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      • 환경문제의 과학기술적 구성과 그 한계 : 정수장의 가짜이산화염소(ClO₂) 투입사건의 사례를 중심으로 A Case Study of Input of False ClO₂in the Sanitation Plant

        서이종 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 1997 한국사회과학 Vol.19 No.1

        abstractThis paper deals in the case of false ClO2 (stabilized ClO2 ) with the relation between environment problem and science-technology, especially with how it comes from scientific-technological response on the nature.The sanitation process of drinking waters, containing essentially a scientific-technological solution for minimization of the virus in natural waters, means a risk between minimization of virus and by-product bearing as its result. Cl2 as a disinfectant in the sanitation plant was substituted with ClO2 in 1992, after finding as a by-product the Trihalometan(THM) being known to cause a cancer. ClO2 becomes known to bear no injurious by-product, but is difficult to deal with because of its unstable form. That a stabilized ClO2, being used as a disinfectant up to that time, is constituted mostly with the injurious ClO2 (60∼90%), was discovered und debunked from a environment-engineering experiment of waters in the sanitation plant in March, 1996. The usage of a stabilized ClO2 as disinfectant was found in later disputes to have been developed from the coalition between the bureaucracy(the department of drinking waters in the Ministry of Environment) and a company(Cealin Asia Co.), with the legitimation through the research of academic experts.This study shows as follows; First, scientific discovery or debunking is found to be necessary, but not sufficient for clarifying environment problem. Environment problem, as the scientific and social fact, can be solved not only by scientific experiments, but also by social considerations including economic cost, bureaucracy or social movements. Second, many environment problems in Korea are found to appear yet from a corrupted coalition between bureaucracy and company, and academic legitimation, while these in developed countries are, as problem of risk, open to scientific controversies. In Korean society with a compressed modernization, environment problem was and is socially constructed not only by premodern process as non-expert Bureaucrat and corruption, but also by modern process as economic efficiency and scientific risk etc.

      • 정보사회의 리스크와 Y2K소동 : H은행의 사례

        서이종 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 2002 한국사회과학 Vol.24 No.1

        본 논문은 정보사회의 리스크라는 관점에서 Y2K문제를 다루고 있다. 즉 우리나라에서 Y2K문제가 어떻게 제기되었고 특히 H은행의 사례를 통해 어떻게 대비되어 왔는지를 밝힘으로써 정보사회의 리스크의 성격과 대책을 규명한다. Y2K문제는 네트워크사회에서의 전형적인 리스크로서, 신규 정보인프라가 많다는 후발효과에도 불구하고 리스크를 대비하는 사회시스템이 결여되었고 IMF관리체제하에서 대외신용제고를 위하여 총체적 대비가 불가피하였다는 점에 특징이 있다. 그 결과 H은행 사례를 통해 보면, 우리나라 Y2K문제 대응 방법과 진단 그리고 일정은 국제적인 표준을 도입하여 이루어졌으며 기존 인프라의 업데이트에 많은 비용을 지불하고 정부주도로 조직적으로 시범테스트를 하고 금융휴무 3일 등을 선포하여 대비하였다. This paper deals with how Y2K problem was issued in Korea and was prepared in Bank A as a case, at the threshold of new millennium, and examines it from the perspective of risk in information society. Y2K-related disturbance, including psychological disturbance, came basically from no knowledge of the extent of its influence, although it could be found out before. It could be weakened by late comer effect in information infrastructure, but intensified by the recovery plan of financial crisis in the end of 1997 in Korea. So it resulted into a diagnosis of all computer systems, public and private, under the initiative of government, and into massive investment for its update especially in the financial sector.

      • 한국 산학관계의 구조와 문화

        서이종 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 2000 한국사회과학 Vol.22 No.2

        본 논문은 지식생산 자체가 경제적으로 사회적으로 중요한 현대 지식기반사회에서 우리나라 지식생산구조 및 문화의 특징을 밝힌 글이다.이를 위하여 (1) 이론적으로 국가혁신체제 개념을 구조와 문화, 그리고 사회적 지식체계 개념으로 확장하고 그 핵심적 구성요소인 산학관계의 구조와 문화를 중심으로 개념적 논의를 심화시키고 있다.그 구체적인 연구로서 (2) 우리나라 산학관계구조는 그동안 인력양성에 초점이 있었으나 1990년이래 연구의 측면이 강조되어 그 연결관계가 복잡해지고 있다.연구의 질적 수준과 양적 면에서 대학과 기업은 서로 보완적이다.그러나 대학의 연구기능은 박사연구자의 76%를 가지고 있음에도 불구하고 연구개발비의 10%정도밖에 사용하지 못하고 연구대학의 절대적인 수도 매우 낮다.그럼에도 불구하고 대학의 연구기능은 연구소와 연구센터 등을 중심으로 점차 강화되고 있으며 실질적인 산학협동연구 비중도 높아지고 있다.인력양성 면에서 산학관계는 아직 불균형이 있다.기업체의 필요 인력에 비해 전공분야별 인력공급이 불균형하며 전공지식의 질적 내용도 충분치 못하다.(3)이러한 구조적 내용은 실제 산학관계문화와 깊은 상관관계를 지닌다. 경제적효율성을 학문활동의 목표로 하고 산학관계를 중시하는 대학문화가 부각되고 있으나 아직 대학사회는 대학의 학문활동의 자율성을 중시하여 기초연구를 강조하고 있으며 기업체의 상업화요구나 기밀유지에 부담을 느끼고 있다. 또한 인력양성에서도 학문적 에토스와 산업적 에토스를 함께 강조하는 과도기적 형태에 있다. 반면 기업은 훨씬 더 대학연구 및 인력양성의 고객으로서 불만을 표시하고 있으며 대학교육의 질을 인정하지 않고 있다. 이러한 산학관계의 구조와 문화는 향후 지식정보사회에서 매우 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 고도정보화가 진행되면서 지식생산은 매우 역동적인 변화를 수반할 것이기 때문이다. This paper deals with the structure and culture of university-industry-relations in Korea on the background of contemporary Knowledge society, in which knowledge itself becomes important economically and socially. Theoretically, (1) the concept of "knowledge production system" operating on the structure as its form and the culture as its content is considered with a critics of national innovation system on the basis of system theory, and the university-industry-relations as an important constituent o knowledge production system can be analyzed. Empirically, (2) the structure of university-industry-relatione in Korea is developed from a demand-supply relation of man power to a complex relation of education and research. But it is, in the manpower relation, yet unbalanced between university's supply side and industrial demand side, and at a low level in the research relation, although the research capability in the university are increasing now. (3) The culture of university-industry-relations in Korea is in transition. In the research relation managers in the industry are unsatisfied with industrializing the result of their cooperative research while professors in the university too complain shout it. In the education relation managers are unsatisfied with a low level of knowledge and the unbalance between supply and demand side, while professors insist on the autonomy of education in the university. * Assistant Professor of Sociology, Seoul National University. Research Area: Sociology of Science and Technology Sociology of Information, Sociology of knowledge. Major Publication: Sociology of Knowledge and Information: Theory and Reality(SNU Press, 1998), Corporate Elite's Socio-Economic Vision wards 21st Century, "New Trend of the Capitalist Spirit: After IMF'(2000), Risk in Information Society and Y2K Disturbance"(2000), "Environment Problem in Knowledge-Information Society"(1999), "Corporate-oriented Knowledge Production in Japan and its Problem"(1997), E-mail: yjsuh@snu.ac.kr.

      • 정보화의 공공목표로서 "보편적 서비스"(universal service) 개념과 그 문제점 : "정보복지" 개념의 정립을 위하여

        서이종 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 1998 한국사회과학 Vol.20 No.2

        본 논문은 정부의 정보화정책의 목표로서 "보편적 서비스" 개념이 가지는 특성과 그 문제점을 밝힌 글이다 우리나라 정부의 정보화정책은 정보산업부분을 포함한 산업경쟁력을 향상시키는 데 초점을 두고 상대적으로 정보불평등 등 정보화의 부작용을 최소화하고 삶의 질을 향상시키는 목표는 경시되어 왔다 후자의 공공목표로서 지금까지 "보편적 서비스" 개념이 가장 일반적으로 제시되고 있으나, 보편적 서비스 개념은 미국의 민간 통신사업자인 AT&T의 전화사업전략, 즉 모든 가정이 지역과 소득의 차별없이 상호연계된 전화망에 연결되어야 한다는 전략으로서 제시되었다 이후 정보화수준이 고도화됨에 따라 기본전화서비스 뿐만 아니라 긴급전화나 인터넷서비스 등 다른 고도서비스를 포함할지라도 보편적 서비스 개념은 기본적으로 민간기업의 주도하에서 보완적인 성격을 띤다는 점이다. 이러한 보편적 서비스정책으로 인하여 미국의 정보통신영역에서 정보불평등은 심화되고 있다. 이러한 점에서 정보통신분야의 불평등이 더욱 심화되고 있는 우리나라에서 보편적 서비스 개념보다는 "정보복지" 개념이 부작용을 최소화하고 삶의 질을 향상시키는 공공목표으로 더 타당하다고 주장된다. This article deals with the specificity and the problem of the strategies against information inequality, coming from the concept of "universal service" as a goal of public policy in telecommunication and information sphere. This concept was borne as a strategical vision of private telecommunication company, AT&T, at all household must be wired with interconnected telephone networks without geographical and income differences. It was developed according to advancement of information service level, to contain not only basic telephone service but also other advanced telecommunication and information service as emergency telephone or internet service, but remains yet under the initiative of private company. Therefore the access and usage level of telecommunication and information in USA become more inequal, despite of universal service policy. The concept of "information welfare" is insisted to be better than the concept of universal service as a goal of public policy in Korea with a worsening information inequality.

      • 막스 베버의 과학기술개념과 그 방법론적 의의

        서이종 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 1997 한국사회과학 Vol.19 No.3

        현대사회에서 매우 중요한 과학기술에 대한 사회학적 분석이 않은 성과를 내고 있는 가운데 특히, 과학자의 비판으로 시작된 소위 소칼 사건 이후 지금까지의 방법론적 기반을 새로이 자리매김하는 것은 시급한 과제이다. 본 논문은 그러한 문제의식 속에서 과학기술사회학의 학적 기초를 다듬기 위하여 막스 베버의 과학기술 개념과 그 방법론적 의의를 살펴본 글이다. 베버의 과학기술론은 근대적 과학기술의 특수한 형태를 그 대상으로 하는바, 다음과 갈은 두 가지 특징을 지닌다 1) 근대적 과학기술은 기본적으로 방법(체계)적으로 실천을 지향하는 근대적 합리성의 특수한 형태로서, 그 합리성의 윤리적 토대에 그 본질이 있다. 2) 근대적 과학기술은 구체적으로는 서구사회의 독특한 문화적 조건에서 성장함으로써 갖는 특수한 형태이다 그러한 베버의 과학기술론은 방법론적으로 체계/제도와 의미/규범의 상호연관 속에서, 오늘날 과학기술사회학의 주요 조류인 제도론적 학파와 행위중심의 '과학기술지식사회학'의 방법론적 기초를 놓았다. 따라서 본 논문에서 막스 베버의 과학기술론을 새롭게 해석함으로써, 현금의 과학기술사회학의 일면성에 대한 성찰과 더불어 비교사회적 연구 및 미시와 거시의 연계 등의 새로운 연구지평이 필요함을 밝혔다 What and how the sociology of science & technology (SST) should deal with, becomes an important issue in academic field after the Sokal affairs resulted from scientists' Anticritics. In this problematique this paper reconstructs Max Weber's exploration of science and technology, in order to lay methodological bases for SST. Weber's concept of science & technology(science-based technique) is specific, in that 1) it belongs to a form of modern rationality, which means methodologically practice-oriented form of rationality with a specific ethical base. 2) It is a specific form, developed historically from modern Occidental cultural base. These characteristics, based upon Weberian theoretical scheme of the interaction between system and meaning(Sinn)/norm(Wert), made a great contribution to the development of SST into main theories such as institution-oriented(Metronian) SST and action-oriented(ethnomethodological or phenomenlogical) SST. This new reconstruction of Webers perspective requires an introduction of comparative study, methodological link of micro and macro levels, etc into SST.

      • 21세기 한국사회 : 지식사회냐 정보사회냐

        임현진,서이종 한국사회문화학회 2000 사회와 문화 Vol.12 No.-

        This paper deals with the characteristics in the introduction of the concept of "knowledge society" and "information society" for Korean society at the 21st Century and with a usability of "knowledge-information society" as a conceptual synthesis. Chapter 2 shows that the concept of information society war introduced critically in the late 1980s and developed into an empirical research theme in the beginning of 1990s, with various conceptual variances, that the concept of knowledge society war introduced in the science of economy and business in the 1990s with various conceptual variances. Chapter 3/4 shows that information society concentrate on the information basis of knowlege transmission and storage, while knowledge society concentrate on the creation of knowledge as contents, that two concepts can be conceptually incorporated into "knowledge-based information society" or "information-based knowledge society", and finally into "knowledge-information society".

      • HFC-134a와 대체냉매 HFC-152a에 CF_3I를 혼합한 자동차냉매 특성

        권일욱,박찬수,홍경한,문기선,최운수,서의경,윤갑식,이종인,하옥남 朝鮮大學校 機械技術硏究所 2002 機械技術硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        These days, an attention of environment has been increasing all over the world. to prevent the green house effect and destruction of an ozone layer, an ozone destruction potential(ODP) be zero and a refrigerant for low global warming potential(GWP) is needed. HFC-134a, in which hydrogen is mixed instead of chlorine is a refrigerant used for automobile conditioners and its destruction potential is ecologically zero. However, it is not considered as a perfect substitutive refrigerant as its GWP is high. It is studied refrigerant mixtures in which HFC-134a, HFC-152a and CF_3I with low GWP and zero ODP are mixed by experimentally and concluded as follows; 1. with the variation of speed of compressor outside temperature and flow rate, the heat of evaporator and compressor and coefficient of performance was varied, and influenced the air conditioner. 2. The pressure of evaporator was decreased with increasing the speed of compressor and that of the refrigerant HFC-134a was higher 21% than that of azotrope refrigerant mixed with CF_3I. The overall capacity of condensor and evaporator was increased and HGC-134a was higher than azotrope refrigerant mixed with CF_3I 3. The capacity of evaporator with the refrigerant HFC-134a was higher 6% than azotrope refrigerant mixed with CF31 and the required power with zaotrope refrigerant mixed with CF_3I was higher 11% than that of HFC-134a. 4. The COP of the refrigerant FHC-134a was higher 31% in 1000RPM. when outside temperature was increased, COP was decreased. 5. Performance of HFC-134a is better than azotrope refrigerant mixed with CF_3I but prefered zaotrope refrigerant mixed with CF_3I considering the environment.

      • KCI우수등재

        Dr. Hwang Scandal from the Viewpoint of Politics of Science

        Yi-Jong Suh 한국사회학회 2009 韓國社會學 Vol.43 No.6

        In order to clarify the role of individual activities and social setting in Dr. Hwang scandal, this paper examines the characteristics of Hwang’s comprehensive politics of science: academic politics, resource politics and other social politics, on the basis of P. Bourdieu’s politics of science in science field. He started his academic career as non-mainstream scientists and extended his specialty of animal cloning to stem cell research. His idea to SCNT ES cell research had been implemented in collaboration with other medical scientists but was revolutionary in changing dominant paradigm and main actors in stem cell research. To develop SCNT ES cell research as national agenda, he promoted his resource power and academic positions by private networks, and legitimated his way to SCNT ES cell research by active communication with journalism and the public, frequently by using exaggerated words and profession and nationalistic words. To stabilize his position as leading scientist and politician of science, he developed a 2004 Science paper in scientific and ethical controversies into a faked paper showing industrial value of SCNT ES cells. Hwang’s comprehensive politics of science demonstrated the scandal as an intermingle phenomenon between social setting of the scandal and his individual activities misusing it.

      • KCI등재

        End-of-Life and Hospice Issues in Korean Aging Society

        Yi-Jong Suh 서울대학교 사회발전연구소 2016 Journal of Asian Sociology Vol.45 No.2

        This paper deals with legal and institutional aspects of end-of-life and hospice issues in Korea. With the high speed of aging in Korean society we face end-of-life issues and policies at the terminal stage. Policies on life-sustaining treatment decisions to death in later life were developed from the 2000’s and legislated into the Cancer Control Act in 2010. It was not until February 2016 that the Cancer Control Act was a legal provision of hospice and palliative care even for terminal cancer patients. The Cancer Control Act made an impact on the institutional and financial situations of hospice and palliative care. The first impact is a medical care-centered care flow and a transfer model for hospice and palliative care. Public policies focus on hospice services inside general hospitals, so that independent hospice centers or community services are underdeveloped. The second impact is a patient-initiated decision model into hospice and palliative care. Physicians had no legal obligation to explain to patients their terminal situation and prognosis and could inform them only when they choose Therefore, it was not until July 2015 that hospice and palliative care was covered by the public health insurance system.

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