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        간흡충증 환자의 내시경적 역행성 담도조영술 소견

        이정일,임재훈,이창홍,민영일,유지홍,임규성 대한소화기내시경학회 1981 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.1 No.1

        We analyzed ERCP findings of 15 patients with clonorchiasis, that were confirmed by stool examination and operation from May, 1976 to September, 1980. The results were as follows. 1) Filling defects due to adult worm of clonorchis sinensis were significant direct findings of clonorchiasis. 2) Irregular stenosis, fuzziness, raggedness, peripheral dilation and disturbance of peripheral filling of intrahepatic bile ducts were significant indirect findings of clonorchiasis. 3) ERCP was excellent method to evaluate biliary tree in patients with clonorchiasis, who showed obstructive jaundice.

      • KCI등재

        방사선 조사 및 포장방법이 생계육 및 조리계육의 콜레스테롤 산화에 미치는 영향

        이정일,신택순,진상근,김일석,김영환,주선태,박구부 한국동물자원과학회 2003 한국축산학회지 Vol.45 No.5

        Chicken thigh from a retail market were used as experimental samples. Some chicken samples of raw state were packaged with PVDC at an aerobic and vacuum condition. The other samples were cooked until core temperature arrived at 70℃ and then packaged immediately in the same way of raw samples. After samples were irradiated by electron beam at 6k㏉, they were stored in a refrigerator. Identification and quantity of cholesterol oxides were made at 0 and 7 days of storage, respectively. During the early stage of storage, 7β-hydroxycholesterol, α, β-epoxide, cholestanetriol and 7-ketocholesterol were produced from the raw meat samples, and the production of these chemicals were significantly higher(P<0.05) from the samples with aerobic packaging than those with vacuum packaging. With storage time, 7α-hydroxycholesterol, 6-ketocholesterol and some other chemicals, which were not found during the early stage of storage, were found. Also, the formation of these chemicals were significantly increased(P<0.05) with storage time. Cholesterol and lipid oxidation products of cooked meat after irradiation and irradiated meat after cooking were significantly increased(P<0.05) with storage time for all treatments, and vacuum packaging results in showed significantly lower value(p<0.05) than aerobic packaging. Summarizing the aforementioned results, it was found that the formation of cholesterol and lipid oxides and lipid oxidation was more easily affected by packaging condition than irradiation.

      • 헤겔에 있어서 폭력의 지양으로서의 형벌의 목적론적 구조

        이정일 연세대학교 인문과학연구소 2003 人文科學 Vol.85 No.-

        헤겔은 폭력을 아주 엄격한 의미에서 정당한 질서에 대한 파괴로 본다. 따라서 폭력은 질서파괴이기 때문에 질서는 자기유지를 위해서 파괴를 파괴하지 않으면 안된다. 질서를 파괴하는 자에 대해서 법은 필연적으로 범범자를 처벌해야만 한다. 처벌은 해도 되고 안해도 되는 선택의 문제가 아니라 필연적으로 범법자를 강제해야만 한다. 왜냐하면 질서는 모두를 구속 하는 질서이기 때문에 파괴가 불가능하기 때문이다. 헤겔은 따라서 범법자의 의지와 관계 없이 법은 질서유지를 위해 파괴자를 파괴해야만 한다고 주장한다. 범법자는 파괴를 통해 법을 파괴했기 때문에 동시에 자기를 파괴하게 된다. 처벌은 법이 범법자에게 내리는 형벌이지만 동시에 범법자가 자기에게 가하는 처벌이기도 하다. 범법자는 자기파괴로부터 자기를 구하고자 한다면 바로 자기의 파괴를 파괴하지 않으면 안 된다. 이 점에서 처벌은 범죄자가 자기가 파괴시킨 질서를 스스로 다시 복구하는 목적론적인 화해를 지니게 된다. 헤겔은 처벌을 통해서 정의를 회복하고자 한다. 폭력의 극복은 질서가 자기를 회복하는 것을 말한다. 범법자는 질서를 다시 세움에 의해 동시에 자기의 파괴를 다시 고치게 된다. 처벌은 이 점에서 파괴를 질서로 편입시키는 화해를 지니게 된다. 이것이 형벌이 처벌만능주의에서 벗어나서 질서에 인간을 편입시키는 목적론적 화해로 이어지게 되는 것을 가능하게 한다. 범법자는 처벌을 내면화함에 의해서 자기가 파괴한 법을 스스로 복구함으로써 법에 편입된다. 법은 처벌이라는 강제를 통해서 공적인 질서를 공적으로 유지한다. 법을 통해서 범법자를 처벌하는 것은 공공질서가 모든 개별자에게 행사하는 질서유지를 말한다. 따라서 범법자는 처벌을 받아들임에 의해 그가 파괴한 공적인 질서와 차원을 다시 복구하도록 강제된다. 이 강제는 단순히 힘을 통한 힘의 행사가 아니라 질서가 질서유지를 위해 힘을 통해 폭력을 극복하는 것을 말한다. 여기에서 처벌은 복수와 구별된다. 법의 안정성과 자기유지는 질서를 공적으로 유지하는 한에서 언제나 사적인 복수를 폐지하거나 지양하지 않으면 안 된다. 따라서 처벌의 불가피성을 통해 폭력과 범죄를 극복하는 것은 질서의 차원에서 보면 피할 수가 없다. 파괴 자체를 무화하는 공적인 힘이 처벌의 불가피성을 가능하게 한다. 따라서 범법자를 처벌하는 법의 강제는 강제가 아니라 그 자체가 질서의 회복이 된다. 정당한 질서의 권위를 통해서 폭력과 파괴를 지양하는 것은 법의 권리이자 동시에 필연적인 의무다. 권리는 법이 질서라는 존엄성을 유지하는 것을 말한다. 의무인 것은 바로 법이라는 공공질서를 부정하고 파괴하는 자에 대한 법의 필연적인 공적제재를 말한다. 이 점에서 파괴를 파괴하는 것이 처벌로 하여금 질서를 다시금 원래의 상태로 회복하는 정의를 가능하게 한다. Hegel definiert das Gesetz als die sittliche Gewohnheit, insofern es die Verwirklichung der o¨ffentlichen Ordnung zum Ziel macht. Daraus ergibt sich, daß die sittlich geordnete Lebensform unbeingt respektiert werden soli. Sonst wa¨re Verletzter in Selbst-Widerspruch oder Selbstzersto¨rung geraten. So betrachtet, wehrt sich sittliche Ordnung gegen die Verletzung des Gesetzes ab, indem es die zersto¨rte Ordung wiederstellen la¨ßt. In diesem Aspekt hat Hegel die sich wiederherstellende Ordnung als die ausgleichende Gerechtigkeit gegen Verletzung und Gewaltsamkeit bezeichnet So hat er Strafe als die unvermeidliche Wiederherstellung der sittlichen Ordnung gekennzeichnet, insofem sie zur Verletzung der Verletzung beitragen soil. Aus diesem Grund nannte er sie die teleologische Wiederherstellung der Strafe. Das Ziel der Strafe liegt nicht in dem a¨ußerlichem Zwang der Macht, sondern in der Wiederherstellung, indem der Verletzter die verletzte Ordnung in die Tat umzusetzen fa¨hig ist. Die sich wiederherstellnde Wu¨rde geht notwendigerweise mit der unvermeidlichen Strafe einher, den sie auf o¨ffentlicher Ebene die Selbsterhaltung der Ordnung in Schutz nehmen muß Der Verletzter soli mit sich selbst in Verbindung bringen, indem er die von ihm selbst verletzte Gesetzordnung respektieren und wiederherstellen soil. Daraus stellt sich heraus, daß die Verletzung des sittlichen Gesetzes unmo¨glich ist, insofern seine Vernichtung in Selbstverletzung geraten ist. Die teleologische Wiederherstellung der Strafe zielt darauf ab, den Verletzter in die Ordnung zu bringen, denn er ist in die sittliche Ordnung einzufu¨hren, indem er sich selbst aufheben kann. Strafe wehrt sich gegen die Verletzung der sittlichen Ordnung ab, indem sie unvermeidlich die Zersto¨rung vernichtet. Sie fu¨hrt zur Aufhebung der Gewaltsamkeit, indem sie dem Verletzter die Wu¨rde der nicht zu verletzenden Ordnung in Erinnerung bringen la¨ßt. Die rettende Verso¨hnung der Strafe soli zur Wiederherstellung der sittlichen Ordnung, indem die Verletzung vernichtet werden soll.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 황사피해 최소화를 위한 국가적인 대책과 국민의 행동요령에 관한 연구

        이정일 대한안전경영과학회 2015 대한안전경영과학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2015 No.04

        Every year the amounts of yellow sands and their impacts have been rapidly increased. the national action plans has been strongly required. When the preliminary alerts for yellow sands are occurred, On-line public relations for the occurrences of yellow sands, their expected regional impacts and the public guidelines should be emphasized. Also, A joint emergency situation management system among related agencies should be established to minimize the damages.

      • KCI등재

        땅콩(Arachis Hypogaea, L.) 품종들의 주요형질에 대한 유전통계량의 지역간 변동

        李正日,成洛戍 韓國作物學會 1983 Korean journal of crop science Vol.28 No.2

        땅콩 육종의 선발효율을 높이기 위한 유전력, 표현형상관, 유전상관, 환경상관 및 경로계수의 지역간변동을 알기 위하여 화성, 청주, 진주, 광산, 제주등 5개지역에서 실시된 시험성적을 중심으로 유전통계량의 분석 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 개화기, 주경장, 100립중 및 2 당착협수의 유전력은 매우 높으며 지역간 변동도 적어 다수계통선발의 주요형질로서 중요시되는 반면, 일차분지수, 수량의 유전력은 중정도이며 완숙립비율, 협실비율은 낮은 편이었고 지역간 변동도 컸다. 2. 주경장과 수량, 2 당착협수와 완숙립비율, 2 당착협수와 수량, 100립중과 수량은 정의 유전상관이 있었고 개화기와 수량간에는 부의 유전상관이 높았으나 지역간 변동량은 일정한 경향이었다. 3. 경로계수의 지역간 변동은 크나 수량에 대한 직접효과가 큰 형질은 주경장, 2 당착협수 등이었다. Heritability of flowering date, length of main stem, weight of 100 grains and number of shells per square meter in peanut were high with low local variation. There was positive genotypic correlation between length of main stem and yield, No. of shells per square meter and matured seed ratio, No of shells per square meter and yield 100 grain weight and yield but was negative genotypic correlation between flowering date and yield. With the view of path-coefficients, length of main stem, number of shells per square meter showed highly direct effects at.. all locations.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 주조재의 3차원 열 및 유동해석(Ⅰ)

        李貞一 충주대 2001 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.36 No.1

        A 3-dimensional solidification analysis by the SOLA-VOF (solution algorithm - volume of fluid) method was performed to find out the solidification sequences in the gravity-cast castings.The geometries and mesh diagrams of the casting and mold were automatically generated using a pre-processor based on the commercial Auto-CAD system.The solidification time of the casting and the temperature variation of the mold with cyclic casting process were evaluated using the present scheme.It can be concluded that the present simulation results can be used for the optimum casting parameters and conditions for sound castings without shrinkage defects in the casting process.

      • Wagner樂劇 Lohengrin의 示導動機에 대한 小考 : mainly the Leitmotif and endless melody

        李廷一 東亞大學校 敎育大學院 1982 敎育大學院 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        The outstanding composer of German Opera and one of the crucial figures in the history of nineteenth century music was Richard Wagner. He brought German Romantic Opera to its consummaton, he created a new form the Music Drama and the harmonic idiom of his lateworks carried to the limit the Romantic tendencies toward disslution of classical tonality, becaming the starting point for developments still continuing to the present day. In addition Wagner's writings had considerable influence on nineteenth century through, not only about music but also about literature, drama, and even political and moral issues. For Wagner, the function of music was to serve the ends of dramatic expression his only important compositions are those for theatre, for he was a musician first and a dramatist. The focal point of Wagnerian music drama, however, is not the melody but orchestra. Within the general continuity of action and music. Wager uses two principal means for achieving articulation and formal coherence. The first is leitmotif. A leitmotif is a musical theme or motive associated with a particular person, thing or idea in the drama. The association is established by sounding the leitmotif(usually in the orchestra) at the first appearance or mention of the object of reference, and by its repetition at each subsequent appearance reference. Thus the leitmotif is asort musical lable but it is more than that it accumulates significance as it recurs in new contents. Almost equally influential was his technical method of continuous music(endless melody) which minimized divisions within an act and assigned to the symphonic orchestra the function of maintaining continuity with the help of leitmotifs which the voice sang in free, arioso lines rather than in the balanced phrases of the traditional aria. Lohengrin being the last important German Romantic Opera and at the same time embodies several changes prophitic of music dramas of Wagner's next period, it ws selected in this theses to illustrate the example of Leitmotif. The technique of recurring themes is futher developed and refined, particularly with respect to the motifs associated with Lohengrin and the Grail and the motif of the "Forbidden question". The style on the whole is diatonic, with modulations usually toward the mediant keys. Wagner's work affected all subsequent opera. His peculiar use of mythology and symbolism could not be successfully imitated but his ideal of opera as a drama of significant content, with words, stage setting, visible action, and music all working is closest harmony toward the central dramatic purpose-the ideal, in short of the Gesamtkunstwerk or universal artwork-was profoundly influential. As a master of orchestral color Wagner had few equala, and in this respect also his example was fruitful. Above all, his music impressed itself on the late nineteenth century because it was able, by its sheer overwhelming power, to suggest or arouse or create in its hearers that all cebrancing state of ecstasy, at once sensuous and mystical, toward which all Romantic art had been atriving. This is the main emphasized point of this thesis.

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