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      • KCI등재

        한국 여성체육사 연구

        이현정(Lee Hyun-Jung) 한국체육과학회 2010 한국체육과학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        This study intends to divide Korean women's sports development process into historical or chronological periods and contemplate each period's social, cultural and political sports circumstances as well as its traits and problems, In addition, this study has the object of checking up the placement of women's sports in Korean sports by analyzing modern women sports history. Further, this study aims at contributing the growth of women's sports and presenting the right direction where the study of women's sports would advance in the future. Women's sports have been changed by the historical turns, for instance, the time under the colonial rule of Japan, the after Independence of Korea, the time of President Park Chung-Hee administ! ration from 1961 to 1979 and influenced by socially influential sporting events such as Olympics and Asian Games. Considering the tendency of history, I come to the conclusion that women's sports reflect the times and the way of its advance is predictable. First, a lot of sports have been developed by women, so women are supposed to participate in sports actively as spontaneous sports players and they should create their own sports culture. Second, various women's sports programs must be provided with the basic ideas of women's self-consciousness, self-identity establishment and self-esteem expansion. Third, sports should take some important potion of women's culture with the continuous growth, so that women could accomplish self-realization.

      • A Comparison of Women- and Family-Related Legislation between South and North Korea Basic Direction for Integration

        Bok-soon Park,Seon-young Park,Eui-jeong Hwang,Myung-ah Kim 한국여성정책연구원 2016 GSPR(Gender Studies and Policy Review) Vol.9 No.-

        In the fields of politics and economics, there have been various efforts direced at identifying the gaps between legislation in South and North Korea for the purpose of planning for future integration. In the areas of women and families, however, no comprehensive studies in preparation for reunification have yet been pursued. This study pursued a more systematic and comprehensive understanding of the North’s laws and legislation related to women and families, and then attempted to compare them to those in the South. First, we reviewed the development process of women- and family- related legislation in the South and the North in the years since their division, particularly focusing on working women engaging in work and family life by stage of life. Second, we sorted women- and family-related laws and legislation in the South and North into six different categories: gender equality; women and work; violence against women; women’s health and reproductive rights; family; and workfamily balance. Each category was examined in terms of major laws and key content. Third, we compared and analyzed the legal systems of the South and the North according to these six categories, and finally presented a basic direction for the integration of the two systems focusing on women and family issues in the context of Korean reunification.

      • KCI등재

        輯國婦謠에 나타난 여성들의 情恨

        김영민 한국언어문학회 2005 한국언어문학 Vol.55 No.-

        A ballad is a literature reflected life experience through words. It's also popular literature and national literature as a speech community in the course of conveying by word of mouth. In this ballad is Women's song. Women's song is based on the joys and sorrows of women's life of feudal days in the Joseon Dynasty. "Song of women's married life" expressed the women's sorrowful heart candidly. And it contained women's urge of expressing something internal and a rebellious spirit. In a word, it could be called the song of women's tears . This paper investigates how "Song of women's married life" represented the consciousness of women who lived the lower life than men. There are three ways for women to resist the wrong custom. The first is to overcome it, second is run away from it and the third is kill themselves. It can be said that if the mainstream of our people is sorrowful heart, it started from this women's sorrowful emotion in the long history. So Korean women's song which contained it negatively and affirmatively is a delivery room of popular literature and a valuable vessel of the Korean women's soul.

      • KCI등재후보

        고려 서류부가혼 사회의 여성상과 부덕

        박은경 ( Park Eun-gyung ) 한국여성사학회 2015 여성과 역사 Vol.- No.23

        고려시대의 여성은 조선시대의 여성과는 달리 그 사회적 지위가 높았음이 주목되어 왔다. 그럼에도 불구하고 조선시대의 여성이 `종속성` `순종성``소극성` 등의 성격을 지니고 있었던 데 비해 고려시대의 여성상은 무엇인지 제시되지 못하고 있다. 그리하여 전통시대의 여성상은 `종속성` `순종성` `소극성` 등으로 포괄적으로 이해되고, 이로써 고려시대의 여성상은 조선시대의 여성상에 매몰된 상태가 되어 있는 것이다. 이는 우리나라 여성사에 있어서 중요한 위치를 지니는 고려시대 여성에 대한 의미를 약화시키는 것일 뿐 아니라 우리나라 여성사의 전개과정의 이해에 있어서도 문제가 되는 것인 만큼 앞으로 보다 적극적으로 고려시대 여성상에 대한 제시가 필요하다고 보인다. 고려시대는 서류부가혼의 사회였다. 서류부가혼은 남자가 여자의 집으로 장가드는 것으로서 유교적 혼속인 친영제와 상반되는 혼속이었다. 더욱이 서류부가혼은 단순히 혼속에 그치는 것이 아니라 당시의 친족제도 등 고려의 사회구조와 밀접하게 연관되어 있다는데 그 중요성이 있다. 서류부가혼은 양측적 친속사회였던 고려사회의 혼속으로 고려사회가 부계혈통만이 강조되던 남성 중심의 유교사회가 아니었음을 반증해준다. 이러한 비유교적 사회 여건 속에서 고려시대의 여성은 다음과 같은 모습을 지니게 되었다. 첫째, 고려시대의 여성은 개방성을 지니고 있었다. 고려의 여성들은 남녀의 구별이 없는 개방적인 사회 분위기 속에서 마음에 드는 남성에 대해서는 자신의 마음을 적극 표현하는 등 개방적인 모습을 보이고 있다. 둘째, 고려시대의 여성은 주체성을 지니고 있었다. 고려시대의 여성은 자신의 삶을 스스로 주도해나갔으니, 자신의 처한 상황 속에서 자신의 문제를 주체적으로 해결해나가며 당당한 삶을 살았다. 셋째, 고려시대의 여성은 적극성을 지니고 있었다. 조선시대의 여성이 내외법으로 인하여 여러 가지 제약 속에서 살았던 반면 고려시대의 여성은 불교를 중심으로 한 사회활동에 적극 관여하였으며, 사회적인 문제에 대해서 집단적인 의견을 표출하는 등 적극적인 모습을 보이고 있다. 그런데 고려 묘지명 등 여성 관련 자료에는 `삼종지도`나 `부덕` 등 유교적 관념이 드러나는 사료가 다수 나타남으로써 고려시대 여성상을 이해하는데 혼돈을 주고 있다. 하지만 이것은 묘지명이 유학자에 의해 쓰여짐에 따라 나타난 기록 과정상의 문제로서, 인간사회에서 추구되는 보편적인 가치가 유교적인 용어로 표현된 것일 뿐 실제로 고려시대의 여성들이 유교적인 삶을 살았던 것을 의미하는 것은 아니었다. Unlike the women in Chosun period, those in Koryo period have been noted for their high social status. Notwithstanding, while the women in Chosun period were characterized by `dependency` `obedience` `passivity`, etc., the women image of those in Koryo period was not presented. Thus, the women image of traditional age was comprehensively understood as `dependency` `obedience` `passivity`, etc. As a result, the women image in Koryo period was buried under that of women in Chosun period. Since this result not only weakens the meaning of women in Koryo period who take significant position in women history of Korea, but also poses problems in understanding the process of spreading women history of Korea, it is required to actively present the women image of women in Koryo period. The society was in Seoryubugahon(壻留婦家婚) in Koryo period. As a system where men enter women`s home for marriage, Seoryubugahon is a marital custom which is contrary to Chinyoungje(親迎制), the Confucian marital custom. Further Seoryubugahon, not a mere marital custom, is significant in that it was closely related to social structure of Koryo such as the then kinship system. As a marital custom of Koryo society, a Yangcheukjeokchinsok(兩側的 親屬) society, Seoryubugahon verifies that Koryo society was not a male-based Confucian society where only patrilineal consanguinity was emphasized. In such anti-Confucian social circumstances, the women in Koryo period came to acquire the following features. First, the women image of Koryo is openness. In the open social atmosphere where male and female were not particularly distinguished, they showed open feature by actively wooing male they preferred. Second, the women image of Koryo is subjectivity. They took initiative in leading their life by subjectively solving their problem in their own situations. Third, the women image of Koryo is activeness. While the women in Chosun period lived in diverse restrictions caused by Naewaebeop(內外法), those in Koryo period were active in social activity based on Buddhism, showing active attitude by expressing collective opinion on social issues. By the way, the materials related to women such as Myojimyung(墓誌銘) in Koryo show many historical materials which reveal Confucian idea such as `Samjongjido(三從之道)` or `female virtues(婦德)`, thereby confusing us in understanding the women image in Koryo period. However, the records in Myojimyung were written by Confucianists and the value universally pursued in human society was expressed in Confucian terms, keeping distance from the actual features of women in Koryo period.

      • KCI등재

        여성사박물관과 공공역사―쟁점과 대안들

        윤택림 역사문제연구소 2022 역사비평 Vol.- No.139

        Women’s history museums are the contending site in which women, history and museum as a public space are entangled. This paper starts to examine the relationship between public history and museum, and reviews the feminist critics of the problems involved in museum exhibitions which are not likely to represent women’s experience. It also suggests woman’s public history as a new approach to women’s history museums in South Korea. While it reviews the recent process of national women’s history museum movement in South Korea, it examines the two women’s history museums, National Women’s History Exhibition Hall and War& Women’s Human Rights Museum in terms of displaying structure, exhibition narrative and limitions. This examination draws out the important issues concerning constructing a women’s history museum; the limitations of representing women‘s experience by applying periodization of national history, expanding women’s diverse memories and experiences during the modern and contemporary period through oral history, and establishing the collection policy in collaboration with gender history historians. These issues are followed by suggestions for alternative exhibition strategies to make a women’history museum as gender-cognitive space which will be the site for women’s public history. 여성사박물관은 여성, 역사 그리고 박물관이 서로 복합적으로 연류된 공공역사의 장이다. 그렇다면 공공역사와 관련하여 박물관에서 여성사는 어떻게 다루어지고 있는가. 그리고 공공역사의 장으로서 여성사박물관은 무엇을 지향하고 어떤 내용을 담보해야 하는가. 이 글은 여성 경험을 재현하는 장으로서 박물관에 대한 문제를 제기하고 한국의 대표적인 두 여성사박물관을 사례로 분석하여 공공역사와 여성사박물관에 대해서 논의한다. 이를 위하여 공공역사와 박물관의 관계를 검토하고 기존의 박물관에 대한 페미니스트들의 비판을 살펴본다. 또한 여성사박물관에 대한 새로운 접근으로 여성의 공공역사를 소개한다. 국내 여성사박물관의 사례로서 국립여성사전시관과 전쟁과여성인권박물관을 분석하여 박물관에서 여성 경험 재현과 관련된 쟁점과 대안들을 논의한다. 마지막으로 여성의 공공역사를 향해 공공역사를 젠더인지적으로 만드는 여성사박물관의 방향성을 제안한다.

      • KCI등재

        근대 여성매체 『신여성』에 나타난 여성의 소비문화

        김윤선 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2009 東洋學 Vol.45 No.-

        본고는 『신여성』이라는 여성지가 갖는 매체적 성격을 고려하여, 『신여성』에 실린 광고를 여성들의 근 대화된 소비문화의 일상을 보여주는 텍스트로 인정하고, 이를 분석함으로써 『신여성』의 매체적 성격과 당대 사회의 젠더화된 소비문화의 양상을 추적하였다. 이를 통해 소비사회로 치닫고 있는 현재 한국 사 회와 한국 여성의 삶의 기원을 확인하고, 소비문화가 지향해야 할 바를 찾아보고자 했다. 연구 결과 1920년대 『신여성』은 여성 교양 및 교육 매체로서의 간행목적에 맞게 광고 역시 서적을 중 심으로 한 홍보성 광고 위주였음을 확인할 수 있었다. 여성들은 여성 매체의 등장과 독자 및 소비자로서 의 체험을 통해 자신들이 상품의 소비자가 될 수 있다는 소비 주체로서의 위상을 경험할 수 있었으며, 1930년대 이후 『신여성』광고란에는 소비자로 부상한 여성들에게 호소하는 각종 여성 상품들의 광고가 활 발히 발표된다. 이들 광고는 1930년대 당시 소비문화와 일상의 변화를 그대로 보여주는 사회의 축소판이 기도 했다. 그리고 이 안에서 여성들은 자본주의와 근대화 및 식민화로 치닫던 조선에서 긍정적 소비 주 체로서의 역할과 기능에 대한 시험을 경험하게 된다. Considering medium side character of the magazine ≪New women≫, this article is to admit the fact that advertisement from ≪New women≫ is to display modernized consumption culture of women, but also as to analyze this fact, we have chased the medium side character of ≪New women≫ magazine and the aspect of genderized consumption culture in contemporary society. Furthermore, to find the aim for our consumption culture, as to confirm present korean society which are becoming consumption society and also to confirm korean women’s wish in their life. Findings in 1920’s, it was confirmative that as the magazine was about women culture and educational media, and as expected they were focusing on public advertisement based on publications which they are the purpose of being published. As women media starting to appear and having through experience as a reader and consumer, women could experience the pride of consumer by knowing that they can also be consumer of particular product. In 1930’s, ≪New women≫ published the advertisement in their column of many types of products for women consumer. These advertisements were clearly showing the reality of “Chosun” society that were moving on to consumption society in 1930’s. Then women have been examined on the role and ability as positive consumer in “Chosun” where the place were becoming to be capitalized, modernized and colonialized.

      • KCI등재

        메이지(明治) ‘여학생’들의 해외부임지 ‘부산고등여학교’

        이지현 동북아시아문화학회 2021 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.67

        Women’s education in Korea under Japanese rule first began with the founding of Busan Women’s High School as a women’s public secondary educational institution in 1906. Japanese women, educated as women of the empire during the Meiji era, were dispatched on a mission of women’s education, and most of them were sent to Kyungsung Women’s High School and Busan Women’s High School. In particular, female students at Tokyo Women’s Normal School, a government school, carried out an education in imitation of Empress Haruko who was the model for women of the Meiji era, just as they themselves were educated. Such educational content was incorporated into the curriculum at Busan Women’s High School. Furthermore, there are records stating that Busan Women’s High School was closely related to female activist Ioko Okomura and to the Japanese Patriotic Women’s Association (Aikokuhujin). Such a characteristic reveals Busan as an area with a background that was far more distinctively colonial. The educational content of Busan Women’s High School had an impact on not only the institutions for women education in the area but also the daily lives of the residents of the area. Female students who received modern women’s education fought to secure their independence and autonomy but were limited in terms of not being able to overcome the national ideology. As beings with a double identity of contributing to the system while trying to deviate from the system, they were the main agents who left behind the conflicts of women’s education to the next generation.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대 여성문학 ―여성전업작가의 등장과 다양한 글쓰기 주체의 성장―

        이선옥 ( Sunok Lee ) 한림과학원 2020 개념과 소통 Vol.0 No.26

        1970년대 여성문학을 한 마디로 정의한다면 여성문학이라는 범주와 육체가 그려진 시기라 할 수 있다. 일종의 지도그리기 맵핑(mapping)이 이루어진 시기인 것이다. 아직 성격적 특성이나 정체성이 확립되기 이전이지만 여성전업작가가 등장하고, 중산층 여성을 중심으로 한 여성적 경험의 문학화가 가능해졌으며, 여성적 장르와 매체가 형성된 시기이다. 국가주의적 개발독재는 급속한 남성성 회복을 추구했고, 기계신체 상상력이 헤게모니 남성성이 된 시기이기도 하다. 히스테리 주체와 글 쓰는 여성노동자로 여성문학의 글쓰기 주체가 정립되기 시작한 것은 이러한 국가주의적 가부장제의 급속한 강화와 관련 있는 것으로 보인다. 한편으로 문학제도의 변방인 대중소설장르에서 나타나는 장르적 글쓰기와 페미니즘적 목소리도 눈여겨보아야 할 것이다. 문학제도 안에서 영토를 마련하고자 하는 욕망과 밖으로 밀려난 여성 경험의 목소리가 다양한 방식으로 존재할 수밖에 없음을 인정하는 것, 그리고 그러한 목소리의 이름을 찾아 주는 것이 여성문학사 다시쓰기의 과제가 될 것이라 생각한다. 1970년대 여성작가의 문학적 특성은 가부장적 문학제도 하에서 경험의 말하기가 불가능한 작가들이 만들어내는 다양한 가면무도회라 할 수 있을 것이다. 특히 신체로 말하는 신경증적인 히스테리 주체는 언어화되기 어려운 여성의 경험을 신체에 각인시켜 가부장제에 저항하는 여성문학의 한 양식으로 볼 수 있다. 아직은 여성의 경험을 해석할 자기 언어를 가지지 못한 글쓰기 주체들의 문학적 전략이라고 할 수 있을 것이다. 또한 생산노동에 대거 동원된 여성노동자들은 노동하는 신체라는 여성의 새로운 주체 개념을 보여준다. 문학적으로 미숙한 수기류의 형태이지만 생산소설과 결부되면서도 노동하는 신체의 경험을 결합해내는 성과를 보이기도 한다. 또한 여성작가들은 문학제도의 변방에서 대중문학의 영역을 개척하면서 감정적 교류와 경험적 소통의 장을 만들어내기도 한다. 이러한 1970년대 여성문학적 징후들이 1980년대에는 페미니즘 문학과 민족민중문학이라는 이념적 진영의 영토로 재영토화된다는 점에서 여성글쓰기 주체는 또 다른 어려움에 직면하게 된다. During the 1970s, it may be said that the scope and contours of South Korean women’s literature were first roughly defined. Indeed, the work of mapping women’s literature began during this period. Although women’s literature lacked defining characteristics or an identity, this period saw the emergence of professional female writers, and for the first time it became possible to put the experiences of primarily middle-class women into writing. In short, it was a period during which the female genre was formed. The nationalist dictatorship, with its emphasis upon economic development, sought the rapid restoration of masculinity, and during this period the imaginary of the mechanical body emerged as hegemonic masculinity. The establishment of the writing subject in women’s literature arose out of the hysterical subject and the female proletarian writer, and it appears that this process was related to the rapid strengthening of nationalistic patriarchy. For this reason, the feminist voices that appeared in popular novels, which were one method of resisting the male-centric literary system, deserve close attention. We must recognize that women’s desires to make a place for themselves within the literary system and the efforts of marginalized women to speak about their experiences can be manifest in many forms. Indeed, the work of identifying and naming these voices is an important task for rewriting the history of women’s literature. Women writers of the 1970s can be considered as the hosts of various masquerade balls that took place under a patriarchal literary system in which women were not able to speak of their experiences. In particular, subjects with hysterical neurosis who spoke with their bodies can be seen as a method through which women’s literature resisted the patriarchy by inscribing the unutterable experiences of women on their bodies. This can also be interpreted as the literary strategy of the writing female subject who still lacked a language with which to express her own experiences. Moreover, women laborers, who were mobilized in large numbers to enhance labor productivity at this time, brought about a new concept of the female subject as a laboring body, which was an important topic to be written about. Although the writings of this time were limited to somewhat unsophisticated essays, these were supplemented by “production” novels, which also succeeding in incorporating the experiences of the body. In addition, female writers were pioneers in the realm of popular literature at the frontiers of the literary system. Ultimately, however, these initial developments in 1970s women’s literature were restructured into the territory of ideological camps: becoming feminist and “people’s” literature, which brought new difficulties for the female writing subject.

      • KCI등재후보

        여성정치 참여의 어제와 오늘: 역사적 흐름 및 핵심 개선과제를 중심으로

        서현주 사단법인 한국민족연구원 2011 민족연구 Vol.0 No.45

        The past decade saw a remarkable expansion of women's political participation in Korea. In particular, in terms of women's political participation the result of 17th General Election was notable compared to that of other General Elections during the preceding periods. This was mainly due to an introduction of the gender quota caused by societal pressures together with societal pressures from women's groups. Despite a notable recent increase in women's political representation, women in Korea society have still been underrepresented politically. The past studies have tended to focus upon the law-institutional aspects for enhancing women's political participation. Rather, this study concentrates on the women's political networks. In other words, it address a social base of women's political participation. After looking briefly at the past history of Korean women's political participation focused upon the change in the number of seats taken by women at National Assembly, this study considers the characteristics and problems of Korean women's political participation and suggests that building temporary or constant-based women's political networks among women's NGOs and gender-related interest groups based upon life politics at national and/or Local level be the core key to expanding women's political participation in Korea. Women`s political networks for improving women's political participation can be a crucial factor for overcoming the deep-seated male-dominant political, socioeconomic and cultural obstacles in Korean society. That is, women's political networks can contribute to alleviating the various problems facing women [potential] politicians, such as political. financing, human networking and power organizing.

      • KCI등재

        태국의 여성단체와 정치참여

        황규희 ( Hwang Kyu Hee ) 한국태국학회 2007 한국태국학회논총 Vol.14 No.-

        Women's organizations are broad bases, ranging from grassroots organizations to associations of people at the upper level of Thai society. The first women's organizations were philanthropic in nature by upper classes. Since the launching of the UN's Women Decade(in 1975), women's organizations ventured out of the charitable field into more political activities on a wide scale. After May 1992, women's organizations had become somewhat stronger. Their contribution to the new constitution had gained them respect and recognition among general NGOs. Some women's regional network was also emerging but with little definite direction. After Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995, women's organizations became the driving forces for the promotion of human rights, gender equality and social justice in Thailand. Women's organizations were led into political issues and ultimately to amending or changing the constitution. Because women's organizations saw the constitution as an important tool to change labour and family laws that were discriminatory towards women. So women's organizations aimed to widen women's opportunities and provide support for effective participation in politics at all levels as voters, supporters and candidates. Other NGOs had helped to build the capacity to broaden public participation in development, improve access to the legal system, and advance the rights of women and children. As a result, in the 1997 Constitution the concept of these frameworks dealt with the basic rights of the people, and their right to participation in the political decision-making, process by guaranteeing individual freedom and fundamental rights in the public laws. To promote grassroots democracy in Thai civil society, women's organizations and NGOs needed to advocate the concepts of people's empowerment and participation. This paper focuses on the political role of women's organizations to expand the grassroots democracy for the purpose of political reform during the 1997 constitution-drafting process in Thailand.

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