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      • KCI등재

        A successive ‘‘conversion-deposition” mechanism achieved by micro-crystalline Cu2O modified current collector for composite lithium anode

        Yifei Cai,Bin Qin,Chun Li,Xiaoqing Si,Jian Cao,Xiaohang Zheng,LIANG QIAO,Junlei Qi 한국공업화학회 2023 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.120 No.-

        Lithium (Li) metal is a promising material for high-energy–density batteries, but it is still plagued byobvious capacity degradation and low average Coulombic efficiency resulting from dendrite Li propagation. One main reason is the electro-mechanic coupled failure of plated Li on the current collector, whichcontributes to non-dense Li deposition on the anode. Transition metal oxides (TMOs) with a conversiontypemechanism have been used directly as the anode materials for lithium ion batteries, which demonstratedbetter electro-mechanical stability than metal Li. Herein, a successive ’’conversion-deposition’’mechanism is ingeniously developed to restrain the generation of dendritic Li. Specifically, a microcrystallineCu2O modified current collector was prepared, in which Li+ are sequentially inserted intoCu2O and deposited in the form of Li metal at successive low potential. A Li-Cu half-cell based on thehybrid mechanism sustains a high Coulombic efficiency of over 99.3 % in up to 800 cycles. This work ingeniouslyinhibits the generation of dendrite Li by incorporating conversion-type materials withdeposition-dissolution type metal Li, which contributes to a novel concept for the design of functionalcurrent collectors for composite Li anodes.

      • KCI등재

        병자호란 직후 청사출래(淸使出來)와 정치외교적 의의

        리샤오칭 ( Li¸ Xiaoqing ) 대구사학회 2021 대구사학 Vol.144 No.-

        본고에서 병자호란 직후 조선으로 파견된 청사를 연구대상으로 선정하였다. 청사의 파견 목적과 한양에서의 교섭 활동 및 조선에서의 청사 접대를 살펴봄으로써 병자호란 직후 청의 대조선사행의 정치적·외교적 의미를 규명해보았다. 병자호란 직후 조선은 1637년 4월과 9월의 사행을 통해 청의 징병 요구 중지를 청하였다. 청은 1637년 10월에 조선에 인조 책봉을 이유로 사신을 파견하였는데, 이는 조선이 奏請한 것이 아니라 청의 자의로 파견한 사신이었다. 이때 청사는 향화인·한인·주회인 쇄환 문제를 중점으로 조선과 교섭하였다. 청의 대조선 사행에서 쇄환 문제는 중요한 교섭 사안이었다. 조선의 경우, 징병 문제를 해결하는 것이 가장 중요한 사안이었다. 청에게는 조선과의 군신관계 유지와 이를 통해 청중심의 국제질서 구축이 가장 중요한 사안이었다. 조선의 주청 없이 이루어진 인조 책봉은 조청의 조공책봉 관계를 현실적으로 성립시켰음을 의미한다. 청의 관심 문제는 1639년 11월 삼전도비 감독으로 온 청사의 출래에도 반영된다. 조선에서 인질로 잡혀간 왕세자의 귀국 또한 징병 문제만큼 중요한 사안이었다. 1637년 9월의 대청사행에 조선은 왕세자의 귀국을 요청하였으나, 청에게 거절 당하였다. 1639년 2월에 조선에서 왕비와 왕세자의 책봉을 요청하는 사신을 파견하였는데, 이 때 세자의 귀국을 위한 교섭을 벌이기도 하였다. 이후 인조의 병세 악화로 조선은 청에게 왕세자의 귀국을 적극적으로 요청하는 명분으로 삼았다. 하지만 청의 입장에서 인조 책봉의 연장선에서 왕비, 왕세자 책봉을 시행한 것은 明制를 모방해서 조청의 계서적인 군신관계를 공고할 수 있는 절차였다. 청이 조선보다 먼저 왕세자의 책봉 요청을 요구한 것은 이와 같은 이유 때문으로 왕세자의 귀국을 고려할 사안이 아니었다. 정축약조가 맺어진 후, 조선에서는 청사를 접대하기 위해서 청사 접대 기준에 대한 논의가 진행되었다. 처음에 唐差에 대한 접대방식을 원용하고 청사를 접대하려고 하였다가 명사 접대의 규례에 따라 시행하였다. 1637년 10월 인조 책봉으로 온 청사에 대한 영접은 명사의 접대규정에 따라 청사 접대를 정례화하기 시작한 첫걸음이라고 할 수 있다. 조선이 1639년 9월의 滿達爾漢 일행에 대한 접대는 앞의 청사 접대와 차이가 있었다. 만대르한은 병문안하러 오는 差官이기 때문이었다. 조선은 만대르한을 황제의 명을 받들고 온 차관으로 보고 있었지만, 접대도감이 아닌 격이 가장 낮은 접대소를 설치하여 만대르한을 접대하였다. 이는 명 황제의 명을 받들어온 欽差官의 경우 조선은 접대도감을 설치하여 접대하였던 것과 차이가 있었다. 이는 정묘호란 이후의 金差 접대방식의 영향을 받은 것으로 청에 대한 반감이 접대방식에 반영한 것이라고 할 수 있다. 1639년 9월의 만대르한과 11월의 마푸타 일행에 대한 영접에서 주목되는 사항은 인조가 교영을 나가지 않았던 것이다. 이 2차례 청사 일행이 왔을 때 인조는 교영을 나가지 않았던 것이다. 9월의 청사는 차관이기 때문에 의례 규정상에 인조는 교영할 필요가 없었지만, 11월 마푸타 일행의 경우 인조는 마땅히 교외에 나가 영접해야 하였다. 그러나 1639년 11월부터 인조가 자신의 병환을 이유로 교영에 친림하지 않은 것이 하나의 선례가 되었다. 이후 조선은 국왕이 교영을 시행하지 않는 경우를 숙종대의 『通文館志』에 기록하여 하나의 관례로 만들었다. In this paper, by examining the purpose and the negotiation activities in Hanyang of Qing Dynasty’s Envoys dispatched to Joseon after the Manchu war of 1636(丙子胡亂), the political and diplomatic significance of the Qing Dynasty’s Sahaeng(使行) toward Joseon was investigated. After the Manchu war of 1636(丙子胡亂) Joseon requested an end to the Qing's request for conscription through Sahaeng(使行) in April and September 1637. In October 1637, the Qing dispatched an envoy to Joseon for the installation of King Injo without Joseon‘s resquest, and the Qing dynasty’s envoys negotiated with Joseon focusing on the issue of repatriation of Naturalized jurchen(向化人), Chinese(漢人), Joseon people who captured by the Qing tried to come back Joseon(走回人). The issue of repatriation was an important negotiation issue even in later Sahaeng(使行) toward Joseon. It can be said that in the relationship between the two countries the most urgent task of Joseon was the resolution of the issue of conscription. However, what the Qing dynasty considered important was the maintenance of hierarchical relationship with Joseon and the establishment of a Qing-centered international order. Besides exemption from conscription, Joseon's other concern is the return of the crown prince. In September 1637, Joseon requested the return of the crown prince , but was rejected by the Qing Dynasty. In February 1639, an envoy was sent with a request for the installation of the queen and crown prince, and it was also expected that the crown prince could return to Joseon through the installation of the crown prince. After that, Injo's illness also made it a reason to request the crown prince to return to Joseon. However, from Qing's point of view, the installation of the queen and the crown prince was a procedure that could settle a hierarchical relationship of Joseon and Qing Dynasty. It is for this reason that the Qing Dynasty mentioned the installation of Crown Prince before Joseon’s request. In November 1639, the Qing dynasty’s envoy who came for the monument of Samjeondo(삼전도비) stayed in Hanyang until December 5 and supervised the construction of the monument. All work was completed on December 8th. From the Qing point of view, the monument of Samjeondo was regarded as a symbolic space for the success of the Manchus and the victory of the war to Joseon. From the point of view of Joseon, it was the result of the defeat and a symbol of obedience to the Qing Dynasty. For the first time the Qing dynasty dispatched a envoy after the Manchu war of 1636(丙子胡亂), Joseon discussed the standard of treatment for the Qing dynasty’s envoy. At first, it was intended to use the rules of treatment for Tangcha(唐差), but it was implemented according to the rules of treatment for Ming dynasty’s envoys(明使). the Qing dynasty’s envoy dispatched this time seemed to be satisfied with the reception of Joseon. In October 1637, the reception to the Qing dynasty’s envoy dispatched for the installation of King Injo was the first step in making the reception of Qing dynasty’s envoys regular. In September 1639, the reception for Qing dynasty’s envoy who is named Mandaerhan is different from that of the previous treatment for Qing dynasty’s envoys. It was because Mandaerhan was a official temporarily dispatched(差官) who came to visit King Injo. Joseon viewed Mandaerhan as a official temporarily dispatched who came under the emperor's orders, but the lowest level department(접대소) was installed to entertain Mandaerhan. This is different from the case of the reception for officials who were temporarily dispatched and served the Ming emperor's orders. It can be said that this was influenced by the the reception for Jin dynasty’s envoys, and the antipathy towards Qing was reflected in the reception. The reception of Mandaerhan in September 1639 and Maputa in November 1639 is another point worth noting. King Injo did not go out for greeting the two envoys. In September, Mandaerhan was a official temporarily dispatched, so there was no need for Injo to greet according to the ceremonial regulations. However, it was a precedent that Injo did not greet envoy on the excuse of his illness from November 1639. Afterwards, Joseon recorded cases in which the king did not greet envoy and made it a custom. (Kyungpook National University / lixiaoqing0313@naver.com)

      • KCI등재

        Gene cloning and functional analysis of yellow green leaf 3 (ygl3) gene during the whole-plant growth stage in rice

        Xiaoqing Tian,Ying-Hua Ling,Li-kui Fang,Peng Du,Xian-Chun Sang,Fang-Ming Zhao,Yun-Feng Li,Rong Xie,Guang-Hua He 한국유전학회 2013 Genes & Genomics Vol.35 No.1

        Chlorophyll is an important photosynthetic pigment in the process of photosynthesis in plants and photosynthetic bacteria. Genes involved in chlorophyll biosynthesis in Arabidopsis and photosynthetic bacteria have been well documented. In rice, however, these genes have not been fully annotated. In this paper, a yellow-green leaf gene, yellow green leaf3 (ygl3) was cloned and analyzed. ygl3 encodes magnesium chelation ChlD (D) subunit,a key enzyme for chlorophyll synthesis, resulting in a yellow-green leaf phenotype in all growth stages in rice. Expression content of ygl3 is highest in the leaf blades,followed by the leaf sheaths, while there is virtually no expression of the gene in the stems and seeds. The subcellular structure and protein content of the photosynthetic system of the ygl3 mutant were revealed by transmission electron microscopy, BN-PAGE, and western blotting. The results show that the mutation of the ygl3 gene indirectly leads to a decrease in the protein content of the photosynthetic system and severely obstructs the formation of granum thylakoids.

      • KCI등재

        CircRNA circ_0067772 aggravates the malignant progression of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma by regulating miR‑1238‑3p/ FOXG1 axis

        Xiaoqing Li,Yinghui Kong,He Li,Manyuan Xu,Ming Jiang,Weiguo Sun,Suping Xu 한국유전학회 2021 Genes & Genomics Vol.43 No.5

        Background Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) is a severe malignancy derived from skin. Dysregulated circular RNAs (circRNAs) might play vital roles in tumor development. Objective Here, we aimed to explore the function of a novel circRNA circ_0067772 in CSCC. Methods Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) or Western blot assay was performed to determine the expression of circ_0067772, microRNA (miR)-1238-3p and forkhead box protein G1 (FOXG1). Cell proliferation was assessed by Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8) assay and colony formation assay. Transwell assay and wound healing assay were employed to examine cell metastasis. Flow cytometry was employed to monitor cell cycle and apoptosis. The target association between miR-1238-3p and circ_0067772 or FOXG1 was validated by dual-luciferase reporter assay. Moreover, role of circ_0067772 in vivo was investigated via xenograft model in nude mice. Results Circ_0067772 and FOXG1 were upregulated, while miR-1238-3p was downregulated in CSCC tissues and cells. Circ_0067772 knockdown conferred inhibitory efects on cell proliferation, migration and invasion of CSCC cells. MiR1238-3p served as a target of circ_0067772, whose silencing could reverse circ_0067772 knockdown-induced inhibitory impact on the malignant cellular behaviors. Circ_0067772 positively regulated FOXG1 expression by antagonizing miR1238-3p. Additionally, miR-1238-3p could repress CSCC cell proliferation, migration and invasion by targeting FOXG1. Also, circ_0067772 knockdown hindered CSCC tumor growth in vivo. Conclusion Our study identifed a novel oncogenic circRNA and the involvement of circ_0067772/miR-1238-3p/FOXG1 axis in CSCC development, providing a target for CSCC therapy.

      • Effects of Additives on Nutrients and Fermentation Quality of Alfalfa Silage

        Xiaoqing Zhang,Qizhong Sun,Xingyou Li,Xiaoxia Li 한국초지조사료학회 2009 한국초지조사료학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.08

        Two-year-old, full flower aohan alfalfa (Medicaga sativa cv. aohan) was chosen to evaluate the silage effect by using different additives of Qingbao Ⅱ , Caihe and Yishengkang. Result indicated that additives increased CP content (P<0.05) and decreased CF, ADF and NDF content significantly (P<0.05). Lactic acid content in additives treatments were significantly higher (P<0.01) than control. These result showed that additives improved silage fermentation quality, reduced cellulose contents and improved silage nutritive value. Among three treatments, Caihe and Yishengkang were priority to Qingbao Ⅱ on the effect of promoting the desired lactic acid fermentation.

      • A Formal Description of XML Tree Pattern Query for XQuery Language

        Husheng Liao,Xiaoqing Li,Hang Su 보안공학연구지원센터 2014 International Journal of Database Theory and Appli Vol.7 No.5

        In order to express tree pattern query in query plan and take advantage of formal method to analyze its behavioral characteristics, this paper present a formal description of tree pattern query based on functional language and denotational semantics. This description major focuses on behavior of a tree pattern query on matching against an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) document tree. First, we introduce a formal definition for a kind of extended generalized tree pattern (GTP++). Then we present a functional tree pattern description language (XTPL) for GTP++ and give its complete denotational semantics based on a novel data structure, named WTree, which efficiently organizes this typical XML data query results and provides flexible data access method. In the end, we present the formal semantics of identifying tree pattern from path expressions. By using formal methods, the semantics of tree pattern query is consistent and analyzable. As the core operation of XML query, this formal description can provide an initial step for analyzing the correctness of XML queries, and improves the reliability and robustness of query processing methods.

      • An Accurate Identification of Extended XML Tree Pattern for XQuery Language

        Husheng Liao,Xiaoqing Li,Junpeng Chen 보안공학연구지원센터 2014 International Journal of Database Theory and Appli Vol.7 No.5

        In order to utilize high-performance XML tree pattern query (TPQ) for implementing of XQuery language effectively, it is necessary to analysis the query plan and identify tree pattern from it. In this paper, we extend the functional intermediate language FXQL, which is used to implement XQuery language, with an extended XML generalized tree pattern representation (GTP++). Then, we propose an XML tree pattern identification approach, which is composed of a suit of query expression rewriting rules for extracting tree pattern and a GTP++ construction algorithm. Based on this approach, both explicit and implied propositional logic, various structural constraints and predicates can be extracted across nested query blocks in XQuery FLWOR expressions. The tree pattern identified by this approach is more holistic and precisely than previous methods. The approach expands the application of XML tree pattern query technology in the implementation of XQuery language. Experiments show its effectiveness and practicability.

      • KCI등재

        Efficient Public Verification on the Integrity of Multi-Owner Data in the Cloud

        Boyang Wang,Hui Li,Xuefeng Liu,Fenghua Li,Xiaoqing Li 한국통신학회 2014 Journal of communications and networks Vol.16 No.6

        Cloud computing enables users to easily store their dataand simply share data with others. Due to the security threats inan untrusted cloud, users are recommended to compute verificationmetadata, such as signatures, on their data to protect the integrity. Many mechanisms have been proposed to allow a publicverifier to efficiently audit cloud data integrity without receivingthe entire data from the cloud. However, to the best of our knowledge,none of them has considered about the efficiency of publicverification on multi-owner data, where each block in data issigned by multiple owners. In this paper, we propose a novel publicverification mechanism to audit the integrity of multi-ownerdata in an untrusted cloud by taking the advantage of multisignatures. With our mechanism, the verification time and storageoverhead of signatures on multi-owner data in the cloud are independentwith the number of owners. In addition, we demonstratethe security of our scheme with rigorous proofs. Compared to thestraightforward extension of previousmechanisms, ourmechanismshows a better performance in experiments.

      • KCI등재후보

        Fast Real-Time Cardiac MRI: a Review of Current Techniques and Future Directions

        Xiaoqing Wang,Martin Uecker,Li Feng 대한자기공명의과학회 2021 Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Vol.25 No.4

        Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) serves as a clinical gold-standard noninvasive imaging technique for the assessment of global and regional cardiac function. Conventional cardiac MRI is limited by the long acquisition time, the need for ECG gating and/or long breathhold, and insufficient spatiotemporal resolution. Real-time cardiac cine MRI refers to high spatiotemporal cardiac imaging using data acquired continuously without synchronization or binning, and therefore of potential interest in overcoming the limitations of conventional cardiac MRI. Novel acquisition and reconstruction techniques must be employed to facilitate real-time cardiac MRI. The goal of this study is to discuss methods that have been developed for realtime cardiac MRI. In particular, we classified existing techniques into two categories based on the use of non-iterative and iterative reconstruction. In addition, we present several research trends in this direction, including deep learning-based image reconstruction and other advanced real-time cardiac MRI strategies that reconstruct images acquired from real-time free-breathing techniques.

      • KCI등재

        Role of Functionalized Acceptors in Heteroleptic Bipyridyl Cu(I) Complexes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

        Xiaoqing Lu,Yang Shao,Ke Li,Zigang Zhao,Shuxian Wei,Wenyue Guo 대한금속·재료학회 2016 ELECTRONIC MATERIALS LETTERS Vol.12 No.5

        The intrinsic optoelectronic properties of heteroleptic bipyridyl Cu(I)complexes bearing functionalized acceptor subunits have beeninvestigated by density functional theory and time-dependent DFT. TheCu(I) complexes exhibit distorted trigonal-pyramidal geometries andtypical metal-to-ligand electron transfer characteristics at the longwavelength region. Replacing carboxylic acid with cyanoacrylic acid inacceptor subunits stabilizes the LUMO levels, thus lowering the HOMOLUMOenergy gaps and facilitating favorable donor-to-acceptorintramolecular electron transfer and charge separation. Introduction ofheteroaromatic groups and cyanoacrylic acid significantly improves thelight-harvesting capability of the complexes. Our results highlight theeffect of functionalized acceptors on the optoelectronic properties ofbipyridyl Cu(I) complexes and provide a fresh perspective on screeningof efficient sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells.

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