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      • KCI등재

        세포교정영양요법(OCNT)을 이용한 당뇨 환자 사례 연구

        최연,Choi, Yeon Cellmed Orthocellular Medicine and Pharmaceutical 2023 셀메드 (CellMed) Vol.Special 2 No.-

        Objective: A Case Report on Control of Diabetes Using Nutritional Therapy Methods: The patient is a Korean woman aged 58 years. The patient has a history of cervical cancer surgery and is a diabetic patient. Results: Diabetes improved following nutritional therapy. Conclusion: Nutritional therapy can be beneficial in the treatment of diabetes.

      • KCI등재

        자기희생적 리더십이 구성원의 조직성과에 미치는 영향: 직장영성에 의한 매개효과

        최연 한국자료분석학회 2014 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society Vol.16 No.3

        Will the effects of self-sacrificial leadership on member’s organizational outcomes be mediated by the member’s workplace spirituality? This study is to empirically investigate the question. Using the research model in which leader’s self-sacrifice is the independent variable, member’s affective commitment and job satisfaction are the dependent variables, and member’s workplace spirituality (as measured by spiritual motivation) is the mediating variable, field survey data were collected from 255 participants. Data analyses results show a complete mediation effect of the member’s workplace spirituality (as measured by spiritual motivation) over the impact self-sacrificial leadership has on the member’s organizational performance (as measured by affective commitment and job satisfaction). This result is a stronger effect than the one reported in the previous research conducted by Choi (2011), where the mediating effect was partial. The need to refine the concept of spiritual motivation and future research issues are then discussed and proposed. 이 연구는 자기희생적 리더십이 구성원의 조직성과에 미치는 영향이 직장영성(workplace spirituality)에 의해 매개되는가를 검증하기 위한 것이다. 실증연구에서, 종속변수인 구성원의 조직성과는 구성원의 정서적 조직몰입과 직무만족으로, 매개변수인 구성원의 직장영성은 구성원의 영적동기부여로 측정되었다. 255명의 연구 참가자로부터 수집된 현장 서베이 데이터를 분석한 결과, 자기희생적 리더십이 구성원의 조직성과에 대하여 가지는 효과가 구성원의 직장영성에 의해 완전매개된다는 것이 밝혀졌다. 이는 선행연구(Choi, 2011)가 보고한 부분매개 효과보다 강력한 결과이며, 실험방법으로 수행된 선행연구의 취약점이었던 외적타당성 부족을 보완해 주고 있다. 매개변수인 직장영성의 측정에 사용된 영적동기부여와 관련하여, 개념적 정교화와 측정항목의 추가적 개발의 필요성에 대한 토의 및 연구의 시사점이 제시되었다.

      • KCI등재

        金子みすゞ詩における〈港〉のトポス ―「漁夫の子の唄」を中心に―

        崔蓮?(Choi, Yeon-Hee) 대한일어일문학회 2021 일어일문학 Vol.89 No.-

        Kaneko Musuzu, a Japanese children’s poet, wrote many poems about harbour. A ‘harbour’ or ‘port town’ is where she lives, where she wants to escape, and a place she longs for. This article investigates her poetry and their topics in terms of the evocation of a ‘harbour’ for various rhetorical purposes. A ‘harbour’ is a crucial place, which means a lot for her poetry, and characterizes her work. Her poem begins with the desire to leave the ‘port town.’ She gazes onto the sea and imagines an island far away from her town. She invites herself into the imagination, in which she stands at the ‘harbour’ and then transfers her body freely from one place to another Kaneko can only follow ships and sails, which call in at the port and then sail into the sea. For her, the ‘port town’ is a lonely and harsh place to live in. At the ‘harbour,’ she longs for a place far removed from the sea. When Kaneko’s longing for a far-flung places grows stronger, her lyrical expressions of moving to another place far beyond the sea emerge. Kaneko has such a strong desire to leave the ‘port town,’ in particular Shimonoseki, where she settled after her marriage. Her life at Shimonoseki drives her to despair. She yearns for an island. However, she feels loneliness on the island, once she imagined reaching there. She looks for a way for contacting people in the ‘port town,’ which is her hometown, Senzaki, and hopes to mingle with them. In this context, the port of Senzaki becomes a nostalgic place for her, although her life at her hometown, in fact, had been tough. Kaneko turns her gaze the other way around and looks at the ‘harbour’ from an islander’s viewpoint. Her argument of topos, which started at a ‘harbour’ or ‘port town,’ projects out an island, and again shifts back to a ‘harbour. She seems to have thought about the feelings of islanders. Kaneko evokes the image of herself living happily there, although she feels like an outsider. When describing a Korean child’s life, who crossed the sea and moved to Japan in the recent past, she overlaps her own image living on an island with that of the child. Kaneko hopes him/her to be happy in Japan, although he/she suffers from poverty. Kaneko, who has been unable to escape from the ‘port towns’ throughout her life, expands her yearning for an island. Her longing, which starts at her topos, a ‘harbour,’ is projected to various places in the eyes of her neighbours. This way, she evokes a ‘harbour’ for different rhetorical purposes

      • KCI등재

        Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT) Experiential treatment for Breast Cancer, lymphedema Patients

        최연,Choi, Yeon Cellmed Orthocellular Medicine and Pharmaceutical 2023 셀메드 (CellMed) Vol.Special 2 No.-

        Objective: Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT) Experiential treatment for Breast Cancer, lymphedema Patients Methods: The patient is a Korean woman aged 50 years. She was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, the right lymph node was removed, resulting in lymphedema and pain. Results: After nutritional therapy, lymphedema improved. Conclusion: The patient's lymphedema improved, and she regained her daily vitality.

      • KCI등재

        A Case of improvement of hair loss using Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT)

        최연 셀메드 세포교정의약학회 2024 셀메드 (CellMed) Vol.14 No.3

        Objective: Report of a case of improvement of hair loss through the use of OCNT. Methods: A 60-year old Korean male has been suffering from hair loss. Results: Hair loss was markedly improved following implementation of OCNT. Conclusion: Application of OCNT to hair loss can be helpful in alleviation of the symptoms.

      • KCI등재

        세포교정영양요법(OCNT)을 이용한 암피로증후군, 전이암 환자 사례 연구

        최연 셀메드 세포교정의약학회 2022 셀메드 (CellMed) Vol.2022 No.S

        Objective: A Case Report on Reduction of Inflammation Using Nutritional Therapy Methods: The patient is a Korean woman aged 61 years. 13 years ago, she was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer and underwent surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. However, 13 years later, the disease spread to the lungs and brain. Results: Following nutritional therapy, cancer fatigue syndrome improved. Conclusion: Nutritional therapy can be beneficial for cancer fatigue syndrome, a condition that remains undiagnosed and untreated.

      • KCI등재

        세포교정영양요법(OCNT)을 이용한 염증환자 사례 연구

        최연 셀메드 세포교정의약학회 2022 셀메드 (CellMed) Vol.2022 No.S

        Objective: A Case Report on Reduction of Inflammation Using Nutritional Therapy Methods: The patient is a Korean male aged 62 years. The wound has developed inflammation and is not healing while the patient complains of pain. Results: After nutritional therapy, inflammation diminished. Conclusion: Nutritional therapy can be beneficial for inflammation, for which even skin transplantation was advised.

      • KCI등재

        일본 현대 소설에서의 여성 의식 : 하야시 후미코(임부미자(林芙美子))의 『 방랑기(放浪記』 , 『 만국(晩菊』 , 『 부운(浮雲』 를 중심으로 Especially on Hayashi Fumiko's Horoki , Bankiku and Ukikumo

        최연 한국일어일문학회 1999 日語日文學硏究 Vol.35 No.1

        明治二十年代以後の日本の近代は, 家父長的な家族制度が天皇主權の下で强固に制定され, 女の傳統的な强さを家のなかだけに閉じこめながら, 女性の政治的無權利と經濟的無能力が極端なところまで押し進めらた時代だったということができる. その間, 女性の活と表現活動には有形無形の抑壓が加わり, 禁忌がはりめぐらされ, 女性表現に多くの迂回路や反面や暗喩の層をつくり出してきた. そのため, この時期の女性作家のテクストは, フェミニズム批評によってはじめて讀み解くことのできる表現の地平と地層をもっていることが多い. 本論文でとり組んだのは, そのような地平の發見であり, 地層の發掘であった. 女の放浪とは, 結婚という制度への定着を拒むということなのである. したがって放浪する女とは, 結婚という制度によって確保さる, 家の中という女の居場所, 母や妻や娘という女の從來の役割からはみだした女である. その意味で『放浪記』と『浮雲』は, 藝者の晩年を描いた『晩菊』と共に, 家庭や家族の中で生きる日本の典型的な女ではなくその外部を生きようとする女を描きつづけた, 林芙美子の代表作なのである. 「私は宿命的に放浪者である. 私は古里を持たない.」に始まる『放浪記』にはこれまでの女のあり方を平氣で無視する奔放さがあって, それが結果的には, '男''女'の二元論的に定義されてそこが女性が作家になっていく'場'なのである. 『浮雲』は敗戰という狀況の中で, 女を縛っていた日本的なシステムというものが崩壞したという, その解放感というものをあざやかに描いていて, 特に女の放浪ということの持っているものを日本の戰後社會がどういうふうに受け止めていったのかということをよく示唆している. 『晩菊』はセクシュアリティを賣り物にして男を手玉に取ってきた初老の藝者の姿を通して, そういう家庭の外に生きた藝者の男に對する見方や接し方 などを描いている. 女主人公のきんは男に救われる必要もないし, 男に自分のイメ-ジやアイデンティティを作ってもらう必要もないのである. 自立といえば, 一番自立している. 林芙美子のアナ-キ-な感性と想像力は, 戰後の廢墟と荒廢にそれまでの日本社會と家父長的家族の崩壞, それと一緖に日本的な男女の二項對立關係が壞れていく樣相を見とり, その荒廢と混亂にみずからのジェンダ-表現をエネルギッシュに行っていった. 今後, いっそう林芙美子にとっての旅の意味, 放浪の意味をジェンダ-の視點から細かく腑分けをして見ていきたいと思う.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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