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鄭英彩 中央大學校 遺傳工學硏究所 1993 遺傳工學硏究論集 Vol.6 No.1
家畜의 改良繁殖 목표인 畜産物의 增産과 質的 개선을 위하여, 지금까지는 選拔과 人工授精方法이 도입되어 많은 성과를 거둬 왔다. 그러나 이들 選拔方法이나 人工授精方法은 種牝畜보다는 種牝畜의 우수한 遺傳能力이 주축이 되는 개량방법으로 改良繁殖의 속도가 늦어질 뿐만 아니라 種牝畜의 우수한 遺傳形質을 種牝畜과 같은 수준에서 이용할 수 없는 단점이 있다. 그러나 최근 分子 生勿學을 기초로 한 遺傳子 再組合, 細胞融合, 核置換 및 細胞培養 방법 등 尖端遺傳工學機術의 발달은 이와같은 단점을 극복하고 우수한 種牝畜과 種牝畜의 遺傳形質을 동시에 같은 수준에서 이용하여 改良繁殖할 수 있게 하였다. 즉 이와같은 尖端遺傳工學技術은 家畜의 改良繁殖技術인 多非卵 誘起 와 受精卵의 回收, 卵胞卵의 利用, 性의 人爲的 決定, 受精卵의 保存, 形質轉換동물의 생산, 크론동물의 생산, 雙子생산, 單性生殖, 키메라의 생산 및 受精卵 移植 技術등의 개발과 발달에 응용 될 수 있어 선진국에서는 이미 많은 부분이 産業化되고 있는 실정이다. 우리나라에 있어서도 多排卵 誘起와 受精卵의 利用, 雙子생산, 受精卵의 保存 및 受精卵移植技術등은 實用化 단계에 있으며, 卵胞卵의 利用, 性의 人爲的 決定, 形質轉換동물의 생산 등은 많은 연구가 진행되고 있다. 그러나 그 외의 부분에 있어서는 기초연구단계가 있다고 봐야 할 것이다. 한편 이와같은 遺傳工學技術은 제 3의 産業革命을 주도해 나갈 尖端科學技術로, 人類社會의 당면과제인 食糧, 資源, 에너지, 醫藥品 및 環境汚染 등 難題를 해결해줄 수 있는 技術이며, 우리와 선진국과의 技術 격차가 비교적 적기 때문에 우리의 노력에 따라서는 단기간에 선진국 수준에 접근할 수 있고, 우리의 독자적인 技術開發로 조기정착이 가능한 技術이기도 하다. Until recently improvement in quantity and quality of animal products has been the goal of animal breeding and reproduction which has been greatly increased through selection and artificial insemination techniques. However, in selection and AI method, desirable genetic merits of male stocks has been mainly applied more than that of female stocks. Hence, there are some disadvantages as a consequence. This includes slow rate of genetic gain and merits of female stocks may not be employed to the same level of male stocks. Present progress of genetic engineering techniques such as gene recombination, cell fusion, nuclear transplantation and cell culture, based on molecular biology overcame these problems and utilized both valuable genetic characters of male and female stocks simultaneously and equally. In Korea, some techniques related to superovulation and production of embryos, twins, preservation of embryos and transfer of these embryos are at the stages of being practiced in farm and research for utilization of oocytes, production of sexed embryos and transgenic animals are be made. However, remaining parts of these technique are still at the basic experimental stage. On the other hand, genetic engineering is a frontier for scientific techniques which may lead to the third Industrial Revolution. At the same time these techniques can also resolve many problems faced by human society which includes food, resources, energy, drugs and environmental pollution. Within short period of time, animal genetic engineering techniques in Korea can match the standard of developed countries, since there are significant differences between the levels of development. Along with independent technological development, it is also possible that this technique can be stabely established.
일본뇌염(日本腦炎)에 대(對)한 한국가축(韓國家畜)에서의 혈청학적(血淸學的) 조사(調査) 연구(硏究)
정영채,문재봉,강병직,권혁진,최희인,Chung, Y.C.,Moon, J.B.,Kang, B.J.,Kwon, H.J.,Choi, H.I. 대한수의학회 1971 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.11 No.2
Since the report in 1946 on the first isolation of Japanese encephalitis virus in Korea, the disease is known to occur every year and has occasionally spread in epidemic proportion among human populations. Because of its public health importance, it was deemed highly desirable to gain specific information as to natural history of the disease in Korea if we are to accomplish our ultimate objective of controling the disease in Korea. There still remain, however, unknown factors as to the ecology of Japanese encephalitis virus in Korea. This paper presents the results of serologic study on Korean cattle, hog and horse by means of hemagglutination inhibition (H.I.) test. The serum specimens were collected from Korean cattle, hog and horse their estimated ages being 3 to 9 years, 6 to 24 months and 2 to 14 years respectively, by jugular puncture; in Seoul and Kyung-Ki are a from the first part of May to November last, 1968. The strain used was designated by M 5/596. The methods of H.I. test employed in this study were essentially simillar to those employed by Clark and Fred. The results obtained summarized as follows; 1. Of samples of cattle sera tested, 183 (98%) was found to be positive, H.I. antibodies showing the highest proportion, on September. The lowest proportion showed 81 (68%) of 117 samples, on June. 2. One hundred and ninety-five and 114 swine serum samples tested were all of positive in both on September and October respectively. The lowest proportion showed 92 (29%) of 314 on June too. 3. Ninety (99%) of 91 equine serum samples tested contained demonstrable H.I. antibodies the highest proportion, on August. The lowest proportion was 19 (27%) of 70 samples on June. 4. Implications of these findings in the ecology of Japanese encephalitis Seoul and Kyung-Ki area were discussed.
정영채,심상칠,이흥식,Chung, Yung Chai,Shim, Sang Chil,Lee, Heung Shik 대한수의학회 1966 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.6 No.1
In order to observe the effect of the injected radioactive iodine-$I^{131}$ on the uptake in thyroid of normal male guinea pigs and P.B.$I^{131}$ conversion ratio of $I^{131}$ in serum, 24 matured male guinea pigs were divided in 4 groups and $35{\mu}c$, $70{\mu}c$, $140{\mu}c$ and $280{\mu}c$ per kg of body weight respectively were injected subcutaneously. 1. The uptake rates of radioactveiodine-$I^{131}$ by external counts of thyroidal uptake reached the maximum level of uptake in 24 hours after injection. 2. As the injected amount increases, the uptake rates of maximum levels and release rate were increased. 3. Uptake rate in the removed thyroid have shown no statistical in the $35{\mu}c$ and $70{\mu}c$ groups of injected guinea pigs. 4. There was no statistical significance in $140{\mu}c$ and $280{\mu}c$ groups of injected guinea pigs. 5. P.B.$I^{131}$ conversion ratio of $I^{131}$ in serum was not in proportion to injected amounts: 61.0%(35), 70.2%(70), 75.3%(140) and 64.8%(280).