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      • KCI등재

        아시아 주요국가 환율변동성 및 실물시장과의 관계에 대한 연구

        최남진 국제지역학회 2019 국제지역연구 Vol.23 No.2

        최근 미․중 무역전쟁, 유럽 브렉시트 불확실 확대, 미국 금리 정상화 등 세계적인 경제, 정치, 금융에 대한 리스크가 확대됨에 따라 수출 위주의 성장전략을 채택하고 있는 국가의 환율변동성이 확대되어 실물경제를 위축시킬 수 있다는 우려가 증폭되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 수출위주 성장전략을 채택하고 있는 한국, 일본, 중국 등 아시아 주요국의 환율변동성을 추정하여 비교 분석하고 각국 환율변동성이 실물경제에 미치는 영향을 SVAR모형을 통해 추정하고 동태적 변화를 확인해보았다. 분석결과 한국, 일본, 중국 모두 각국의 환율변동성 확대가 민간소비와 설비투자에 부정적인 영향을 미침에 따라 실물경제를 위축시키는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 원/달러 환율의 경우, 엔/달러와 위안/달러 환율에 비해 변동성이 상대적으로 크게 작용하는 것으로 나타났다. 더욱이 원/달러 환율변동성 상승은 설비투자에 부정적인 큰 충격을 주었으며 그 충격이 오래 지속되어 실물경제 변동성도 확대시키는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 통화당국은 환율변동성에 대한 모니터링을 확대하고 이를 알릴 수 있는 기업과의 소통채널 확보가 요구되며 주요 교역국 간 통화스와프 등의 확대도 필요할 것으로 보인다. 기업 역시 환율을 헷징 할 수 있는 적극적인 금융지식 습득이 필요할 것으로 생각된다. Along with the US-China Trade War, the expansion of uncertainty of European Brexit, and the US interest rate normalization, the risks of global economy, politics, and finance are on the rise. Accordingly, the countries that adopt the export-oriented growth strategy face the expansion of exchange rate volatility, and thereby the concern over shrinking real economy is spreaded widely. Therefore, this study estimated the exchange rate volatility of major Asian countries that adopt the export-oriented growth strategy, including Korea, Japan, and China, and had a comparative analysis. In addition, how the exchange rate volatility of each country influences its real economy was estimated with the use of SVAR model so as to analyze its dynamic change. As a result, the extended exchange rate volatility of all of Korea, Japan, and China negatively influenced private consumption and facility investment and thereby shrank real economy. In particular, the won-dollar exchange rate had a relatively larger fluctuation than yen-dollar exchange rate and yuan-dollar exchange rate. In addition, a rise in the won-dollar exchange rate volatility gave a negative impact on facility investment, and its long continuance was found to lead to expanding the fluctuation of real economy. Therefore, monetary authorities need to monitor exchange rate volatility more and secure communication channels with businesses. In particular, it is necessary to expand currency swaps between main trade partner countries. Firms also need to obtain financial knowledge actively to hedge exchange rates.

      • KCI등재

        환율 변동성 요인 분석 및 환율 변동성이 실물경제에 미치는 영향 - 미국 통화정책 영향을 중심으로 -

        최남진 한국동북아경제학회 2022 동북아경제연구 Vol.34 No.2

        This study empirically analyzes factors that can affect the volatility of the domestic won/dollar exchange rate, which advocates a small open economy, focusing on the United States, a representative key currency country. In addition, the effect of exchange rate volatility on the domestic real economy was analyzed. First, the EGARCH model is estimated in order to extract won/dollar exchange rate volatility. The results show that there is a volatility clustering phenomenon in the won/dollar exchange rate volatility. Next, factors of exchange rate volatility are estimated through the regression analysis. The estimated results indicate that variables of the US currency amount and Korea-US interest rate spread show significant amounts of coefficients, and each variable increase causes the increase of won/dollar exchange rate volatility. This explains that the expansionary monetary policy of the US implemented for domestic business recovery raises won/dollar exchange rate volatility through direct currency channel and portfolio channel. On the other hand, the growth rate of the US shows significant negative coefficient, and the increase of relevant variables leads to the reduction of won/dollar exchange rate volatility. In the results of estimating the SVAR model in order to check the effects of exchange rate volatility on real economy of Korea, the shock of exchange rate volatility increase reduces trades between Korea and the US while limiting the growth rate of Korea. Through the above analysis results, it is expected that unexpected monetary policy(austerity monetary policy) of major key currency countries including the US might expand the won/dollar exchange rate volatility, which could function as an element to restrict domestic real economy.

      • KCI등재

        초과 유동성과 전국 아파트 가격 간의 관계에 대한 연구

        최남진 한국부동산원 2023 부동산분석 Vol.9 No.1

        For the past few years, a rapid increase of apartment prices in the country led by Seoul has attracted social and economic attentions. The increase in apartment prices triggered the longterm low interests and the expansion of liquidity as a part of measures to stimulate the economy since the global financial crisis, which means that excess liquidity over the volume of the real economy anticipated by economic players was distributed to the market. Thus, this study used the SVAR model to empirically analyze on the basis of economic theories. Both the Gap Ratio of Marshallian-K and the Cyclical Component of P* were used to figure out excess liquidity and endogenous variables included the yield of expiry treasury bonds for three-year expiry, the consumer price index, the industrial production index, the retail sales index and the nationwide apartment real price index. As a result, the rise of excess liquid shockingly increased about 5% of nationwide apartment sales prices, which indicated that the excess liquidity had a great influence on apartment sales prices. The rise of excess liquid also had a shocking impact on prices for quite a long time. Therefore, monetary authorities should come up with ideas to enhance effectiveness of measures through the expansion of monitoring excess liquidity. 지난 몇 년간 서울 아파트를 필두로 전국 아파트 가격의 급격한 상승에 사회·경제적 관심이 집중되었었다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국내 아파트의 가격 상승을 글로벌 금융위기 이후 경기부양 정책의 일환으로 실시한 장기적 저금리와 유동성 확대 정책이 경제주체가 예상하는 실물경제 규모 이상의 초과 유동성을 시장에 공급하여 발생한 원인으로 상정하여 경제 이론에 근거한 SVAR 모형을 이용해 실증분석하였다. 초과 유동성은 마샬 K를 이용한 유동성 갭률과 P*의 순환 변동치를 사용하였으며 내생변수로는 3년 만기 국고채 수익률, 소비자물가지수, 전산업생산지수, 소매판매액지수, 전국 아파트 매매 실거래 가격지수 등을 사용하였다. 추정 결과 초과 유동성 상승 충격은 전국 아파트 매매 가격을 약 5% 상승시키는 것으로 나타나 초과 유동성 공급이 아파트 가격에 크게 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였다. 이와 더불어 초과 유동성 상승 충격은 물가에도 상당 기간 크게 영향을 준다는 사실을 확인하였다. 따라서 통화당국은 초과 유동성에 대한 모니터링 등의 확대를 통해 정책의 실효성을 높일 수 있는 방안이 필요해 보인다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 경제가 국내 실물경제에 미치는 영향 - 환율과 성장률, 對 중국 수출을 중심으로 -

        최남진 한국동북아경제학회 2016 동북아경제연구 Vol.28 No.2

        Due to delayed recovery from the recent economic recession, drop of economic growth of China due to contraction of demand and structural change in economy has continued and concerns of countries with high volume of trade with China have been growing. As China became Korea’s No. 1 trading partner since the mid 2000’s, the concern on the impact of growth shock and exchange rate of Chinese yuan is growing. In this study, we analyzed the actual proof of the influence of economic shock of China on real economy of Korea, setting 4 variable SVAR model based on economy theory – real effective exchange rate, GDP of China, export sum of Korea to China, and GDP of Korea. As a result of SVAR model estimation, real effective exchange rate rise shock of Chinese yuan not only reduced exporting of Korea to China, but also decreased Korea’s growth rate. It can be implied that, because the majority of Korea-China trade is processing trade, the decrease of exporting of China to the rest of the world due to the appreciation of yuan has decreased the exporting of Korea to China, which eventually led to a negative impact on Korea’s growth rate. Also, China’s growth rate rise shock has risen both exporting of Korea to China and growth rate of Korea. It can be implied that increase in import demand due to income increase of Chinese people and exports to the world led to increase of exports of Korea to China. Finally, after estimating an area where the dependency of export to China deepened, it was confirmed that the impact of Chinese economy is bigger than previous results. Eventually, decrease in growth rate of China plays as a risk factor that imposes great influence on Korea’s real economy, which has high dependency on China.

      • KCI등재후보

        통화량 변동성과 주택가격 변동성 간 관계에 관한 연구

        최남진 한국감정원 2019 부동산분석 Vol.5 No.3

        As a result of the recent rapid increase of housing prices in the Seoul area headed by Gangnam, discussions about raising the base rate has been held among the government and political circles, which pointed out the low interest rate as a major cause of the housing price surge. They, however, fail to explain the problem of a disparity in periods between the low interest rates and the housing price surge, and overlook the potential impacts of the base rate adjustment on macro-economy in general as well as real estate market. Hence, this study postulates that the shock of unexpected money stock volatility can affect the volatility of housing prices in Seoul, and estimate the dynamic patterns of money stock volatility shock, using an SVAR model comprising the four variables of money stock volatility, Seoul housing price volatility, interest rate, and all industry production. Theresults of analysis showed that money stock volatility shock had significant effects on Seoul housingprice volatility. Therefore, it is deemed that based on the findings of this study, monetary authoritiesand the government will have to keep monitoring unexpected monetary shock and communicate with the market to seek ways to reduce socio-economic costs. 최근 강남을 필두로 서울지역의 주택 가격이 급등함에 따라 정부와 정치권을 중심으로 서울 지역 주택 가격 급등의 주요 원인으로 저금리를 지목하며 기준금리 인상에 대한 논의가 진행되었다. 그러나 이는 저금리와 주택가격 급등사이 기간 불일치 문제를 설명하지 못한다는 점과 기준금리 조정은 부동산 시장뿐만 아니라, 거시경제 전반에 영향을 줄 수 있다는 점을 간과하고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 예기치 못한 통화량의 변동성 충격이 서울 주택 가격의 변동성에 영향을 줄 수 있음을 상정하여 통화량 변동성, 서울 주택 가격 변동성, 금리, 전산업생산 등 4변수로 구성된 SVAR 모형을 통해 통화량 변동성 충격 등에 대한 동태적 모습을 추정하였다. 분석결과, 통화량 변동성 충격은 서울 주택가격 변동성에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구 결과를 토대로 통화당국 및 정부는 예기치 못한 통화 충격에 대해 지속적으로 모니터링하고, 시장과 소통하여 사회 ․ 경제적 비용을 줄일 수 있는 방안을 모색하여야 할 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        통화 긴축기 가계부채 경로를 통한 실물경제 반응 분석: 한-미 간 가계부채의 구조적 상이성을 중심으로

        최남진 국제지역학회 2024 국제지역연구 Vol.28 No.1

        After the global financial crisis, major countries recognized the risk of household debt and managed it. On the other hand, in Korea, household debt has steadily increased. Recently, it has been raised that the interest rate hike due to high inflation, combined with the household debt problem, may lead to a contraction of the real economy. Accordingly, this study analyzed how the shock of interest rate hikes during a period of monetary tightening constrains the real economy through the household debt channel. Empirical analysis was conducted on the premise of structural differences between Korean and American household debt. For analysis, a six-variable SVAR model based on economic theory was set up. Through this, the dynamic response of each variable to the shock of interest rate increase was confirmed. As a result of the analysis, both Korea and the United States showed a decrease in consumption and GDP in response to the shock of the interest rate increase. This result is consistent with economic theory, but there was a difference in the scale of decrease. In the United States, consumption and total production decreased by 0.21% and 0.28%, respectively, in response to the impact of the interest rate increase. On the other hand, Korea recorded 1.28% and 0.49%, a significant decrease compared to the United States. This means that Korea's household debt has continued to expand relative to the size of the economy since the global financial crisis. Structurally, as the proportion of variable interest rates is high, the burden of principal and interest increases significantly when interest rates rise. This is believed to have greatly restricted consumption by reducing real income. Ultimately, it is thought that it will lead to a decrease in GDP and place a significant burden on Korea's real economy.

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