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        조선 成宗代 兀狄哈에 대하여

        김순남 조선시대사학회 2009 朝鮮時代史學報 Vol.49 No.-

        Many Udige clans, such as those known to Koreans as the Kolgan, Holjaon, Nimageo, Namnul, Geojeol, and Oeulmigeo established relationships with Joseon during the reign of King Seongjong. Most of these resided in the Tumen River basin area around the six garrisons (yukjin). Onseong emerged as the main center for these Udige clans. While there were numerous groups within the Udige clan, each of which had a fierce character, the Nimageo Udige was by far the most powerful. During the reign of King Seongjong, the Udige clan was able to improve their economic conditions through the abduction of Chinese nationals. The Udige clan maintained higher economic standards of living than its brethren the Odoli and Wuliangha clans. The Udige clan produced various grains, which they then exchanged with other tribal clans for other goods. For most of the reign of King Seongjong, the Udige were involved in hostilities with the Odoli and Wuliangha clans, frictions that had begun during the days of King Sejong. In this instance, Joseon found itself having to provide economic aid to the defeated Odoli or Wuliangha, as well as to the Udige who actively cooperated with Joseon. Udige support for Joseon, which had for the most part involved the Kolgan clan, began to be expanded to include other Jurchen clans from the reign of King Seongjong onwards. In addition to the Kolgan and Holjaon, the Nimageo, Namnul, and Yeomjin, as well as Udige clans from other areas, also provided support for Joseon. The Joseon government granted members of the Udige clan who helped Joseon with a variety of awards and government posts, the importance of which were based on the nature of their achievements. The government actively sought to collect information pertaining to various Udige clans from those clan members who cooperated with Joseon. In many cases, these individuals voluntarily provided information about the current state of various other Udige clans to Joseon. The Udige not only travelled to Seoul to relay such information, but often did so in an on the spot manner. Udige visits to Seoul, as well as their defection to Joseon, were only authorized after lengthy discussions and consideration on the part of the relevant government officials. Whenever some doubt emerged as to the motivation for the defection of a Udige, the Joseon government insisted that they prove their sincerity through such means as bringing people who had previously been kidnapped by their clan with them to Joseon. During the reign of King Seongjong, the Udige clan also resorted to staging raids in Joseon whenever their demands were not accepted. Such Udige incursions were carried out on occasion, with the first such raid occurring during the early reign of King Seongjong when an Udige clan from the Jianzhou area crossed the border. Military officials who failed to appropriately respond to such Udige incursions were punished. While in some instances Udige encroachments into Joseon during the reign of King Seongjong were motivated by a desire to invade Joseon per se, in the majority of cases, the real target of such incursions was the Odoli tribe with whom they were engaged in hostilities. Joseon generally refrained from choosing sides in such battles, preferring instead to try and persuade both sides to put an end to hostilities. During the late period of the reign of King Seongjong, the Udige clan staged a series of raids in Joseon that were designed to inflict damage on the military officials and people of Joseon. The Udige continued to encroach on the territory of Joseon until the latter was able to successfully lay siege to its main base. As a result of the so-called 'Josanbo Incident' in October of the 22nd year of King Seongjong in which a number of Joseon military officials were killed in a raid by the Udige, the Joseon government implemented a military campaign which had as its ultimate goal the conquest of the most powerful Udige clan at the time, the Nimageo. However, despite this m... 본 연구는 조선 북방의 여진 종족중의 하나였던 성종대 올적합의 생활 실태와 조선에의 내조와 침구의 양상을 파악함으로써 조선 기미정책의 실상을 천착하고 나아가 세조대 이후에서 선조대에 이르는 시기의 여진 연구의 공백를 채우고자 하는 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        세조대 신숙주(申叔舟)의 대여진활동(對女眞活動)과 비변대책(備邊對策)

        안선미 ( Ahn Sun Mee ) 청람사학회 2020 靑藍史學 Vol.31 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 세조대 신숙주가 ‘여진 전문가’로 인식되고 중용된 까닭을 분석하고, 양계 지방 체찰사로서 추진한 대여진활동과 다양한 여진 종족들을 상대하기 위해 건의한 비변대책을 구명하는 데 있다. 신숙주는 세조 4년 평안도 도체찰사로 활동하면서 진관체제를 개편하고, 자성군 폐지를 건의하여 4군의 폐지를 완성시켰다. 세조 5년과 6년에는 함길도 도체찰사로 세 번 연속 파견되었다. 세조 5년 여진족들의 화해를 핑계로 우디거를 적극 초무하여 향후 ‘이이제이’의 계책을 발휘할 수 있는 토대를 마련하였고, 이듬해에는 모련위를 정벌하였다. 이후에는 체찰사로서 활동하며 쌓은 경험과 변경 지식을 토대로 다양한 비변대책을 건의하였다. 그는 니마차 우디거를 적극 초무할 것을 건의하였고, 건주위를 회유하면서도 그 세력이 커지는 것을 막기 위해 노력하였다. 신숙주는 끊임없이 여진 세력의 동향을 살피면서 조선에 유리한 방향으로 여진 관계를 이끌어 가려하였고, 때로는 중국의 명을 따르지 않고 국익을 위해 현실적인 길을 걸었다. 또한 새로운 진을 설치할 것을 건의하는 등 북방 개척에도 강한 의지를 보였다. 세조대 적극적으로 북방을 경영하여 그 결과 국경선을 지킬 수 있었던 배경에는 신숙주의 여진에 대한 정확한 정보와 변경 지식, 그리고 사안이 있을 때마다 제시되는 적실한 비변대책이 있었다. Shin Suk-ju tried to lead the Jurchen relationship in a direction favorable to Joseon, constantly looking at the trend of Jurchen, sometimes taking a realistic path for the national interest without following China’s orders. He also showed a strong will to explore the northern part of the country by offering to set up a new camp while continuing his inspection of the Heo-Soo-Ra. Behind the active management of the northern part during King Sejo’s Reign, which resulted in the protection of the border, were accurate information on Jurchen of Sin Suk-ju, and the knowledge of border areas, as well as proper defence measures, which were presented whenever there was an issue.

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