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      • KCI등재

        청동기시대 청천강 및 대동강유역의 취락과 문화접변 : 남한지역과의 관계를 겸하여

        이형원(Lee, Hyung-won) 중부고고학회 2014 고고학 Vol.13 No.2

        청천강유역의 청동기문화는 남한 가락동유형의 성립과 밀접히 관련되어 있으며 그 배경에는 주민의 이주가 상정되었다. 이는 둔산식주거지와 가락동식토기 이외에도 비둔산식주거지와 가락동식토기의 조합도 확인되는 점에서 남한 가락동유형의 성립과 전개양상을 다각도로 보아야 한다는 것을 말해준다. 대동강유역의 각형토기문화도 남한의 중부지역에 영향을 주었지만 그 영향은 약했다. 대동강유역 취락에서 청동기가 출토된 주거지가 주목된다. 청동기는 주로 대형주거지에서 확인된 점에서 거주인의 높은 위상과 직결되기도 하지만, 그렇지 않은 경우도 있으므로 맥락에 따른 해석이 이루어져야 한다. 또한 청동기가 나온 주거지는 모두 화재로 폐기된 점에서 볼 때, 계층화가 진행되어 가는 농경사회에서 나타나는 집단 간의 갈등과 대립의 산물로 추정된다. 다만, 이는 장제적인 측면에서 가옥장으로 볼 여지는 남아있다. 한편 일본 야요이시대 공동체 연구의 기본 개념에 해당하는 단위집단 또는 세대공동체론을 한반도 청동기시대의 사회고고학 연구에 적용할 때에는 신중해야 한다는 점도 지적했다. 청천강유역과 대동강 중하류역은 서로 다른 물질문화를 갖는 점에서 지역성이 발현된 곳이며, 두 지역의 사이에 위치하는 대동강 상류역은 문화접변이 일어난 점이지대에 해당한다. 이 점이지대의 토기상은 대동강 중하류역과 동일하지만, 주거구조는 청천강유역과 같은 양상이다. 대동강 상류역은 취사 및 저장용의 일상용 토기가 집단의 정체성과 밀접하다는 점에서 대동강 중하류역의 각형토기문화와 강한 문화적 동질성을 가졌으며, 청천강유역의 주거 양식을 수용한 것으로 추정했다. 이와 관련하여 향후 논의의 활성화를 위해 두 지역 간의 고고자료에서 문화접변 현상에 해당하는 점이지대가 확인될 때의 상황을 가설적으로 제시해보았다. This thesis is to review the Bronze Age settlements at the Cheongcheon River and Daedong River basins located in the northwest of the Korean peninsula. The Cheongcheon River basin and the Daedong River mid-and-downstream basin used to have different material cultures in the early Bronze Age. It has been found out that the upstream area of the Daedong River, which is adjacent to the two other areas, was a transitional zone, considering excavated potteries and dwelling structures. In addition, it is pointed out that it should be careful when applying unit group theory or multigenerational community theory, which are research concepts used in the studies on the Japanese Yayoi Age, to social researches of the Bronze Age on the Korean peninsula. Lastly, it examines excavation conditions of the Bronze Age remains from the dwellings and settlements. It is considered that dwellers had high social status from the size of their dwellings, but there can be other cases as well, which require more prudent analysis and judgment. From the fact that all dwellings with Bronze Age remains were on fire, there was likely to be conflicts and confrontation among different groups. But there is also possibility of “cremation of a body in its dwelling place” as a way of funeral.

      • KCI등재

        청동기시대 대동강 유역 팽이형토기문화와 고조선

        송호정 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2014 東洋學 Vol.55 No.-

        There are not many studies that interpret the Top-type Pottery Culture developed in the Daedong River basin in the Bronze Age associating it with Gojoseon. By and large, mainly the North Korean academic circles argue that Gojoseon formed a vast ancient country putting the center in the Daedong River basin and the whole area of Pyongyang and extending its territory up to Manchuria. In 『Samguk yousa』, the stage of the myth of Dangun that is the birth myth of the nation Gojoseon is the whole area of Pyongyang in the Daedong River basin. And it became apparent that the location of Nanglanggun Joseonhyeon installed in the area of Wanggeomseong which was the capital of Gojoseon at the time of the fall of the country is the Daedong River basin through the contemplation of the literatures and archeological materials. In this article, in order to demonstrate such thought specifically, the materials of the residential areas and tombs recently investigated in the Daedong River basin were put together and analyzed and efforts were made to prove that these are the culture of resident group of the early Gojoseon. As a result of the efforts, the Top-type Pottery Culture in the Daedong River basin can be connected with a certain political body and an ethnic group considering the density of the cultural elements, and it was interpreted that the political body can be no other than Gojoseon in the Bronze Age. The Top-type Pottery Culture in the Daedong River basin is an independent Bronze Age culture which has a certain difference from the MiSongRi-type pottery Culture in the Liaodong area. On the other hand, the Top-type Pottery Culture has similarity to the MiSongRi-type pottery Culture in the Liaodong area within the category of the Mandolin-type Bronze knives Culture in the Liaodong area. It is thought that this is one of the proofs which tell that resident group of the same system dwelled over the Liaodong area and the northwest area of the Korean Peninsula. 청동기시대에 대동강 유역에서 발전한 팽이형토기문화를 고조선과 연관시켜 해석한 연구는 많지 않다. 대개 북한학계를 중심으로 고조선이 대동강 유역과 평양일대에 중심지를 두고, 만주까지 광대한 고대국가를 형성하였다는 주장이 나오고 있다. 『삼국유사(三國遺事)』에는 고조선의 건국신화인 단군신화의 무대가 대동강 유역의 평양 일대로 나온다. 그리고 멸망 당시 고조선의 수도인 왕검성 지역에 설치된 낙랑군(樂浪郡) 조선현(朝鮮縣)의 위치가 문헌 및 고고 자료를 통해 볼 때 대동강 유역임이 분명해졌다. 이 글은 이러한 생각을 구체적으로 논증하기 위해 대동강 유역에서 최근에 조사된 주거지와 무덤 자료를 종합 분석하고, 그것이 초기 고조선 주민집단의 문화임을 입증하고자 노력하였다. 그 결과 대동강 유역의 팽이형토기문화는 그 문화 요소의 밀집도로 보아 일정한 정치체 및 종족집단과 연결시킬 수 있는데, 그 정치체는 다름 아닌 청동기 시대의 고조선으로 볼 수밖에 없다고 해석하였다. 대동강 유역의 팽이형토기문화는 요동 지역의 미송리형토기문화와는 일정한 차이를 갖고 있는 독자적인 청동기문화이다. 한편으로 팽이형토기문화는 요동지역의 미송리형토기문화와 함께 요령지역 비파형동검문화 범주 안에서 유사성을 갖고 있다. 이는 요동 지역에서 한반도 서북지방에 걸쳐 동일한 계통의 주민집단이 거주했음을 말해주는 하나의 증거라고 생각한다.

      • KCI등재

        북한지역 고인돌유적의 특징과 성격

        오대양 ( Oh Day Yang ) 한국고대학회 2014 先史와 古代 Vol.40 No.-

        본고는 최근의 연구성과에 근거하여 북한지역 고인돌의 구조적 특징과 형식별 분포관계를 살펴보고 나름의 편년과 획기를 마련하여 이지역 고인돌의 단계별 특징 및 성격을 고찰하고자 작성되었다. 북한지역 고인돌의 출현과 확산과정은 中國遼東지역과 연계하여 살펴보아야 한다. 대동강 하구의 서해안지역에서는 기원전 13~12세기를 전후한 시점부터 탁자형고인돌이 축조되는데, 고인돌의 구조는 물론 출토유물상에 있어 동시기 遼東半島의 것과 매우 유사하다. 따라서 양자는 동일한계통의 사람들이 축조한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 개석형고인돌은 太子河流域의 馬城 子文化가 주변지역으로 확산되는 과정 중 요동반도의 고인돌문화와 접촉하여 출현한 것으로 이해하였다. 가장 빠른 연대를 보이는 것이 鳳城東山유적에서 확인되며 커다란 덮개돌 밑으로 토광형의 묘실을 두었고, 그 내부에서는 마성자문화 후기단계의 전형적인 토기가 출토되었다. 따라서 동산유적의 개석 식(토광형)은 기원전 12~11세기 전후로 편년 할 수 있다. 또한 동산 유적의 개석 식(괴석형)에서는 고식의 미송리형토기 출토되었다. 本溪大片地유적에서는 개석 식과 개석 식(혼축형)에서 미송리형토기가 출토되었고, 개석 식이 발굴된 開源建材 村에서는 후기형식의 미송리형토기가 수습되었다. 북한의 대동강유역에서는 기원전 7세기 전후부터 개석 · 식이 축조되기 시작하며, 묘실에서 묵방리형토기가 출토된다. 한편 마성자문화 후기단계인 기원전 12세기 전후, 동굴무덤의 전통을 고수하던 사람들이 점차 동굴에서 벗어나는 현상이 벌어진다. 이와 동시에 태자하유역을 중심으로 한 요동북부지 역에서는 새로운 무덤양식인 석관묘전통이 시작되는데 원시형태의 석관묘들이 동굴무덤내부 에서도 확인되며 양자의 출토유물이 동일함을 통해볼 때 초기의 석관묘유적은 마성자문화에 속할 수 있다. 이처럼 태자하유역의 마성자문화가 점차 동굴바깥으로 벗어나는 과정 중 인접한 大洋河流域에서 雙·子3期의 고인돌문화와 접촉하게 된다. 그 결과 봉성 동산유적에서는 고 인돌의 주요특징인 덮개돌을 가지면서, 묘실 구조와 출토유물은 동굴무덤의 전통을 유지하는 개석형고인돌이 축조된다. 이후 개석형고인돌이 本溪大片地유적과 開源建材村유적을 걸쳐 점차 주변지역으로 확산되는 과정중 기원전 7세기를 전후한 시점 대동강유역으로까지 전파된 것으로 볼 수 있겠다. The advent and expansion of dolmens in North Korea regions should be reviewed in relation to Liadong area in China. Table-type dolmens were built around the 13th-12th century B.C., in the western coastal area around the estuary of Daedong River. The structure of the dolmens was very similar to the relics of the Liadong Peninsular excavated in the same era. Therefore, two types of dolmens were suspected to have been built by people of the same line. No-leg type dolmens appeared by contacting dolmen culture of Liadong Peninsular in the process that Machengzi Culture in the basin of Taizi River was expanding to neighboring regions. The oldest one was found in the Tungshan relics in Fengcheng City. They had a pit-type tomb chamber under a giant lid stone. Typical earthenware of the latter period of Machengzi Culture were discovered inside the tombs. The No-leg type I (pit-type) dolmens of Tungshan relics were recorded as the relics of the 12th~11th century B.C. In the No-leg type II (block stone-type) dolmens, old-style Misongritype earthenware were excavated. In the 大片地relics of Benxi City, Misongri-type earthenware were excavated from the No-leg type II and No-leg type III (combination type) dolmens. In 建材村, 開源where No-leg type III dolmens were excavated, Misongritype earthenware of the latter part of the era were found. No-leg type II and III dolmens began to be built in around the 7th century B.C. in the Daedong River in the North Korea. Mukbangri-type earthenware were found in the tomb chambers of the dolmens in the region. In the meantime around the 12th century B.C, which is the latter part of the Machengzi Culture Period, the tradition that stack to cave tomb gradually changed. At the same time, in the northern part of the Liadong Peninsular centering on the Taizi River, stone-lined tomb which was a new tomb type, began to be built. Primitive stone-lined tombs were found even inside of the caves. Considering the identical patterns of the relics found in the two tombs, the relics in the stone-lined tombs of early period may be belonged to Machengzi Culture. As such, in the process that Machengzi Culture in the basin of the Taizi River gradually escaped from the tradition of the cave tombs, people contacted to the 3rd Shuangtuozi dolmen culture in the basin of Dayang River. As a result, dolmens found in the Tungshan relics in Fengcheng City had lid stone, which is main characteristics of the dolmens at that time while the structure of tomb chambers and relics maintained the tradition of cave tombs. That is, the no-leg type dolmens were built there. After then, no-leg type dolmens expanded to the basin of Daedong River around the 7th century B.C., while they were gradually expanding to neighboring regions passing through 大片地relics in 本溪and 建材村relics in 開源.

      • KCI등재

        한반도 각형토기의 형식과 변천

        조진경 호서고고학회 2023 호서고고학 Vol.- No.54

        This paper was written for the purpose of presenting an explanatory framework for the relationship with the Top-shaped pottery culture in the process of developing the Bronze Age culture in South Korea region. Accordingly, it was described based on an overall understanding of the shape and distribution aspect of the Top-shaped pottery found in the Taedong River-Han River basin. First, a typology was conducted on the Top-shaped pottery in Pyongyang, Pyeongannam-do, and Hwanghae-do, which are the central distribution areas of the Top-shaped pottery culture. The form was classified into jar-shaped and necked jar-shaped and individual attributes were extracted by paying attention to the shape of pottery. Next, in order to examine the progress in the shape of artifacts and features based on the order of dwellig along with the verification of the Top-shaped pottery classification, the settlement in the Taedong River basin, where dwelling overlap was confirmed, were reviewed. By aggregating pottery classification and settlement examination, the features excavated from the Top-shaped pottery were seriated, and finally, the Top-shaped pottery culture was divided into four stages. Next, the analysis of the Top-shaped pottery in the South Korean region was conducted by paying attention to the shape of pottery and the method of processing the rim in order to understand the parallel relationship with the North Korean region. The Top-shaped pottery in South Korea region was identified from the second stage, and the gradual spread process to Yeoncheon, Ganghwa Gimpo, Incheon Bukhangang River basin could be assumed. When paying attention to the distribution of these stages, the distribution range of the Topshaped pottery culture gradually changes, and at the same time, differences in the shape of the Top-shaped pottery are observed depending on the region. As described above, regional deviation detected in the settlement aspect of the Top-shaped pottery culture and the shape of the Top-shaped pottery is believed to reflect the character and intensity of the spread of the Top-shaped pottery culture in South Korea region. 이 글은 남한지역 청동기 문화의 전개과정에 있어 각형토기문화와의 제 관계에 대한 설명 틀을 제시하기 위한 목적에 의해 작성되었다. 이에 대동강~한강 유역에서 발견되는 각형토기의 형태 및 분포양상에 대한 전반적인 이해에 기초하여 서술하였다. 본문에서는 먼저 각형토기문화의 중심분포권인 평양, 평남, 황해도지역의 각형토기를 대상으로 형식분류를 실시하였다. 옹형과 호형으로 기종을 구분하고 기형에 주목하여 개별 속성을 추출하였다. 다음으로 토기 분류 검증과 함께 선후관계에 근거한 유물 및 유구 형태의 추이를 살펴보기 위해 주거지 중첩이 확인되는 대동강유역 취락유적을 검토하였다. 토기 분류와 유적 검토를 종합하여 각형토기 출토 유구를 순서배열하고 최종적으로 각형토기문화를 4단계로 구분하였다. 다음 남한지역의 각형토기 분석은 북한지역과의 시기적 병행관계를 파악하기 위해 기형 및 구연부 처리 방식에 주목하여 실시하였다. 남한 지역 각형토기는 2단계부터 확인되며 연천, 강화 → 김포, 인천→ 북한강유역으로의 점진적 확산 과정을 상정할 수 있었다. 이러한단계별 분포상에 주목하여 볼 때, 각형토기문화의 분포 범위는 점차적으로 변화하며 동시에 지역에 따라 각형토기 형태의 상이성이 관찰된다. 이상 각형토기문화의 취락 양상, 각형토기의 형태 등에서 감지되는 지역별 편차는 남한지역 각형토기문화 확산의 성격과 강도를반영하는 것으로 사료된다

      • KCI우수등재

        북한의 수력발전가능량 산정 및 평가에 대한 연구

        박미리,안재현 대한토목학회 2018 대한토목학회논문집 Vol.38 No.1

        This study is to analyze and evaluate water resource development potential in North Korea. The study was conducted to analyzeselected potential hydropower as an indicator to evaluate water resource development potential. Potential hydropower meanstheoretical value about the potential capacity of river. It is used to evaluate the amount of development through the hydropowergeneration. For calculating potential hydropower, monthly average and annual average of rainfall for each river basin were calculated by using the data of 27 rainfall stations in North Korea. As a result of the calculation of theoretical potential hydropower by rainfall in the seven major basins in North Korea, the Aprok River basin was analyzed to be the largest with 7,562.2×103kW. The efficiency and utilization rate of theoretical potential hydraulic power in South Korea and North Korea was 42.3% and 36.2%, respectively. The Daedong River basin's potential hydropower utilization rate is 12.3%, which is the lowest in North Korea. In the case of Daedong Riverbasin, more than 40% of the total population is inhabited, so demand for water and electricity is expected to be the largest. Therefore, the Daedong River basin is considered as a priority area for water resource development. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for future water resource development projects and research activities in North Korea. 본 연구에서는 북한의 수자원 개발 가능량을 분석 및 평가하였다. 이를 위해 포장수력을 수자원 개발 가능량을 평가하는 지표로 선정해서 분석하였다. 포장수력이란 하천이 보유한 잠재적인 발전 능력에 대한 이론값을 의미하며 수력발전을 통해 개발이 가능한 양을 평가하는 데 활용된다. 포장수력을 계산하기 위해, 북한의 27개 강우 관측소의 강우 데이터를 활용하여 유역별 월평균 및 연평균 강우량을 산정하였다. 이를 활용하여 북한 내 주요 7개 유역에 대해 강우에 의한 이론 포장수력을 산정한 결과, 압록강 유역이 7,562.2천kW로 가장 큰 값을 가지는 것으로 분석되었다. 남한과 북한의 이론 포장수력의 효율 및 이용률의 경우 북한의 최대 효율이 42.3%, 이용률은 36.2%로 남한보다 큰 것으로 나타났다. 북한의포장수력 이용률은 대동강 유역이 12.3%로 가장 낮았는데, 이곳은 전체인구의 40%이상이 거주하는 지역으로 장래 용수와 전력에 대한 수요가 가장 클 것으로 기대된다. 따라서 대동강유역이 수자원개발사업의 우선순위가 높은 지역일 것으로 추정되었다. 본 연구의 성과는 추후 북한 수자원 개발사업의 추진 및 관련된 연구수행에 있어 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        대동강 유역의 고인돌 연구

        하문식(HA, Moon-Sig) 고조선단군학회 2011 고조선단군학 Vol.25 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the dolmens excavated at the Daedong River basin from the archaeological point of view. Many new facts have been revealed by the recent vigorous excavations. The dolmens are distributed along the geographical features around the remains of this area. Big dolmens lie in the places to provide wonderful views. The distributed pattern of dolmens at Guseori, Pyeongyang is similar to that of the Great Bear. New types of dolmen are added to the existing types of dolmen. The dolmens are classified as five types: Chimchun type, Oduk type, Mukbang type, Seokcheonsan type and Yongaksan type. Structural features of the dolmens are the use of wedge stones to balance cap-stones and support stone props. The stone props were slanted slightly inward to keep general balance. Cremation is mainly used in the method of burial. The excavated remains in the dolmens are pottery (Top-shaped pottery, Misongri-type pottery), stone tools(stone arrow heads, stone axes) and bronze tools. To find out the period of the dolmens, radio-carbon dating of the remains of Namkyeong and Guryong River and top-shaped pottery are compared. It might be inferred from these data that the age of the dolmens is about B.C. 1000.

      • KCI등재후보

        고구려의 불교 수용

        박윤선 한국고대사학회 2004 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.35 No.-

        The historical materials about the early stage of acceptance of Buddhism in Goguryeo, can be divided by two parts. One part is about the acceptance of Buddhism from Jeonjin in King Sosurim era and the propagation of Buddhism of Damsi. This part consists of the periodical materials of Jiban region which was the capital city of Goguryeo and Yodong region which was the path from North China to Jihan. The other part is about the mode of Buddhism at the Anak No 3 Tumulus, the tomb of Deokheung-ni and the existence of Goryeo ascetic(고려도인). Those tombs are situated at the downstream of Daedong river, which was the old territory of Nangrang and Deabang. In the analysis of those materials, it is highly possible that Goguryeo had already accepted Buddhism in the early 4th century. Also, the route of the national acceptance of Buddhism through the Northern states in China can be distinguished by the route of civilian acceptance which was influenced by the uniqueness of the old territory of Nangrang. The nature of these two Buddhism shows certain differences. The Buddhism from Hujo, Jeonyeon and Jeonjin consists of the pursuit of secular benefit and propagation by the super- natural power of monks, the political activities of higher monks, the stern practice of Vinaya(계율) and the prevalence or Prajnaparamita-sutra(반야경), white The Thought or Pure Land(정토사상)and Vimalakirti - sutra(유마힐경) were accepted and the Gyeokeui(格義) Buddhism was showed in the region of Daedong river. We can find the attitude of strict execution of Vinaya and the prevalence of Prajnaparamita - sutra, which is the bridge of Taoism, in Dongjin Buddhism as in the Northern states in China. Therefore, they would be included in Buddhism of Goguryeo. From the early era, Goguryeo accepted the two different trends of Buddhism from the both side of Southern and Northern Chinese states. At this early stage of the acceptance, Buddhism in Jiban region shows the inclination of the Northern states of China because of the national acceptance, while in the old territory of Nangrang Buddhism was accepted at the level of civilian, which was popular at Dongjin in China.

      • KCI등재

        각형토기문화유형의 연구

        최종모,김권중,홍주희 한국문화유산협회 2006 야외고고학 Vol.0 No.1

        각형토기문화유형은 서북지방을 대표하는 청동기시대 문화유형의 하나로 대동강 유역을 중심으로 신석기시대 문화의 연속선 상에서 자체발생한 것으로 생각되며 독립적이고 폐쇄적인 특성을 가지는 것으로 이해된다. 각형토기문화유형의 전개과정에 있어 편년설정은 기원전 13세기를 상한으로 하고 하한은 기원전 6세기로 하여 5단계로 구분하였으며, 각 단계의 설정은 주거지 평면형태 및 내부 시설의 변화, 각형토기 등 공반유물의 형식변화, 청동기의 제작 및 사용, 절대연대 및 주변 유적과의 상대 연대 그리고 동일 유적 내에서의 중복관계 등을 다각적으로 고려하여 설정하였다. 각형토기문화유형은 농경을 중심으로 정착생활이 이루어진 농경사회로 취락화현상이 뚜렷하고, 위계화된 사회였을 것으로 추정할 수 있다. 또한 지역성이 강하지만 청동기가 유입되기도 하였으며 각형토기문화유형이 부분적으로 확산되는 경향도 확인할 수 있었다. 그러나 한강 유역을 중심으로 문화내용의 확산 또는 진출이 저지되는 것으로 보인다. 각형토기문화유형은 서북한 청동기문화의 성립과 발전 그리고 쇠퇴를 한눈에 보여주는 중요한 문화유형으로 이해할 수 있다. The top-shaped pottery culture pattern is one of culture patterns in the Bronze age, which represents the culture in northwest of Korea and it seems to originate in the lower reaches of the Daedong River, in succession to the Neolithic Age cultures. It seems the culture pattern originated by itself in the Korean peninsula and to have independent and closed characteristics. It is persuasive that the characteristics of this culture had been sustained consistently until a point of time the top-shaped pottery was disappeared in the upper bronze age, also some part of new cultural factors of the inflow of foreign cultures was adapted partly. As a process of development of the top-shaped pottery culture pattern, its changing aspect could be setup by 5 phases. 5 phases were setup considering diversified sides including the change of plane types and interior structures in dwelling sites, the change of top-shaped pottery and excavated artifacts paired with the top-shaped pottery, the distinguished change of assemblages, the inflow of foreign cultures, the manufacture and usage of bronze wares, the absolute age and the relative age to sites in its outskirts and duplicated contexts with remains in its same site. As the result of each phase from its development of 5 phases, the top-shaped pottery culture pattern with remains as bins, millets, Indian millets, Italian millets, rice seeds was an agrarian society of settlement to cultivate farms and its state of clustering or grouping occurred obviously in this period. As we can see through the discoidal maces and the polyhead maces, we presume this culture pattern had the stratified social system. We found it had the strong locality against the inflow of foreign bronze ware cultures from the Yalu river and the Liao river and this culture had a tendency to expand after 3rd phase. However, we understand the expansion or the advancement of it in the Han river was prevented by some strong plain pottery cultures and we can find some clues of it that there were vestiges of the top-shaped pottery culture pattern in Hwacheon Yongamri sites at the upper reaches of the Han river, in Ganghwa Samguri sites and Ohsungri sites at the lower reaches of the Han river and can not find the sites related to its culture pattern in south of Han river. We try to set up the chronicle of as above top earthenware culture from 13C BC as the maximum to 6 C. BC as the minimum with 5 phases of it chronologically. Thus, we can understand the top-shaped pottery culture pattern was one of Korean bronze age culture patterns developed and had more stronger locality and individuality of northwest of Korea than of northeast of Korea in the Bronze Age. In addition, it is the important culture pattern to show the formation, development and the decline of the bronze ware culture at a look.

      • KCI등재

        고조선 중심지의 위치 문제에 대한 쟁점과 과제

        송호정(Song, Ho-jung) 한국역사연구회 2015 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.98

        The most important thing that should be considered in Go-Joseon studies is the possibility that the territory of Go-Joseon could have shifted as time went on, that the feature of the Go-Joseon realm could have had different shapes in different periods. The history of Go-Joseon shows two phases: the Bronze culture era when the Go-Joseon people still used Bipa-shaped bronze daggers, and the Iron culture era when Go-Joseon achieved the status of a ‘State.’ From this, we can easily see the importance of acknowledging the fact that there should have been ‘periodic changes’ in the Go-Joseon realm, when we try to approach its history from an academic viewpoint. In the early phases of the Ancient period, borderlines were not that distinctive as they are today. Between states and political entities, incredibly large areas remained unpopulated. Go-Joseon’s western border area in particular is believed to have been more than fluid. And there were various tribes living in the vicinity. So, trying to dictate the Daedong-gang river area as the (Western) border of Go-Joseon, or arguing that Go-Joseon’s realm engulfed the entire Manchu region as well as the Northern part of the Korean peninsula, the “entire time” from beginning to end, is simply unrealistic. Scholars and the public should refrain from considering ‘regional deployment of tribes’ or the ‘range of [their] cultural influences’ as indicators of parameters for an actual political territory. Perceiving the entire realm that shared the Bipa-shaped bronze dagger culture directly as the political territory of Go-Joseon is nothing but an academically inappropriate misconception. The Daedong-gang river in the Pyeong’yang region should not be excluded from the early-stage realm of Go-Joseon, while including not only the Liaodung(遼東) region but also the Liaoshi(遼西) region in Go-Joseon’s supposed realm of influence is simply without sufficient empirical basis.

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