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      • 과잉양수에 의한 지하수고갈 영향에 대한 연구

        김종태,배두원,김만일,정교철 7개 국립대학교 환경연구논문집 공동발행 위원회 2005 공업기술연구 Vol.5 No.-

        To study the relations of underground/surface-water exhaustion and excessive pumping, we have analyzed river, geological characteristics, recharge rate of rainfall and underground-water level. The ground water recharge rate from the SCS-CN analysis is 8.4%, and the recharge is computed in 6.4111 x 10^(5)㎥/y. This results mean that a big drawdown in observation holes may be occurred by excessive pumping. From in-situ hydraulic conductivity test, hydraulic conductivity in basement of the study area is calculated in 7.996 x 10^(-6)-2.067 x 10^(-6)m/sec. The underground/surface-water in the study area with small underground-water recharge rate will be exhausted by long time pumping.

      • CROSS 공법을 이용한 폐수의 생물학적 처리에 관한 연구

        박광하,심재도,권영두,강동수,김인호,정태명,황갑성 7개 국립대학교 환경연구 논문집 공동발행 위원회 2003 공업기술연구 Vol.3 No.-

        This study aims to develop using a continuous removal of organic and settling solid(CROSS) to increase the efficiency of aeration system for wastewater treatment. To solve many problems of the conventional activated-sludge process, authors suggested a new CROSS model in conjunction with aeration systems in 1996. This system is characterized by utilizing an intensive aeration pipe with inlets at the lower portion and outlets at the higher portion in an aeration tank. Through the experiments on CROSS process, the average removal efficiences of BOD, COD_(Mn), SS, T-N and T-P were showed 98.8%, 93.9%, 98.0%, 71.3% and 49.8%. The average DO (Dissolved-Oxygen) concentration was constantly maintained at 8.0 mg/L by the intensive aeration which was accompanied by rapid reduction of BOD. Degradation of the organic matters in sewage then continued for the whole aeration period. The process demonstrated that it was very adaptive without seeding and returning the sludge. Compared to the activated sludge system, the system was very flexible for the continuous flow treatment. This preliminary assessment showed that the porous media in CROSS reactor is viable for the sewage treatment, since the porous media under the intensive aeration achieves acceptable effluent quality.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        정신분열병 환자의 병식과 정신병리

        정두훈,송지영,염태호,윤도준,반건호,김종우 大韓神經精神醫學會 1998 신경정신의학 Vol.37 No.6

        연구목적 : 정신분열병 환자에서 병식의 결여는 매우 흔한 증상이며, 치료 예후에 큰 영향을 미치는 바. 정신분열병 환자의 병식결여가 어떠한 정신병리적 특성이 있는지를 규명하고자 하였다 이로서 병식결여환자에 대한 이해와 치료적 접근에 기여하고자 한다. 연구방법:. 연구대상은 DSM-lV에 의거한 정신분열병 환자 69명으로서, 이들에게 병식 평가검사척도(Scale to Assess Unawareness of Mental Disorder)와 다양한 정신병리적 측면을 측정할 수 있는 경회 -프랑크푸르트(Kyung Hee-Frankurter Beschwerde Fragebogen . K-FBF) 임상검사를 실시하여, 병식의 유무에 따른 정신병리의 특성을 알아보았다. 연구걸과 : 병식의 유무에 따른 양군간의 성별, 교육정도, 직업 , 종교, 사회경제상태. 유병기간 및 약물용량의 차이는 없었으나, 병식결여군에서 강제입원율이 유의하게 많았고, 입원횟수가 약간 많았다. K-FBF로 측정한 정신병리의 비교에서 병식결여군이 병식획득군에 비하여 정신운동성장애, 지각장애, 차단증상, 언어장애, 인지장애. 선택적 주의력 장애가 유의하게 높았다. 결 론: 정신분열병에서 병식의 결여는 다른 여러 정신병리와 마찬가지로 신경심리학적, 신경생물학적 요인에 의하여 발생하는 증상의 하나로 추정되고 있는 바. 병식이 결여된 환자가 병석을 획득한 환자에 비하여 더 심각한 정신병리를 경험하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이들은 비록, 병석이 결여되어 자신의 병에 대해서나 치료의 필요성에 대한 인식이 결여되는 특성을 가진다 하더라도, 이들이 주관적으로 느끼는 증상을 또-FBF를 통해서 알아볼 수 있었다. 이를 통해서 병석이 결여된 환자들은 심각한 신경심리학적. 신경생물학적인 기능장애를 배경으로 하는 인지, 지각, 언어 장애를 갖고 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이로서 정신분열병 환자에서 병식유무 평가뿐 아니라 K-FBF를 이용한 주관적인 증상표현을 통하여 이들이 갖고 있는 정신병리를 파악하는 것이 환자를 이해하는데 도움이 된다고 사료된다. 0bjectives : Patients with poor insight are commonly observed among schizophrenics and they show poor drug compliance and prognosis. This study aimed at examining the characteristics of psychopathology in patients with schizophrenia who have no insight. Understanding the features of inner psychopathology in schizophrenic patients with poor insight, we assumed, could lead to insight-promoting clues. Methods : The subjects consisted of 69 patients with schizophrenia diagnosed by DSM-IV riteria. For identifying insight level in the patients, Scale to Assess Unawareness of Mental Disorder(SUMD) was applied. After subjects were divided into two groups depending upon insight level, psychopathological differences were evaluated by Kyung Hee-Frankfruter Beschwerde Fragebogen(K-FBF), which was known as one of the subjective psychological tests for the schizophrenics. Results : There was no significant differences in demographic variables, duration of illness, and dose of medication between two.groups. However, significantly high rate of involuntary admission and tendency of high frequency of admission were revealed in schizophrenic patients with poor insight. And, also poor insight group showed significantly high scores in the factors of sensori-motor disorder(subscales of psychomotor disorder, perceptual disorder and blocking symptoms included) and in language-cognitive disorder factor(subscales of language disorder and cognitive floating included) compared with patients who have insight. Conclusion : We was assumed that lack of insight in schizophrenics could include one of the symptoms based on neuropsychological or neurobiological abnormalities in brain. Moreover, it was revealed that patients with poor insight evaluated themselves as having more serious psychopathologies than patients who had insight. It has been already known that schizophrenic patients who lack in insight are reluctant to taking psychiatric rare and lack in awareness of their illness. However, this study suggests that their inner psychopathology associated with insight can be understood with the use of subjective psychological test i.e. K-FBF. For understanding the schizophrenic patients who lack in insight, not only checking the insight but also applying the subjective test such as K-FBF seems to be helpful.

      • KCI등재

        미얀마 이라와디강(江)하구 저습황무지(低濕荒蕪地)의 농업개발 가능성

        정연태,김규원,이우원,민황기 한국국제농업개발학회 1997 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.9 No.2

        1. 우리나라의 벼 一般型 및 統一型 品種을 乾期에 栽培하였을 때에도 不時出穗 현상은 없었으나 $quot;소백벼(一般型)$quot; 및 $quot;중원벼(統一型)$quot;는 出穗日數가 빨라지고 稈長이 短縮되어 問題視 되었고, $quot;소백벼$quot;, $quot;오대벼$quot;, $quot;대성벼$quot;, 및 $quot;중원벼$quot;는 미얀마 對比品種보다 減收되었다. 2. 一般型 품종 중에서 收量이 가장 높았던 것은 $quot;신금오벼(벼 8.95 톤/㏊)$quot;로서 對比品種보다 29% 많았고, 統一型 품종 중에서는 $quot;남풍벼(벼 9.67톤/㏊)$quot;가 對比品種보다 약40% 增收되었다. 3. 乾期에는 옥수수, 땅콩, 참깨, 녹두, 해바라기 등의 밭作物 재배가 가능하다. 단, 含黃土層의 露出로 인하여 土壤 pH가 낮은 地盤高 1.2m 以下 地域은 浸水危險도 있으므로 벼를 栽培함이 좋으며, 오리飼育, 淡水魚 養魚, 또는 이들의 複合營農 등도 가능할 것으로 보였다. 4. 乾期벼의 ㏊당 生産費는 737천원 정도로서 약 343천원의 純收益이 期待되었으며, 固定費用이 낮아 쌀 톤당 生産費가 184천원 내외로서 國際競爭力이 있었다. 5. 荒蕪地 약 7,300㏊를 開沓하여 實栽培面積 4,800㏊가 얻어졌을 때, 乾期作만으로도 현 國際米價(300$/톤)를 기준하여 쌀 4톤/㏊ 生産시 年間 16.5억원의 純收益이 기대되어 10년 내에 投資回收가 可能할 것으로 보였으며, 米價300佛 때 損益分岐 생산량은 2.2톤/㏊ 이었다. 6. 國內의 옥수수 재배는 純損失 狀態인데 반하여, 미얀마 델타地域 옥수수의 生産費는 韓國의 15% 水準에 不過하여 77천원의 순수익이 期待되었으나 國際競爭力은 없을 것으로 보였다. Korean rice varieties, Japonica and Jap. cross Indica type, were cultivated in the deltaic area of Myanmar during dry season to find out the productivities and problems to be expected. Although the non-seasonal heading was not found, but some varieties such as $quot;Sobaegbyeo$quot;, $quot;Odaebyeo$quot;, $quot;Daeseongbyeo$quot;, $quot;Jungweonbyeo$quot; etc. were not favorable by decreasing yields or by shortening stem length and headign dates etc. than in Korea. The highest yield among Japonica varieties was $quot;Singeumobyeo$quot; theat was about 29%(8.95t/㏊ in rough rice) higher than check variety $quot;Shwewar tun$quot; while the $quot;Nampungbyeo$quot; increase about 40%(9.7t/㏊ in rough rice) among Jap. cross Indica type. the iddleland in deltaic plain could be cultivated upland crops such as corn, groundnut, sesame, mung bean, sun flower etc. during dry season after reclamation, except in the area lower than 1.2m in sea level where weak potential acid sulphate soil materials. occur near surface. The lower areas which also apt to be water-logging even in dry season by the season by the discharge of irrigation water. The raisin of duck or fresh water fishes with combination of rice also possible. the production cost or rice in Myanmar was characterized by having low in fixed expenditure, and it was about 737×10³won/㏊ while the net income was about 343×10³won/㏊. Under the assumption that the price of rice in the world market is about 300$/t, the break even point of rice was about 2.2t/㏊. The production cost of corn in the deltaic area was only about 15% of that in Korea, and about 77×10³won/㏊ of net income is expected, although did not have competitive power in the world market.

      • KCI등재

        The Mosquito Repellent Citronellal Directly Potentiates Drosophila TRPA1, Facilitating Feeding Suppression

        Du, Eun Jo,Ahn, Tae Jung,Choi, Min Sung,Kwon, Ilmin,Kim, Hyung-Wook,Kwon, Jae Young,Kang, KyeongJin Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology 2015 Molecules and cells Vol.38 No.10

        Citronellal, a well-known plant-derived mosquito repellent, was previously reported to repel Drosophila melanogaster via olfactory pathways involving but not directly activating Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 (TRPA1). Here, we show that citronellal is a direct agonist for Drosophila and human TRPA1s (dTRPA1 and hTRPA1) as well as Anopheles gambiae TRPA1 (agTRPA1). Citronellal-induced activity is isoform-dependent for Drosophila and Anopheles gambiae TRPA1s. The recently identified dTRPA1(A) and ag-TRPA1(A) isoforms showed citronellal-provoked currents with EC50s of $1.0{\pm}0.2$ and $0.1{\pm}0.03mM$, respectively, in Xenopus oocytes, while the sensitivities of TRPA1(B)s were much inferior to those of TRPA1(A)s. Citronellal dramatically enhanced the feeding-inhibitory effect of the TRPA1 agonist N-methylmaleimide (NMM) in Drosophila at an NMM concentration that barely repels flies. Thus, citronellal can promote feeding deterrence of fruit flies through direct action on gustatory dTRPA1, revealing the first isoform-specific function for TRPA1(A).

      • <i>TrpA1</i> Regulates Defecation of Food-Borne Pathogens under the Control of the Duox Pathway

        Du, Eun Jo,Ahn, Tae Jung,Kwon, Ilmin,Lee, Ji Hye,Park, Jeong-Ho,Park, Sun Hwa,Kang, Tong Mook,Cho, Hana,Kim, Tae Jin,Kim, Hyung-Wook,Jun, Youngsoo,Lee, Hee Jae,Lee, Young Sik,Kwon, Jae Young,Kang, Kye Public Library of Science 2016 PLoS genetics Vol.12 No.1

        <▼1><P>Pathogen expulsion from the gut is an important defense strategy against infection, but little is known about how interaction between the intestinal microbiome and host immunity modulates defecation. In <I>Drosophila melanogaster</I>, dual oxidase (Duox) kills pathogenic microbes by generating the microbicidal reactive oxygen species (ROS), hypochlorous acid (HOCl) in response to bacterially excreted uracil. The physiological function of enzymatically generated HOCl in the gut is, however, unknown aside from its anti-microbial activity. <I>Drosophila</I> TRPA1 is an evolutionarily conserved receptor for reactive chemicals like HOCl, but a role for this molecule in mediating responses to gut microbial content has not been described. Here we identify a molecular mechanism through which bacteria-produced uracil facilitates pathogen-clearing defecation. Ingestion of uracil increases defecation frequency, requiring the <I>Duox</I> pathway and <I>TrpA1</I>. The <I>TrpA1(A)</I> transcript spliced with exon10b (<I>TrpA1(A)10b</I>) that is present in a subset of midgut enteroendocrine cells (EECs) is critical for uracil-dependent defecation. TRPA1(A)10b heterologously expressed in <I>Xenopus</I> oocytes is an excellent HOCl receptor characterized with elevated sensitivity and fast activation kinetics of macroscopic HOCl-evoked currents compared to those of the alternative TRPA1(A)10a isoform. Consistent with <I>TrpA1</I>’s role in defecation, uracil-excreting <I>Erwinia carotovora</I> showed higher persistence in <I>TrpA1-</I>deficient guts. Taken together, our results propose that the uracil/Duox pathway promotes bacteria expulsion from the gut through the HOCl-sensitive receptor, TRPA1(A)10b, thereby minimizing the chances that bacteria adapt to survive host defense systems.</P></▼1><▼2><P><B>Author Summary</B></P><P>The amount and pattern of defecation are often determined by the bacterial composition in the gut, and can have a significant impact on human health. It is however unknown how changes in the bacterial community affect defecation. A chemical defense system called the <I>Duox</I> pathway is known to kill ill-causing bacteria in the gut by producing chlorine bleach. Our study reveals that the bleach does not stop there, working further to promote expulsion of the bacteria from the gut through a sensitive bleach detector. Moreover, in the gut deficient for the bleach detector, the bacteria not only stayed longer, but also opportunistically survived the bleach that they encounter afterwards. This is the first identification of a mechanism illustrating how important it is that gut defense systems control defecation, and helps explain why troubles in the gut cause changes in defecation.</P></▼2>

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