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      • KCI등재후보

        Marbury v. Madison 판결의 재조명

        鄭然宙 한국공법학회 2004 공법연구 Vol.32 No.3

        This article addresses the problems of the Marbury v. Madison case. As is generally known, this case is one of the most famous and important cases not only in the American judicial history but as well as the world's. It established the authority for the judiciary to review the constitutionality of executive and legislative acts. Although the U.S. Constitution is silent as to whether federal courts have this authority, the power has existed ever since this case. It is a pioneer decision of judicial review which has affected the constitutional judgment system of many other countries. Therefore, the significance and meaning of the case cannot be exaggerated. On the other hand, however, there are many problems in the background and reasoning of this case. All judgments, especially constitutional judgments should be legitimate not only In their conclusion but also in their process. Only then, the decision can be persuasive and make a prediction for future similar cases. In this regard, the case has diverse problems which should not be ignored. Therefore, this discussion addresses such problems in terms of the background, process, and reasoning unlike most other authorities which emphasize chiefly the significance of the result of the case. The review of this case may be meaningful for the reevaluation of the conclusion and the enhancement of the Korean constitutional judgment system and its theory. The purpose of this article is not to argue that the Supreme Court was wrong or that judicial review is illegitimate. History has proved the opposite. The brilliance of Chief Justice John Marshall's opinion cannot be overstated. The constitutional judicial review had to be established by the Court, and Marshall found the ideal opportunity. The Jefferson administration surely would have refused to comply with a court order to deliver the commission to Marbury. In addition, there was a real possibility that Jefferson might seek the impeachment of the Federalist justices in an attempt to gain Republican control of the judiciary. Therefore, MarshalI, politically, had no choice but to deny Marbury relief. In this point, Marshall's holding, refusing the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to issue the writ of mandamus was superficially a victory for his opponents. Yet, Marshall did more than simply role in favor of the Jefferson administration. He used the occasion of deciding the case to establish the power of the judiciary and to articulate a role for the federal courts that survives to this day.

      • KCI등재

        L1 Transfer and UG Accessibility in SLA: Acquisition of Verb Phrase Ellipsis by Korean Learners of English

        정연주 한국영어어문교육학회 2010 영어어문교육 Vol.16 No.2

        This study presents evidence of first language (L1) transfer and partial access to Universal Grammar (UG) in the acquisition of second language (L2) after puberty, concerning the acquisition of Verb Phrase Ellipsis (VPE) by Korean learners of English. Fifty Korean undergraduate students participated in a preference task and a cloze task to show their preference between elided phrases and proforms. Among the participants, five students were interviewed after the tasks for the purpose of investigating reasons for their preference. The Korean participants’ performances were then compared with those of five English native speaker controls. The results indicate that the participants' differences in the performance of the tasks are attributed to full transfer of their native language and partial access to UG. It is also verified that although second language learners are exposed to any particular L2 for an extended period of time, they may never fully acquire the same syntactic representations as native speakers.

      • KCI등재

        국내 구문문법 연구의 구문 의미 관련 쟁점 검토

        정연주 한국어학회 2019 한국어학 Vol.84 No.-

        This study aims to compensates Jeong & Jeong(2019) which reviews the literature of Korean linguistics having done under the name of Construction Grammar. There were some issues in the literature, related on semantics of construction. First, when verbs are used in constructions that are incompatible with their original meaning, there were discussions that the construction can modify the verb’s meaning, and that the verb choose the construction after the verb’s meaning changes. We discussed that it is not uncommon for a construction to dominate and to control the meaning of a verb, and we cannot only consider the possibility of a verb’s choosing a construction after the meaning changes first. Second, when there are several constructions of same form, the problem can be raised that which of them can be seen in the relation of polysemy. In this paper, according to Nam(2005) on the homonymy and polysemy of lexical elements, discussed that the constructions that share the ‘same conceptual properties’ can be understood as the constructions in the relation of polysemy.

      • KCI등재후보

        Investigating Utility, Attitude, Intention to Use, Satisfaction, and Loyalty in the Sharing Economy: The Case of Accommodation

        정연주,조윤정 재단법인 서암순창장학회 2017 Journal of Marketing Thought Vol.4 No.3

        The sharing economy, facilitated by the development of information technology plays a crucial role in our society by providing benefits but with various concerns. The market of the sharing economy has grown explosively in recent years, so related studies have also gradually increased (Kim and Cho, 2016). By classifying existing and potential users, the purpose of this study is to examine i) how utilities such as transaction, social, sustainability, technology, the economy, and trust affects attitude; ii) how attitude affects satisfaction and intention to use; iii) how satisfaction affects loyalty; and iv) how intention to use affects the expected satisfaction of sharing accommodations. This study collects data through a survey and applies quantitative analyses such as factor, regression, and ANOVA. The results reveal that there are different effects for existing and potential users. This study provides theoretical, managerial, and policy implications for future analysis of the relationship between perceived utilities and customers’ attitudes.

      • KCI등재

        형용사의 특성으로 설명되지 않는 형용사절

        정연주 한국어의미학회 2015 한국어 의미학 Vol.50 No.-

        Jeong Yeonju. 2015. On Korean adjectival verb clause which cannot be explained by the verb’s own properties. Korean Semantics, 50. This paper shows that, in Korean, there are adjectival verb clauses with the structure and the meaning which is not explainable in terms of the semantics of the adjectival verb, and argues that they could be explainable if and only if each of them is seen as a construction, that is, a symbol which is defined as a directly associated pair of a form and a meaning, in this case, the form is a chunk of several forms. This article demonstrates it with several constructions: distributional constructions ([NP{place}-ey NP{theme}-i Adj.V{being distributed}]) with a color adjectival verb at the slot Adj.V{being distributed}; relational constructions ([NP{theme}-i NP{relatee}-hako Adj.V{being related}]) with an evaluation adjectival verb at the slot Adj.V{being related}; and directional action constructions ([NP{agent}-ka NP{goal /recipient}-hanthey V{directional action}]) with a attitude adjectival verb at the slot V{directional action}. Such quirky combinations of the constructions and the adjectival verbs mentioned above emerges when the event projected by the construction at question and that by the adjectival verb at question are close. That is to say, metonymy which enables mentioning a part to bring out the whole plays an important role.

      • KCI등재후보

        통합진보당 해산결정에 대한 검토

        정연주 국회입법조사처 2015 입법과 정책 Vol.7 No.1

        This article addresses the constitutional review on the decision of dissolution of the United Progressive Party(UPP). On December 19, 2014, the Constitutional Court decided that UPP shall be dissolved and that the mandates of the lawmakers of UPP shall be deprived. The reason of the dissolution of UPP is that the purposes and activities of UPP are contrary to the democratic basic order. This is the first case decided by the Court after establishment of the Republic of Korea. In the decision, the Court systemized the purposes and legal conditions of adjudication on dissolution of a political party and the effects of decision. In this point, the decision is very meaningful. On the other hand, however, the decision has been exposed on the severe criticism that it has the logical contradiction, fallacies of the facts, misunderstanding about essence and functions of adjudication on dissolution of a political party, etc. As is generally known, the institution of adjudication on dissolution of a political party aims to protect both democracy and political party. The decision, however, neglects the function of the latter, whereas it exaggerates the former. Futhermore, it reveals the political and ideological bias. Besides, without the reservation of the appropriate statutes, the Court decided the deprivation of the mandates of the lawmakers of UPP. It cannot be justified on the light of the principle of the rule of law. In short, the decision cannot be justified on the aspect of constitution. The detailed rules regarding effects of decision of upholding shall be enacted in the pertinent statutes. They have to include the deprivation of the mandates of the lawmakers of the dissolved party. Meanwhile, the composition and qualifications of the justices of the Court should be diversified. Moreover, the appointment system should be also revised. It is desirable that the concurrent vote of two thirds or more of the total members of the National Assembly shall be required for the appointment of a justice. 본 연구는 헌법재판소에 의한 통합진보당 해산결정의 문제점을 분석하고 관련 법규 보완의 필요성, 더 나아가 헌법재판관 선출 및 구성 방식의 개선 필요성을 다룬 것이다. 이 결정은 정당해산제도의 목적과 기능에 대한 이해 부족, 사실관계 오류, 논리적 비약, 근거가 박약한 사실관계의 인정, 법리적 오해 등 다양한 문제점을 노정했다는 비판을 면하기 어렵다고 본다. 또한 결과적으로 다원적 민주주의, 정당민주주의, 복수정당제도, 대의제도, 소수보호, 표현의 자유, 다양성과 관용성 등 중요한 헌법적 가치의 후퇴와 사회의 분열의 심화, 다수와 기득권의 횡포, 사법의 정치화를 야기시킬 수 있다는 우려도 나온다. 특히 법률의 근거도 없이 소속 국회의원들의 의원직 상실 결정을 내림으로써 헌법재판소 스스로가 헌법과 법률을 위반하면서 국회의 입법권한을 행사했다는 비판도 제기된다. 또한 소속 국회의원의 의원직을 상실시키는 결정을 내리면서 국회의원직을 상실한 소속 의원들의 보궐선거에서의 재출마 문제와 소속 지방의회의원의 의원직의 상실 여부 등에 대하여는 판단하지 아니한 것도 문제시 되고 있다. 따라서 정당해산제도 및 해산결정에 따른 소속 국회의원과 지방의회의원의 의원직 상실이나 재입후보 문제 등 제반 후속조치에 대한 법적 근거가 마련되어야 할 것이다. 한편 이 결정은 지나친 이념적・정치적 편향성을 드러냈고, 결과적으로 사회통합을 저해할 수 있다는 우려가 제기된 바 있다. 이러한 평가가 사실이라면 이를 야기한 원인 중 하나는 헌법재판관 구성의 문제점이라고 하겠다. 즉 헌법재판관의 이념적 편향성과 다양성의 부족, 법조인 일색의 경험적 획일성 등이 문제로 거론된다. 이를 위해 차제에 헌재의 구성과 선발 방식도 재고해야 한다고 본다. 즉 헌재 구성의 이념적 균형성을 유념하면서 헌재의 구성을 다양화하고, 이를 위해 재판관의 자격을 다양화시켜야 하며, 재판관 선출방식도 재판관 전원을 국회에서 재적 2/3로 선출하도록 개정해야 할 것이다. 그럴 경우 여야 합의에 의한 재판관 선출과 재판부의 이념적 균형성의 제고가 가능해지고, 결국 대의기관의 다수 및 국민의 다수가 찬성하는 훌륭하고 균형잡힌 인사가 재판관이 될 수 있으며, 결과적으로 특정 세력과 특정 이념 및 정권이나 인사권자의 의중이 반영되는 편향된 결정의 가능성이 줄어들고, 소수보호 및 관용성과 다양성을 갖춘 결정이 가능해 져, 결국 헌법의 이념인 진정한 다원적 자유민주주의와 법치주의 및 사회국가원리를 바탕으로 한 기본권 실현과 사회통합이 강화될 수 있을 것이다.

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