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      • KCI등재후보

        조선후기 王室祭器 鑄成 鍮器匠연구

        장경희(Jang, kyung-hee) 한국조형디자인학회 2008 조형디자인연구 Vol.11 No.2

        The Joseon Dynasty, a Confucian state, decided to rule the nation on the principle of courtesy, and the events hosted by the royal family were also conducted according to courtesy (the five courtesy principles). In particular, the sacrificial rites performed by the royal family were a national event to show off the principle of 'loyalty and filial piety'; so, the utensils used in religious services were cast with the nation's full capability. Manufacturing of the utensils used in religious services for the royal family began to be systematized during the rule of King Sejong early in the Joseon Dynasty and the systematization was completed at the time of King Seongjong, who compiled "The National Five Principles of Courtesy." Meanwhile, the utensils used in religious services for the royal family were produced by a temporary government office called "the Competent Authority," which was set up as needed. This thesis aims to analyze an ancient book entitled "the Competent Authority for Ritual Principles" in order to understand the actual state of brass-ware craftsmen mobilized to the temporary government office to cast the utensils used in religious services for the royal family late in the Joseon Dynasty. The following are a summary of the findings. First of all, early in the 17th century, King Gwanghaegun and King Injo established three times a temporary government office called "the Competent Authority for Religious Services utensils" in order to completely prepare the utensils used in religious services for the royal family, which were scattered or destroyed due to the Japanese invasion in 1592. As a result, two kinds of the utensils of such a kind were equipped in 1601 and five kinds in 1605. Moreover, in 1612, about 80 kinds of brass-ware utensils used in religious services were cast, and all the dished needed for the shrine for the founder of the nation, guardian deities of the nation, royal tombs, and shrines for ghosts were entirely equipped. Next, the utensils used in religious services for the royal family were newly produced when the king died and repaired when they were broken or crushed. For example, the utensils used in religious services at the ancestral shrine of the royal family or the guardian deities of the nation would be frequently examined and mended if needed since they were used for each national sacrificial rite (called "an auspicious rite"). When the king or the queen died (there was performed "an evil rite"), a temporary government office called "the Competent Authority for Shrines for Ghosts" was erected and the utensils were newly manufactured so that they might be used for the sacrificial rites performed before the king tombs[mountain tombs] or within the shrines for ghosts. In this regard, a chronological summary of manufacturing processes of the utensils used in religious services for the royal family produced between the 17th century and the 19th century is listed below. First, in the 17th century, a dish used in religious services for the royal family was manufactured by 6-8 brass-ware craftsman deployed to a temporary government office called "the Competent Authority for Shrines for Ghosts(殯殿魂殿都監)." Copper, a material of the utensils, was imported from Japan, and a team of eight brass-ware craftsman manufactured the dish against a drawing created by a painter. Most of the artisans (capital craftsmen, 京工匠) lived in Seoul and their skill was so good that they were continuously mobilized for 10 years.

      • KCI등재후보

        純宗妃 純明孝皇后의 생애와 裕陵 연구

        장경희(Jang Kyung-Hee) 한국인물사연구소 2009 한국인물사연구 Vol.12 No.-

        純明孝皇后 민씨는 11세 되던 1882년 明成皇后에 의해 세자빈으로 책봉되어 1904년 10월 33세의 짧은 생을 마감하였다. 그녀가 1894년부터 1904년까지 10년간 세자(뒤의 순종)의 사부였던 韋觀 金商悳에게 보낸 편지 10통을 통해 그녀가 시세의 흐름에 민감하고, 정사에 대한 식견이 명확하였음을 알 수 있었다. 그녀는 궁궐에 들어온 이후 명성황후에 의존해 살았으나 황후의 사후에는 마땅히 의지할 상대가 없어 평소 세자의 사부로 왕래가 잦았던 위관을 대상으로 삼았던 것 같다. 주고받은 편지가 주로 기울어져 가는 왕조를 걱정한 나머지 위관이 출사하여 고종황제를 돕도록 부탁한 것이지만 편지의 애절한 문투와 행간에는 그에 대한 정감도 서려있었다. 이처럼 그녀는 그동안 우리가 알고 있던 것처럼 병약하고 명성황후의 그늘에 숨어 있던 가녀린 왕실의 여인이 아니라, 세상 사정과 조정의 인사 문제까지 소상히 파악하고 있었고, 외세의 침탈로 국가의 위기가 눈앞에 다가 온 대한제국의 황태자비로서의 당당한 위상을 지니고 있었음을 엿볼 수 있었다. 1904년, 순명황태자비가 죽어 조성한 裕康園은 대한제국의 유일한 황태자비 墓制이다. 이 유강원을 고종황제는 자신이 壽陵으로 정한 금곡의 홍릉이 완공된 뒤에는 황제릉으로 조성할 의도를 갖고 착수한 듯하다. 그것은 유강원을 조성할 때 황릉에만 세우는 침전을 비롯하여 당가 등과 같은 각종 의장·의물들이 1897년에 조성한 명성황후의 청량리 洪陵을 전례로 삼고 있었기 때문이다. 그러나 고종황제가 금곡 홍릉에 황제릉을 조성하다가 완성하지 못한 것처럼 유강원도 마찬가지였다. 고종황제는 1900년부터 금곡 홍릉에 寢殿을 비롯한 각종 전각이나 능상 석물은 세워 두었으며, 침전 앞 석물도 이미 1899년에 제작을 끝내고 명성황후의 청량리 홍릉을 천장한 후 설치하려다가 못하고 자신이 죽어서야 완성되었듯이 고종황제가 1904년에 조성한 유강원의 침전을 비롯한 모든 건물과 석물도 1926년 순종효황제의 사후 금곡 유릉으로 옮겨졌다. 현재 유릉에 세워져 있는 침전·비각·재실 등의 건물과 침전 내부에 설치한 唐家를 비롯한 의장·의물, 그리고 능상에 설치된 엄전석·혼유석·망주석 등의 석물들은 모두 이때에 옮겨 놓은 것이다. 이러한 의물들은 순명황태자비를 더없이 아꼈던 고종황제가 정성껏 제작하였기 때문에, 금곡의 유릉에 옮겨다 사용해도 손색이 없었음을 볼 수 있다. 그러나 고종황제가 금곡 홍릉에 조영한 황제릉의 형식은 침전 앞에 석인과 석수가 일렬로 쭉 늘어서는 형식이었으나 이것을 생전에 결국 세우지 못한 아쉬움이 남듯이, 금곡 유릉의 침전 앞에 세워진 석물들도 결국 1927년 일본인의 손에 의해 식민지 양식으로 조성된 것은 더욱 가슴 아픈 일이 아닐 수 없다. 그러나 고종황제에 의해 시도되었던 대한제국의 황제릉 양식은 금곡 홍릉에서는 실현되었고, 순명황후와 순종황제의 금곡 유릉에서는 절반의 성공만을 거둔 셈이 되고 말았다. Empress Sunmyeong[純明孝皇后] of the Yeoheung Min clan was invested by Empress Myeongseong[明成皇后] as the Crown Princess at the age of 11 in 1882, and died young at the age of 33 in December 1904. 10 letters sent to Kim Sang-deok[金商悳], the teacher of the then Crown Prince Sunjong[純宗], for 10 years from 1894 to 1904 obviously indicate that she had a considerable insight into history and a correct understanding of the Royal situation. Since she had entered the palace, she had Empress Myeongseong to turn to. After the Empress died, she kept up correspondence with Kim Sang-deok, and even recommended him to enter government service to assist Emperor Gojong[高宗]. She was not a feeble Royal lady who would hide herself under the protection of Empress Myeongseong, and she knew well about the ways of the world and fully understood the personnel-related matters in the Royal court. She maintained a dignified profile as a Crown Princess of Korea at the time when the national prestige was on the decline due to its relations with neighboring countries. Yugangweon[裕康園], the unique tomb of Crown Princess in Korea, was built in 1904 after her death. In those days, Emperor Gojong seemed to intend to raise the status of Yugangweon to the tomb of Emperor at the time when the construction of Hongneung[洪陵], the tomb for himself and Empress Myeongseong, would be completed in Geumgok[金谷]. His intention was evident in buildings, decorative structures and stone sculptures which were modelled on those of Hongneung, the tomb of Empress Myeongseong, that had been built in Cheongnyangni in 1897. Yugangweon, however, had no chance of becoming the tomb of Emperor, as Emperor Gojong failed to finish Hongneung, the tomb of Emperor in Geumgok, during his lifetime, despite that its stone figures had been ready to be placed in front of the tomb chamber in 1899, and its buildings and stone structures had been built on the tomb in 1900. Emperor Gojong missed to complete the tomb of Emperor by waiting for a timely relocation of the tomb of Empress Myeongseong. The decorative structures and stone figures of Yugangweon were comparable to those for a tomb of Emperor, and were later relocated to Yureung[裕陵] that was posthumously built for Emperor Sungjong in Geumgok. Although it was not finished, Hongneung, the tomb of Emperor in Geumgok, was designed to place the stone statues of human and animal figures lined up in front of the tomb chamber. Those of Yureung in Geumgok also followed the same layout, but were forcedly produced in Japanese colonial pattern after Emperor Sunjong died in 1927. The layout pattern what Emperor Gojong intended for the tomb of Emperor was only accomplished in Hongneung, the tomb of Emperor Gojong and Empress Myeongseong, and counted half a success in Yureung, the tomb of Emperor Sunjong and Empress Sunmyeong.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 王室祭器 鑄成 鍮器匠 연구

        장경희(Jang, kyung-hee) 한국조형디자인학회 2006 조형디자인연구 Vol.9 No.2

        The Joseon Dynasty, a Confucian state, decided to rule the nation on the principle of courtesy, and the events hosted by the royal family were also conducted according to courtesy (the five courtesy principles). In particular, the sacrificial rites performed by the royal family were a national event to show off the principle of 'loyalty and filial piety'; so, the utensils used in religious services were cast with the nation's full capability. Manufacturing of the utensils used in religious services for the royal family began to be systematized during the rule of King Sejong early in the Joseon Dynasty and the systematization was completed at the time of King Seongjong, who compiled "The National Five Principles of Courtesy." Meanwhile, the utensils used in religious services for the royal family were produced by a temporary government office called "the Competent Authority," which was set up as needed. This thesis aims to analyze an ancient book entitled "the Competent Authority for Ritual Principles" in order to understand the actual state of brass-ware craftsmen mobilized to the temporary government office to cast the utensils used in religious services for the royal family late in the Joseon Dynasty. The following are a summary of the findings. First of all, early in the 17th century, King Gwanghaegun and King Injo established three times a temporary government office called "the Competent Authority for Religious Services utensils" in order to completely prepare the utensils used in religious services for the royal family, which were scattered or destroyed due to the Japanese invasion in 1592. As a result, two kinds of the utensils of such a kind were equipped in 1601 and five kinds in 1605. Moreover, in 1612, about 80 kinds of brass-ware utensils used in religious services were cast, and all the dished needed for the shrine for the founder of the nation, guardian deities of the nation, royal tombs, and shrines for ghosts were entirely equipped. Next, the utensils used in religious services for the royal family were newly produced when the king died and repaired when they were broken or crushed. For example, the utensils used in religious services at the ancestral shrine of the royal family or the guardian deities of the nation would be frequently examined and mended if needed since they were used for each national sacrificial rite (called "an auspicious rite"). When the king or the queen died (there was performed "an evil rite"), a temporary government office called "the Competent Authority for Shrines for Ghosts" was erected and the utensils were newly manufactured so that they might be used for the sacrificial rites performed before the king tombs[mountain tombs] or within the shrines for ghosts. In this regard, a chronological summary of manufacturing processes of the utensils used in religious services for the royal family produced between the 17th century and the 19th century is listed below. First, in the 17th century, a dish used in religious services for the royal family was manufactured by 6-8 brass-ware craftsman deployed to a temporary government office called "the Competent Authority for Shrines for Ghosts(殯殿魂殿都監)." Copper, a material of the utensils, was imported from Japan, and a team of eight brass-ware craftsman manufactured the dish against a drawing created by a painter. Most of the artisans (capital craftsmen, 京工匠) lived in Seoul and their skill was so good that they were continuously mobilized for 10 years. Second, in the 18th century, like in the 17th century, the utensils used in religious services for the royal family were manufactured in a temporary government office "the Competent Authority for Shrines for Ghosts" by about four brass-ware craftsman (government artisans, 官工匠) who belonged to a permanent government office.

      • KCI등재후보

        대한제국 홍릉 침전 내부의 공예품 연구

        장경희(Jang, Kyung-hee) 한국조형디자인학회 2010 조형디자인연구 Vol.13 No.2

        홍릉은 고종황제가 대한제국의 황제릉으로 조성한 고종황제와 명성황후의 무덤이다. 대한제국의 홍릉은 조선시대의 왕릉과는 여러 모로 다르다. 특히 의식을 거행하는 침전은 일(一)자 형태로 세워, 조선시대에 정(丁)자 형태로 세운 정자각과 달라졌다. 또 건물 내부에는 궁궐과 마찬가지로 화려한 단청으로 꾸민 당가(唐家)를 세웠다. 그러나 세워진지 100년이 지난 현재, 홍릉의 침전과 내부 시설은 원래의 모습을 알 수 없을 정도로 훼손되어 있는상태이다. 따라서 본 논문은 대한제국 유일의 황제릉인 홍릉을 원형대로 복원하려는 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 제작 당시 시말을 기록한『 홍릉산릉도감의궤』를 비롯한 각종 관․사찬 기록과 현존하는 유물을 꼼꼼하게 살폈으며, 그 결과 알게 된 사실은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 건물 내부는 신성한 의식 공간으로 조성해야 한다. 즉 내부 벽은 3겹으로 도배를 하고, 바닥에는 2중으로 왕골 돗자리를 깔며, 문에는 대나무 발[朱簾]을 걸어야 한다. 둘째,당가는 통치자의 존엄성을 드러내는 의물이다. 즉 다섯 개의 산봉우리를 그린 장지문을 세벽에 둘러 세우고, 용무늬를 조각한 신어평상과 용무늬를 조각한 삽병을 배치하되 자리와욕석을 2중으로 깔아야 한다. 그런 다음, 당가 앞면에는 휘장을 둘러야 한다. 이처럼 건물내부의 원형이 원래대로 복원된다면, 홍릉은 황제릉으로서 그 면모가 일신될 것이다. 이를통하여 비록 20여년의 짧은 시간밖에 존속하지 못했던 대한제국의 영광이 되살아나길 기대한다. Royal Tombs called Hongreung[洪陵] are the graves of Emperor Gojong and Empress Myeongseong. The tombs reflect the intent of Emperor Gojong and are different in many ways from other royal tombs constructed during the Joseon Dynasty. In particular, the “一”-shaped building[寢殿] in front of the tombs, where a secrificial rites were performed, is different from others of such a“ T”-shaped building[丁字閣] in the Joseon Dynasty. Moreover, in the building as in a royal palace, there is a canopy[唐家] which is decorated with splendid traditional multicolored paintworks. However, today 100 years after its construction, the ritual building and the facilities in it are so terribly damaged that their original form cannot be identified. In this regard, this thesis aims to help restore Hongreung, which are the only imperial tombs built during the Greater Korean Empire. To do that, comparison was carefully made between the relevant records written at the time of the construction and the extant remains and the following are the findings. First, the interior of the building was intended to be used as a sacred place for ceremonies. In other words, the interior walls were triple papered, a double bulrush mat was laid on the floor, and a beaded bamboo screen was hung over the door. Second, the canopy was purposed to demonstrate the dignity of the ruler. That is, a paper sliding door patterned with five mountaintops stood by the three walls and a chair patterned with dragon-shaped carvings and a folding screen patterned with dragon-shaped carvings were arranged before the door. Then, a curtain was placed between the pillars. If such a prototype of the interior of the building is restored, Royal Tombs called Hongreung will be renewed as an imperial tomb. It is the present author's wish that the glory of the Greater Korean Empire, which was terminated in a short period of time and Emperor Gojong had dreamed of, could be also restored.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 칠궁七宮 소장 목조감실과 왕실공예품의 보문寶文 연구

        장경희 ( Jang Kyung Hee ) 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2024 인문과학연구 Vol.38 No.0

        조선후기 칠궁 내 목조감실이나 진찬 때의 왕실 공예품은 검박한 유교적 미의식과 달리 장식적인 보문이 두드러지게 사용되었는데, 본고는 이들의 구성 배치와 종별 및 양식 특징을 분석하여 그 의미를 밝혀 보았다. 그동안 칠궁은 비공개여서 목조감실이 연구된 적이 없었고, 거기에 베풀어진 보문 또한 마찬가지였다. 칠궁은 18세기 영조가 왕의 사친을 모시는 궁원제를 확립한 이후 숙빈의 육상궁을 비롯한 사당과 신주를 모신 감실을 제작하였다. 그중 1755년에 조성한 인빈의 저경궁 목조감실 내 보문은 투조를 했고 회화적이었다. 정조대에 문희묘의 감실과 혜빈의 가교에 새겨진 보문은 종류가 다양하고 다채로웠다. 순조대에 경우궁 감실이나 진찬 때의 용평상에는 3종류의 보문이 상하에 투각되었다. 고종대에 재건된 육상궁이나 연호궁의 감실 및 진찬 때의 용평상에는 보문이 투각되었다. 이렇게 18세기 말, 19세기 초, 19세기 말 목조감실에 투각된 보문은 면수가 8면에서 10면으로 늘어났고, 종류는 2-3종으로 줄어들었다. 목조감실이나 용평상 위 가로로 길고 좁은 판면에 배치된 보문의 종류는 투각하기 쉬운 단순한 형태의 길상적 의미를 지닌 것이 임의로 선택되었다. 이처럼 왕의 사친을 모시는 칠궁의 감실이나 왕실 잔치의 공예품은 보문으로 화려하게 장식함으로써 왕위계승의 정통성이나 왕권강화를 표출하였다. This paper identified the type, arrangement, and style characteristics of the Bomun patterns by dividing it by period, targeting the wooden niches and royal crafts in the Chilgung shrine in the late Joseon Dynasty. Chilgung were 7 shrines that enshirned the king's mother, not the queen. Until now, there were closed to the public, so there were no research on the wooden Niches or Bomun patterns inside. Accordingly, we looked at the royal shrine and Bomun engraved on the wooden crafts of the feast, which were built separately from the period of the 18th century, the early 19th century, and the late 19th century. The Bomun patterns, which were constructed in the wooden niches of Jeogyeonggung shrine in 1755, was painterly. There were various types of Bomun inscribed in the kilns of Moonhee-myo shrine in 1789 and Hye-bin in 1795. Three types of Bomun patterns were embossed on the palace in 1824 or the the king's chair at the royal feast in 1829. Bomun patterns were engraved on the royal chambers of Yuksanggung shrine and Yeonhogung shrine in 1883 or on the the king's chair at a royal feast in 1892. As the times went down, the number pattern of embossed on the artifacts increased from 8 to 10, and the types of patterns decreased to 2-3 types. The content of the pattern has changed to a Taoist meaning rather than a Buddhist symbols. As such, among the royal crafts of the Joseon Dynasty, the Bomun was engraved on the horizontal and narrow plate surface, and the type of patterns tended to be arbitrarily selected from simple forms that were easy to engrave. Through this, it can be seen that in the Joseon Dynasty, Bomun was used to highlight the meaning of a shrine remembering of the king’s mother or a royal feast wishing for a long life for royal family.

      • KCI등재

        正祖代 景慕宮의 왕실공예품 연구

        장경희(Jang, kyung-hee) 한국조형디자인학회 2009 조형디자인연구 Vol.12 No.2

        The Joseon Dynasty aimed to practice the Confucian principles as national policies and rule the state according to the Confucian ideals. The first and foremost basic Confucian principle was a national religious service[吉禮], which was performed by the incumbent king for his predecessor and which was to widely demonstrate that the royal authority had been inherited securely and rightfully. In the Confucian dynasty, only kings and queens could be enshrined in the royal shrine[宗廟] and be given national religious sacrifices there[王陵]. It is why the kings who was born of a concubine made every effort to posthumously enhance the position of his biological parents to that of legitimate kings or queens so that they might be enshrined in the royal shrine. In case that was impossible, the kings vehemently attempted to construct a separate shrine[別廟] or tomb[園] almost equal to the royal shrine and splendidly offer religious sacrifices to their parents laid in rest there. The Gyeongmogung[景慕宮] was a shrine constructed by King Jeongjo in commemoration of his father who was victimized in the vortex of political power games, and the 'Yeongwoowon[永祐園]' is a tomb for Crown Prince Sado[思悼世子] his father. Jeongjo prepared the Gyeongmogung which are the procedures for worshipping at the two said places and he also written a book called the ‘Collection of the Ceremonies at the Gyeongmogung[景慕宮儀軌]’ which are the records related to the places. The book comprises pictures and detailed descriptions about the layout of the buildings and the rigging and figures kept in the buildings, and the dishes used for sacrificial rites. This the current thesis has compared the modes of the craft-works used at the Gyeongmogung with those used at the royal ancestral shrine and comprehensively investigated into the relations between the craft-works at the Admiration Palace with the existent relics displayed in Museom of National Palace. The findings include that the craft-works used at the Gyeongmogung are the visual symbols to show the legitimacy of the enthronement of King Jeongjo and the endeavors made by Jeongjo to have his father get his revenge and that the craft-works are the essence of the cultures of the royal family in the latter term of the Joseon Dynasty which is called the period of the renaissance of the Korean traditional cultures.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선시대 철물 제작 장인 연구

        장경희(Jang, Kyung-hee) 한국조형디자인학회 2014 조형디자인연구 Vol.17 No.1

        조선시대에 철을 만들고 기물을 만드는 기술은 나라를 다스리는 핵심 산업이었다. 그러므로 국가는 철을 채취하거나 철제 기물을 제작하는 장인을 관청에 소속시켜 관리하였다. 그 중 철을 단조하거나 주조하는 장인들은 시기에 따라 처지나 작업방식이 달라졌는데, 그 사실을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조선시대 철을 만드는 장인이 있었고, 철물을 제작하는 장인이 있었다. 그중 철물은 단조와 주조로 구분되었다. 단조는 대장장이가 작업했다. 주조는 쇳물을 붓는 주장(注匠)과 기물을 만드는 장인은 주장(鑄匠)으로 공정이 세분화되었다. 또 화폐ㆍ활자ㆍ가마솥 등 만드는 물품에 따라 장인을 부르는 명칭도 다양하였다. 둘째, 철물의 제작 시스템은 가마[爐]를 중심으로 여러 명이 협업하는 것은 공통되나, 시기마다 장인의 처지는 달라졌다. 17세기의 장인은 서울이나 지방에서 동원했고, 그들 중 일부는 장인 가문을 형성했다. 18세기에 장인은 전문 관청이나 군대에 소속되었다. 하지만 18세기 후반에 장인은 국가의 속박에서 벗어나 사사로이 공방을 만들고 점포를 경영했다. 셋째, 철물의 제작 양태는 조선 후기 풍속화를 통해 알 수 있었다. 대장장이는 가마를 중심으로 1명이 풀무질을 하면, 2~3명이 달군 쇠를 두드려 낫이나 망치를 만드는 기술이었다. 반면 주조장인은 가마를 중심으로 2명이 풀무질하면, 1명의 주장(注匠)이 도가니에 쇳물을 녹이고, 2명이 거푸집에 부어 가마솥 등을 만드는 기술이었다. 이처럼 조선시대 철물을 제작하는 장인에 대한 연구를 통해 그들의 전통기술에 대한 공예사적 이해가 확산되길 기대한다. 아울러 철광 산업을 비롯한 경제사나 무기나 무쇠솥의 생산 등 산업사 분야에도 기여하길 바란다. In Joseon Dynasty, the technology to make iron and utensils was the core industry that controled the country. Thus, the country made the craftsman, who pick iron or manufacture iron utensils, belonged to the government agency, and thereby managed them. Among them, the status or work method of the craftsman, who do the work of forging or casting, changed, depending on the times. The details are arranged as follows; First, there were the craftsman who made iron and the craftsman who manufactured ironware, in Joseon Dynasty. Among them, ironware was divided into forging and casting. Forging was done by blacksmiths. The process of casting work was divided in detail into the artisan who pours melted iron and the artisan who makes utensils. In addition, there were many titles about the craftsman, depending on the ironware such as coin, printing type and cauldron. Second, in regard with ironware manufacturing system, it was common that several craftsman cooperated together working around the kiln, but the artisan's status changed, depending on the times. In the 17th century, the craftsman were mobilized from Seoul or local areas, and among them, some craftsman formed the artisan families. However, in the second half of 18th century, the craftsman escaped from the country's restriction, privately made the work places and ran their shops. Third, we could see the aspects of ironware manufacturing through the genre paintings of the latter period of Joseon Dynasty. As for blacksmith, if a blacksmith worked a bellows around the kiln, two or three workers struck the heated iron and then manufactured sickle or hammer. As for casting artisan, if two workers worked a bellows around the kiln, one worker melted iron in the kiln, and two workers poured it into the cast, thereby manufactured cauldron or vessel. Thus, the author hopes that the understanding on the traditional technologies of blacksmiths and casting craftsman can be expanded, through this study. Furthermore, the author hopes that this study can also contribute to the economy history of iron ore industry or the industry history of arms or cauldrons manufacturing.

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