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      • KCI등재

        로버트 하인라인의 『프라이데이』와 존 쿳시의 『포』의 비교 - 유토피아의 담론을 중심으로

        정익순 한국비교문학회 2010 比較文學 Vol.0 No.50

        This thesis studies the philosophical and literal particularities between Friday and Foe. These two works have the general temper of utopian world or future world that has been critically twisted from the original work, Robinson Crusoe. Friday is an SF novel in which Robert Heinlein created the character Friday who is a mechanical woman living the actual world in the future society and moving from the planet to the outer space world for her freedom. John Coetzee's Foe is a rewriting of Robinson Crusoe and he creates a female Susan castaway who comes to realize the necessity of rereading the original accident between Robinson and Friday. Here I pointed out that people have an interest in saying that everybody knows this. And we know that everybody recognizes this or that nobody can deny it. In this sense the literal and philosophical thoughts from the ancient to the contemporary have different images of thought, borrowed from the pure element of common senses between two men on the ideal but primitive society. And according to this images, thought out of the original work has an affinity with the true in the possible world. So it is the image of thought that everybody knows and is presumed to know what it means to think. The event between Robinson and Friday is not what occurs an accident, it is rather inside what occurs implicitly and explicitly. Event gives us signal. And the actor represents, but what he represents is always in the future and already in the past, whereas his representation is divided as a metaphysical epistemology from the ideal world Plato imagined in his Nation. Therefore it is available for us to understand what is the ubiquitous difference from actualization and imagination of philosophical and literal discourse in debating utopian concept.

      • KCI등재

        『아들과 연인』에 나타난 갈등의 문제 -형이상학과 인식론을 중심으로-

        정익순 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2012 외국학연구 Vol.- No.19

        This thesis scrutinizes the problematic consciousness in Lawrence's Sons and Lovers. There are relationships with characters providing critical thinking that helps us understand text has something absent and silent. It is important to be acquainted with the fact that we are thinking with sense and reason. Because human beings have knowledge on the basis of the events and things we can make an experiment to know the way we are living in a possible world and explore the insight of the actual world to represent the real things. In this thesis the main character Paul Morel has the law of causality with three women showing us the deficiency of affection, the conflicts with his parents, and self-schizophrenic disorder with his lovers. In order to understand Paul we should know that modernism is based on the life of human that is independent from the judgement and justice of literary imagination and philosophical thinking. Modernism seems to seek how to live moderately in an ambivalent and ambiguous place apart from the actual world only to find it is an unreal place left for human beings as an evidence of rudimental, analogous and vestigial memory and appearance we could describe in a past but still existing thing. And it is the metaphysics we understand the interpretation of event with speculatively critical thinking and the existence of human being with the hypothesis or postulate that makes a solution to the requirements to be satisfactory in literary and philosophical production.

      • KCI등재

        문학적 유토피아와 철학적 상상력

        정익순 한국비교문학회 2011 比較文學 Vol.0 No.55

        The aim of this paper is to find what is the difference of imagination between literary works and philosophical thoughts through which these two different fields are related to how deeply and correctly human knowledge can be understood. It is a true problem of justification for us to interpret the imagination with sense and reason when we think that there were plato's idea, Aristotle's metaphysics and epistemology in its purpose and era to know the truth of God, to make human beings happy and to explore the real and unreal world with utopian imaginations. Utopia originated from Plato that made people believe this world is possible has changed its theory from beginning to the present in the way that we think it is just a place where people live happily in sufficiency of resources with which they make their world idealistic and perfect. But actually this place does not exist on earth and in actual world except in literary works and philosophical arguments. In order to reduce Plato's unwritten language theory into utopian imagination, we need necessarily to show that his theory was induced from hypothesis and postulate as mathematics's assumption came from Euclidean geometry that tried to make the worldly matter as an object corresponded to the diversity of human existence in enumeration. In the theory of imagination Hobbes ruminated from the decaying sense that human beings obscure their thought to the memory when they recognize some matters composing of the movement of things. On the one hand, Hobbes thought that imagination focus is on the human beings' memory and the repetition of experience so that we are associated with this imagination as a mental interaction to dreams, senses and images in our internal organs when we are sleeping. On the other hand, Bachelard made us understand the imaginations that are inferred from the judgement of sense and reason with which we individually and absolutely represent images existed in the text and on the world. He said that poetic sympathy is formed from the author's experiences that can consciously and unconsciously be explained as the cause of events in the relation with existence of images in many external phenomena. The trend of humanism in literature from beginning to now started thinking human knowledge to illuminate the reaction of mind especially when Thomas More wrote his work utopia. His work in essence represented and explored the problem of religion, politics, cultures and freedom in a possible world with which in philosophy they skeptically suspected the tradition and God and eventually got to the problem of identity and individualism generalizing the imagination of judgement in reason and sense. Finally here is represented the imagination as a notion that motivate our pleasure and potential to understand the object that makes our knowledge be spontaneous. The aim of this paper is to find what is the difference of imagination between literary works and philosophical thoughts through which these two different fields are related to how deeply and correctly human knowledge can be understood. It is a true problem of justification for us to interpret the imagination with sense and reason when we think that there were plato's idea, Aristotle's metaphysics and epistemology in its purpose and era to know the truth of God, to make human beings happy and to explore the real and unreal world with utopian imaginations. Utopia originated from Plato that made people believe this world is possible has changed its theory from beginning to the present in the way that we think it is just a place where people live happily in sufficiency of resources with which they make their world idealistic and perfect. But actually this place does not exist on earth and in actual world except in literary works and philosophical arguments. In order to reduce Plato's unwritten language theory into utopian imagination, we need necessarily to show that his theory was induced from hypothesis and postulate as mathematics's assumption came from Euclidean geometry that tried to make the worldly matter as an object corresponded to the diversity of human existence in enumeration. In the theory of imagination Hobbes ruminated from the decaying sense that human beings obscure their thought to the memory when they recognize some matters composing of the movement of things. On the one hand, Hobbes thought that imagination focus is on the human beings' memory and the repetition of experience so that we are associated with this imagination as a mental interaction to dreams, senses and images in our internal organs when we are sleeping. On the other hand, Bachelard made us understand the imaginations that are inferred from the judgement of sense and reason with which we individually and absolutely represent images existed in the text and on the world. He said that poetic sympathy is formed from the author's experiences that can consciously and unconsciously be explained as the cause of events in the relation with existence of images in many external phenomena. The trend of humanism in literature from beginning to now started thinking human knowledge to illuminate the reaction of mind especially when Thomas More wrote his work utopia. His work in essence represented and explored the problem of religion, politics, cultures and freedom in a possible world with which in philosophy they skeptically suspected the tradition and God and eventually got to the problem of identity and individualism generalizing the imagination of judgement in reason and sense. Finally here is represented the imagination as a notion that motivate our pleasure and potential to understand the object that makes our knowledge be spontaneous.

      • KCI등재

        유토피아와 가능 세계에 대한 인문학적 상상력

        정익순 중앙대학교부설 중앙철학연구소 2008 철학탐구 Vol.23 No.-

        플라톤이 상상하고 토머스 모어가 소설로 실천에 옮긴 유토피아는 세상의 어느 곳에도 없는 가공의 장소이다. 유토피아 소설 속에는 독자를 알려지지 않은 세계로 인도하는 다양한 경로가 존재하며 이상적인 사회를 방문한 여행자는 가능 세계를 현실 세계에서 일어나는 사건으로 인식하게 만든다. 발생적 기원과 개인주의의 측면에서 소설은 개인의 문제를 탐색한다. 이 경우 등장인물의 내적인 갈등을 통해 주인공이 사회의 관습에서 일탈되는 전형을 보이기 때문에 소설의 리얼리즘으로 정의된다. 리얼리즘은 사회에서 추방되거나 고립된 개인의 행동과 사고에 대한 이데올로기를 가진다. 그러므로 유토피아와 소설의 리얼리즘은 변증법적 관계를 통해 세상에서 일탈된 인간의 고립과 가능 세계에 대한 접근을 가능하게 해준다. 철학에서는 가능 세계를 이해하기 위해 양상논리가 사용된다. 양상논리는 기존의 참과 거짓이라는 이치논리에 기반 한 명제논리에 필연성과 가능성을 추가하여 다치 논리로 가능 세계를 설명한다. 가능 세계를 가능 또는 불가능의 명제로 이해하면 필연적 진리와 우연적 진리를 구분하는 논리가 필요하다. 이와 반대로 문학에서는 가능 세계의 개념을 다양한 이론으로 응용하여 인접 학문에 대한 연구로 연결시키는 역할을 한다. 문학에서 다루는 가능 세계는 허구의 세계이다. 그렇기 때문에 철학에서 논하는 가능 세계에 대한 논리가 무시될 수 있다. 철학적 논리로 볼 때 가능 세계는 의미가 분명하지 않다. 그러나 문학적 상상력에 의해 만들어진 가능 세계는 부재와 침묵의 이데올로기로 인해 다양한 문학이론을 생성한다. 본질적으로 철학과 문학에서 논하는 가능 세계는 차이가 있다. 그것은 철학이 가능 세계를 이론적 틀로 보는 반면 문학은 가능 세계를 연구의 대상으로 보기 때문이다. 철학적 논리의 영역에서는 가능 세계가 배제되지만 문학은 가능 세계를 비실제적인 세상으로 응용한다. 그러나 유토피아 사상이 인류 역사의 토대에 뿌리를 내린 것이라 해도 유토피아는 주인공의 일탈과 작가의 상상력에 의해 지속적으로 가능한 세계가 만들어진다. This thesis studies the imagination and deviation from the accident in the realism and its origin of 18th century novel. The Utopia is the place of no where, just as fictional place drawing in the possible words. But there are ways to utopian worlds for the readers led by the visitor who guides ideal world on what possible worlds and future paths are. Novels are in the 18th century initially depended on the author's creative power and intelligence to build up an event of fictional story. When they made publication of new story which involved lots of silence and absence of the text, another writers were engaged in writing deviated story to modify and repeat the problem in the text that did not show the truth of the accident. An accident is the conflict between actual problem and imagined reality when the physical changes come into the culture of the world in the novel. In the case, to solve the problem of possible worlds needs the logic modality because all texts project a system of worlds, modal universe on how the difference between fiction and nonfiction can be characterized in the framework of possible worlds. Possible worlds and individuals are discursively in philosophy vogue nowadays. While philosophers have invoked the concepts of story to explain what a possible worlds is, literary theorists have developed a textual semantics based on the idea that the semantic domain projected by the literary text is a non-actual possible world of an alternative possible world. This is the main idea in this thesis that we have to understand what the real world and possible worlds are in the field of philosophical and literary works. It is important to know that utopian worlds are incompatible when they try to meet the demand and desire between two studies. But in the field of literary works writers and critics have studied the object of possible worlds in the surface of the accident as a real structure existing in the fictional world. They use the possible worlds as an alternative or media to know real world. Therefore, it is true that there are many ways to access to the actual world studying the deviation, experiment, the opposition of the two worlds for the vision of future world. Utopian imagination and deviation in the text are the problem of ubiquitous existence out of possible worlds.

      • KCI등재후보

        텍스트 속에 나타난 신체와 성의 문제

        정익순 중앙대학교부설 중앙철학연구소 2005 철학탐구 Vol.18 No.-

        이 글은 18세기에 출판된 「로빈슨 크루소」라는 하나의 작품이 지금까지 계속 연구되고 재해석 되는 이유를 찾아서 현대의 관점에서 보는 텍스트에 나타난 신체와 성의 문제로 연결시키려 한다. 하나의 소설작품이 텍스트로 다시 태어나게 하는 것은 소설이 텍스트로서의 근본적인 의미가 있다는 것과 소설로서의 현대성과 작품성의 가치가 있는 것을 의미한다. 그리고 그 텍스트 속에는 많은 이야기들이 허구의 형식과 내용이 사건으로 나타나지만 현대의 비평과 해석의 문제와 관련된 에피소드의 이야기로 새롭게 독자에게 전달된다. 그 이유는 소설이라는 형식과 내용이 백과사전적인 텍스트로서 여러 가지 사실이 담겨져 있지만 그 속에는 우리가 밝혀야 할 텍스트가 부재와 침묵의 대상으로 존재하기 때문이기도 하다. 텍스트에 담겨진 부재와 침묵의 문제는 인간의 심리적인 문제가 외부로 드러나지 않고 내밀하게 작용할 때 텍스트에 대한 독자의 호기심을 유발한다. 「로빈슨 크루소」의 경우 이러한 사실은 저자의 의도와 작품 속에서 겉으로 드러나지 않는 에피소드가 오늘날까지도 새로운 해석과 발견을 가능하게 만들어주는 장소이며 텍스트 그 자체로 변형되기도 한다. 역사적 혹은 문화적으로 이러한 문제를 해결하는 대표적인 비평이론가들은 「로빈슨 크루소」가 이에 해당되는 어떤 동기와 해결의 의미를 모두 가지고 있다고 본다. 따라서 이 글은 이 작품 속에 특이한 사실이 존재하고 있는 부재와 침묵 속에 나타난 텍스트의 신체와 성의 문제라는 주제와 연결시키는 것이 목적이다. This thesis is aiming at studying the ubiquitous problems comparing discourses between Defoe's Robinson Crusoe and articles derived from many points of view. There are many problematic strata or ubiquities in ideas and theories about this novel showing different sexuality and abject relationship in two man living on a cast away island. Defoe is the single writer who is usually pointed to as the originator of the English novel. And Robinson Crusoe starts with the strange story of the industrious man on the island who spends his days listing his provisions and walling himself deeper into his isolation against a danger. This story becomes a background that places him in an ideal position to negotiate between virtual or utopian world and real world, and produces many writers and critics who rethink the visionary and the pragmatic in the same source. As I wrote here many writers and critics argue that Robinson Crusoe seems like the wrong locus to begin a consideration of the origin of the novel. Because this work is atypically so devoid of society and human interaction silencing its absence and sexuality between men, so full of lists and micro-observations and the oddity of this own life, and so filled with disguise, indirection, deceit, and duplicity that seems to place Robinson constitutionally at the center of questions about the truthfulness of narratives, the problem of framing and ambivalence, and the breakdown of signification and reliability. Consequently, this form is distorted by inaccurate readings which are motivated by the search for a faithful replica of the object. It is important to realize that Defoe did not actually say some of the things in his work and supplies his successors with images to write later as a result.

      • KCI등재

        들뢰즈 철학에 나타난 성(性)과 신체의 문제

        정익순 중앙대학교부설 중앙철학연구소 2004 철학탐구 Vol.16 No.-

        들뢰즈 철학에는 많은 명령어와 용어들이 존재한다. 그리고 들뢰즈의 철학은 서구 전통 형이상학에 기본 토대를 두고 다양한 학문적 분야를 두루 섭렵한 결과의 산물이다. 이 논문은 들뢰즈가 철학적 재현의 문제를 다룬 여러 가지 분야 중에서 성과 신체에 대한 부분에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 성과 신체의 문제를 다루기 위해서는 들뢰즈의 주요 저작인 『의미의 논리』와 『앙티 오이디푸스』에 대한언급이 필수적이다. 『의미의 논리』에서 들뢰즈는 기본적으로 '사건'을 다루고 있다. 사건이 던져주는 심층적인 즐거움은 의미와 무의미의 놀이와 사건을 통한 다양한 만남이다. 사건은 서구 철학의 형이상학이 어떻게 특이한 방식으로 전개되는가와 역설의 계열로 구성되는가에 달려 있다. 들뢰즈는 사건과 의미를 동시에 사유함으로써 서양철학을 한 차원 높이 끌어 올린다. 『앙티 오이디프스』에서 들뢰즈와 가타리는 독자적인 철학적 견지에서 현대 문명을 비판하고 정신분석에 대한 새로운 지평을 열어주고 있다. 특히 프로이트의 정신분석을 비판하면서 인간의 성적 충동의 원인과 욕망하는 기계 그리고 유목민적 주체에 대해 분석함으로써 사유에 대한'탈주의 선'을 보여주고 있다. 들뢰즈 읽기는 우회의 논리와 새로운 지형의 확립에 대한 철학을 배우는 것이다. 과거의 철학을 현대적인 의미로 재해석 하는 것과 그것을 통해 새로운 지평을 열어주는 것은 새로운 사회의 장을 만들어 보려는 들뢰즈의 욕망이며 철학이다.우리는 인간의 내면과 외면을 탐색하고 언어의 장으로 사유의 선을 그리게 된다. In Deleuze's philosophy there are a lot of decrees and terms existed. The philosophy in Deleuze is based on the traditionally western metaphysics and it is derived from the production of various studying fields that he devoted himself to. This thesis is focused on the sexuality and body that Deleuze studied for the representation of problems in philosophy. In order to deal with them, we must discuss his major works, The Logic of Sense and Anti-Eedipus. In The Logic of Sense, Deleuze basically treats the event The deep pleasure the event gave is an encounter through sense and nonsense of game and event And the event depends on the way how metaphysics is singularly developed in the western philosophy and how the structure of it is made up in the series of paradox. Deleuze had in mind the event and sense at the same time so that he drew the western philosophy up in its scale. In Anti-0deipus, Deleuze and Guattari, with their particular point of view, criticized modem civilization and newly opened the horizon for the psychology. Especially, criticizing Freud's psychology, they taught us the line of flight to analyze the cause of human's sexual motivation, desiring machine and nomadic subject The reading of Deleuze means to learn about the logic of detour and establishing new territory of philosophy. It is Deleuze's philosophy and desire that we can reinterpret the past philosophy into modem sense and open new field where we make new locus of society. Therefore, we can explore the human mind inside and outside and map the line of thought.

      • KCI등재후보

        ‌교양으로서의 소설 - 『로빈슨 크루소』를 중심으로

        정익순 한국교양교육학회 2014 교양교육연구 Vol.8 No.5

        『로빈슨 크루소』를 신화로 받아들이는 것은 주인공의 삶이 불안정한 여건과 불행한 상황 속에서도 운명을 개척하는 내용이 들어있기 때문이다. 그의 이야기가 세상에 존재하지 않는 유토피아의 이야기이기 때문에 실제로 그가 살았던 장소, 이야기 전개의 애매함 속에 내버려진 사건들, 그리고 불안전한 사회에서 혼자 생활하는 인물 자체에 대한 설명은 불명확해진다. 그는 상상력의 절대왕국 안에 있기 때문에 자신의 독단적인 요소들을 과장, 축소, 변형 그리고 왜곡시킨다. 『로빈슨 크루소』는 상징적 분할이 가능하기 때문에 현실사회와 가능사회를 연결하는 경첩 같은 역할을 하고 있다. 로빈슨의 이야기는 원형적이고 상징적인 의미가 텍스트 속에 들어있기 때문에 신화적인 이미지와 연결된다. 우리는 신화적 이야기가 전달하는 의미론적 요소들 간의 관계와 이야기를 형식으로 배열해놓음으로서 상징적인 구성물들의 최소 단위를 연구한다. 우리는 신화의 구조를 논리적이고 수학적인 형태로 만들어 계량하기 위해 외적인 양과 비교되는 등가물을 찾아야 한다. 결론적으로 우리가 로빈슨의 퇴행과 감금된 상태를 이야기하면 그의 이야기는 새로운 사건으로 변형된다는 사실이다. Robinson Crusoe is regarded as a myth since the life of the main character is portrayed as shaping his own destiny by overcoming his unstable and unfortunate circumstances. As the story about Robinson Crusoe is that about Utopia which does not exist in the real world, the place where he lived, the events which were shrouded in obscurity of the development of the story, and the explanation of the character who lived alone in an unsafe place are not clear. Robinson Crusoe lives in an absolute kingdom of imagination, which overstates, reduces, transforms, and distorts dogmatic elements about him. Due to the symbolic division in Robinson Crusoe, the novel serves as a hinge connecting the real world with the possible world. As archetypal and symbolic meanings are included in the text, the story about Robinson is connected to the mythological image. By modally arranging the relation among elements of semantics conveyed by mythological tales and the story, we study the minimum units of the symbolic compositions. In order to make the structure of a myth into a logical and mathematical form and to quantify it, we must find an equivalent that can be compared to its external quantity. In conclusion, with regard to the regression and confinement of Robinson, the story about him can be transformed into a new event.

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