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        여말선초 산간 역로의 개통과 그 요인 - 해로와의 관련성을 중심으로 -

        한정훈 호남사학회 2019 역사학연구 Vol.76 No.-

        This paper examined the conditions and characteristics of the network of post roads, reorganized at that time, by analyzing Yeokwon(驛院) facilities established on ascent routes in the early Joseon. By arranging some aspects of opening of mountainous post roads representing Baekdudaegan(白頭大幹), it discovered the existing ones redeveloped (Jukryeongro, Chupugryeongro, Yuksipryeongro, ect.) as well as newly opened ones (Ma-aryeongro, Umahyeonro and Seongchohyeongro). The opening of such mountainous post roads increases traffic bases on mountainous areas, leading to the establishment of the denser network of them throughout the country. Among them, 'Seongchohyeongro(省草峴路)' and 'Yuksipryeongro(六十嶺路)' in the Deokyu mountainous district and 'Palryanghyeonro(八良峴路)' in the Jiri mountainous district' were mountainous roads opened to recover the impassibility in the southweater sea path, which was caused by Japanese pirates' pillage in the late Goryeo. This study thus stressed that the impassibility of marine traffic was likely to be the historical background for the opening of mountainous post roads, from the land and sea historical perspective(海陸史觀). 이 글에서는 조선 초기 고갯길 경로상에 신설된 역원(驛院)시설에 관한 분석을 통해 당시에 재편된 역로망의 현황과 특징을 살펴보았다. 백두대간의 대표적인 산간 역로의 개통 양상을 정리하면서, 기존의 역로가 재개발된 경우(죽령로·추풍령로·육십령로 등) 뿐 아니라 새로이 개통된 산간 역로인 ‘마아령로’·‘우마현로’·‘성초현로’를 발굴하였다. 이들 산간 역로의 개통으로 산간지대에도 교통거점이 늘어나면서 보다 촘촘한 전국 단위의 역로망이 구축되기에 이르렀다. <주제어> 산간 역로, 역원(驛院), 성초현로(省草峴路), 해로, 해륙사관(海陸史觀) 이들 산간 역로 중 덕유산지의 ‘성초현로’·‘육십령로’와 지리산지의 ‘팔량현로’는 고려 말엽 왜구의 약탈로 인한 서남해 연안해로의 불통을 만회하기 위한 조치로 개통된 산간 역로였다. 이를 통해 해륙사(海陸史)의 관점에서 해상교통의 불통이 산간 역로 개통의 역사적 배경으로 작용하였음을 확인할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        반도(半島)사관의 극복과제와 해륙(海陸)사관의 제언

        윤명철(Youn, Myung-Chul) 고조선단군학회 2011 고조선단군학 Vol.25 No.-

        There have been mistakes in modem Korean history. Political influence was intervened in the process of academical beginning. Historians looked away from history and reality, surrendered to external pressures, and intellectual ignorance was serious. Such mistakes affected on the past, present and future of history unfavorably. Colonial history and ‘The peninsulahistorical view’ have been affecting on historical academia as well as lives and perception of population. Josun peninsula is a geographical concept not related to historical concept. History previous Goryeo time began from organic ground which includes peninsula, continent and ocean. The arthur defined by naming it as ‘the east Mediterranean1 and modelling. And he suggested ‘The land and the sea historical view’ ‘The land and the sea historical view’ as a logical means for historical interpretation. ‘The land and the sea historical view’ is a historical term that holds a different concept and meaning from The peninsulahistorical view’. Spatially, it is to understand land and ocean as an organic relationship, ‘ground/field’, and temporally, it is to understand the time from the beginning to the future as an organic system. And it is an outlook to understand objects and events through the overall and unificative perspective rather than separate and analytical one. The land and the sea historical view is interelated with ‘East Asian- Mediterranean-sea mode", lThe East civilization" ‘Field and multi core theory", "The reflux system","Ocean-land nation" ‘Sea-port city", ‘River-port city), "River-sea city", ‘ocanic defense system, that the arthur have developed. it is important to examine if an academic term, ‘The land and the sea historical view’ can be logically valid and applied to our historical view. This article introduces only a part due to limitation of paper and presentation time given.

      • KCI등재후보

        海洋史觀으로 본 한국 고대사의 발전과 종언

        尹明喆(Youn Myong-Cheol) 한국사연구회 2003 한국사연구 Vol.123 No.-

        The purpose of this research is to interpret the Korean history in terms of the ocean historical view. In particular, it gives a concept of the development process of ancient history under a view named East Asian-Mediterranean-Sea model. In Korean history, Ocean plays critical role to make political, cultural, and economical exchange. Therefore, we need to employ two perspectives that implicate the land and the ocean together based on the geographical conditions such as peninsula, sea and land simultaneously to understand the Korean history appropriately. Accordingly, it is necessary to make a study on ocean history. In order to understand the history concretely and efficiently, and make implication from the historical understanding, we can review the point through constructing the East Asian-Mediterranean-Sea model, based on ocean historical view. With the standpoint on Korean peninsular, East Asian Sea territory is consisted of the eastern sea, tartarian straits, and southern sea, which are located between Korean peninsular and Japanese island. Also, there is an inland sea named yellow sea between China and Korean peninsular. The southern Korean peninsular, Western Japanese Island, and Southern Chinese land, located below Yangtze river, are linked together through a intermediary, named Eastern Chinese sea. Therefore, the East Asia sea territory resemble the Mediterranean Sea in its shape relatively, not perfectly though. With the consideration of various natural environment and oceanic conditions, The East Asian-Mediterranean-Sea is likely to contain similar historical space each other. Most of East Asian tribes crowd round this area, and these people interchange through the sea. Under the cultural diversity in this area, stability culture became to meet the mobility culture. The ocean is located in the core of East Asia, and it has significant meaning and function. Maritime activities were vivacious from Ancient Cho-Sun and Sam-Han era. Go-Cu-Ryo dynasty became a powerful country through both management of the land and expansion of the sea in its peak. It extinguished, however, by the amphibious invasion from the alliance composed of Shin-La dynasty and Dang dynasty of China. Baek-Je dynasty began its maritime activity from its early stage. There are signs that it negotiated with China actively via Northern China and sea, and it advanced into China directly at its heyday. In addition, Baek-Je went to Japanese Island in earnest through the sea. Ga-Ya dynasty inherited maritime tradition from Kun-Han, Jin-Han, and other dynasty, and develops its oceanic culture and made active trade with Japanese Island. Shin-la dynasty entered into Japan in its beginning, and the oceanic culture progressed when the King Jin-Hung secured Kyoung-Ki gulf. After then, Shin-la also used sea to negotiate with Dang dynasty confidentially when it made Baek-Je fall. In seventh century, there was the international war that caused reorganization of power among the east asian dynasties in the East Asian mediterranean sea. As a result of the war, Dang dynasty in China, Shin-La, Bal-Hae in Korean peninsula, and Japan were born. In the process of international war among three nations, the maritime power of each nation played the important role. However, the nations in Korean peninsula were forfeited the roles as balancing political and military power in East Asian Mediterranean region as a result of the war. Therefore, the nations in Korean peninsular turned out to be the circumference nations that were affected by China.

      • 연해주 및 동해북부 항로에 대한 연구 - 고대를 중심으로

        윤명철 한국이사부학회 2010 이사부와 동해 Vol.1 No.-

        동아시아의 역사는 대륙과 한반도와 해양을 하나의 유기적인 시스템 속에서 파악해야 한다. 필자는 ‘터와 다핵(field & multi core) 이론’과 해륙사관을 주장했다. 고대 동아시아에서 형성된 문명은 북방, 중화(중국), 동방문명으로 구분된다. 그리고 동방문명은 대륙과 한반도 해양이 하나 의 유기체로서 완결구조를 지닌다. 이른바 ‘동아지중해(EastAsian-mediterranean-sea)’이다. 동아지중해는 황해 남해 동중 국해 동해, 그리고 타타르해협으로 구성되어있다. 우리와 문화적으로 종족적으로 연관성을 지닌 연해주 일대, 동해북부와 타타르해협, 오호츠크해, 사할린 등을 포함하여 ‘東海文化圈’으로 설정한바 있다. 동해에는 선사시대부터 다양한 항로가 개발되어 사용되고 있었다. 첫 번째, 동해의 해안을 남북으로 항해하는 ‘동해연근해 항로’이다. 두 번째, 연해주의 해안에서 타타르해협을 항해하여 일본열도의 홋카이도와 사할린지역으로 도착하는 ‘연해주 항 로’이다. 연해주 항로는 북부항로와 남부항로의 2 종류가 있다. 연해주의 북부에서 사할린까지는 불과 2,5km에 불과하다. 연 해주 남부에서는 봄·여름에 남서풍을 활용하여 항해가 가능하다. 읍루(물길 말갈 여진) 부여 고구려 북옥저 동옥저 동예 등 은 연해주 항로를 사용했을 것으로 추정한다. 세 번째, 동해북부를 횡단 또는 사단하여 일본열도에 도착하는 ‘동해북부항로’ 이다. 高句麗 沃沮(남옥저 북옥저 동옥저),東濊, 挹婁, 渤海 그리고 후대에 女眞人들이 사용하였다. 특히 발해사신들이 초기 에 주로 사용하였다. 동해북부항로는 동아지중해에서 가장 어려운 항로였으며, 그 항로 가운데에 울릉도와 독도가 존재했다 . 앞으로 울릉도와 독도 또는 우산국의 존재와 의미는 동아시아 해양문화 전체 속에서 파악하는 작업이 필요하다. 그밖에 ‘동 해종단 항로’가 있다. History is a kind of organism. Time and space has continuity, and culture has strong successional characteristics. The stage of Korean history is not limited to the current Korean Peninsula. It contains Manchuria, the Korean Peninsula and the sea on three sides. So, the stage of Korean history coordinately connects the entire continent and the sea at the core of the East Asian- mediterranean-sea. This circumstance brought development of oceanic cultures and its use had effects on the international order in East Asia. In the past, a peninsula-oriented historical view claimed to describe Korean history, but I have interpreted the history with a land and sea-oriented historical view. Our country needs to develop a new point of view towards the way in which we look at our own rich history's maritime geography. The new focus must incorporate a major focus in observing our own relationships within the nation between continents, peninsulasand oceans. The importance of ocean has been increased as called 'the 21st century, the age of the ocean'. In modern times, the East-sea's reality importance is rising, and it is recognized that surroundings of the East-sea had a relative importance on history of East-Asia. The culture of the ease-sea is at the state where excavation and restoration are necessary. The route which is used from East sea with afterwords is same. The route started from the lower part of the Duman River or near Vladivostok in Russia and moved diagonally across the northern part of the East Sea then set out an ocean voyage to Nigata (新潟), Notohanto (能登半島) and Tsuruga (角鹿) in the middle of Honshu. Also the different route was Tatar-strait route. The ships started from the southern part of the Primorski Province and landed in Sakhalin or Hokkaido (北海道) across the Tatar Strait. The overall route through the East Sea was dangerous for sailing, and considerable sacrifice was necessary. There were Ulung-island and Dokdo-island inside the route.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        海岸島嶼 지역과 동아시아의 歷史와 문화 -동아지중해 모델을 중심으로-

        尹明喆 동아시아고대학회 2006 동아시아고대학 Vol.14 No.-

        The importance of ocean has been increased as called 'the 21st century, the age of the ocean'. The ocean literatures and other history activities related to the ocean were not placed in the center of our history, but they have taken some great parts and begun historical turning points from time to time. In consequence, interpretation of our history in terms of the ocean is to recover our nation's identification and to complete the distorted history. This is a basic presentation regarding to the subject, 'history and culture of the coastal islands and East-Asia'. With comprehensive point of view, history and culture of Korean civilization and East Asia that has been shaped through the ocean have been studied. The ocean environment, the winds and the ocean currents, were observed as well as characteristics of the ocean culture and the traffic routes. Then the ancient history of East-Asia was outlined in terms of the land and the sea historical view and the East Asian-Mediterranean-sea model. The ocean areas are divided into groups, the yellow sea, the southern sea, the eastern sea, and the Tartary Sea, and then important facts in order of periods are explained. East Asian-Mediterranean-sea were separated by 4 to 5 ocean areas, most of them except the eastern sea were formed as inland-sea, short distance. These areas were interrelated each other doing their own historical activities, and associated with the lands building coordinated culture. The Korean peninsula was the core of East Asian-Mediterranean-sea geographically, which had a network connecting all the areas and the countries. The East Asian-Mediterranean-sea model is an commensal model which presents the necessity of East-Asia's cooperation and the methods. Meanwhile, it is a model that considers the unified Korea's position.

      • KCI등재

        高句麗와 隋ㆍ唐戰爭의 性格에 關한 解析

        尹明喆(YOUN Myung-chul),申福龍(토론자) 고구려발해학회 2004 고구려발해연구 Vol.18 No.-

        The Dongbukgongjeong is the outside work of history. If we think of the political order of Eastern Asia, one of the most important thing is the interpretation and claim about the wars between Koguryo and Sui and Tang. So we need to suggest the explanation model to know the essence of history as correctly as possible and to restore the truth. It is necessary for us to have various models to view and judge the history, namely historical views. This article is intended to suggest the comprehensive and wide analysis the wars between Koguryo and Sui, between Koguryo and Tang, and three Kingdom's unification war. It is necessary for us to study to know the socio-economic factor as one of the cause of these wars, especially to know the actual situation of trade and its influence. And we need to consider these wars as the clash of civilizations. Moreover, we can examine confrontations of Koguryo with China from all angles. For example, We had better consider the three-concerned relation with the East, the West, and the North, the question of succession about the Chosun and Han, the relation Dongyi with China, and the character of civilization of mobility and stability. And there is another way to examine the character of these wars with the conflict of identity. I raised an issue of the defamation of identity as one aim of the Dongbukgongjeong. According to Sui and Tang Empire trying to enforce the chinese worldview, the identity of Goguryu may be d1e target of conquest. Moreover, It is necessary that generally we approach and interpret various viewpoints about the character of unification of race, culture, politics, mind, religion, and economy.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아의 역사 갈등과 영토분쟁 해소를 위한 공동체모델

        윤명철(Youn, Myung Chul) 한국아시아학회 2016 아시아연구 Vol.19 No.1

        본 논문은 세계질서의 재편과정에서 심화되어 가는 동아시아 3국간의 분쟁문제를 새로운 시각에서 접근한다. 역사해석과 영토권을 둘러싼 한중일의 갈등과 분쟁의 뿌리 깊은 모순을 구조적으로 분석하기 위해서는 해양과 대륙의 공시관점과 상호의존체계의 ‘동아지중해 모델’이 적합하고, 동아시아의 평화공동체 형성과 역사발전을 저지하는 이들 갈등과 대립, 분열과 분쟁을 일소하는 해결책으로는 ‘동아지중해 중핵조정론’과 ‘한민족 역할론’이 유용하다는 사실을 입증하고자 시도했다. 그동안 국책사업으로 대대적으로 전개해온 중국의 ‘동북공정’과 ‘해양공정,’ 일본의 우경화와 과거 제국주의 침탈역사의 왜곡과 부정, 그리고 현재에도 진행 중에 있는 예닐곱 개에 달하는 한중일의 영토분쟁은 모두 대륙만이 아니라 해양과도 깊이 연관이 있다. 때문에 전향적으로 해양과 대륙 현황을 포괄해서 동시에 검토하는 작업을 시작으로, 동아시아 3국이 자국중심주의와 패권주의에서 벗어나 공존과 공영의 공동체를 수립하고, 나아가 아시아 전체가 유럽연합에 준하는 공동의 협력체를 형성하는 것이 시대가 요구하는 불가피한 선택이다. This paper deals with historical and territorial disputes into which have been severely developed among the three countries in East Asia, in the process of geopolitical change of the world system. The analytical tool to be used is the "East Asian Mediterranean model" whose marine and continental perspective identifies the close nexus of dependencies among the East Asian countries. Based on some results from doing this studying, it proposes "strategy-centric restructuring" in the area of "East Asia-Mediterranean Sea" as a way of settling those disputes which prevent East Asia from building a peace community and creating a new history. "Northeast Project" and "Oceanography Project" by the Chinese government, Japan"s turning to the rightist political issues and denying the history of imperialist invasions, and several territorial disputes among the three countries in East Asia are all of deeply ocean-related issues. Therefore, it keeps doing investigations from the marine-continental view of history, thus forming one "East Asian Community" because of the irresistible calling of our time.

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