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        직무특성, 통제위치, 리더

        심덕섭(Duksup Shim),양동민(Dongmin Yang),하성욱(Seongwook Ha) 한국인사조직학회 2010 인사조직연구 Vol.18 No.3

        본 연구는 최근 관심이 증대되고 있는 심리적 임파워먼트에 영향을 미치는 선행요인들을 검토하고, 이들 선행요인들이 직무성과에 영향을 미치는 직접 효과와 더불어 이들 간의 관계에 있어 심리적 임파워먼트의 매개 효과를 실증적으로 검증하였다. 심리적 임파워먼트와 선행변수들 간의 관계와, 심리적 임파워먼트와 직무성과 간의 관계를 보다 정교하게 이해하기 위해서 심리적 임파워먼트를 의미, 역량, 자기결정과 영향력의 네 가지 하위차원별로 구분해 분석하였다. 선행변수들로는 기존 연구에서 많이 다루어진 직무특성 뿐만 아니라 개인특성과 사회적 관계특성이 임파워먼트 지각에 미치는 영향을 통합적으로 분석하였다. 이를 위해서 8개 기업의 종업원 177명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 실증분석 결과, 첫째, 리더-구성원 교환관계가 심리적 임파워먼트의 자기결정 차원에 미치는 영향을 제외하고, 직무특성, 통제위치, 리더-구성원 교환관계는 심리적 임파워먼트의 각 차원에 모두 유의한 정의 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 심리적 임파워먼트의 각 차원 중에서 역량과 영향력 차원만이 직무성과에 유의한 정의 영향을 주고 있음을 발견하였다. 마지막으로, 심리적 임파워먼트는 직무특성과 통제위치가 직무성과에 미치는 영향을 부분적으로 매개하는 것으로 나타났고, 심리적 임파워먼트는 리더-구성원 교환관계가 직무성과에 미치는 영향을 완전 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 하위차원별로 살펴보면, 심리적 임파워먼트의 역량과 영향력 차원만이 직무특성과 통제위치가 직무성과에 미치는 영향을 부분적으로 매개하는 것으로 나타났고, 리더-구성원 교환관계가 직무성과에 미치는 영향을 완전 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 심리적 임파워먼트가 직무성과를 향상시키는데 중요하지만, 직무성과가 종업원의 임파워먼트 이외에 다른 요인들에 의해서도 설명되기 때문에 심리적 임파워먼트 외에 다른 변수들(예를 들어, 종업원의 역량)에 대한 고려를 할 필요가 있음을 말해준다. 또한, 심리적 임파워먼트 연구에서 역량과 영향력 차원에 보다 많은 관심을 기울일 필요가 있음도 시사한다. 이러한 논의를 포함한 본 연구의 시사점과 향후 연구방향을 제시하였다. This study empirically tackles the influencing factors of employee’s psychological empowerment, and analyzes the direct effect of each factor on the job performance of employee, and the mediating effect of psychological empowerment on the relationship between each factor and job performance. This study divides employee’s psychological empowerment into four dimensions: meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact. Spreitzer(1995)’s construct definitions is used to understand the relationship in detail. Meaning refers to ‘the value of a work goal or purpose, judged in relation to an individual's own ideals or standards.’ Competence means ‘an individual’s belief in his or her capability to perform activities with skill.’ Self-determination is ‘an individual’s sense of having choice in initiating and regulating actions.’ Impact refers to ‘the degree to which an individual can influence strategic, administrative, or operating outcomes at work.’ In sum, psychological empowerment is used as a motivational construct which reflects an active, rather than a passive, orientation to a work role. The influencing factors include job characteristics, locus of control, and leader-member exchange(LMX). Job characteristics model, as suggested by Hackman & Oldham(1975), encompasses job characteristics which motivate workers: skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback. Locus of control is used as an individual characteristic of worker, and refers to the extent to which individuals believe that they can control events that affect them (Rotter, 1996). LMX is included as an relational characteristic between leader and worker. While prior studies have usually tackled the relationship between job characteristics and the job performance of employee, they have rarely examined the relationship between locus of control and job performance or LMX and job performance, and the mediating effects of psychological empowerment on these relationships. Based on prior literature, this study derives following hypotheses. H1:Job characteristics will be positively related to the perception of psychological empowerment of employee. H2:Internal locus of control will be positively related to the perception of psychological empowerment of employee. H3:LMX will be positively related to the perception of psychological empowerment of employee. H4:Perception of psychological empowerment will be positively related to the job performance of employee. H5:Perception of psychological empowerment will mediate the relationship between job characteristics and the job performance of employee. H6:Perception of psychological empowerment will mediate the relationship between locus of control and the job performance of employee. H7:Perception of psychological empowerment will mediate the relationship between LMX and the job performance of employee. To test these relationships, we have conducted a survey of Korean firms. Questionnaires are sent to 204 employees in eight firms. After excluding unanswered and untrustful items questionnaires, the final sample size for this study is 177 employees in eight firms. This sample consists of 134 males(75.7%) and 43 females(24.3%). The average age and tenure of employees are 36.1 years old and 9.3 years, respectively. Hierarchical regression analysis is used to analyze the relationships based on Baron & Kenny(1986). Sobel test is used to test the significance of the mediating effects of psychological empowerment. The results of analyses reveal that (1) job characteristics(H1), locus of control(H2), and leader-member exchange(H3) are positively associated with each dimension of psychological empowerment, excluding the relationship between leader-member exchange and self-determination dimension. (2) Competence and impact dimension of psychological empowerment are positively associated with the job performance of employee(H4).

      • KCI등재

        심리적 임파워먼트와 조직시민행동의 관계에 대한 성취욕구의 조절효과 검증 : 부산지역 특급호텔 종사자를 중심으로

        한나영(Na-Young Han),김영조(Young-Joe Kim) 한국인사·조직학회 2011 인사조직연구 Vol.19 No.1

        본 연구는 호텔 직원들을 대상으로 심리적 임파워먼트가 조직시민행동의 수행에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지, 그리고 구성원의 성취욕구가 이들 관계에 대해 어떠한 형태의 조절효과를 갖는지 분석하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 부산 지역 6개 특급 호텔을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 275부의 설문지가 회수되었으며, 이중에 설문응답이 불성실한 21부를 제외한 후 254부의 자료를 실제 분석에 활용하였다. 연구결과, 인구통계변수들은 조직시민행동을 유의하게 설명하지 않는 반면, 심리적 임파워먼트는 유의하게 설명하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 과업의미성(meaning)은 조직시민행동의 다섯 가지 차원들 중에 적극 참여행동, 양심적 행동과 비불평 행동에 유의적인 영향을 미치고 있고, 영향력(impact)은 적극 참여행동에만 유의적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 한편, .10의 유의수준을 기준으로 했을 때는 과업의미성은 다섯 차원의 조직시민행동 모두에 유의한 영향을 미치고 있고, 효능감(competence)은 이타적 행동, 배려적 행동과 비불평 행동을 유의하게 설명하는 것으로 나타났다. 반면에, 자율결정권은 다섯 가지 차원의 조직시민행동과 모두 유의적인 관계를 보이지 않고 있다. 다음으로, 성취욕구가 강한 구성원일수록 조직시민행동을 더 적극적으로 수행하는 것으로 나타났고, 성취욕구의 조절효과에 대한 분석결과 과업의미성과 성취욕구의 상호작용 항목만이 조직시민행동(이타적 행동과 양심적 행동)을 유의하게 설명하는 것으로 나타났다. 구성원의 성취욕구가 강할수록 조직시민행동에 대한 심리적 임파워먼트의 긍정적 효과가 확대되어 나타날 것이라고 가설을 설정하였는데, 가설에서 예상한 것과 반대로 성취욕구가 강한 구성원들은 과업의미성과 조직시민행동이 유의적인 관계를 갖고 있지 않는 반면, 성취욕구가 약한 구성원들은 과업의미성이 높아질수록 조직시민행동을 더 적극적으로 수행하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과가 갖는 시사점에 대해 논의하였다. This study is aimed to examine a positive impact of psychological empowerment of employees on their organizational citizenship behaviors(OCBs), and moderating effect of the need for achievement(nAch) on relationship between psychological empowerment and OCBs. Because empowered employees believe that they are competent and autonomous and regard their tasks as important and valuable, they are more likely to be motivated to proactively perform OCBs and to show job responsibilities. Thus, we hypothesize that psychological empowerment is positively related to OCBs(H1). Meantime, psychological empowerment may not affect all employees in the same way. We suggest that the need for achievement can enhance positive impact of psychological empowerment on OCBs. Therefore, we hypothesize that nAch moderates the relationship between psychological empowerment and OCBs(H2). Specifically, we expect correlation between psychological empowerment and OCBs will be stronger amongst individuals with high nAch than amongst individuals with low nAch. To test the hypotheses proposed, data were obtained from a sample of customer-contact employees working for six luxury hotels in Busan Metropolitan City. 275 out of 330 questionnaires were returned from the six hotels(response rate 83.3%). After excluding 21 unusable cases which had unacceptable level of missing data, 254 cases were used for analysis. The survey consisted of nine measures: four dimensions of psychological empowerment, five dimensions of OCBs, and need for achievement. Psychological empowerment was defined and measured with four dimensions using Spreitzer’s(1995) scales: meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact. Podsakoff et al.’s(1990) scales were used to measure five dimensions of OCBs: altruism, courtesy, sportsmanship, conscientiousness, and civic virtue. Need for achievement was conceptualized as an employee’s tendency to strive to overcome obstacles and to accomplish challenging goals and measured with 5 items. In addition, we controlled for four demographic variables such as age, gender, length of service, and position. The results supported the hypothesis that the dimensions of psychological empowerment are positively related to the OCBs of service workers. Meaning had a significant positive impact on civic virtue, conscientiousness, and sportsmanship out of five dimensions of OCBs, and impact had a positive influence on only one dimension of OCBs(i.e., civic virtue). Competence was a significant predictor of altruism, courtesy, and sportsmanship at .10 significance level, but self-determination was not related to any dimensions of OCBs. These results imply that meaning and competence are more powerful predictors of OCBs than other types of empowerment. Therefore, empowered employees, especially those who feel their job is meaningful and believe they have the capacity to perform work activities with skills, are more actively engaged in the OCBs. It was found that the need for achievement had not only a direct impact on the OCBs but also a moderating effect on the relationship between meaning and OCBs. Contrary to the hypothesis that expected a stronger relationship between empowerment and OCBs among individuals with higher nAch, the result showed the that the impact of meaning on altruism and conscientiousness was significant and positive among employees with low nAch while it was not significant among employees with high nAch. This result implies that psychological empowerment plays a vital role in encouraging employees with low nAch to perform OCBs, but not necessarily for employees with high nAch since achievement-oriented employees tend to overcome obstacles and strive for challenging goals. These findings suggest that not only psychological empowerment but also employees’ need for achievement is important to induce employees to perform OCBs. The results have implication for human resource management policies as well as organizational interv

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        개인 및 직무특성이 협조적 행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김학수(Hack-Soo Kim),권상순(Sang-Sun Kwon) 한국산업경영학회 2009 경영연구 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 심리적 임파워먼트의 선행변수로서 자기효능감, 직무자율성, 직무상호의존성을 검증하였고, 심리적 임파워먼트의 결과변수로서 협조적 행동인 조직몰입 및 조직시민행동을 검증하였다. 그리고 자기효능감, 직무자율성, 직무상호의존성과 협조적 행동간의 관계에서 심리적 임파워먼트의 매개효과를 검증하였다. 또한, 심리적 임파워먼트와 협조적 행동간의 관계에서 심리적 임파워먼트에 대한 통제기제로서 개인-조직 가치일치, 집단주의 가치의 조절효과를 검증하였다. 연구 결과에 의하면, 자기효능감, 직무자율성, 직무상호의존성은 심리적 임파워먼트에 유의미한 정적인 영향을 주었고, 심리적 임파워먼트는 협조적 행동인 조직몰입과 조직시민행동에 유의미한 정적인 영향을 주었다. 그리고 자기효능감, 직무자율성, 직무상호의존성과 협조적 행동간의 관계에서 심리적 임파워먼트는 유의미한 정적인 매개효과를 보였고, 심리적 임파워먼트와 협조적 행동인 조직몰입간의 관계에서 개인-조직 가치일치, 집단주의 가치는 유의미한 정적인 조절효과를 보였다. 연구 결과에 따른 이론적 시사점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기존 연구에서 실증 분석되지 않았던 자기효능감, 팀조직의 특성인 직무자율성, 직무상호의존성을 심리적 임파워먼트의 선행변수들로 보았고, 심리적 임파워먼트의 결과변수로 협조적 행동을 보았다는데 의의가 있다. 둘째, 심리적 임파워먼트를 과정변수로 실증 분석하였고, 자유재량적(discretionary) 동기부여인 심리적 임파워먼트와 통제적 관리기제인 개인-조직 가치일치 및 집단주의 가치의 상호공존 가능성을 제시하였다는데 이론적 의의가 있다. 한편 협조적 행동을 유도하기 위해서는 조직구성원들의 자유재량적 행동이 전제되어야 하고, 조직구성원들이 심리적 임파워먼트를 경험할 수 있어야 한다. 이를 위해서 조직은 구성원들의 자기효능감을 높일 수 있는 방안들을 강구하여야 하며, 직무수행에 있어 조직구성원들에게 자율성이 충분히 제공되고, 또한 구성원들 간에 상호의존적 관계가 유지될 수 있도록 직무가 설계되어야 한다. 하지만 심리적 임파워먼트 경험에 따른 조직구성원들의 이기적 행동을 통제하기 위해서는 개인-조직 간에 가치가 일치되도록 하고, 구성원들이 집단주의적 가치를 수용할 수 있도록 관리가 이루어져야 한다는 점을 보여주었다는데 실무적 의의가 있다. The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between self-efficacy, job autonomy, job interdependence(independent variable) and psychological empowerment(mediate variable), and the relationship between psychological empowerment and cooperative behavior(organizational commitment and OCB)(dependent variable). It also tests the mediating effects of psychological empowerment based on the relationships between independent and dependent variables. Finally, It tests the moderating effects of person-organization value fit, collective value between mediate and dependent variables. The results showed that self-efficacy, job autonomy, job interdependence had positive effects on psychological empowerment, and psychological empowerment had positive effects on cooperative behavior. Also, mediating effects of psychological empowerment were shown to be statistically significant between independent and dependent variables. And moderating effects of person-organization value fit and collective value were shown to be statistically positive between psychological empowerment and organizational commitment, but not significant between psychological empowerment and OCB. The implications of the research are summarized as follows. First, self-efficacy, job autonomy and job interdependence were considered as important independent variables on psychological empowerment. Also, cooperative behavior was considered as dependent variable of psychological empowerment. Second, our analysis suggested that psychological empowerment as process variable mediated the relationship between independent variables and cooperative behavior. And, person-organization value fit and collective value as control mechanisms moderated the relationships between psychological empowerment and organizational commitment. Finally, this study suggested that it was important to balance control and flexibility in business management in order to improve cooperative behavior.

      • KCI등재

        고객의 조직 사회화를 위한 조건 탐색: 고객의 심리적 권한위임이 커뮤니티-구성원 교환관계에 미치는 영향에 있어서 고객 참여의 매개효과를 중심으로

        나동만,황효용,김상준 대한경영학회 2019 大韓經營學會誌 Vol.32 No.3

        This study views customers as a critical internal stakeholder rather than an external stakeholder. In particular, acknowledging that customers can play a role as a partial employee, we argue that organizations should consider how they can motivate customers to contribute to them. For this, we take a social exchange perspective to illuminate that customers who participate in the business process of the firm can enhance the trustworthy relationship between customers and the firm. Acknowledging that the exchange between the firm and its customers can occur at the computer-mediated space where customers can share their product reviews, information on the products, or other issues related to the firm’s brand or products, called customer community, we pay attention to customer behaviors in the customer communities. To capture the ways that customers form a relationship with the firm, we coin a term of relationship community-member exchange, which refers to voluntary exchange activities between customers in the customer communities. Since there are customers, employees, managers, and other stakeholders in the customer communities, we can figure out how customers, as partial employees, provide contributions to the firm by investigating how customers interact with the employees or other stakeholders. This indicates that customer engagement in the firm’s products at the customer community, called customer participation, is essential to enhance the quality of exchange relationship between customers and the firm. Given that psychological empowerment can be a crucial condition for social exchange, we postulate that psychological empowerment leads to community-member exchange. However, a certain psychological state (i.e. psychological empowerment) cannot directly bring substantial exchange between two different social actors. That is, although psychological empowerment can increase the willingness to make closer relationship between the firm and its customers, the actual contributions for the exchange may not happen only with a certain level of psychological empowerment. In this sense, we pay attention to customers’ actual behaviors which can link between psychological empowerment and the community-member exchange. Given that customer-member exchange occurs at the firm’s customer community, we posit that customer participation at the customer communities can be a linking pin between psychological empowerment and community-member exchange. And thus, in this study, we hypothesize that customer participation can play a mediation role in the relationship between psychological empowerment and community-member exchange. Based on our observation that China companies create customer communities to facilitate the social interactions between customers and the company, we surveyed 332 customers in China, who have used customer communities. As a result, we found that customer participation (whether it occurs online or in real situations) can mediate the relationship between psychological empowerment and community-member exchange. This finding indicates that customer participation driven by psychological empowerment can make the customers perceive that they are a member of the firm, resulting in a organizational socialization. Accordingly, this study contributes to the literature of organizational socialization by specifying the process of customers’ organizational socialization. 본 연구는 고객을 단순히 기업이 제공하는 외부의 이해관계자가 아닌 기업의 재화나 용역을 강화시켜주는내부의 이해관계자로서의 역할을 조명하고자 한다. 다만, 고객은 본질적으로 기업의 내부에 존재할 수는 없다는점에서 고객을 조직의 부분적 조직 구성원(partial employee)으로 간주하고, 어떻게 고객이 내부 구성원이기여하는 바와 유사한 수준의 공헌을 이끌어 낼 수 있을 것인가에 대한 이론적 논의를 개진한다. 그리고 나아가고객의 기여를 높이는 방향으로 기업의 전략을 수립할 경우 고려해야 할 조건을 탐색한다. 본 연구에서는사회적 교환관점에 입각하여 고객의 기업 제품 개발 혹은 개선 활동에 참여하는 행위가 기업과 고객 간의긴밀한 관계를 형성할 수 있고, 이렇게 형성된 긴밀한 관계가 곧 고객의 조직 사회화가 이루어진 것으로 간주한다. 따라서 어떻게 하면 고객의 참여를 이끌어 내는 조건을 파악하는 것이 중요한데, 본 연구에서는 고객의심리적 권한위임에 초점을 맞춘다. 구체적으로 고객이 조직 구성원에 필적하는 권한위임을 받는다고 인지한다면, 기업 활동에 대한 참여가 증대되고, 이에 따라 결과적으로 기업과 고객 간의 관계가 단순히 생산자-구매자의 관계가 아닌 보다 긴밀한 관계로 발전할 수 있을 것이다. 이에, 기업이 제공하고 있는 제품 사용자 커뮤니티를대상으로 고객이 인지하는 심리적 권한위임을 통해서 기업-고객 간의 관계가 긴밀해지고, 이 과정은 고객의기업제공 커뮤니티 참여 행위를 통해서 구체화될 것이다. 이러한 주장을 검증하기 위해서, 기업이 구성하여제공하는 온라인 커뮤니티에 가입되어 있는 고객 332명의 표본으로부터 설문을 실시하였다. 설문분석 결과, 고객의 심리적 권한위임은 커뮤니티-구성원 교환에 영향을 미치고, 고객의 참여 활동이 심리적 권한위임과커뮤니티-구성원 교환과의 관계를 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과는 심리적 권한위임이 높은 고객들이 자발적으로 제품의 평판을 강화하는 데 적극적으로 참여함으로써 기업과 고객 간의 상호호혜적인 관계를강화할 수 있음을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        임파워링 및 비인격적 리더십이 직무열의와 팀워크 행동에 미치는 영향 - 심리적 임파워먼트의 매개역할 -

        김달원,박재춘 한국인적자원관리학회 2020 인적자원관리연구 Vol.27 No.4

        This study focuses on how empowering and abusive leadership affect members' job engagement and teamwork behavior which means cooperative behavior, and through what process(mediated effect) it affects. As a result, First, the empowering leadership had a positive effect on the employee's job engagement, while the abusive leadership had a negative effect on the employee's job engagement. Second, the empowering leadership positively affected the teamwork behaviors of the members, while the abusive leadership lowered the teamwork behaviors of the members. Third, the empowering leadership has a positive effect on the psychological empowerment, and the abusive leadership has a negative effect on the psychological empowerment. Fourth, psychological empowerment had a positive effect on employee's job engagement. Fifth, psychological empowerment was found to increase the teamwork behavior of members. Sixth, psychological empowerment partially mediated the relationship between empowering leadership and job engagement. Seventh, psychological empowerment completely mediated the relationship between abusive leadership and job engagement. Eighth, psychological empowerment completely mediated the relationship between empowering leadership and teamwork behaviors. Ninth, psychological empowerment completely mediated the relationship between abusive leadership and teamwork behaviors. In summary, Empowering leadership is an important antecedent to increase the level of psychological empowerment, job engagement, and teamwork behaviors, but abusive leadership has been identified as a variable that destroys the psychological empowerment, job engagement, and teamwork behavior. 본 연구는 임파워링 및 비인격적 리더십이 구성원의 직무열의와 협력적 행동을 의미하는 팀워크 행동에 미치는 영향 관계, 그리고 어떠한 과정을 거쳐 영향을 주게 되는지에 중점을 두었다. 고용노동부 313명의 구성원들을 대상으로 실증분석한 결과, 첫째, 임파워링 리더십은 구성원의 직무열의에 긍정적인 영향을 미치며, 비인격적 리더십은 구성원들의 직무열의에 부정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 임파워링 리더십은 구성원들의 팀워크 행동에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고, 비인격적 리더십은 구성원들의 팀워크 행동을 낮추는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 임파워링 리더십은 심리적 임파워먼트에 긍정적인 영향을 미치며, 비인격적 리더십은 심리적 임파워먼트에 부정적인 영향을 주었다. 넷째, 심리적 임파워먼트는 구성원의 직무열의 및 팀워크 행동에 긍정적인 영향을 주었다. 다섯째, 심리적 임파워먼트는 임파워링 리더십과 직무열의의 관계를 부분매개 역할을 하였다. 여섯째, 심리적 임파워먼트는 비인격적 리더십과 직무열의의 관계를 완전매개 역할을 하였다. 일곱째, 심리적 임파워먼트는 임파워링 리더십과 팀워크 행동 관계 및 비인격적 리더십과 팀워크 행동 관계를 완전매개 하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 시사점과 연구의 한계점, 향후 연구방향을 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        진성리더십이 조직구성원의 행복에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 심리적 임파워먼트의 매개효과와 감사성향의 조절효과 검증

        박종욱,오상진 리더십학회 2020 리더십연구 Vol.11 No.3

        The object of this study was to inquire into the influence of authentic leadership on the happiness of organizational members and to empirically verify the mediating effects of psychological empowerment and the moderating effect of grateful disposition. In particular, in the process of psychological empowerment affecting happiness, the grateful disposition shows a moderating effect, Furthermore, psychological empowerment has a mediating effect moderated by the grateful disposition in the process of influencing the happiness of members. To this end, 3,465 employees across the country were asked to survey by e-mail through a survey company, and 331 people who completed the survey were empirically analyzed. The summary of the study is as follows. First, the authentic leadership of leaders has a positive effect on the psychological empowerment and happiness of organizational members. Second, the psychological empowerment of organizational members had a positive effect on their happiness. Third, the psychological empowerment of organizational members was found to play a mediating role between the authentic leadership of leaders and their happiness. Fourth, the grateful disposition of organizational members plays a moderating role between psychological empowerment and happiness, and the psychological empowerment plays a mediating role moderated by the grateful disposition between the authentic leadership and the happiness of organizational members. These findings reaffirm the importance of the authentic leadership of leaders in improving the happiness of members. In addition, it can be seen that the authentic leadership increases the psychological empowerment of organizational members and leads to their happiness through increased psychological empowerment. At this time, it was confirmed that those with higher grateful disposition tend to have greater happiness. Therefore, the implication is that there is a need to improve the grateful disposition of members. Key words: Authentic Leadership, Psychological Empowerment, Grateful Disposition, Happin 본 연구의 목적은 진성리더십이 조직구성원의 행복에 미치는 영향을 알아보고, 심리적 임파워먼트의 매개효과와 감사성향의 조절효과를 실증적으로 검증하고자 하였다. 특히 심리적 임파워먼트가 행복에 영향을 미치는 과정에서 감사성향이 조절효과를 나타내며, 더 나아가 진성리더십이 조직구성원의 행복에 영향을 미치는 과정에서 심리적 임파워먼트가 감사성향에 의해 조절된매개효과를 나타낸다는 점을 밝히고자 하였다. 이를 위해 설문업체를 통해 이메일로 전국에 있는직장인 3,465명에게 설문을 의뢰하고 조사를 완료한 331명을 대상으로 실증분석하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 리더의 진성리더십은 조직구성원의 심리적 임파워먼트와 행복에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 조직구성원의 심리적 임파워먼트는그들의 행복에 정(+)의 영향을 미치고 있었다. 셋째, 조직구성원의 심리적 임파워먼트가 리더의진성리더십과 그들의 행복 간에 매개역할을 하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 넷째, 조직구성원의 감사성향은 심리적 임파워먼트와 행복 간에 조절역할을 하는 것으로 나타났고, 진성리더십과 조직구성원의 행복 간에 심리적 임파워먼트가 감사성향에 의해 조절된 매개역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 통해서 조직구성원의 행복을 향상시키기 위하여 리더의 진성리더십이 중요함을 재확인하였다. 또한 진성리더십은 조직구성원의 심리적 임파워먼트를 높이고 높아진 심리적 임파워먼트를 통해 그들의 행복으로 이어진다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이때 감사성향이 높은 사람들은 더 큰 행복도를 가진다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 조직구성원의 감사성향을 향상해야 할 필요성이 있다는 시사점을 가진다. 키워드: 진성리더십, 심리적 임파워먼트, 감사성향, 행복

      • KCI등재

        카지노 종사자의 조직문화 인식과 심리적 임파워먼트

        이영란,장지현 한국유통과학회 2017 The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business( Vol.8 No.5

        Purpose – The purpose of this study is to verify a role of organizational culture as antecedents to influence psychological empowerment of organizational members, focusing on service workers of casino companies. Therefore, this study sought to examine the question of each clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy culture that the workers perceive to influence their psychological empowerment. Thus, the current study examined the relationship between organizational culture and the psychological empowerment by empirical analysis. Research design, data, and methodology - This study chose four domestic casino companies that are run only for foreigners. Using an offline survey, it analyzed the questionnaire data of the 249 surveys collected from employees working in the sales and service sectors. Independent variables were four types of organizational culture: clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy. Dependent variables were four subcategories of psychological empowerment: meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact. As research methods, the study applied descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis, using SPSS 21.0 statistical program. Results - Among the organizational culture types, the clan and adhocracy cultures, which emphasize flexibility and autonomy, were relatively more important for the psychological empowerment of workers than the hierarchy and market cultures. Clan culture was the most important factor in terms of meaning and competence, and adhocracy culture was the most important factor in self-determination and impact. However, the hierarchy and market cultures that pursue control and stability were also cultural types that positively affected psychological empowerment of the workers. Hierarchy culture showed positive effects on meaning, competence, and impact except self-determination, and market culture had positive effect only on competency. Conclusions - The study found that organizational culture is an important predictor of psychological empowerment of the employees in casino companies and that important organizational culture types may be different for each sub-factor of psychological empowerment. It suggests that casino companies have to try to recognize and secure diverse organizational culture in order to activate psychological empowerment of their employees because they can provide quality service for customers. Therefore, it is necessary to create a harmonious and balanced culture between promoting flexible and autonomous organizational atmosphere, and stably controlling and operating the organization.

      • KCI등재

        LMX, 과업성과, 적응성과에 대한 심리적·구조적 임파워먼트 효과

        원희정(Won, Heejung),박경옥(Park, Kyungok) 한국비서학회 2016 비서·사무경영연구 Vol.25 No.2

        본 연구는 여성이 지각하는 조직 내 임파워먼트 수준과 임파워먼트 유형별 상사와 부하 간 관계 및 직무성과에 대한 영향력 차이를 살펴봄으로써 실효성 있는 여성인력활용에 기여하고자, 조직내 파워와 임파워먼트 접근성이 상대적으로 높게 여겨지는 여성 비서직근로자와 여성 사무직근로자 248명을 대상으로 상사부하교환관계(LMX), 과업성과, 적응성과에 대한 심리적·구조적 임파워먼트의 영향력 차이를 비교·검증하였다. 연구결과, 조직 내 여성 사무직근로자와 여성 비서직근로자의 심리적·구조적 임파워먼트 지각수준에 차이가 있음이 나타났으며, 두 임파워먼트 유형 모두 여성 사무직근로자의 지각수준이 여성 비서직근로자보다 더 높게 나타났다. 상사와의 교환관계(LMX)에 대한 심리적·구조적 임파워먼트의 영향력에 대해서는 구조적 임파워먼트는 여성 사무직근로자에 심리적 임파워먼트는 여성비서직근로자에 더 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며 과업성과와 적응성과에 대해서는 두 직군 모두 심리적 임파워먼트가 유의미한 영향력을 보였다. 본 연구는 조직 내 같은 여성근로자라도 직군에 따라 심리적·구조적 임파워먼트 지각수준에 차이가 있음을 보여주었고, 각 직군에 따라 조직 내 관계 및 성과에 대한 임파워먼트의 영향력에도 차이가 있음을 보여주었다. 따라서 본 연구결과는 조직 내 여성인력의 임파워먼트 지각과 활용에 대한 실증적 정보를 제공하고 여성인력 활용방안 마련에 기초연구자료로 활용될 수 있다는데 그 의의가 있다. This study compares the effects of psychological empowerment and structural empowerment on leader-member exchange (LMX), task performance, and adaptive performance within two female employee groups consisting of general office workers as well as administrative secretaries considered to have more accessibility on power and empowerment in organizations. The results of t-test and hierarchical regression analysis using data from 248 participants demonstrate significant differences in the effects of psychological empowerment and structural empowerment between the two female workgroups. Additionally, the general office workgroup perceived greater empowerment than the administrative secretarial workgroup. Structural empowerment was found to have a greater influence on LMX for female office workers, while psychological empowerment significantly affected task performance and adaptive performance of both general office workers and administrative secretaries. The study finds differences in perceived psychological and structural empowerment for female workers according to occupational groups, which results in differences in effects of empowerment. This study contributes to the understanding of the female workforce’s perception of empowerment and its effects on performance.

      • KCI등재

        항공사 객실승무원의 셀프리더십과 심리적 임파워먼트 및 직무만족의 구조관계 분석

        정태연 ( Tae Yeon Jung ),김미애 ( Mi Ae Kim ),양희옥 ( Hee Ok Yang ) 관광경영학회 2013 관광경영연구 Vol.56 No.-

        This study examined the relationship among self-leadership, psychological empowerment and job satisfaction, focusing on the mediating effect of psychological empowerment. Data were collected from the questionnaire completed by 328 flight attendants of two major airlines in Korea through May 14 to May 24. 2013. The main results are as follows; First, the effect of self-leadership on psychological empowerment in Korea major airlines showed that behavior focused, natural reward and constructive thoughts had a significant effect on flight attendants` psychological empowerment (p.<001). Second, the effect of self-leadership on job satisfaction in Korea major airlines showed that natural reward had a significant effect on flight attendants` job satisfaction(p.<05). Third, the effect of psychological empowerment on job satisfaction in Korea major airlines showed that psychological empowerment had a significant effect on flight attendants` job satisfaction(p.<001). Fourth, the mediating effect of psychological empowerment in the relationship between self-leadership and job satisfaction in Korea major airlines showed that psychological empowerment fully mediated in the relationship between self-leadership and job satisfaction.

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