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      • 한ㆍ러 관계 10년 회고와 전망

        최태강(Taikang Choi) 한림대학교 아시아문화연구소 2001 아시아문화 Vol.- No.17

        The International political situation of Northeast Asia is continually moving to a situation of new detente, especially on the Korean peninsula. After inter-Korean summit of the Korean peninsula, South-North Korea, North Korea-Russia, North Korea-U.S., North Korea-Japan relations have made considerable progress. Two Koreas and Russia relations are moving towards a good environment as a result of president Kim Dai-jung's visit to Pyongyang. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations on September 30, 1990, Moscow has maintained closer ties with South Korea than with its former communist ally, North Korea. On August 30, 1996, Russia's ambassador-resignate to Pyongyang, Valery I. Denisov, said, "The Korean policy of Russia is gradually overcoming 'a stage of romanticism,' which was characterized by its noticeable tendency toward Seoul and Washington." Russia wants to have good neighborly relations with North Korea and to develop a constructive, complementary partnership with South Korea. Russia doesn't want their relations with North Korea to lay obstacles to the development of cooperation with South Korea and or have Russian-South Korean ties impede our relations with North Korea. After it set up diplomatic ties with Seoul, Russia's leverage over Pyongyang has considerably weakened. Russia, as a result, was placed in a marginal position as a major issue in Northeast Asia. Russia was completely excluded in the negotiations on the North Korean nuclear development program and the following four-way talks on Korean peace. But the two countries began to restore ties after Russia signed a new friendship treaty with North Korea in February 2000. In a interview with Japanese news organizations, Russian president Putin said Russia's relations with North Korea "entered a new stage" after the inter-Korean summit. Putin has made clear that Russia plans to play a more active role in bringing peace to the peninsula and in helping to further ease tensions between South and North. In sum, Russia will maintain a "new equidistant policy" in its relations with the two Koreas. So the new foreign policy octrine is aimed at facilitating inter-Korean relations without favoring any side.

      • KCI등재

        新國際秩序 變化 속에서 러-중 軍事協力關係

        최태강(CHOI Taikang) 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회) 2005 신아세아 Vol.12 No.3

        지정학적 관점에서 냉전종식이후 미해결된 일부 지역 정세 가운데 동북아의 안보불안이 가장 복잡하다. 최근 아시아-태평양(아-태)지역의 대다수 국가들은 이 지역에서 미,일,중,러 간의 신국제질서 변화를 모색하는 과정에 관심을 보이고 있다. 이들 4개국들은 이 지역에서 새로운 힘의 균형과 냉전이후 국방정세를 재평가하고 있다. 점증하는 군사-경제력을 바탕으로 중국이 군사비를 증대시키는 것에 대해 미국과 일본(미일)은 우려를 보이고 있다. 다른 하나는 한반도 핵문제의 사태 발전에 대한 미일의 우려도 있다. 더구나 2001년 9월 11일 미국에 대한 테러이후, 러시아와 중국(러중)은 중앙아시아에서 미군주둔을 더 이상 묵과할 수 없다는 것이다. 이 지역에서 러중 양국은 미군 주둔으로부터 자유로운 아프카니스탄을 포함한 자신들의 주변 국가들을 가지길 바라고 있다. 이런 요인들이 양국간 우호협력관계를 심화시키고, 새로운 군사협력을 촉진한 것이다. 본 논문은 신밀월관계에 있는 러중 양국의 군사협력관계의 요인들은 무엇이며, 양국 무기교역은 왜 활발하고 무기거래 규모나 종류는 어떠한지, 양국 군사교류에 장애요인은 없는지, 향후 러중 군사협력이 군사동맹으로까지 발전 할 가능성은 없는지를 살펴보는데 있다. From the geopolitical standpoint, after the end of the “cold war” there are left unsettled several regional situations, and the one in the Northeast Asia is the most complicated one. Lately, the attention of most states of the Asia-Pacific region has been attracted by the new quartet of the United States, China, Japan, and Russia. These countries re-estimated the after-cold-war defense situation and the new balance of power in the region. The growing military-economic power of China is the anxiety of the U.S. and Japan concerning China’s defense spending increase. Also note the anxiety of the U.S. and Japan about development of the “nuclear question” on the Korean Peninsula. What’s more, after the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001 against the U.S., both Russian and China did no more than endure the American military presence in Central Asia, and they are looking forward to have their periphery(including Afganistan) free from the American military presence. These factors have formed, and perhaps, accelerated this demonstration of power and friendship of the two countries. The military cooperation between Russia and China enables Beijing to modernize its defense industry. In addition to arms sale and technology transfer, Beijing and Moscow have agreed to other forms of military cooperation. Military cooperation between Russia and China will strengthen their strategic and political alliance in East Asia. In sum, Russia and China will hold regular security consultations to further strengthen close military cooperation between the two Cold-War-era adversaries. This is the first time ever that China is establishing a mechanism of national security consultations with another Country. The first joint exercises in history represent a new step in development of strategic partnership of Russia and China in the military field.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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