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        한자를 활용한 글로벌 브랜드디자인의 가능성

        CONG LONG,이지현 한국디자인트렌드학회 2014 한국디자인포럼 Vol.45 No.-

        The 6 official languages used at the United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. Chinese among them has the biggest impact as a tool of communication due to large populations of the Chinese character cultural sphere, and the ones who learn all about Chinese culture and Chinese language at Confucius Institutes around the world. Like nation's defense and economy, language has a closer relationship with national competitiveness. Therefore English is considered as the most dominant global language of communications. For the same reason, it is common to create brand design in English throughout the world. Recently, U.S. competitiveness has been weakening relative to its competitor, China. economic growth of last 5 quarters of China kept 7.7 percent on average, and the China’s economy is likely to exceed the American economy at the end of 2014 to be the most powerful economic power in the world based on purchasing power parity. As such, China’s competitiveness has been rising to the world's best to require development of global brand design that has made use of the Chinese characters. The Chinese characters called hanzi are logograms used in the recording of Chinese. They have 4 characteristics to be successful global brands: First, Chinese characters have been developed from pictographs to logograms to express not only pictures resemble what they depict but also abstract images. Second, Chinese characters are classified into four categories based on the principles of character formation. There are pictographs, simple ideographs, compound ideographs, and phono-semantic compounds. Ideograms illustrate abstract ideas through iconic forms or arbitrary signs, and compound ideographs are combination of two or more pictographs or simple ideographs to create a new character with a third meaning. more than 90 percent of all existing Chinese characters are phono-semantic compounds. They consist of two parts that have rules to be easy to understand and pronounce: a semantic element which suggests at the meaning of the character on one side, and a phonetic element which hints to the pronunciation of the character on the other side. Third, Chinese characters can be simplified very basic visual symbols, like circles and squares of affiliated strokes and radicals to design brand identity easily. Lastly, Chinese characters is said to be not only the art of the writing that can stylize characters depending upon calligraphy or writing instruments but also communication tools. Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Game’s emblem design titled ‘Dancing Beijing’, the Industry and Commerce Bank of China, and the FAW’s symbol design were designed by reflecting characteristics of Chinese characters and gained global reputations in brand design. As shown by these very successful samples, brand designs in Chinese characters have possibilities as world brands. 유엔(United nations)에서 공식으로 사용하는 아랍어, 중국어, 영어, 프랑스어, 러시아어, 스페인어 중 중국어는 한자문화권(漢字文化圈) 인구와 세계 각국에 설립된 공자학원에서 중국문화 및 중국어를 학습하고 있는 인구를 포함하면 가장 파급력이 큰 언어이다. 그러나 언어도 국가 경쟁력과 밀접한 관련이 있기에 세계 주류 언어로서 영어가 가장 활발하게 통용되고 있다. 이러한 이유로 영어를 활용하여 디자인된 브랜드 아이덴티티 또한 글로벌하게 사용되고 있다. 그러나 최근 중국의 5분기 경제성장률이 평균 7.7%대를 유지하고 있고 구매력평가(purchasing power parity) 기준으로 올해 말 미국경제를 추월하여 세계 1위의 경제대국으로 등극할 것이라는 전망(인터넷서울경제, 2014.4.30)이다. 이처럼 중국어의 확장성과 국가 경쟁력이 세계 최정상을 향해 강화되고 있기에 한자로 제작된 브랜드디자인도 국제적으로 사용될 가능성이 높아지고 있음을 예측할 수 있다. 중국어의 기록시스템인 한자는 다음 4가지 특징으로 인해 글로벌 한자브랜드로서 성공할 가능성이 높다. 첫째, 한자는 상형문자(象形文字)에서 표의문자(表意文字)로 발전하였기에 사물의 이미지에서부터 추상적인 개념까지 모두 표현할 수 있다. 둘째, 한자는 상형, 지사, 회의, 형성의 제자원리에 의해 만들어져 풍부한 의미와 규칙이 있는 창조적인 문자이다. 지사는 관념을 표현하며 회의는 여러 개의 글자들이 모여 의미를 유추할 수 있는 새로운 글자를 만든다. 그리고 한자의 90% 이상은 형성자(形聲字)로서 발음과 의미부분으로 구성되어 있어 의미를 파악하고 발음하기 쉽다. 셋째, 한자의 외형은 네모꼴이며 내부 요소의 편방부수(偏旁部首)와 필획(筆劃)은 원으로 규정되는 단순한 조형 원리로 구성되어 있다. 즉, 한자는 조형의 기본도형들로 이루어져 있어 디자인이 용이하다. 마지막으로, 한자는 개성에 따라 다양한 스타일을 창출할 수 있는 예술이자 소통의 도구이다. 베이징올림픽 엠블럼디자인, 중국공상은행과 제일자동자회사의 심벌디자인은 이러한 한자의 특성을 토대로 제작되어 세계적으로 높은 브랜드 인지도와 가치를 평가받은 한자 브랜드디자인이다. 3건의 사례에서 확인하였듯이 한자로 제작된 브랜드디자인은 소통의 도구로써 글로벌한 인지도를 형성하고 국제적으로 통용될 수 있는 가능성이 매우 높다.

      • KCI등재

        제1차 세계대전 이후 중국의 동남아시아 무역과 화교의 역할

        박정현(Park Jung-Hyun) 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 2007 亞細亞硏究 Vol.50 No.4

        Chinese trade with South East Asia had witnessed a gentle increase. However Chinese goods and half-finished products which had been exported to the market of South East Asia had accounted for small quantity. In the meanwhile, Japan had been given in the 1920s a great deal of weight in the South East Asian markets, in the 1930s it had overwhelmed metropolitan exports to their colonies. After the 1930s Japan began to build a typical perpendicular division of labor with South East Asia, in which Japan was designed to export industrial products in lieu of importing raw materials from the latter. In short the expansion of trade in Asia after the 1920s had resulted from increase Japan’s influence in East Asia including South East Asia. Also Asia economy had transformed into a perpendicular division of labor centering on Japan. The Chinese trade with South East Asia had developed by the medium of overseas Chinese. China’s trade overall balance had been deficit but its trade with South East Asia had been surplus or beneficial. Overseas Chinese had played a pivotal role in the South East Asian economy. The economic status of overseas Chinese mounting up to millions had differed from place to place. Overseas Chinese had nearly monopolized commerce of South East Asia countries by leading wholesale trade and brokerage business. In the area of massive production and trade they had been behind only Metropolitan and Japanese corporations. The Chinese trade with South East Asia had been activated particularly in the field of rice, sugar which the overseas Chinese had dominated. China exported daily necessaries for overseas Chinese use and imported commodities including primary products. The Chinese emigration itself had been beneficial to China proper by alleviating burden of overpopulation and reducing problem of unemployment and paupers. It also actively contributed to the development of the mother country by making a remittance and invest capital to it. Remittance was absolutely important for the family’s living. Therefore occasional diminution and suspension of remittance had threatened to living condition of millions overseas household in the southern China. In particular the economy of Guangdong and Fujian in South China depended on the amount of remittance. This remittance rescued the chronic deficit suffering Chinese economy from going bankrupt. Overseas Chinese invested capital chiefly in home provinces, Guangdong and Fujian and an advanced city Shanghai. The investment of overseas Chinese enhanced home-city’s economic well-being. It help forward communication and transportation facilities to improve circulation of commodities and further to the development of capitalist economy. On the other hand, the decrease of overseas Chinese economy hit severe damage to the southern China to the extent of causing overall socioeconomic unrest. In spite of their enormous power to the Chinese economy, the overseas Chinese in South East Asia did not identity their interests with those of mother country. For them, China was safe and beneficial havens for their investment. The overseas Chinese were preoccupied with familism rather than nationalism. In short, they kept collaboration with China not in the bond of patriotism but the interest of realistic gains.

      • KCI등재후보

        『만국공보(万国公报)』에 나타난 19세기 중국 개신교인의 신명(神名) 문제

        설충수 장로회신학대학교 기독교사상과문화연구원 2011 장신논단 Vol.0 No.40

        In the history of Chinese Christianity, there had been caused a serious controversy over finding Chinese equivalences of God, that is God’s Terminology. The 19th century’s western missionaries had a dispute over the two translated terms, “Shangdi(上帝)” and “Shen(神)” in the course of Chinese Bible translation. They had not been able to put an end to the disagreement about the Chinese translation of God because of the differences of theological perspectives, perceptions of Chinese society and culture,mission strategy, etc. This controversy was so exhausting that the capabilities of missionaries were weakened and that there been roused antipathy of Christianity in the Chinese. In this course of reflection on the controversy, Western missionaries came to the agreement that they should be attentive to the opinions of the native Chinese Christians which were meant to be immediate readers of biblical translations. It is not deniable that Chinese Christians, who accepted Christianity basically through the efforts of missionaries, had maintained conflicting standpoint about this controversy. The native Christians, however, could be more open and active in bringing forward their ideas over the matter because they were the native recipients of Christianity, not like western missionaries. This essay has dealt with the very matter of the Chinese rendering of the term of God in the stance of Chinese Christians, focusing on the opinions shown in the Globe Magazine(万国公报) issued from 1877 to 1878. Although the key discussion on the matter has taken place around the two translated words, “Shangdi(上帝)” and “Shen(神)”, it was seen in the Globe Magazine(万国公报) that Chinese Christians recommended far more than the two words and were willing to take on a role as mediator between groups in the very controversy. It was apparent that they had made efforts to keep a balance between Christianity and Chinese culture, that is to say the gospel and culture. It is thought that those efforts had played a considerable part in building up Chinese theology. 중국기독교 역사 속에서 God의 중문역명, 즉 신명(하나님의 이름) 문제는 격렬한 논쟁의 대상이었다. 19세기의 서구 기독교는 중국어 성서번역과정 속에서 God의 중문역명을 ‘상제(上帝)’ 와 ‘신(神)’ 이라는 단어를 중심으로 신명논쟁을 전개했다. 이 논쟁은 각각의 상이한 신학적 관점, 중국의 문화와 중국사회에 대한 이해의 차이 그리고 선교방식의 차이 등으로 인해 논쟁의 해결점을 찾지 못하고 오랫동안논쟁이 지속되어 선교의 역량을 약화시켰으며, 기독교에 대한 중국인의 반감과 오해를 증폭시키는 결과를 가져왔다. 결국 신명논쟁에 대한 반성은 중국어 성서의 독자층인 중국교회 신도들의 의견을 수렴하고 그들의 입장을 진지하게 경청할 것을요청하게 만들었다. 대부분의 중국신도들은 각기 다른 서방 선교사를 통해 기독교를 받아들였다. 사실 이런 영향 때문에 중국신도들도 이 논쟁에 대해 대립적인 관점을 견지했음을 부인할 수는 없다. 그러나 중국신도들은 서방선교사와는 달리 그들의 고유한 중국문화 토대 위에서 기독교를 받아들이는 입장이었기 때문에 서구 선교사들보다는 좀 더 개방적이고 적극적인 의견을 제기할 수 있었다. 본 소고는1877-1878년간 발행된 『만국공보(万国公报)』에 기재된 글을 중심으로 중국신도들이 가지고 있는 신명문제에 대한 인식과 의견들을 고찰했다. 비록 본문의 성격상 ‘상제’ 와 ‘신’ 이라는 두 개의 신명을 중심으로 논의를 전개했지만 그들은 이외에 더 많은 신명을 제시함으로 이 논쟁의 해결점을 찾고자 노력했다. 중국신도들은 기독교와 중국문화의 균형, 즉 복음과 문화의 균형을 유지하려고 노력했다. 이러한 그들의 노력들은 중국신학화 작업에 일조하는 바가 크다고 사려된다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘과학한자’ 용어의 意味網(Semantic Mapping) 해석을 통한 중심한자의 추출과 활용

        한예원 우리한문학회 2019 漢文學報 Vol.41 No.-

        Chinese Writing as a subject is characterized by an “instrumental subject.” The instrumental subject means that learning of Chinese writing play an important role in learning of Chinese terms in other subjects and active use of daily language. The East Asian countries were compelled to accept new words that were translated by Japan in the process of accepting modern western knowledge in the 19th century. Such phenomenon was found in advanced science as well as classical. However, the generation who only used Korean language without learning Chinese characters after 1970s had difficulty in understanding and inferring scientific concepts explained by newly-coined Chinese characters. The author called the new science Chinese words as terms of science Chinese characters and realized that a learning method that can help learners who are studying science and technology acquire new words more easily and efficiently should be developed. Therefore, this study devised a method of learning related terms based on Chinese characters of principle which were used in coinage of new words in science. Centering on the ‘Chinese characters of principle,’ this study organized a variety of science terms into a semantic network to enhance understanding of learners. A semantic mapping as one of learning methods presented in the 8th Curriculum is intended to represent meanings of sentences or words, associations between concepts and knowledge. The semantic mapping learning method is a sort of classification learning. That we know something indicates we can classify it. We can classify subjects that can be recognized scientifically. If they can be recognized, they can be practically realized into engineering technology. If they are practically realized, they can be used in life. Therefore, when we can classify Chinese terms of science, we can understand the area extensively. It is expected that such classification-oriented learning method will be helpful to inferring and actualizing scientific concepts. 한문과목은 “도구 교과”라는 성격을 갖고 있다. 여기서 도구교과라는 것은 한문학습이 다른 교과의 한자로 된 학습 용어의 학습과 원활한 언어생활에 중요한 역할을 한다는 것을 의미한다. 동아시아 지역은 19세기 들어와 서구 학문의 ‘近代知’를 수용하는 과정에서 일본에서 번역된 新造語도 함께 수용하여야 했다. 이런 현상은 고전적 과학뿐만 아니라, 첨단 과학에도 해당된다. 하지만 한문학습을 제대로 하지 않은 1970년대 이후의 한글 세대들은 이러한 한자 신조어의 과학 개념을 이해하고 추론하는 것이 용이하지 않다. 필자는 이런 과학기술 분야의 한자 신조어를 ‘과학한자’ 용어라고 부르고, 한글세대의 이공학 분야 학습자가 신조어를 보다 효율적이고 수월하게 학습할 수 있는 학습방법의 필요성을 절감하였다. 이에 과학한자 造語 때에 활용된 중심한자를 통하여 관련 용어를 학습하는 ‘중심한자’ 학습법을 고안하였다. 이것은 ‘중심한자’를 중심으로 다양한 과학용어를 의미망으로 정리하여 체계적으로 분류하여 이해하는 학습법이다. ‘의미망 만들기’는 8차 교육과정에 제시된 학습방법으로, 문장이나 단어의 뜻, 개념 사이의 연상 관계, 지식 따위를 표현하는 네트워크(network)의 하나이다. 따라서 의미망 학습법은 일종의 분류학습이라고 할 수 있다. 우리가 안다고 하는 것은 ‘분류할 수 있다’는 말이기도 하다. 분류 가능하다는 것은 과학적 인식의 대상이 되고, 인식 가능하면 공학적 기술로 실용화되고, 실용화되면 생활에 사용 가능하게 된다. 따라서 과학한자 용어를 분류 할 수 있다는 것은 다양한 분야를 폭넓게 이해한다는 것이 된다. 이런 과학한자의 특성을 파악하여 분류를 통한 학습방법은 과학개념을 추론화하고 구체화하며 각인화 하는 知力을 향상시킬 것으로 기대된다. ‘과학한자’는 본 논문에 예시한 각 의미망 전체로 확장 가능하며, 의미망의 확장을 예측하면 해당 분야 개념을 전체적으로 조망하여 타영역으로 확장 가능하게 된다. 이런 ‘과학한자’ 의미망 학습으로 보다 통합적 사고가 가능할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재


        김시현 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2023 한자연구 Vol.- No.35

        The (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary is a multilingual dictionary of Chinese characters marked in multiple characters. It records the pronunciation and interpretation of Korean, Japanese, Northern Mandarin and Manchurian language corresponding to Chinese characters. There are few Chinese-Korean bilingual dictionaries in modern Korea, and the (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary, which records many Chinese words, is evaluated as the prototype of Chinese-Korean dictionaries. In this study, we examine the Chinese and Korean meanings of the ‘火部’ Chinese monosyllabic cooking verbs in the (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary. We then analyze their meanings, summarize their meaning-positions and classify the semantic fields. Furthermore, the accuracy of their Chinese and Korean interpretations in the (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary is examined, and the prominent interpretation methods and characteristics of the (Hanilseonman) New Dictionary are investigated. This study examines the influence of Modern Times food culture and language, and also points out the problems of Modern Times Chinese-Korean bilingual dictionaries and the direction of future dictionary compilation. This paper discussed the applicability of modern and contemporary Chinese-Korean dictionary definitions, examine the interpretation strategies of modern and contemporary Chinese-Korean dictionaries, summarize their similarities and differences. This paper also discusses the applicability of modern and contemporary Chinese-Korean dictionaries from the perspective of language learners. This study has significance for researchers on the historical development of Chinese-Korean dictionary compilation.

      • KCI등재

        中韩 MOOC 平台国际汉语教学评议 :以中国大学 MOOC 与 K-MOOC 为中心

        独海峰 부산대학교 중국연구소 2023 Journal of China Studies Vol.26 No.1

        The lack and obsolescence of in international Chinese language teaching resources is a problem, especially when teachers and teaching materials are separated from the teaching site such as in online programs. For overseas students studying Chinese, problems related to the effectiveness and fun of teaching resources and the timeliness of teaching feedback have long plagued overseas Chinese language teach. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) solve this problem to a certain extent. They can be said to have played a positive role in promoting Chinese education. Especially in recent years, with the maturity of MOOC technology and education models, more and more people have begun to use MOOCs to learn Chinese. South Korea, a country with a massive online network, has also achieved fruitful results in MOOC education; and especially, the MOOC courses it has developed for college students are very mature. This article identifies the similarities and differences between China and South Korea in the process of developing Chinese a comparative analysis of the Chinese language teaching status of the Korean MOOC (Korean Massive Open Online Courses; K-MOOC) and the Chinese-university MOOC platforms in Chinese universities. The first part of this article compares the operating models of the two platforms. It mainly analyzes the establishment time, operation scale, number of participants, course classification, and fees of K-MOOC and Chinese-university MOOCs. The second part analyzes the status of research on MOOCs in China and South Korea. China and South Korea created MOOC teaching platforms almost at the same time, but Chinese-university MOOCs have achieved independent income generation, while K-MOOCs have not yet realized economic benefits at the social level. However, the two countries have many similarities in MOOC research directions, mainly including the cognition of MOOCs and their learning effects, platform design, case analysis, and comparison. The third part compares the Chinese teaching content, teaching methods, interactive effects, platform design, policies, and other aspects of the two platforms. In particular, quantitative statistics and content on the teaching staff, technical support, and other aspects of two platforms were analyzed and showed differences between Chinese education MOOCs in China and South Korea at the present stage. The fourth part summarizes the actual situation of Chinese teaching MOOCs in China and South Korea at this stage.

      • KCI등재


        鄧竹琴 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2023 한자연구 Vol.- No.35

        To transform old words into new words is a very efficient mode of word derivation in contemporary Chinese, which mainly involves the transformation of word form and the transformation of meaning. In the process of transforming the old words language users have created a lot of new words that are very novel in form or meaning based on the relationship between Chinese characters in terms of sound, shape and meaning or the structural features of Chinese characters. This paper lists more than 130 new appellations including sound-based words, form-based words, meaning-based words and words produced by changing the structure of Chinese characters, names the ways how old words transform into new words as JieYinFuXing, XieYinFuYi, BieJieFuYi, FanBeiFuYi, GaiZiBianXing and describes the transformation process of these words. These lexical phenomenons reflect some language psychology such as pursuing new differences, playing jokes and mental association. They have some impacts on the lexical system of contemporary Chinese as they open up new ways for the generation and change of contemporary Chinese words, they supplement the word-making methods and lead to some unconventional combinations in contemporary Chinese lexis. This paper intends to further clarify the important role of Chinese characters in word creation and word development, and deepen the understanding of Chinese Character study and contemporary Chinese lexicology.

      • KCI등재

        釜山韓國華人華文文學的實踐與意義 — 以身份認同爲中心

        梁楠,이보고,김혜준 한국중국현대문학학회 2021 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.96

        “Busan Chinese-Korean” refer to Han Chinese who have lived in the Busan area of South Korea for a long time and groups that have been assimilated or culturally integrated by Han Chinese. The literary works written in Chinese language by Busan Chinese-Korean is “Busan Chinese-Korean Chinese-Language Literature”. According to the different migration period, Busan Chinese-Korean can be divided into earlier group, later group, newcomers group, and relocating group (who moved to Busan and then relocated to other countries). The immigration history of Busan Chinese-Korean is unique from that of Chinese-Korean in other parts of Korea: First, there is perfect “mobility” among Busan Chinese-Korean. Second, Choryang area where most Busan Chinese-Korean stay is more “diversified” in terms of geographic environment. The “mobility” of Busan Chinese-Korean may cause instability in life and restrict the development of its literature or cultural activities. The environmental “diversity” in the areas where Busan Chinese-Korean mainly migrates may become an obstacle to their assimilation into locals, and ultimately affect their identity. The significance of Busan Chinese-Korean literature is that, as a platform for Busan Chinese-Korean to speak out, it brings us a lot of inspiration: Busan Chinese-Korean identity is already “diversified”, but from the perspective of acceptance by the immigrant society, it seems that it has not been synchronized. Regrettably, the understanding of Busan Chinese-Korean by the locals is still a product of South Korea-China relations formed under historical situations such as pre-modern, modern, and cold war era. In other words, it is to ignore Busan Chinese-Korean “existence” to imagine Busan Chinese-Korean. Therefore, Busan Chinese-Korean survival experience in the emigrated place made them never be able to integrate into the local area. With the urban redevelopment of Busan, the “China Town” with the closest relationship to Busan Chinese-Korean, has gradually lost its “historicality” and “relationship” which is the “sense of place” it should have. Busan Chinese-Korean identity can no longer be measured by the standard of “identity recognized by society (nationality)”, and it can be regulated as “Chinese”, “Korean” or “Taiwanese”. Busan should accept this new type of multiple identities based on “personal choice” to recognize and preserve the history that Busan Chinese-Korean and the local people in Busan have experienced and created together.

      • KCI등재

        중국식 인터넷 문화: 민족주의 담론 분석

        이민자 ( Minja Lee ) 현대중국학회 2018 現代中國硏究 Vol.20 No.2

        이 논문의 연구목적은 중국정부와 네티즌이 온라인 공간에서 어떻게 상호작용하는지를 민족주의 사례를 통해 보여줌으로써 ‘중국식 인터넷 문화’를 설명하는 것이다. 연구대상은 소수민족의 민족주의와 중화(中華) 민족주의 사례 분석이다. 중국에서 민족주의 이슈는 ‘허용과 통제’의 양면성을 지닌 흥미로운 이슈이다. ‘중화민족의 위대한 부흥’을 강조하는 중화민족주의는 중국정부가 허용하는 이슈이지만, ‘하나의 중국 원칙’을 위협하는 소수민족의 민족주의는 엄격히 금지하는 이슈이다. 연구 내용은 다음 두 가지 이다. 첫째, 중국 국내에서 소수민족이 온라인 공간을 이용하여 집단저항을 조직화하려 할 때, 중국정부가 원하지 않는 온라인 정보유통을 차단하기 위해 소수민족의 민족주의를 어떻게 통제하는지 살펴본다. 둘째, 대외적 민족갈등 이슈가 있을 때 중국정부가 어떤 방식으로 온라인 활동에 참여하여 중화 민족주의 여론을 조성하고 활용하는지 살펴본다. 이를 통해 중국정부가 ‘온라인 통제’와 ‘온라인 활동’을 병행하며 원하는 방향으로 온라인 민족주의를 활용하는 방식을 설명하려 한다. 이 연구의 차별성은 중국정부가 온라인 여론을 관리하기 위해 온라인 통제와 활동을 병행하며 온라인 공간을 정부공간으로 만들어가는 방식을 설명하는 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to explain the “Chinese-Style Internet Culture” by showing how the Chinese government and netizens interact in online space through a case study of nationalism. The subjects of this study are Chinese nationalism and minority nationalism in China. The issue of nationalism in China is an interesting issue with both sides of “permission and control.” Chinese nationalism, that emphasizes the "great revival of the Chinese people," is an issue allowed by the Chinese government, but minority nationalism that threatens the "one China principle" is a strictly forbidden issue. This research focuses on two issues. First, it examines how the Chinese government controls minority nationalism in order to block unwanted online information circulation when minorities in China try to organize group resistance by using online space. Second, it examines how the Chinese government participates in online activities when there is an issue of external ethnic conflicts, creating and using Chinese nationalism. This study attempts to explain how the Chinese government combines online control and activities to manage online public opinion and translates online space into government space.

      • KCI등재

        현대 중국 민족가극을 통해 본 문화 정치적 양상 고찰

        손수연 건국대학교 글로컬문화전략연구소 2020 문화콘텐츠연구 Vol.0 No.19

        This study examined the cultural and political aspects of China by analyzing the influence of Chinese President Xi Jinping's governing ideology on modern Chinese national opera. Since the Communist Party of China created the new opera “White Mother and Daughter” and used it as a tool to spread socialist ideology, Chinese culture and arts have been subjugated to politics. The trend of reform and opening up in the 1980s has also led to changes in Chinese culture and arts, including freedom of creation and variety of material choices. But since 2012, when Xi Jinping appeared at the forefront of the Chinese Communist Party leadership, another change has been observed gradually in China’s cultural and artistic community. The core content of the “Chinese dream” proposed by President Xi Jinping as a governing ideology is the “Revival of the great Chinese people”. As for the resulting cultural policies, the government is pursuing the practice of “developing socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.” The China’s communist leadership is initiatively using national opera as a tool for cultural politics for the revival of the Chinese people, and this can be regarded as a evolved form of Mao Zedong’s socialist culture and arts policy. According to an analysis of the characteristics of three representative Chinese national opera created and performed under the Xi Jinping regime, “Chinese Dream” appeared in the form of a transverse expansion of Chinese history, a longitudinal expansion of Chinese territory, nationalism, selfculturalism and plurality monolithic theory. For the development of performing arts content in East Asia, it is encouraging that many operas with various personalities and characteristics appear, and China also continues to develop Chinese-style operas reflecting its unique environment and culture. In any case, however, it is judged that art is a matter of caution when combined with ideology or ideology to become a political tool. 본 연구는 시진핑 중국 주석의 통치이념이 현대 민족가극에 미친 영향을 분석하여 중국의 문화 정치 양상을 고찰한 것으로 항상 정치와 밀접한 관계를 맺으며 발전해온 중국형 오페라가 시진핑 시대에는 어떠한 형태로 이념과 체제를 반영하고 있는지 고찰하고 분석하는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 중국 공산당이 신가극 ‘백모녀’를창작하여 사회주의 이념을 전파하는 도구로 사용한 이래, 중국의 문화예술은 정치에 복속돼왔다. 80년대 개혁과 개방 시기의 흐름에 따라 창작의 자유, 소재 선택의다양성 등 중국 문화예술에 있어서도 변화의 기조가 나타났다. 그러나 시진핑이 중국 공산당 지도부 전면에 등장한 2012년 이후, 중국의 문화예술계에는 점차 또 다른변화가 관찰되고 있다. 시진핑 주석이 통치이념으로 제시한 ‘중국몽’의 핵심내용은 ‘위대한 중화민족의 부흥’이다. 이에 따른 문화 정책에 있어서는 ‘중국 특색의사회주의 문화 발전’의 실천을 추구하고 있다. 중국 공산당 지도부는 주도적으로민족가극을 중화민족의 부흥을 위한 문화 정치의 도구로 사용하고 있으며, 이는 마오쩌둥 시대의 중국 사회주의 문화예술 정책이 진화한 형태라고 볼 수 있다. 이번연구에서 시진핑 체제에서 창작, 공연된 중국의 대표적인 민족가극 세 편의 특징을문헌과 공연 실황을 통해 고찰, 분석하고, 동시에 중국 오페라전문가들을 대상으로설문 조사연구를 시행한 결과, ‘중국몽’은 민족가극 작품 안에서 중국 역사의 횡적확장, 중국 영토의 종적 확장, 국가주의, 자문화중심주의, 다원일체론의 형태로 나타났다. 중국은 고유한 환경과 문화를 반영한 중국형 오페라를 지속적으로 발전시키고 있다. 동아시아 공연예술콘텐츠의 발전을 위해서, 다양한 개성과 특질을 가진오페라가 많이 등장하는 것은 고무적인 일이다. 그러나 예술이 이념이나 이데올로기와 결합해 정치적 도구화되는 것은 경계해야 할 일이라고 판단된다.

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