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        인성교육과 도덕과 교육의 관계 설정

        조강모 ( Gang Mo Jo ) 한국초등도덕교육학회 2010 초등도덕교육 Vol.0 No.33

        본고의 목적은 도덕과 교육과 인성교육의 관계를 설정하는 것이다. 한국의 인성교육은 미국의 인격교육(character education)의 개념에 가깝다고 정리하였다. ①영아기에 발달하는 인격으로서 공감의 시작, 인간 개념의 발달, 애착 유대의 형성; ②아동기에 발달하는 인격으로서 자제력, 죄책감, 조망수용; ③청년기에는 도덕적 추론과 정체성 등이 제시되었다. 질 높은 인격교육의 특징으로서 교사 자질, 학생의 학교에 대한 애착, 학교 풍토, 또래간 도덕토론 등이 제안되었다. 한국에서 원리 중심 도덕교육 프로그램들과 관련하여 ①가상적인 도덕적 딜레마 토론의 한계, ②실생활 중심의 접근, ③유럽에서의 Just Community 등이 논의되었다. 결론은 원리중심의 도덕과 교육과 실천위주의 인성교육은 상호 보완적인 관계 속에서 추진될 때 효과를 가져 올 수 있으며 어느 일방을 무시하는 인성/도덕교육이 성공할 수 없다는 것이다. This essay is an attempt to clarify the relation between character education and moral subject education. In South Korea, moral education has been closely with moral subject education, while character education with "INSUNGGYOUK". Developmental tasks were proposed: ①The beginning of empathy, ②a concept of persons, ③the attachment bond can be possible during infant and toddler period. ①Self-control,②guilt, ③perspectiv-taking during childhood. ①Moral reasoning, ②identity during adolescence. Character education advocates argued that instead of discussing hypothetical dilemmas, the real dilemmas in school life had to be addressed. The gains in moral reasoning did not clearly and consistently translate into students` moral action. This essay discussed how to reconcile principle and character in the elementary school, South Korea. It concluded that an amalgamation of the Kohlbergian concept and the practice of character education programs can be possible.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        초등학교 아동의 친사회행동 발달에 관한 탐색적 연구

        조강모 ( Gang Mo Jo ) 한국초등도덕교육학회 2011 초등도덕교육 Vol.0 No.36

        본 연구의 목적은 친사회적 추론 발달을 연구하는 과정을 탐색·예시하고, 초등학교 아동들의 친사회행동과 친사회적 추론의 경향을 밝히고, 후속 연구의 토대가 되는 자료를 제시하는 것이다. 콜버그에 의한 금지지향 갈등이야기가 어린 아동의 도덕판단발달 연구에서 부적절한 도구이며, 아이선버그(Eisenberg)의 친사회적 갈등이야기가 대안적 도구일 수 있다. 취학전 및 초등학교 아동들에게 가르쳐져야 할 도덕성은, 외적 보상 없이도 또한 큰 희생 없이도 일상생활 속에서 쉽게 해 볼 수 있는 이타적인 도덕적 행동이어야 하고, 그런 도덕적 행동이 바로 친사회행동이다. 본 연구는 아이선버그의 미국 아동 대상 연구 절차들을 한국 초등학교 아동 대상으로 탐색/적용하여 보았다. 아동들의 친사회행동 발달이 바람직하지 못한 방향으로 역주행하고 있으며 또한 남녀간 성차가 있다는 사실을 밝혀냈다. 통계적으로 검증도 하였다. 아동들의 친사회적/도덕적 발달의 역주행 현상은 간과되어도 되는 부분이 결코 아니다. 본 연구의 결과는 현장의 도덕과 수업 개선과 홍익인간 육성을 위해서 고민하는 교사, 교육행정가, 정책결정자들에게 다소라도 참고가 될 수 있다고 여겨진다. The purpose of this exploratory study was threefold: ①to exemplify how to measure children`s prosocial development, ②to determine children`s prosocial tendencies including age change, gender difference, etc. in prosocial development, and ③to provide practical data which could be helpful for classroom teachers, curriculum designers, and policy makers to improve the practice of moral character education. The first finding was somewhat surprising. Prosocial decisions such as "I should help." decreased with age. The second finding was surprising too. Hedonistic self-focused reasoning increased with age, whereas needs-oriented and empathic reasoning decreased with age. The third finding was the gender differences in two categories of reasoning. Girls got scores higher than those of boys in needs-oriented reasoning and empathic reasoning. But the direction of girls` development was not different from that of boys. These findings seem to be worthy of consideration by classroom teachers, administrators, policy makers, etc.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 인성교육을 위한 봉사활동 수업모형의 탐색

        조강모 광주교육대학교 초등교육연구소 2001 初等敎育硏究 Vol.15 No.2

        Cognition never occurs in isolation but it always operates simultaneously with emotional and social factors that play a critical role in determining what students learn. And to be moral means to know, love, and do what is right. So it is imperative that we work with community groups to develop plans for students to have a variety of opportunities for involvement in community service. Service without the opportunity for structured learning and reflection strikes us as inadequate. Participants and sevice recipients alike must have a clear sense of what is to be accomplished and what is to be learned. Participants must have a preplanned opportunity for reflection: Why did we do this? Lets's think about what we did. So this paper proposed 〈A Model of Moral Teaching〉for children's reflection on their respective service activity. The course of moral teaching spreads over three hours. Students make preparations for the service learning during the 1st and the 2nd hours. Students participate in the service activity before the 3rd hour when they reflect on their activity and celebrate their accomplishments.

      • 협동학습을 활용한 초등학교 인성교육의 활성화 : 도덕과 교육을 중심으로

        조강모,이인재,정남진 광주교육대학교 초등교육연구소 2000 初等敎育硏究 Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this study have two as follows; One is to examine the theoretical backgrounds and some effects of cooperative learning and the other is to prove the usefulness of cooperative learning in moral teaching and to provide an effective model of moral teaching in order to develop three aspects of morality. Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other's learning. Within cooperative activities individuals seek outcomes that are beneficial to themselves and beneficial to all other group members. Cooperative efforts result in participants striving for mutual benefit so that all group members gain from each other's efforts, recognizing that all group members share a common fate, knowing that one's performance is mutually caused for achievement. It is founded that cooperative learning is one of effective instructional processes to develop student's character. It gives students regular practice in developing important social and moral competencies, such as the ability to take perspective, work as a part of a tem, and appreciate others, at the same time that they are learning academic materials. Cooperative learning also contributes to the development of cohesive and caring classroom community by breaking down inter-personal distrust and over-competition and integrating every student into the small social structure of the cooperative group. We proposed the integrated model of moral teaching that could be helpful to build moral knowing, moral feeling, moral acting of students.

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