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      • KCI등재

        Scrooge’s (Re)Birth into Time

        한경민 영미문학연구회 2011 영미문학연구 Vol.20 No.-

        This essay investigates Scrooge’s conversion from a self-contained miser into a compassionate philanthropist through the examination of his growing understanding of what time is and what it means to have time. Before the visits by the Ghosts, Scrooge has been striving to believe that he can live in a timeless space, but in fact he has been living almost like an inanimate object that merely exists in time. I contend that his regeneration is brought forth by his realization that he, as a being with free will, has time—that is, he has past, present, and future. Scrooge’s passive relation to time can be most prominently demonstrated by his inability to comprehend the reality of death, which is the inevitable consequence of living a life without a past, a present, or a future. Through the visions shown by the Ghost of Christmas Past, Scrooge is given an opportunity to re-experience some important moments of his past and thereby regains his capacity for emotion. With a great focus on vivid descriptions of food, the visions of Christmas Present help Scrooge recognize the importance of being able to enjoy life in the present moment. Finally, by being forced by the Ghost of Christmas Future to witness the moment after his death against his will and against the logic of the natural law, Scrooge not only confronts the reality of his own death but also learns to value and appreciate the unpredictability of the future. Determined not to become the dead man he has seen in the visions of Christmas Future, Scrooge wholeheartedly embraces the openness of the future that leaves room for changing what he has seen in the visions and begins exercising his free will to enjoy and share pleasures of life with other people. Not all human beings are endowed with endless possibilities of life even when they have time, but fortunately for Scrooge, his author was kind enough to reward him with opportunities for doing “it all, and infinitely more”(133).

      • KCI등재후보

        균질화법에 의한 복합재료 판구조의 구조음장 특성 해석에 관한 연구

        한경민,박성수 대한건축학회지회연합회 2006 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.8 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to execute structural-acoustic coupling analysis for plates with composite materials using Homogenization method. Nowadays, many kinds of composite materials are used to protect noises through floor. but its dynamic characteristics are very complicate, From among noise factors, resonance sound is main reason for floor's solid noise. therefore, In this study, structural-acoustic coupling analysis for floor resonance sounds with Composite materials is established and that a case study is suggested with it.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 헝가리 계몽주의-개혁시대의 문학

        한경민 아시아중동부유럽학회 2002 동유럽발칸학 Vol.4 No.2

        The Hungarian Literature of Enlightenment-Reform Age 헝가리 계몽주의-개혁시대의 문학은 전 국민을 결집시키는 거대한 목표를 가지고 있었다. 조국의 독립과 발전이라는 목적을 이루어 내기 위해, 이 시기 문학가들은 문학이 어떠한 방법과 방향을 지녀야 할지를 고민하였다. 일차적으로 계몽주의 문학은 민중의 계몽을 위해 교육적 기능을 담당하였다. 더 나아가 개혁시대의 문학은 현실 사회의 개혁에 이바지하는 모델 제시를 주안점으로 하였다.계몽주의 시대부터 문학을 비롯한 다른 문화 영역에서도 민중을 계몽시키기 위한 여러 가지 노력이 선보인다. 이 시기 가장 중요한 문화운동은 언어개혁 운동이었으며, 카진치 페렌츠를 중심으로 하여 10년 간의 논쟁이 이어진다. 이 과정에서 모국어와 조국에 대한 사랑과 관심이 확대된 것은 자명한 일이다. 마침내 신어 운동가가 승리하면서, 헝가리 어는 광범위한 어휘확대와 언어 규칙의 정리가 이루어지게 된다.개혁 시대는 정치 변화를 통해 직접적으로 현실을 개혁하려는 의지가 발원된 시기이다. 이 시기 문학은 과거의 사건을 소재로 하여, 외세를 몰아내고 독립을 쟁취하려는 의지를 보여준다. 헝가리 민족극으로 인정받는 『반크 장군』을 쓴 커토너 요젭이나 현재 애국가로 불리는 <힘누스>가 이 시대에 태어났다. 이 작품들은 모두 독립을 간절히 염원하고, 헝가리의 새로운 미래가 다가오기를 간구하는 내용을 지닌다. 헝가리 계몽주의-개혁시대의 문학은 전 민중의 의지를 결집하여 조국의 독립과 발전을 이루려고 투쟁한 시기이다. 이 시대의 문학은 이후 1867년 헝가리가 부분적인 주권을 갖는 오스트리아-헝가리 이중제국이 성립되도록 초석을 놓았다. 또 헝가리가 근대로 진입하여 봉건사회에서 탈피하여 시민국가로 이행하도록 교량이 되었다. <주제어>헝가리 계몽주의-개혁시대의 문학, 계몽주의 문학가, 언어개혁운동, 개혁시대의 문학가, 헝가리 애국가

      • KCI등재

        “To Love Her as Myself”:The Paradox of Silas’s Sympathetic Imagination in George Eliot’s Silas Marner

        한경민 영미문학연구회 2013 영미문학연구 Vol.25 No.-

        This paper reconsiders most critics’ tendency to idealize and mystify Silas’s relationship with Eppie in Silas Marner, focusing particularly on Eliot’s treatment of sympathetic imagination in the novel. Drawing on Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s theory of alienation and sympathy that grapples with the paradox of imagination as both an alienating force and a redeeming power to liberate humans from their situation of alienation, this paper argues that the limitations and potential of Silas’s love of Eppie “as [him]self” (180) demonstrate the paradox of sympathetic imagination. Specifically, despite his devoted love for Eppie, Silas eventually fails to overcome the perversion of his amour propre (self-love or vanity) initiated by his painful experience of betrayal by his best friend William Dane in Lantern Yard and cannot liberate himself completely from his condition of alienation, as shown in his jealous obsession with the “domination and control” of his rivals in obtaining Eppie’s affection. At the same time, Silas’s endeavor to love Eppie “as [him]self” humanizes him and actualizes his capacity for moral growth, and thus his sympathetic imagination serves as the redeeming power for him. Although Rousseau virtually gives up his efforts to redeem amour propre and withdraws from human society in his later years, Eliot continues her search for the possibilities of overcoming alienation and achieving sympathy in her novels, and Silas Marner constitutes an important step in her earnest attempts to reach a fuller understanding of the human condition and potential.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        “Across Vast Distances of Space and Time”: The Problematics of the Ending in Lois Lowry’s The Giver

        한경민 한국중앙영어영문학회 2016 영어영문학연구 Vol.58 No.4

        This paper attempts to illuminate the ambiguous ending of Lois Lowry’s The Giver by examining the complicated relationship between time and space. Countering the view that interprets Jonas’s journey from the community to Elsewhere simply as a journey undertaken in physical space, this paper contends that Jonas’s journey is an act of rectifying the community’s skewed understanding of time and space and that the Elsewhere he strives to reach is a realm of existence in which he is allowed to have past, present, and future and thereby freely act on his love for others. In comprehending the community’s distortion of the relationship between time and space, the term, “release,” is particularly significant. As the euphemism for death, the word, “release,” defines death in terms of space rather than time and thereby deprives the community members of the opportunity to grasp the concept of death, which is essential to the development of capacity for love. Jonas’s training as The Receiver of Memory helps him learn the true meaning of death and life which has been obstructed by the word, “release,” and thereby grow in his ability to love as a human being who not only exists in time but also has present, past, and future.

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