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      • KCI등재

        戀君歌辭 <自悼詞>의 특징과 의의

        최현재 동양고전학회 2010 東洋古典硏究 Vol.41 No.-

        본고는 曺友仁의 <自悼詞>가 鄭澈의 <思美人曲>이나 <續美人曲>을 모방한 작품이라는 선행 연구의 평가에 의문을 제기하는 차원에서 마련된 것이다. 그리하여 연군의식의 양상과 정서 표출 양상의 측면에서 <자도사>를 정철의 <사미인곡>․<속미인곡>을 포함한 몇몇 연군가사 작품들과 비교하였다. <자도사>가 천상계와 지상계의 이원적 공간 설정을 갖추고 있고, 천상계의 님을 지상계의 화자가 그리워하는 태도를 보일 뿐만 아니라 몇몇 구절과 모티프는 <사미인곡>과 <속미인곡>을 차용하였다는 점에서는 무엇보다도 <사미인곡>․<속미인곡>과 흡사한 작품이라 할 수 있다. 그러나 화자의 정서나 태도의 측면에서 작품을 좀 더 세부적으로 들여다보면, 이 작품이 <사미인곡>․<속미인곡>과 달리 님을 원망할 뿐만 아니라 심지어는 님에게 각성을 촉구하는 모습까지 드러내고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 결국 이러한 차이는 작가마다 처한 정치적 입지와 임금과의 관계가 상이하기 때문에 빚어진 결과물이라 할 수 있다. 본고는 <자도사>와 <사미인곡>․<속미인곡> 간의 영향 관계를 따져 모방작 여부만을 판가름하는 데에 그치지 않고, 다른 연군가사 작품들과의 비교를 통해 <자도사>만의 독특한 면모와 가치를 밝히는 데까지 나아갔다는 점에서 의의를 찾을 수 있다. The aim of this paper is to look into the characteristics and its value of Jo Uin(曺友仁)'s Jadosa(自悼詞). I compared Jadosa with other Yeongungasa(戀君歌辭) works for this purposes in the sides of aspect of Yeongunuisik(戀君意識) and emotionalism. Therefore Jadosa is equipped with space setting called the heavenly world and the earthly world, and has characteristics that a speaker of the earthly world misses a lover of the heavenly world. Also, Jadosa is similar to Samiingok(思美人曲) and Sokmiingok(續美人曲) of Jeong Cheol(鄭澈) because the former borrowed a few phrases and motifs from the latter. However, if I look into Jadosa in greater detail in the sides of emotion or attitude of a speaker, the speaker of Jadosa shows a reproachful attitude Unlike works of Jeong Cheol. And the speaker of Jadosa urges the lover to be aware of his illusion. Finally these differences occur as a political standing and a relation with the king is different in every writer. Accordingly This paper is very worthwhile through comparison of Jadosa and other Yeongungasa works given that I reviewed characteristics and a meaning of Jadosa.

      • KCI등재

        어린이 노래책(나운영 편)의 편찬의식과 자료적 가치

        최현재 국어문학회 2022 국어문학 Vol.80 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the compilation ritual and material value of "Children's Songbook". This material has important value and meaning as an elementary school music textbook after liberation. In order to solve the issue of issuance of textbooks, which is a current issue at this time, it was systematically compiled with Korean education in mind. "Children's Songbook" is the result of systematically carrying out the work shared by those who participated in the compilation of textbooks. It is also worth noting that this textbook completely contains the characteristics of the times. Like other music textbooks, this textbook is structured around the creative nursery rhymes of the ‘Golden Age of Children’s Songs’, but two traditional nursery rhymes, foreign song, and enlightening original nursery rhymes were also included to increase the educational effect by pursuing diversity. Also, in that it contains most of the original nursery rhymes as they were when they were first released, we can see the strict attitude as a textbook editor. In addition, it can be seen that the unique aspect of La Un-yung, who emphasized national music, is reflected throughout the textbook. 본고의 목적은 나운영이 편찬한 어린이 노래책 의 편찬의식과 자료적 가치를 살펴보는 데 있다. 이 자료는 해방 후의 초등학교 음악교과서로서 중요한 가치와 의미를 지닌다. 해방공간 시급한 현안으로 떠오른 교과서의 발행 및 보급 문제를 해결하기 위해 한글 교육도 염두에 두고서 체계적으로 편찬된 것임을 알 수 있다. 군정청 편수국의 교과서 편수, 음악적 교열을 담당한 ‘太陽社’, 노랫말의 한글 교정을 맡은 조선어학회, 수록곡의 선정과 음악적 수정을 가한 나운영 등이 각기 분담한 작업을 체계적으로 진행한 결과물이 바로 어린이 노래책 이다. 해방공간의 시대적 특성을 온전히 담고 있다는 점에서 이 교과서를 주목해야 할 필요가 있다. 다른 음악교과서들처럼 이 교과서도 ‘동요황금시대’라 일컫는 1920∼30년대의 창작동요들을 중심으로 구성되어 있다. 그러나 전래동요 2편과 외국 노래, 계몽적인 창작동요도 함께 수록하고 있다는 데에서 다양성을 추구하여 교육적 효과를 높이려는 편찬자의 의도를 간파할 수 있다. 또한 처음 발표될 당시의 원곡 상태 그대로 창작동요들 대부분을 싣고 있다는 점에서 교과서 편찬자로서의 엄정한 태도를 엿볼 수 있으며, 어린이 노래책 곳곳에 민족음악을 중시하였던 나운영의 독특한 면모가 반영되어 있음을 확인할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        무기체계 소프트웨어의 모델 기반 테스트 케이스 생성 방법

        최현재,이영우,백지선,김동환,조규태,채흥석 한국군사과학기술학회 2020 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        Test cases in the existing weapon system software were created manually by the tester analyzing the test items defined in the software integration test procedure. However, existing test case generation method has two limitations. First, the quality of test cases can vary depending on the tester's ability to analyze the test items. Second, excessive time and cost may be incurred in writing test cases. This paper proposes a method to automatically generate test cases based on the requirements model and specifications to overcome the limitations of the existing weapon system software test case generation. Generate test sequences and test data based on the use case event model, a model representing the requirements of the weapon system software, and the use case specification specifying the requirements. The proposed method was applied to 8 target models constituting the avionics control system, producing 30 test sequences and 8 test data.

      • KCI등재

        曺偉의 『萬憤歌』와 鄭澈의 兩美人曲에 나타난 戀君意識의 樣相 考察

        최현재 한국어문교육연구회 2010 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.38 No.3

        戀君歌辭에 대한 기존 논의는 鄭澈의 兩美人曲을 중심으로 作品들의 영향 관계를 糾明하는 데 치중한 것이 거의 대부분이다. 그 결과로 個別 作品들의 辨別的 特徵에 대해서는 그다지 큰 關心을 두지 않았다. 本考는 이러한 점에 문제의식을 두고 戀君意識의 側面에서 鄭澈의 兩美人曲과 曺偉의 「萬憤歌」를 살펴보았다. 戀君意識의 差異에 따라 「萬憤歌」와 兩美人曲은 話者의 形象化 樣相, 詩的 對象인 님의 位相, 그리고 두 人物의 空間 設定 등에서 큰 差異를 보일 뿐만 아니라 話者가 궁극적으로 겨냥하고 있는 指向點에서도 다른 樣相을 빚어내고 있는 것이다. 이러한 差異는 다름 아닌 作家가 처한 政治 現實의 相異함에서 비롯되었다. 결국 曺偉의 「萬憤歌」와 鄭澈의 兩美人曲은 戀君歌辭라는 유형적 범주를 공유하고 있지만, 戀君意識의 側面에서는 매우 對比되는 樣相을 보이고 있다. It almost gains the majority that existing discussions regarding Yeon- gungasa(戀君歌辭) was devoted to influence relation of works in finding it out around Jeong Cheol(鄭澈)'s Samiingok(思美人曲) and Sokmiingok(續美人曲). AS a result they didn't show an interest in distinctive char- acteristics of individual works much. This paper studied Jo wi(曺偉)'s Manbunga(萬憤歌) and Jeong Cheol's YangmiIngok(兩美人曲) according to these issue consciousness in the sides of the sense of Yeongun(戀君意識). Jo wi's Manbunga and Jeong Cheol's YangmiIngok show a large difference in the figuration aspect of a poetic narrator, the status of a poetic object and the space setting of two characters according to differences of the sense of Yeongun. Also these works show a different aspect at the ultimate intention of a speaker. These differences are caused greatly by differences of the political actualities that a writer is placed in. In the end Jo wi's Manbunga and Jeong Cheol's YangmiIngok are sharing the type of Yeongungasa. However, these works are looking very different aspect in the sides of the sense of Yeongun.

      • <金圓傳>에 투영된 道家思想 考察

        최현재 空軍士官學校 1997 論文集 Vol.39 No.-

        To study over the problem of thought, especially in the Chosun Dynasty's novels, is to study the context of them. In addition, context is the determinate factor of its theme. Therefore thought is the foreground of the theme and the theme is the core of thought. In order to understand the Chosun Dynasty's novels systematically, it needs to study the main thought or the theme shown through them and to verify its relation to a religious thought or a philosophical thought very deeply. The aim of this study is to verify the aspects and their meaning of Taoism shown in Kim Won Jeon, the novel written in the late Chosun Dynasty. According to the result of studying the novel, it can be stated that the basic thought of this book is the very Taoism and, though a slice of Confucianism is also shown, Confucianism doesn't rule over the whole work.

      • KCI등재

        근대전환기 고전문학 장르의 교섭과 융합 : 구활자본 고전소설를중심으로

        최현재 한국언어문학회 2015 한국언어문학 Vol.92 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to review the aspects of the connection and the fusion of Korean classical literary genres at the modern transition period. The modern transition period was the time when the competition of Korean classical literature and modern literature were fierce. Yet the public's interest in Pansori and Japga was still very high. As a result, the Korean classical novel was published actively in a old-printed type. In addition to that, Japga had gained great popularity in the modern theater and Japgajip was also published many. Yaksandongdae() is a Korean classical novel which was published in a old-printed type in this historical background. This work is a remake of Chunhyangjeon(), but shows the features that are distinct from it. The most important difference will be directly related to the Korean classical poems contained in the work. This work has also included many Korean classical poems like Chunhyangjeon. A closer look, however, you can find very remarkable features. First, a part of Japgajip Singu-sihaeng-japga(신구시행잡가) is included almost exactly the same in this work. Second, the Japgajip is made up of the sounds of the song that Park Chunjae(박춘재), the famous singer at that time, enjoyed singing. Third, the Japgajip was published about a year later than this work. Through these points, it can be seen that the fact that this work is composed of the Pansori and Japga in a unique way. This can be seen as a result of a commercial publication strategy. Therefore, it should be evaluated by a rare new attempt.

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