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      • KCI등재

        고등학교 여학생의 교복 디자인에 따른 교복 만족도 및 맞음새 연구

        권채령,김동은 복식문화학회 2016 服飾文化硏究 Vol.24 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate students’ satisfaction with, perceived ease of movement of, and perceived fit of high school girls’ uniforms according to the uniform design. “P” high school, with a one-piece dress-type uniform, and “H” high school, with a two-piece type uniform, were selected for this study. Sixty-five female students from each school participated in the study. The questionnaire was composed of 21 questions about the school uniforms’ purchase behavior, design, fit, ease of movement, and modification and participants’ demographic information. Students from both schools were generally satisfied with the uniform design. However, in the open-ended response section, many “P” high school students responded that the fact that the one-piece dress pulled up when sitting or raising the hand made it uncomfortable. On the other hand, “H” high school students responded that the skirt was uncomfortable, because it left the body or underwear exposed when the wind blew due to the many pleats in the skirt. In the assessment of the ease of movement, “P” high school students were more likely to describe the uniform as uncomfortable than “H” high school students. Many students responded that they modified their school uniforms, and the length of the skirt and one-piece dress was the main part that was modified. This study suggests that growing female high school students are unsatisfied with the school uniforms’ design and fit. Additionally, the perceived fit and satisfaction levels depend on the uniform design.

      • KCI등재후보

        교복 선호도에 관한 연구- 여자 중・고등학생을 중심으로 -

        강지영,윤진아 한국니트디자인학회 2013 패션과 니트 Vol.11 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to research the characteristics of adolescent period, behavior while wearing school uniforms and school uniform brands, as well as to research different styles of school uniforms and analyze the preference of styles; the findings will then become the basis for proposing a reasonable boundary for female middle and high school students in terms of behaving in school uniforms. Furthermore, this study will establish basic data required for developing school uniform designs and for school uniform makers. A survey on preference was conducted with 272 responders consisting of 120 female middle and high school students. It was a street survey and the questionnaire consisted of 13 questions in total. The results are as follows:First, many students answered that they agreed to wearing school uniforms but also said that school uniforms are uncomfortable. The parents made much of the decisions for purchasing the uniforms; however, slim silhouette was a priority when deciding on the style. The dominant opinion was that school uniforms are expensive. Second, many students answered that they did not like the design of their current uniforms to the question regarding school uniform design and preferred brands. As for altering the design of the uniforms, students focused heavily on the silhouette. Students also answered that they usually use bags and shoes for styling their school look with their uniforms. The most preferred brand was Ivy Club, Third, most students answered that they have altered the design of their school uniforms. Most alterations were in skirts. Students who haven’t altered their school uniforms answered that they did not wish to change the design of their uniforms. As shown above, students agreed to wear school uniforms but they were not satisfied with the colors and designs. Many students altered the design of their school uniforms, paying more attention to the aesthetic aspect of the uniforms than their practicality. Students particularly altered their skirts, Students desired form-fitting silhouettes while maintaining comfortable movement for their school uniforms. Thus school uniform makers should not solely focus on design but consider movement, function, and changing aesthetic sense of school uniforms in order to pay attention to pattern and develop functional elements and design.

      • KCI등재

        우리 옷 교복 착용 여고생의 교복 만족도와 의복행동의 관계

        정현주,목혜은,한유정 한국의류학회 2002 한국의류학회지 Vol.26 No.5

        The aim of this paper was to identify high school girls' satisfaction toward Korean traditional style school uniform and their clothing behaviour. The questionnaires were administered to 133 high school girl students in Pusan. To find out attitudes of Korean traditional style school uniform and their clothing behaviour, PC model, mineigen and Varimax Rotation of factor analysis were adopted. The results have shown that each four factors are identified in Korean traditional style school uniform's satisfaction and their clothing behaviour. Multiple Regression analysis has been used to investigate the relationship between these factors of attitudes and satisfaction toward Korean traditional style oriented school uniform. As a result, the relationship between factors of their school uniform behaviour and satisfaction of their school uniform has revealed. They tend to wear their school uniform in various occasions if their satisfaction becomes greater. Besides, the more students have recognized the uniform as symbol of status the more they become satisfied with their school uniform. The relationship between factors of clothing attitudes and satisfaction of school uniform has shown that its uniform doesn't promote students conformity since they might be aware of different style and design of their school uniform compared to other school uniforms.

      • KCI등재

        청주지역 남자중학생의 교복 착용 및 세탁관리 실태 조사: 코로나 19 발생 전후 비교를 중심으로

        김지현(Jihyeon Kim) 충북대학교 생활과학연구소 2023 생활과학연구논총 Vol.27 No.1

        Background/Objectives: Following the outbreak of COVID-19, the number of school days for students decreased, accompanied by online classes were at home, and there were many changes in students' clothing. This study investigates the actual condition of wearing school uniforms based on item and dissatisfaction factors for male middle school boys who a period of rapid growth and a pandemic, and suggests a direction for improvement. It how school uniforms are washed at home, compares the differences with the suggested care label's laundry management method, and offers a reasonable laundry management technique. Methods: This study surveyed 200 middle school boys in the Cheongju area before and after the outbreak of COVID-19, and examined how the wearing of school uniforms and laundry management at home changed. Results: The items with changes in wearing frequency before and after the COVID-19 outbreak were pants, shirt, vest uniform, and comfortable uniform. As for the dissatisfaction factors by item, “activity” was the biggest dissatisfaction factor for jacket, pants, and shirt;, “fabric” for vest;, and “design” for gym uniform and comfortable uniform. The major difference between the method of washing school uniforms at home and that suggested on the care label was whether to use a washing machine or dryer. Regarding the washing method recommended on the care label, there were no school uniform items that could be washed in a dryer, but pants, gym uniform, and comfortable uniform could be washed in a washing machine. Conclusion/Implications: In this study, the proportion of using a washing machine and dryer for all items was not small. This study is expected to identify the school uniform needs of middle school boys who experienced the COVID-19 era for more than a year and to contribute to the basic data for design, material, and pattern development for wearer-centered school uniform production.

      • KCI등재

        아동 인권 측면에서 교복 제도에 대한 비판적 검토

        장민영(Jang Min Young) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2015 圓光法學 Vol.31 No.4

        최근 미국에서는 학생들의 표현의 자유 측면에서 교복 제도를 비판하는 경향이 등장하고 있다. 1990년대 학교 폭력이 주요 사회 문제로 꼽힌 이래, 캘리포니아 주를비롯한 다수의 주들이 입법을 통해 공립학교에서 교복 제도를 실시할 수 있도록 하였다. 교복 제도들은 입법 이전부터 논란이 되었고, 실시 이후엔 연방법원을 통해 교복제도의 위헌성이 다투어졌다. 연방 항소법원들은 공통적으로 학생들의 착의가 표현,특히 상징적 표현에 해당될 수 있다는 판시하였다. 그러나 교복 제도에 대하여O'Brien 심사기준을 적용, 그 결과 연방 항소법원들은 교복 제도가 학생들의 표현의자유 침해가 아니라고 결정하였다. 교복 제도에 관한 미국의 법적 논의는 우리 교복 제도에 시사하는 바가 크다 할것이다. 한국에서는 교복 제도에 대한 법적 논의는 거의 없는 상황인데다가 특히 이를아동의 표현의 자유 측면에서 접근한 것은 더 더구나 드물지만 우리의 경우도 청소년들의 착의 내지 교복을 표현의 자유 연관에서 살펴볼 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 교복 제도가 학생들의 표현의 자유를 침해하는지 여부를 판단함에 있어서는 미국 법원이 발전시켜 온 O'Brien 심사기준을 그대로 적용하는 대신, 우리 헌법재판소가 상징적 표현에 관련된 사건에서 적용하여 온 과잉금지원칙을 적용하는 것이 타당하다 할 것이다. 과잉금지원칙을 적용하여 볼 때, 학습능력 향상, 학생 지도 용이, 학생감 위화감예방, 경제적 부담 경감 등 제도의 목적에 대하여는 정당성을 인정할 수 있을 것이다.그러나 국내외 사회과학적 자료들을 분석해 볼 때 교복 제도가 상기 목적들의 달성에적합한 수단이라고 볼 수 없을 뿐만 아니라 우리의 교복 제도 운용 방식이 학생들의자유 제한을 최소한으로 하는 것으로 보기 어렵다. 또한 교복 제도로 인한 학생들의표현의 자유 침해가 공익에 비해 적다고 판단하기 곤란하다. 따라서 우리의 교복 제도는 헌법이 보장하는 해당 학생들의 표현의 자유를 과도하게 침해하는, 위헌적인 것이라 결론지을 수 있을 것이다. The new criticism on school uniform systems is being drawn from children's freedom of expression. School uniforms have been controversial on grounds of some kinds of children's rights and freedoms: children's right to privacy, right to equality, right to be heard, freedom to pursue their own personality or general right to freedom of action. Recent powerful discussion on school uniforms in the U.S. are mainly related to students' freedom of expression. Since school violence was considered as a serious social issue in 1990s, states, including the State of California, have introduced school uniform systems. The systems have been disputed even before their adoption and consequently discussed at federal courts. Circuit courts have a common viewpoint in which students' choice of dress, even without a specific letter or painting, is a kind of expression due to children's special characteristics. The courts applied O'Brien test into school uniform cases unlike other cases regarding children's freedom of expression, such as Tinker, Bethel or Hazelwood. According to O'Brien test, however, the courts held that school uniform systems do not infringe students' freedom of expression. U.S. cases regarding school uniform systems give some suggestions on the Korean system regarding school uniforms. There are not much discussion in which the school uniform system is reviewed from children's freedom of expression. A few legal materials connect school uniforms with students' freedom of expression. In consideration of youths' characteristics, their clothing should be regarded as a medium of expression in Korea, either. Besides, the aspect of clothes as expression should be recognized in that Korean secondary schools force their students to wear their own uniforms which can clearly and compulsorily proclaim their schools and some schools require their students to stick name tags on uniforms. However, it is not reasonable that O'Brien test is applied into Korean school uniform cases because the Constitutional Court of Korea uses the principle of proportionality for cases regarding expressive conduct and same tests for constitutional cases regardless of ages of persons concerned. In case that the principle of proportionality is applied into a school uniform issue, the Korean school uniform system would be considered as a violation of children's freedom of expression. Although the aims of school uniforms such as academic achievement, school security or reduce of economic burden would be legitimate, school uniform systems would not be appropriate for these goals because the interrelation of between the goals and the systems are not certain. In addition, the school uniform system would not be the method to minimize limitation on children's freedom of expression on the basis of Korean practices of school uniforms: different uniforms according to schools and fixed name tags on uniforms. In conclusion, the Korean school uniform system infringes students' freedom of expression and, thus, is not constitutional.

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 교복행동과 외모에 대한 태도와의 관련 연구

        한미화,이은희 한국가정과교육학회 2009 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        This study examined the relativity between school uniform behavior(especially attitude toward school uniform, school uniform satisfaction, school uniform alteration) and attitude toward appearance in the adolescence. From November to December in 2007, 898 middle school and high school students from four schools in Jeollabuk-do Province were analyzed and the influence of relevant variables was understood to gather basic information about the fashion life in the adolescence. This study used SPSS 11.5 for Windows Program to conduct frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, χ²-test, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Duncan's multiple comparison test, and Pearson's correlation. The following summarizes the findings of this study: The results of analysing the factors to the response attitude toward uniforms and attitude toward appearance and clothing attitude emerged four dimensions(fashion, symbolism, cleanliness, alternation), three dimensions(needsㆍvalueㆍconformity toward appearance). In attitude toward uniform, female students were more actively altering their uniforms than male students and middle school students were more sensitive to trends than high school students. However, high school students were more aware of the cleanliness and alteration of uniforms. Overall, most students were not very satisfied with their uniforms (design, color, texture). When students' attitude toward appearance and demographical characteristics were examined, it was found that female students were more aware of desire, value, and conformity in appearances than male students.By age, it was found that high school students were more aware than middle school students. Also, students receiving KRW 30,000 or more for monthly allowance were more aware than others who receive a lower amount between KRW 10,000 and KRW 20,000. Therefore, most students(62.1%) have experiences in altering uniforms. Especially, more female students and more high school students had such experiences. Uniform alteration is more related to attitude to appearance. In other words, students who choose to alter their uniforms are highly aware of desire, value, and conformity toward appearance. Students who are satisfied with all factors regarding attitude toward uniform, except for alteration, did not alter their uniforms that much. In addition, when the relativity between students' attitude toward appearance with uniform was considered, students that are not very satisfied with their uniforms were more aware of desire, value, and conformity toward appearance. In conclusion, it was found that students' attitude toward appearance and school uniform behavior are closely related and their interests in appearance lead to alteration of uniforms, the clothing in which they spend most time of the day. From now on, students' opinions shall be considered when selecting or designing school uniforms. 본 연구는 2007년 11월에서 12월 중에 전라북도 소재 4개교의 남녀 중․고등학생 898명을 대상으로 설문지법에 의해 교복행동(교복에 대한 태도, 교복만족도, 교복변형)을 알아보고 외모에 대한 태도와의 관련성 등 변인들의 영향력을 파악함으로써 학교현장에 청소년기 의생활 연구의 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. SPSS 11.5 for Windows Program을 이용하여 요인분석, Cronbach's α, 검증, 검증, 일원변량분석(One-way ANOVA), Duncan의 다중비교검증, Pearson의 적률상관관계를 실시하였다. 본 연구 결과, 첫째, 교복에 대한 태도는 유행성, 과시성, 관리성, 변형성 4개 요인이 선택되었다. 교복에 대한 태도에서는 여학생이 남학생보다 변형에 대한 태도가 높았으며, 중학생이 교복에 대한 태도 중 유행성이 높았고, 관리성과 변형성에서는 고등학생이 높게 나타났다. 교복착용실태를 살펴보면, 현재 착용하고 있는 교복의 디자인, 색상, 옷감에 대해 전체적으로 만족하지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 대부분의 청소년들이 교복변형의 경험을 가지고 있었으며, 남학생보다는 여학생이 교복 변형 경험이 많았다. 교복변형실태에서 스커트(바지) 길이를 줄인 학생이 가장 많았고, 대부분의 청소년들은 외모를 돋보이기 위해 교복의 길이, 옆선 등 교복을 줄여서 몸에 밀착된 형태로 변형시키고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 교복변형의 가장 중요한 요인으로 ‘체형보정’, ‘유행’, ‘활동성’, ‘무난함’의 순으로 나타났다. 둘째, 청소년의 외모에 대한 차원을 알아보기 위해 요인분석결과, 외모에 대한 동조․가치․욕구 3개 요인이 선택되었다. 여학생이 남학생보다, 고등학생이 중학생에 비하여 욕구․가치․동조 의식이 높게 나타났다. 아버지의 학력이 고졸 이상 일수록 욕구․가치․동조 의식이 높게 나타났으며, 가정의 월수입이 300만원 이상인 학생들이 욕구와 동조 의식이 높게 나타났다. 한 달 용돈을 3만원 이상 받는 학생들이 1만원에서 2만원 이하로 용돈을 받는 학생들보다 외모에 대한 욕구와 가치 의식이 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 조사대상 청소년의 교복변형유무에 따른 외모에 대한 태도, 교복에 대한 태도, 교복만족도의 차이에서 교복변형을 경험한 학생일수록 외모를 변화시키고자 하며 매력적인 외모에 가치를 두고 추구하는 태도를 지니고 있었고, 교복변형을 하지 않는 학생들은 교복에 대한 태도 중 유행성, 상징성, 관리성에서 유의하게 높게 평가하였으며, 교복변형을 한 학생들은 변형성만에서 유의하게 높게 평가하였다. 교복에 대한 태도의 하위영역인 유행성은 외모에 대한 태도와 부적 상관관계를 보였고, 변형성은 외모에 대한 태도와 정적 상관관계를 보였으며, 현재 착용하고 있는 교복의 디자인, 색상, 옷감에 대한 만족도와 외모에 대한 태도는 부적 상관관계를 나타냈다. 결론적으로 청소년들의 교복행동과 외모에 대한 태도는 관련이 있었으며, 청소년기 외모에 대한 관심은 하루 일과 중 가장 많이 접하는 교복행동 즉, 교복에 대한 태도, 교복만족도, 교복변형으로 이어지고 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        초등학생의 교복에 대한 태도와 만족도에 관한 연구

        조윤주 한국실과교육학회 2008 한국실과교육학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        초등학생들은 단순히 집단에 소속되려는 욕구로 인해 유행이나 자신에게 어울리는 것에는 관심이 없다고 알려져 있기도 하지만, 자신의 외모와 복장에 대하여 관심이 급격히 증가하는 시기이므로 교복에 대해서도 상당한 관심이 있을 것이다. 따라서 본 연구는 초등학생들이 그들의 교복에 대하여 어떤 태도를 가지며, 만족도가 어떠한지를 조사하였다. 문헌적 연구를 통하여 교복에 대한 태도 4가지 요인, 즉 안정성, 실용성, 심미성, 그리고 경제성을 도출하였고, 또한 현재 교복착용 등에 대한 태도 4개 항목을 도출하였다, 그리고 교복에 대한 만족의 개념화를 통하여 1개의 측정항목을 도출하였다. 이렇게 구성된 각 측정항목을 부산, 경남지역 초등학생 6학년을 대상으로 설문조사를 하였다.연구결과, 교복 태도에서 안정성과 경제성에 대하여 만족하는 반면에 실용성과 심미성에 대해서는 불만족하는 것으로 나타났으나, 여학생의 경우 남학생보다 불만족이 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 교복착용에 대해서는 반대와 찬성이 절반정도로 나타났으나 여학생이 남학생에 비하여 교복착용에 찬성하는 경우가 많은 것으로 나타났다. 교복에 대한 만족도에서는 남학생이 여학생에 비하여 교복 만족도가 떨어지는 것으로 나타났다. 끝으로 교복에 대한 4가지 태도 모두가 교복의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 초등학생의 교복을 선정할 때 경제성이나 안정성을 고려함과 동시에 심미성에 대해서도 고려해야 한다는 시사점을 제공해 주고 있다. The purpose of this study is to survey school uniform attitudes of elementary school students and to identify gender differences of elementary school student's uniform satisfaction.The questionnaire was conducted to 300 students(6th graders) in the elementary school in Pusan and Kyungnam Province; 234 were used for the data analysis. Data were analyzed by frequency, t-test, ANOVA, chi-square, and multiple regression analysis.The results of this study were as follows. The perception of students about wearing a school uniform is less positive. The sense of psychological stability and economical efficiency towards school uniform is positive while practicality and side of aesthetic appreciation is negative. Also, there is gender difference on school uniform satisfaction. And, the result of regression analysis reveals that perceptions of school uniform are major determinant to influence on the satisfaction of school uniform.

      • KCI등재

        우리 옷 교복 착용 남자고등학생의 교복만족도와 이미지 평가

        정현주 한국의류학회 2002 한국의류학회지 Vol.26 No.7

        The purpose of this paper was to understand the relationship of high school boy's satisfaction with a Korean traditional style school uniform and their attitudes and image evaluation to male regarding wearing school uniforms. A survey was administered to 128 male high school students. To find our factors of their attitudes and their images regarding wearing school uniforms, Varimax rotated factor analysis was adopted. The results showed that each four factors were identified in their wearing attitudes and images. Multiple regression analysis was to investigate the relationship between these factors and the satisfaction with their school uniform. As a result of this, if their satisfaction becomes greater, they tend to recognize the distinctive design of their school uniform and wear their school uniform on various occasions. In addition, the more they become satisfied with their school uniform, the more the students are comfortable with the uniform and recognize it as a symbol of status as well. The relationship between the factors of their wearing attitudes and satisfaction with their school uniform shows that of their satisfaction becomes greater, they recognize the school uniform as good looking, comfortable and as an intelligent image. The analysis of their attitudes and images indicates that the factor of a good looking images is correlated with all factors of their attitudes. Therefore the attitudes of high school boys toward wearing a school uniform have been changed and revealed to be different from previous research results.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 체육복의 착용실태와 기능성 만족도 연구

        조윤주 한국초등체육학회 2011 한국초등체육학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to survey school uniform satisfaction of elementary school students and to provide survey on function, and to improve of the uniform to fit students' needs. For this purpose, the questionnaire was conducted to 124 students(6th graders) in the elementary school in Kyungnam Province; 124 were used for the data analysis. Data were analyzed by frequency, and chi-square analysis. The results of this study were as follows. As for the comsumer survey, most students bought a school physical training uniform in stationery store once time during 2-3 years. The a school physical training uniform had made small manufacture factory. The factory were general sports uniform manufacturers. Each used dimensions standard, and a school board usually decided color and design of the physical training uniform. During physical classes, the satisfaction of students about wearing a school physical training uniform is positive. Also, there is gender different school physical training uniform, satisfied of girl students about wearing school physical training uniform is higher more than its boy students. For overall level of satisfaction, students showed high satisfaction in terms of function, while design of the school uniform was evaluated to be rather poor. So school physical training uniform were made inaccuracy reflect the characteristic of children's action and growth.

      • KCI등재

        여자 고등학생 교복 착용실태와 선호 디자인 연구

        최해주(Hae Joo Choi) 한국복식학회 2012 服飾 Vol.62 No.4

        The function of the school uniform is to represent the role of a student and also to restrict the scope of action for the student. Many students wear school uniforms for the most of their daily life. So the school uniform is very important for students during the school days. The purpose of this study was to suggest the fundamental information for the development of the school uniform design based on actual wearing conditions and preferred designs. Photos of school uniforms of 61 girls` high schools in Seoul were analyzed. Surveys of actual wearing conditions and preferred designs were investigated. The major conclusions of the study were as the following: 1. Most of the high school girls wore the uniform jackets that had tailored collars, were single breasted, slightly fitted, and that have a medium length between the waistline and hipline. Many students wore skirts with various pleats and knee length. Many school uniforms were navy blue and grey. 2. Many students bought ready-to-wear school uniforms from agencies with their parents. When they bought the school uniforms, they tried it on and confirmed the sizes on their own. However, since they didn`t know the size systems, and they had to repair the size and design of the school uniforms. Students felt uncomfortable with how the shoulders and sleeves fit. 3. Uniform Jackets with tailored collars, single breasted, slightly fitted, and a short waistline length were preferred, Pleats skirts with knee length or upper-knee length were preferred, Navy blue and grey colors, and elastic fabrics were preferred. 4. When comparing the actual wearing conditions and preferred designs of school uniforms, there were a few differences in styles, but overall, students preferred shorter lengths of jackets and skirts. It is considered to reflect the fashion trends and the students` pursuit for beauty.

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