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      • KCI등재

        국가 수준의 대학 입시 국사 문항에서 오답시비 유형 분석

        金秀美(Kim Su-Mi) 歷史敎育硏究會 2010 역사교육 Vol.114 No.-

        This study set out to identify items that could cause controversy over incorrect answers in Korean history items from the preliminary examination, which was the full-scale national-level college entrance exam, through the achievement test to the current college scholastic ability test. It also aimed to sort them out according to types and analyze the trends in changes to those types. The types of controversy over incorrect answers were categorized inductively by examining the components of an item, namely the item stem, instruction, and alternative, by item unit and identifying items that could possibly cause controversy over incorrect answers. As for changes to the types of controversy over incorrect answers, the “formal type” of error items abounded. With the absence of a basic manual for item creation, controversy over incorrect answers was usually able to happen when the item stem and alternative were not clear and the question was about historical evaluation. There was no accuracy guaranteed in the item stem and alternative, the most important elements of an item form. As a result, validity could not be secured about whether to measure the attributes intended for measurement the right way, and the level of completion was low. However, the “content type” errors continued in terms of item completion level. In the college scholastic ability test, controversy over incorrect answers has occurred when the limited item stem and alternative do not provide enough information, or the historical facts of the textbooks do not match the interpretation of special data in instruction. In the achievement test, questions were made based on the academic results so far and textbooks, which created no problem at the time of question creation. However, controversy over wrong answers would occur later as new academic results were presented and denied or supplemented the old theories. The college scholastic ability test has increasing controversy over incorrect answers due to disagreement between the high school curriculum and academic ground. In other words, most of the errors in the content type happen because new academic results are not properly reflected in the textbooks and curricula. That type of controversy over wrong answers has been consistent since the preliminary examination and is the most widespread in other subjects as well as Korean history in the college scholastic ability test. In order for those measures to be taken, it is urgent to secure teachers, professors, and experts in history education evaluation who have accumulated capabilities in question creation and are armed with professionalism. There should be institutional supplementation among the three axes: the teachers should be well aware of the question creation principles in the high school curriculum; the professors should exercise their professionalism in content and knowledge of the current academic research results; and experts in history education evaluation should review the completion level of items. In addition, professors as well as high school teachers should be included in the review committee, which has been active since the preliminary examination, to test the possibility of controversy over wrong answers in advance and secure objectivity and fairness.

      • KCI등재

        NF-κB 억제를 통한 대회향(大茴香)의 항염증효능

        금수,박상미,제갈경환,황보민,조일제,박정아,김상찬,지선영,Keum, Soo Yeon,Park, Sang Mi,Jegal, Kyung Hwan,Hwangbo, Min,Cho, Il Je,Park, Chung A,Kim, Sang Chan,Jee, Seon Young 대한한의학방제학회 2016 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.24 No.4

        Objectives : Illicium verum Hook. f. has been known to possess antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, insecticidal, analgesic, sedative, convulsive activities, it has been rarely conducted to evaluate the immuno-biological activity. The present study was examined to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects of the Illicium verum Hook. f. water extracts (IVE) in vivo and in vitro. Methods : Cell viability was measured by MTT assay. The relative levels of NO were measured with Griess reagent. iNOS, COX-2, $NF-{\kappa}B$ and target proteins were detected by immunoblot analysis, and levels of cytokines were analyzed by ELISA kit. Anti-edema effect was determined in the carrageenan (CA)-induced paw edema model in rats. Results : All dosages of IVE used in MTT assay had no significant cytotoxicity. The increases of NO production and iNOS expression were detected in LPS-treated cells compared with control. However, these increases were attenuated by treatment with IVE. Also, IVE reduced the elevated production of $TNF-{\alpha}$, $IL-1{\beta}$ and IL-6 by LPS. IVE inhibited the $p-I{\kappa}B$ and translocation of $NF-{\kappa}B$ to nuclear. Furthermore, IVE significantly inhibited the increases of hind paw swelling, skin thicknesses and inflammatory cell infiltrations induced by CA injection. Therefore, IVE will be favorably inhibited the acute edematous inflammations. Conclusion : These results provide evidences that anti-inflammatory effect of IVE is partly due to the reduction of some inflammatory mediators by suppression of $NF-{\kappa}B$ pathway.

      • KCI우수등재

        1920년 체코슬로바키아공화국 헌법에 관한 연구

        金壽用(Kim Su-Yong) 한국공법학회 2007 공법연구 Vol.36 No.2

        일본으로부터 해방을 맞이한 해방공간에서는 어떠한 국가를 수립할 것인가를 놓고 각 정파간의 다양한 논의들이 진행되었다. 이러한 논의들은 1948년 헌법이 제정되어 대한민국이 수립될 때까지 3년간 지속되었다. 논의의 결과물로 많은 헌법안이 마련되었다. 그러한 헌법안들은 1948년 국회에 제출되었고, 1948년 헌법제정에 중요한 자료로 활용되었다.  헌법안 작성자들은 당시 참고가 가능했던 세계각국의 헌법을 가지고 헌법안을 작성하였다. 그중 특히 독일공화국, 일명 바이마르공화국 헌법과 미합중국헌법, 중화민국헌법초안이 우리나라 헌법제정에 영향을 끼쳤음에 대해서는 많이 알려져 있다. 그에 비하여 다른 국가의 헌법에 대해서는 지금까지 알려진 바가 거의 없다. 그 중 하나가 1920년 2월 29일에 공포된 체코슬로바키아공화국 헌법이다. 이 헌법은 행정연구위원회안과 법전기초위원회의 헌법개정요강을 통하여 1948년 헌법제정에 영향을 끼쳤다.  1920년 체코슬로바키아공화국 헌법의 주요내용은 다음과 같다: ㉠헌법적 효력을 가지는 규범으로 헌법(charte constitutionnelle)과 헌법적 법률(loi constitutionnelle)로 이루어져 있다. ㉡의원내각제 정부형태를 취하고 있다. ㉢대통령이 내각의 수상 뿐만 아니라 내각위원들을 임면한다. ㉣내각회의는 대통령이 주재한다. ㉤국회의 구성은 양원제로 하고, 각 원의 의원은 보통, 평등, 직접, 비밀선거에 의하여 비례대표제의 원리에 따라서 선출한다. ㉥양원 중 일원이 해산되거나 그 소속 의원의 임기가 만료된 때로부터 양원이 새로 개회할 때까지와, 기타 양원이 정회 또는 폐회 중인 경우, 24명의 의원으로 구성된 위원회가 긴급조치(의결)를 할 수 있는 예외적인 경우를 규정하고 있다. ㉦위헌법률심사제도를 두고 있다. ㉧배심제도를 취하고 있고, 사소(私訴)를 인정하고 있다. ㉨직업법관의 임기는 종신이지만, 법률에서 정한 연령에 달한 경우에는 유효한 선언으로 퇴직을 명할 수 있다. ㉩국민의 헌법상 권리에 대하여 자세하게 규정하고 있다. ㉪소수자를 보호하고 그들의 모국어 사용을 인정하고 있다. ㉫경제행정을 담당하는 순수한 자문기구로서 국가기관을 창설할 수 있도록 하고 있다. ㉬단일국가형태를 취하고, 카르파티아 남부의 루테니아 지방에는 예외적으로 자치권을 인정하고 있다. After the liberation from Japanese colonial ruling, there were a lot of the constitutional discussions and the constitutional drafts to make a nation in Korea. The makers of the constitutional drafts made reference to many constitutions of the world. Among them, the German Constitution of 1919, American Constitution and Draft of the Republic of China are well known. But other constitutions are not. One of them is the Constitution of the Czechoslovak Republic which was promulgated on February 29, 1920. This had effect on the constitution making of 1948 through the Draft of the Administration Research Committee Association and the Outlines of the Constitutional Amendment of the Code Drafting Commission.  The main contents of the Czechoslovak Constitution are like the following: ⓐNorms which have effect of a constitution are constitution(charte constitutionnelle) and constitutional law(loi constitutionnelle). ⓑParliamentary government system. ⓒThe President appoints and dismiss the Prime Minister and other ministers of the Government. ⓓThe President has the right to preside over meetings of the Government. ⓔThe National Assembly is composed of a Chamber of Deputies and a Senate, and each member of both chambers is elected according to a general, equal, direct, secret suffrage on a basis of proportional representation. ⓕDuring the period elapsing between the dissolution of either chamber and its reassemble or between the expiration of its term of office and its convocation and during the period of prorogation and adjournment, the committee which are composed of twenty four members act on all urgent matters. ⓖJudicial review system. ⓗThe jury system and the private action system. ⓘJudges are appointed permanently, but they are also pensioned after a valid finding when they have attained the age stated by law. ⓙThe citizen rights are in detail. ⓚProtection of national, religious, racial minorities and their language rights. ⓛAn Advisory Council for Economic Affairs is established and organized by the Government decrees. ⓜA unitary state system, but the autonomous territory of Carpathian Ruthenia has a self-government compatible with the unity of the Czechoslovak Republic.

      • KCI등재

        건강보험 수가결정 과정에서의 거버넌스 변화 연구

        金洙興 한국의정연구회 2015 의정논총 Vol.10 No.1

        건강보험은 정부, 가입자, 의료기관이 건강보험료와 건강보험수가를 놓고 이해관계의 첨예한 대립을 보이고 있어 정부에 의한 일방적인 정책 집행, 즉, 계층제적 거버넌스로는 그 성공이 쉽지 않은 공공정책 분야이다. 갈등과 대립이 있는 정책이 성공하려면 정책의 목적과 정책을 둘러싼 환경에 맞추어 거버넌스 변화가 필요하기 때문이다. 이 논문은 이해관계의 갈등과 대립이 있는 정책이 성공하기 위해 어떻게 거버넌스가 변화했는지 건강보험 수가결정 과정을 통해서 분석하였다. 거버넌스 변화를 구분하기 위해 건강보험 역사를 3개의 시기로 나누었으며, 각 시기별 거버넌스 유형은 건강보험 수가결정 구조, 상호작용 유형, 정부와 민간의 관계, 문제해결 방식 등 4가지 요인을 통해 도출하였다. 그 결과 제1기는 정부의 일방적인 수가인상률 결정 등으로 계층제적 거버넌스 유형을 보였고 제2기는 수가결정이 정부 결정 방식에서 건강보험 당사자 간의 수가계약제로 전환되면서 종전의 계층제적 상호작용에서 가입자, 공급자, 공단, 정부 등의 이해관계자 간의 네트워크형 상호작용으로의 변화가 나타나기 시작했다. 제3기는 정부와 공단이 가입자와 공급자의 의견을 주어진 상황 속에서 최대한 반영하고 의료기관 유형별 환산지수를 도입하는 등 협상과 조정의 과정이 정착되면서 상호 협력적 모습을 보이는 협력적 거버넌스로의 변화가 나타났다. There is a sharp disagreement among the government, health insurance subscribers, and health institutions over the health insurance premiums and health insurance fees. It explains that health insurance is not an easy policy that can be implemented successfully by the government’s unilateral policy enforcement, namely hierarchical governance. This study analyzes how the governance has been changed to maximize policy effectiveness though the process of setting health insurance fees, while encountering a conflict of interests among the stakeholders. In order to characterize governance changes, it divides the history of health insurance into three time periods; each time period’s governance is defined by four factors that are the principle agent of health insurance pricing, types of interaction, the relationship between the government and the public, problem solving methods, etc. In conclusion, during the first period it is classified as hierarchical governance type due to the government’s unilateral decision on health insurance fees. In the second period it appears to be network interaction type with the rise of contract-based pricing system among health insurance parties and the demise of the government’s exclusive insurance fee setting system. Health insurance stakeholders in this phase included health insurance subscribers, providers, an insurer, the government, etc. In the third period, it is defined as collaborative governance that shows collaborative interactions through establishment of the process of negotiation and mediation, such as adopting the conversion index by medical institution types. In this period, the government and corporations reflect the opinions of subscribers and insurers to the best of their ability in such given circumstance.

      • KCI등재

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