed 6%, while Ulsan contributed 12%. Theses results show that ozone emissions from neighboring areas have a bigger impact than those from local emissions. This result shows that there is a limit in developing effective policies for improving the actual air quality of a region as long as they only deal with information such as the amount of emissions from emission sources in the relevant local government. Therefore, to ensure an effective policy design that enables successful air management, it is necessary to switch to a new policy system based on scientific analysis, one produced by strengthening the system of managing air quality status information at the local level and by using contribution analysis data on the concentration produced by emission sources located in each local government.

      • KCI등재

        개발행위허가의 쟁점과 절차

        김광수(Kim, Kwang-Soo) 한국토지공법학회 2017 土地公法硏究 Vol.77 No.-

        The development permit is not only part of the national land planning law called the National Land Planning Act, but it also has various elements that can be called discretionary judgments. In this case, the development permit has a status as a legal act distinctly separated from a building permit or a business permit. It is still called a permit, but the nature of it has elements of behavior that are close to patent, so it is reviewed again to see what a development permit means. If there is a discretionary factor in the development permit, the meaning and the way of controlling it should be examined. The first sentence of Paragraph 1, Article 57 of the National Land Planning Act stipulates, “Any person who intends to conduct a development activity shall submit the application to the development permit authority with the attachment of a plan on the establishment of the infrastructure or securement of necessary lands, risk prevention, prevention of environmental pollution and landscaping work for the development.” Therefore, in order for a permit to be granted for a development activity, the application must comply with the laws and regulations, and at the same time, a plan according to the development activity should be appropriate. This part is judged to be closer to the control of the plan rather than discretionary action. And in practice, much debate is taking place on the issue of licensing permits, which is recognized by statute in accordance with development permits. Licensing permit means the effect of recognizing that the relevant laws and ordinances, such as the Sewerage Act and the Forestry Law, are regarded to have already been obtained with the permission of the National Planning Act, for example, having the advantage of solving civil affairs at one go. However, the timing and the requirements of the licensing permit are causing discussions of issues in practice. There is also a debate about the procedural aspects of development permit together with substantive effects. The development permit is an important tool for the exercise of the property rights of the people and has the nature as an administrative plan for ultimately completing the legislation of land utilization. There are two elements mixed in the development permit such as the administrative act and the administrative plan, and it causes many theoretical and practical issues. This study focuses on this point and suggests that there should be an enhancement in the procedural aspects of the development permit to fulfill its function as a plan. According to the current law, the applicant is required to submit a proposal for the approval of the act, but the response is limited to either giving permission or denying permission with documentation of the reason for refusal. This does not correspond to the status of development permit as a planning permit. In order to evaluate the related benefits of the plan and to make judgement, the administrative office should accept the application and identify the meaning of the plan and establish a passage to make a decision based on it. For example, it can consider giving an opportunity of hearing to the other party or to give the civil applicant the opportunity of participation in the council of the administrative office about the application. And the apparently flawless legal system of licensing permit has produced a lot of practical issues as well. The argument is related to the structure of issuance ofdevelopment permits, and the issues are caused by the fact that the procedures for administrative planning have not been established. Therefore, it can be considered to introduce a planning process in the long term, and the related procedures should be revised and a method to unify the effect of the agenda and its external appearance should be sought in the short term. 개발행위의 허가는 국민의 재산권 행사의 중요한 절차이자 국토에 관한 이용법제를 최종적으로 완성하는 행정계획 실천으로서의 성질을 가진다. 개발행위허가는 국토의 계획법 제에 속해 있을 뿐만이 아니고, 그 요건을 보아도 재량적 판단이라고 할 수 있는 여러 요소를 가지고 있다. 그렇다면 개발행위허가는 건축허가나 영업허가와 구별되는 별도의 성질을 가지는 법률행위로서의 지위를 가지게 된다. 이름은 허가이지만 그 성질은 특허에 가까운 행위의 요소를 가지게 되고 그러므로 개발행위의 허가가 무엇인지 다시 검토하게 된다. 개발행위허가에 재량적 요소가 있다고 할 때 그 의미와 이를 통제하는 방법이 무엇일지 검토의 대상이 된다. 국토계획법 제57조 제1항 제1문은 “개발행위를 하려는 자는 그 개발 행위에 따른 기반시설의 설치나 그에 필요한 용지의 확보, 위해방지, 환경오염 방지, 경관, 조경 등에 관한 계획서를 첨부한 신청서를 개발행위허가권자에게 제출하여야 한다.”고 규정하고 있다. 따라서 개발행위에 대한 허가가 내려지기 위해서는 그 신청이 법령에 적합해야 하며 동시에 당해 개발행위에 따른 계획서가 적합해야 한다. 이 부분은 재량행위보다는 계획에 대한 통제에 가까운 것으로 판단된다. 그리고 실무적으로는 개발행위허가에 의하여법령상 인정되는 인허가 의제효를 두고 많은 논의가 일어나고 있다. 의제효란 국토계획법 상의 허가를 받으면 관련 법령인 하수도법이나 산림법 등의 다른 법령상 별도의 허가를 얻은 것으로 인정하는 효과를 의미하며 신청인으로서는 일거에 민원이 해결되는 장점이 있다. 그런데 의제효가 발생하는 시기와 그 요건등이 실무상 논의를 불러일으키고 있다. 또한 실체적 효력과 함께 개발행위허가의 절차적 측면에 관해서도 논의가 전개되고 있다. 개발행위의 허가는 국민의 재산권 행사의 중요한 수단이자 국토에 관한 이용법제를 최종적으로 완성하는 행정계획으로서의 성질을 가진다. 개발행위허가에 행정행위와 행정계획의 두 가지 요소가 혼재되어 있는 관계로 이론상 그리고 실무상으로 많은 쟁점을 야기하고 있다. 이 글에서는 이 점에 착안하여 개발행위허가에서의 절차적인 측면을 보강하여 계획으로서의 기능을 충실하게 하도록 제안하였다. 현행법에 의하면 신청자가 행위허가에 필요한 계획서 등을 첨부하여 제출하도록 하고 있으나 그에 대한 대응은 허가를 하거나 허가를 거부하면서 거부사유를 문서로 설명하거나의 방법밖에 없다. 이는 계획허가로서의 개발행위허가의 위상에 걸맞지 않다고 할 수 있다. 계획이 가지는 속성상 관련 이익을 판단하고 형량하기 위하여 행정청이 신청서를 접수 하여 그 의미내용을 파악하고 이를 기초로 결정을 할 수 있는 통로를 만들어야 한다. 가령 상대방에 대한 청문의 기회를 부여한다든지 민원에 대한 행정청의 협의회에 민원인의 참여 기회를 주는 방법을 생각할 수 있다. 그리고 인허가 의제라는 법률적으로는 흠결 없이 보이는 제도가 실무상으로는 적지 않은 쟁점을 낳고 있다. 이 논의는 개발행위허가의 발급구조와 연관을 맺고 있으며, 행정계 획에 관한 절차가 정비되어 있지 못한 이유에서 발생하고 있다. 그러므로 장기적으로는 계획수립절차를 도입하는 방안을 생각할 수 있고, 단기적으로는 국토계획법에서 관련 절차를 정비하고, 의제되는 법효과와 그 외형을 통일시킬 수 있는 방안을 모색하여야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스에서의 도시개발사업에 관한 법적 규율

        박수곤 사단법인 한국건설법무학회 2023 건설법무 Vol.9 No.-

        It has been pointed out that the current land use-related regulations in Korea do not allow the land use planning and urban planning to become the basis for development projects due to the complexity of the systematic aspects of the relevant special laws. Therefore, the solution in France, which comprehensively regulates land use planning within a single urban planning code, has many implications for the search for ways to solve these problems in Korea. On the other hand, in Korea, depending on who is the subject of the development project, the area is divided into private development projects and public development projects. Currently, urban development and residential development projects in France mainly use the system of ‘Zone d'aménagement concerté(Z.A.C.)’. And this system takes the form of public-led and private-sector cooperation. However, even in France, there are cases where landowners form a ‘Urban Land Association(association foncières urbaines(A.F.U.))’ to develop an urban area, and this case can be compared to a private development project in Korea. In this article, we introduced the system of legal regulations related to urban development projects in French law in order to discover implications for finding solutions to problems in urban development projects in Korea. And we were able to confirm that in France, projects are being implemented on the basis of ‘Local Urban Plan(plan local d’urbanisme(P.L.U.))’, with regard to the procedural aspects of urban development projects. On the other hand, Korea's urban management planning system requires the establishment of individual plans for district unit plans, urban planning facility plans, and development project plans. However, since the correlation between these plans is not presented, one can find a problem that conflicts between these plans occur. Therefore, the ‘Local Urban Plan’ in France is significant in that it presents an institutional framework for comprehensive urban planning, and it has implications for Korean law. And with regard to the concrete mode of implementation of urban development projects, it is worth noting that in France, most residential and urban development projects are based on the system of ‘Z.A.C.’. In particular, France’s ‘Z.A.C.’ system provides implications for our law in that it systematically guarantees the collection of opinions from residents, stakeholders, and business-related experts through public hearings, interviews, exhibition of plan drawings, and reading of detailed plans from the initial stage of planning. In addition, it is worth noting that although the public takes the lead in carrying out the project in France, it does not matter who is the subject of the project in that the private sector can directly participate in the implementation of the project. In short, it is commendable that the public and private sector cooperate to carry out residential development and urban development projects, and the process of collecting opinions from stakeholders is guaranteed. And this also has implications for the procedure for carrying out urban development projects in Korea.

      • Customer requirement system for vehicle product development plan By KANO`s model and QFD

        ( Marisa Germprapai ),( Natcha Thawesaengskulthai(ph. D. ) ) 한국품질경영학회 2015 한국품질경영학회 학술대회 Vol.2015 No.2

        Purpose- The global automotive industry□s trend is continually growing with high competition including automotive industry in Thailand. Thus the dynamic of automotive business is required to continuously develop new product and to meet new customer□s voice. This research proposes a new methodology to analyze customer requirements for vehicle product plan by modified Kano□s model and Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Moreover, the results can provide guidance for product development plan and offer useful to future vehicle design for research and development department. Methodology - The research starts by collecting requirements from the customers who bought new car models: eco car and sport utility vehicle (SUV) model with mileage not over 30,000 kilometers and normal usage. The total of 300 customers in Thailand were collected during November 2014 to January 2015. In addition, warranty data were collected from the global claim data of a case company during January to December in 2014. Exterior and interior categories are separated between problems and expectations of requirement. The quality attributes of Kano□s questions were designed and analyzed by customer satisfaction coefficient to categorize and prioritize their importance. Furthermore, the data was analyzed by adjust improvement ratio which used in a section of important customer requirement into house of quality. The data was construed thought the QFD. Moreover, risk evaluation were combined to provide extra information of the high risk items for an effective decision. Result from the approach provides developmet plan which suggest to research and development department of the future vehicle design. Finally, we tested the acceptance and satisfaction rate of the new vehicle development plan from the factory staff and managers. Findings- An integration of QFD with the modified Kano□s model was applicable to develop an effective customer requirement system that helps vehicle development plan□s decision. Kano□s question is used to classify the vital design elements that cause satisfaction and dissatisfaction of customers. The three ranking attributes of first priority were (1) need assist grip at front trim pillar, (2) need more cup holder and (3) need engine start. QFD was applied to transform the quality attributes to product development plan. The customer requirement system was evaluated from staff and manager of a case company. The result found that the average of overall satisfaction is at 78.4%, the average of feasibility is at 86.2%, the average of usability is at 74.6% and the average of utility is at 78.9%. A case study company agreed and accepted customer requirement system with modified Kano□s model and QFD technique for satisfaction surveys in fiscal year 2015. Research implication - The varied customer requirement is difficult to consider and discuss for the new or improve product. The result obtained a better prioritization plan for improving product/service attribute performance. These profoundly analyzed customer requirements are then conducted into the QFD process which provides guidance for product development plan and offer useful for future vehicle design. Moreover, the acceptance and satisfaction rate of customer requirement system for vehicle product development plan were measured with questionnaires from the staff and manage at the case company. Originality /Values- The paper proposed a new method in collecting and analyzing customer requirements to decision-making for future vehicle product by using the Kano□s model and QFD. In addition, customer requirements are priority evaluated by the importance grid to provide a holistic view to ease the discussions for improvement planning. The dynamic of automotive business is required to continuously develop new product and to meet new customer requirements.

      • KCI등재

        연담도시 행정통합에 따른 통합시 장기발전모델에 관한 연구

        정삼석(Chung, Sam Seok) 한국부동산학회 2013 不動産學報 Vol.53 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to suggest the priority and the direction of City Development Plan by District(including City-center Reproduction, Redevelopment, and Reconstruction) of Uniκd This also tries to show some role-model of unified local government, not to speak of Unified Changwon City. (2) RESEARCH METHOD To carry out the study, the study is required to use the Living Environmental Index and City Competitiveness Index and to reveal the upbringing ideas of City Development and Specialized Projects by District. It will make the Long-Term Development Plan Model of Neighboring United City, focused on the Circle Area of Former Changwon, Masan, and Jinhae City for the local economy development of the United Changwon City, which was inaugrated on June 1, 2010. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS The major findings of the study are as follows: First, the residents-participation type district unit plan and the three-dimensional verification system are requested to construct. Second, the city-center activation plan should direct the future plan and vision of redevelopment and reconstruction projects, establishing the basic city and residence environment maintenance plan. Third, the city-extension replan should include the establishment of City Plan on the basis of Green Space secure. The recent Buk-myeon New Town Development and Samjin District Development plan should be reprogrammed. Fourth, the plan of balanced district integrity and development should be made through the TDC(Transfer of Development Credits) 2. RESULTS The results of this study show that the basic concepts are suggested: 'Smart' for the districtof Euichang-gu and Seongsan-gu, 'Renaissance' for Masan Whoewon-gu and Happo-gu, and 'Blueocean' for Jinhae District. The Unified Changwon City also focuses on its development project considering complex, single, and agricultural housing styles. Especially, preparing for the population decrease and aging, the authority should avoid the city extension policy and instead activate the city reproduction program. In conclusion, the united city development model should be made with the major development idea of city diffusion policy in mind.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 토지이용과 통제방안에 관한 연구

        이재삼(Lee, Jae-Sam) 한국토지공법학회 2010 土地公法硏究 Vol.50 No.-

        우선, 국토의 계획은 국토기본법에 따라 국토의 전역을 대상으로 하여 국토의 기본적이고 장기적인 발전방향에 따라 종합적인 계획을 세우고 지역과 부문별로 계획을 세우는 것이 바람직하다. 그리고 국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률에 따라 도시계획을 용도별로 세우는 것이 바람직하다. 구체적으로 국토종합계획은 국토의 현황 및 여건변화, 공간구조의 정비 및 지역별 기능분담방향, 국가경쟁력 제고 및 국민생활의 삶의 질 개선, 국토자원의 효율적인 이용 및 관리, 지속가능한 국토발전을 위한 국토환경의 보전 및 개선 등 장기적인 정책방향을 포함해야 한다.그리고 토지의 이용체계는 “계획이 없으면 개발이 없다”는 이른바 “선계획-후개발” 체제를 확립하여 국토계획 입안시부터 국토의 이용과 개발에 이르기까지 국토의 정합성이 이루어지도록 해야 할 것이다. 국토를 가장 효율적이며 합리적으로 이용 관리하기 위해서는 국토이용관리체계를 일관성 있게 구축하여야 하며, 토지이용의 효율성을 제고하고, 토지이용의 안정성․형평성을 기하기 위해서는 토지의 이용에 필요한 규제 또한 필요하다. 토지이용규제가 가지는 궁극적인 목적을 보다 효율적으로 달성하기 위해서는 토지이용규제의 투명성을 확보하고 국민의 토지이용의 편의를 도모해야 할 것이다. 즉 토지이용의 규 제가 단순화ㆍ명료화하는 것이 필요하다.향후 국토의 개발은 국토의 효율적 이용과 지속가능한 개발을 유지하기 위해서 모든 법령과 정책은 국토의 균형발전, 경쟁력있는 국토여건의 조성, 환경을 고려하는 환경친화적인 방향으로 선계획의 우위로 이에 바탕을 둔 후개발이 이루어져야 한다.또한 토지의 강한 공공성과 사회성으로 말미암아 개인의 재산권보장을 근간으로 하는 토지재산권의 행사와 이용 및 개발에 있어서, 공익의 중대한 침해가 가해지고 있는 것이 현실이다. 토지의 계획․이용․개발에 있어서 토지소유자 및 지역주민에 대하여 끊임없는 피해가 발생하면서 효율적인 국토관리에도 지장을 초래하기도 한다. 따라서, 토지의 공적규제로 인하여 재산권을 침해받는 소유자에 대한 적극적 배려는 국민의 재산권 보장과 국토의경쟁력 제고를 위해 중요한 것으로서, 입법자는 토지규제의 완화, 수용신청권의 부여, 매수청구권이나, 금전적 보상 등 다양한 구제와 보상가능성을 제도화하는 것이 바람직하다. First of all, according to Basic Land Law, it is desirable that land plan should start with comprehensive outline about overall land based upon basic and long-term development direction, followed by regional and sectorial plan. Also, it is desirable to set up city plan by purpose according to land plan and use law. Specifically, comprehensive land plan should include long-term policy direction such as land status, environment change, realignment of space structure and regional function direction, enhanced national competitiveness, improved nation's life, effective use and control of land resources and environment preservation and improvement for land development. Also, it is important to recognize ‘No plan, No development’. Therefore, 'First plan- Second development' mechanism should be established in terms of land use. Thus, from land plan to development, legitimity of land should be established. For the most effective and efficient land use, consistent land control measures should be set up and efficient land use should be enhanced and land use should be controled in order to give stability and justice in land use. In order to achieve ultimate goal of land use regulation effectively, transparent land regulation and convenient land use by the public are prerequisite. In other words, it is necessary to simplify and clarify land use regulation. For sustainable development and effective land use, land development should focus on ‘First plan and second development’ mechanism. It is also important to pursue the development, considering eco-friendly, equal development and competitive land environment. Due to strong publicity and sociality of land, in terms of exercising ownership, use and development of land based upon personal ownership guarantee, the public interest is greatly violated. In terms of plan, use and development of land, damages toward land owner and local residents continue, causing obstacles to effective land control. Thus, proactive care toward land owners whose ownership has been violated due to public regulation, is crucial for ownership guarantee and enhanced land competitiveness. Thus, legislators should institutionalize various remedies and rewards through deregulation of land, giving acceptance application, right to request purchase and financial reward.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능한 주거단지 계획모형 개발

        박원규 한국조경학회 2002 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.30 No.5

        There have been endeavors for sustainable development all over the world after the Rio World Summit and the idea of sustainable development has become common paradigm. Now, Korea has come to a situation where we need to apply the concept of sustainable development inevitably. Especially housing estate development must be preliminary change for sustainable development. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to establish sustainable planning element system of housing estate, and to propose a sustainable planning model compatible with the Korean situation. The scope of this study focused on typical multi-family housing estates in Korea and the environmental sustainable planning model. The model was developed from the evaluation of the important level and extra costs of planning elements for sustainable development of housing estate. The important level of planning principles and elements was analyzed by conducting a survey to experts. As the results of this study, four planning section ('land use and transport', 'pollution and waste', 'energy', and 'natural resource') and twelve planning items were identified. Twenty-one planning principles and fifty-five planning elements were found. Synthetically, the sustainable planning element system is composed of four planning sections, twelve planning items, twenty-one planning principles, and fifty-five planning elements. Based on survey to experts, $\ulcorner$The short-term strategic model$\lrcorner$ was developed for the social implosion of sustainable development, which is composed of ten basic elements, eighteen necessary elements, twelve optional elements, and seven arbitrary elements. $\ulcorner$The long-term future model$\lrcorner$was developed for application to from 10 to 15 years later. It is composed of fifteen basic elements, thirty-three necessary elements, and seven optional elements. The planning model proposed by this study can be used as a prototype for the development of a sustainable housing estate and can provide a practical tool for developers and planners who are not familiar with the concept of sustainable development.

      • KCI등재

        영토적 통치 전략으로서 불균등 발전: 국토종합계획 속의 ‘균형’ 에 대한 소고

        백일순,최민정 국토지리학회 2024 국토지리학회지 Vol.58 No.1

        본 연구는 국가의 영토 통치 전략으로서 불균등 발전에 대해 검토한다. 강력한 국가 주도의 발전주의 국가 시기를 지나 포스트 발전국가로의 전환을 경험하고 있는 국가는 경쟁과 자율을 강조하는 신자유주의적 입장을 적극적으로 도구화하며, 성장 중심의 정책을 강화한다. 이로 인한 영토의 불균등 발전은 산업, 노동구조, 경제의 결과물이 아니라 국가의 통치성 강화 전략으로 설명할 수 있으며, 본 연구는 이러한 관점을 바탕으로 권력의 형성, 유지, 강화를 위해 국가가 영토를 불균등 발전시킨다는 주장을 국토종합계획 속의 ‘균형’ 논의를 통해 보여주고자 하였다. 국토종합계획에서 ‘균형’은 권력 확장과 수도권 중심의 성장을 합리화하기 위한 정치적 수사로 다루어진다. 수도권의 경계가 주변 위성도시와 결합되어 영역적 확장을 지속하고 있는 점, 비수도권의 권역은 합리적 구분이 아닌 임의적 구분에 따라 수시로 변화하였다는 점은 영토적 통치전략으로서 불균등 발전을 야기하는 ‘권역설정의 오류’가 국토종합계획에 담겨있다는 것을 보여준다. 또한 3차 국토종합개발계획부터 국가는 이러한 영토전략을 지방에 이양하는 양상을 보이며, 지방은 국가의 영토전략을 답습하며 다른 지방과 경쟁하며 불균등 발전을 심화시키고 있다. This study examines uneven development as a strategy of state control over territory. Experiencing a transition to a post-developmental state after a period of strong state-led developmentalism, the state is actively adopting neoliberal positions that emphasize competition and autonomy, while simultaneously reinforcing growth-oriented policies. This uneven development of territories cannot be explained as a result of industry, labor structure, or economy, but as a strategy to strengthen the governmentality of state, this study aims to show that the state develops territories unevenly to form, maintain, and strengthen power through the discussion of ‘balance’ in the comprehensive national development plan. In the plan, ‘balance’ is used as a political rhetoric to rationalize the expansion of power and the growth of the capital city. The fact that the boundaries of the metropolitan area have continued to expand by combining with surrounding satellite cities, and that the areas of non-metropolitan areas have changed from time to time based on arbitrary divisions rather than rational distinctions, shows that the comprehensive national development plan contains an ‘error of zoning’ that causes uneven development as a strategy for territorial governance. In addition, since the 3rd comprehensive national development plan, the state has transfferred this territorial strategy to the provinces, and the provinces have been copied the state’s territorial strategy and competed with other provinces, this has deepened uneven development. Key words:territory, (post) developmental state, uneven

      • KCI등재

        박정희정권기 국토계획의 전개 과정과 동해안지역의 위상

        신용옥(Shin, Yongoak) 국립목포대학교 도서문화연구원 2013 島嶼文化 Vol.0 No.41

        박정희정권기 국토계획은 1963년 국토건설종합계획법이 제정되면서 본격화되었다. 1967년의 대국토건설계획은 대통령선거 전략으로 급조된 성격이 강해 곧 백지화되었다. 1968년의 국토계획기본구상은 국토개발의 헌장으로 그 위상이 강화되었다. 국토계획기본구상은 균형개발을 내세우기는 했지만 집적개발의 이익이 강조되었다. 1971년에 발표된 국토종합개발계획은 국토계획기본구상보다 국토계획의 위상이 다소 약화되었다. 이러한 국토계획 입안 과정에서 동해안지역은 태백산지역과 울산공업지구를 중심으로 기획되었지만, 그 사이의 연관이 강조되기 보다는 분절적으로 인식되는 경향이 강했다. 국토계획기본구상에서도 동해안지역은 태백권과 포항권이 분절되어 하나의 계획 단위로 인식되지 못했다. 이러한 경향은 국토종합개발계획에서도 마찬가지였다. 이 계획에서 동해안지역은 태백권과 대구․부산권으로 양분되어 인식되었다. 국토계획 입안 과정에서 동해안지역이 하나의 독립된 계획 단위로 인식되지 못한 것은 육지 중심의 인식틀을 벗어나지 못한 한계에서 비롯된 측면도 있었다. The national land plan during Park Chung-hee Government officially began with the enactment of the Act on Comprehensive Plans for Construction in the National Territory. The Grand National Development Plan of 1967 had a strong characteristic of being hurriedly constructed as a strategy for the presidential election, and therefore was soon annulled. The Basis Design for National Land Plan of 1968 served as a charter of the national land plan; therefore, its stature was strengthened. While putting up balanced development as its main platform, the Basis Design for National Land Plan emphasized the profit of accumulative development. The stature of the national land plan was worsened within the National Modernization Plan of 1971 than in The Basis Design. Within the process of formulating the national land plan, the Korea east coast zone was planned with Taebaek Mt. zone and Ulsan industrial complex as its centers; however, instead of emphasizing the correlation between those regions, they were most often acknowledged as different segments. Similarly, the Taebaek zone and Pohang zone was segmented within the east coast zone, and thus the east coast zone was unabled to be considered as one unit of planning. This tendency also appeared within National Modernization Plan. In this plan, the east coast zone was acknowledged as separated entities; the Taebaek zone and Daegu-Busan zone. The reason why the east coast zone was not able to be acknowledged as one independent planning unit during the national land plan was also, in part, because the land-centered frames could not be discarded.

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