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      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Research Trends in Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Upland in Korea

        이선일,이창규,김건엽,권효숙,이종식,최은정,신종두 한국토양비료학회 2019 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.52 No.4

        Global climate change, especially global warming is considered as threat to our future and posterity. Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gas such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are the main causes of global warming. The Korean government has set a goal to cut the carbon emissions by 37% based on business-as-usual levels by 2030. According to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), agricultural sector is an important source of greenhouse gas emissions. In this regard, it is common belief that reducing of such emission is of great significance to global climate change. In Korea, upland is one of the main sources of agricultural N2O emission. In order to analyze domestic research trends related to N2O emissions in the upland, 53 academic publications from 2009 to September 2019 were critically reviewed. The results were classified according to the research purposes. Reduction technologies of N2O emission account for approximately 28.3%. N2O characteristics and assessment for 24.5%, development of N2O emission factors for 22.6%, and N2O inventory assessment for 20.8% etc. Biochar, green manure, no tillage, and inhibitor were studied as a means of reducing N2O release. The optimum technologies to reduce N2O emission in Korea were discussed and proposed through the previous researches.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Carbonized Biomass Application on Organic Carbon Accumulation and Soy Bean Yields in Upland Soil

        이선일,박우균,김건엽 한국토양비료학회 2016 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.50 No.4

        Carbonized biomass could be used as a mechanism for long-term storage of C in soils. However, experimental results are variable. Objective of this study was carried out to evaluate the effect of carbonized biomass made from soybean residue on soil organic carbon and seed yield during soybean cultivation. The carbonized biomass was made by field scale mobile pyrolyzer. Pyrolyzer was performed in a reactor operated at 400~500°C for 2 hours using soybean residue. The treatments consisted of four levels as the control without input and three levels of carbonized biomass inputs as 357 kg ha-1, C-1 ; 714 kg ha-1, C-2 ; 1,428 kg ha-1, C-3. It was appeared that seed yield of soybean was 2,847 kg ha-1 for control, 2,897 kg ha-1 for C-1, 2,946 kg ha-1 for C-2 and 3,211 kg ha-1 for C-3 at the end of experiment. It was shown that the contents of SOC were 5.21 g kg-1 for C-1, 5.93 g kg-1 for C-2, 7.00 g kg-1 for C-3 and 4.73 g kg-1 for the control at the end of experiment. Accumulated SOC contents linearly significantly (P < 0.001) increased with increasing the carbonized biomass input. The slopes (0.00162) of the regression equations suggest that SOC contents from the soil increase by 0.162 g kg-1 with every 100 kg ha-1 increase of carbonized biomass rate. Consequently the carbonized biomass for byproducts such as soybean residue could increase SOC. It might be considered that the experimental results will be applied to soil carbon sequestration for future study. More long-term studies are needed to prove how long does SOC stay in agricultural soils.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of the Application of Carbonized Biomass from Crop Residues on Soil Chemical Properties and Carbon Pools

        이선일,박우균,김건엽,최용수 한국토양비료학회 2015 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.48 No.5

        Objective of this study was to investigate the effect of carbonized biomass from crop residues on chemical properties of soil and soil carbon pools during soybean cultivation. The carbonized biomass was made by field scale mobile pyrolyzer. A pot experiment with soybean in sandy loam soil was conducted for 133 days in a greenhouse, by a completely randomized design with three replications. The treatments consisted of four levels including the control without input and three levels of carbonized biomass inputs of 9.75 Mg ha-1, C-1 ; 19.5 Mg ha-1, C-2 ; 39 Mg ha-1, C-3. Soil samples were collected and analyzed pH, EC, TC, TN, inorganic-N, available phosphorus and exchangeable cations of the soils. Soil pH, Total-N and available phosphorus contents correspondingly increased with increasing the carbonized material input. The contents of soil carbon pools were 19.04 Mg C ha-1 for C-1, 26.19 Mg C ha-1 for C-2, 33.62 Mg C ha-1 for C-3 and 12.01 Mg C ha-1 for the control at the end of experiment, respectively. Increased contents of soil carbon pools relative to the control were estimated at 7.03 Mg C ha-1 for C-1, 14.18 Mg C ha-1 for C-2 and 21.62 Mg C ha-1 for C-3 at the end of experiment, respectively, indicating that the soil carbon pools were increased with increasing the input rate of the carbonized biomass. Consequently, it seems that the carbonized biomass derived from the agricultural byproducts such as crop residues could increase the soil carbon pools and that the experimental results will be applied to the future study of soil carbon sequestration.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Formalin Application for the Treatment of Radiation- Induced Hemorrhagic Proctitis

        이선일,박윤아,손승국 연세대학교의과대학 2007 Yonsei medical journal Vol.48 No.1

        Radiation-induced hemorrhagic proctitis (RIHP) is a serious complication of pelvic irradiation, and a 4% formalin solution has been used for 20 years in treating this sequelae. The first case involving formalin application for treatment of RIHP in Korea was reported in 1996, but there are no additional studies beyond this date. Our study reviews the use of formalin instillation and selective application. The purpose of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the outcome of such treatments, beginning with the first case at our hospital. From 1996 to 2005, five RIHP patients had received formalin treatment for RIHP symptoms intractable to other medical treatments. All treatments were performed by a single surgeon in the operating room, under spinal anesthesia or intravenous sedation. The mean duration of symptoms before treatment was 15.6 months (which was longer than in other studies), and the transfusion before treatment varied from once per month to twice per week. Using sigmoidoscopy, 100ml of a 4% formalin solution was instilled directly (or by using a formalin-soaked gauze) and irrigated for five minutes. Formalin-soaked cotton was then applied selectively to focal remnant lesions. Four patients improved after the first treatment, but one patient received the treatment twice because of recurrent symptoms. Complications after treatment included perianal pain (one case), and aggravated incontinence (one case), which improved three months after conservative management. In conclusion, the formalin combination application method in our study is comparable to other formalin treatments for intractable RIHP. Key Words: Radiation-induced hemorrhagic proctitis, formalin

      • KCI등재

        하이데거와 현대 기술 비판

        이선일 대동철학회 2001 大同哲學 Vol.14 No.-

        근대 형이상학은 기술을 객체를 장악한 주체의 성과로 간주한다. 여기에서는 주-객의 양극관계가 이미 주어져 있는 것으로 전제된다. 그러나 주-객의 관계는 양자가 이미 서로에게 열려져 있는 포괄적인 영역을 필요로 한다. 이것이 바로 존재자의 비은폐 영역이다. 존재자의 개방성 안에 들어서 있는 인간은 그 비은폐성의 부름을 받게 된다. 비은폐성의 부름은 인간을 어떤 피투적 상황에 처하게 한다. 인간은 자신을 비은폐성의 부름에 기투함으로써 그 부름을 비로소 자신의 것으로 포착한다. 피투성과 기투의 통일 속에서 존재자의 탈은폐가 이루어진다. 그런데 수공업적 탈은폐 방식과 현대 기술적 탈은폐 방식이 서로 다름에서 알 수 있듯, 비은폐성의 부름은 그때마다 그 양상을 달리한다. 따라서 하이데거는 인간에게 자연에너지를 채굴하라고 도발적으로 요구하는 그 부름에서 현대 기술의 본질을 파악한다. 탈은폐된 것을 부품으로 주문 요청하도록 인간을 집약하고 있는 저 도발적 요구의 부름이 몰아세움이다. 몰아세움은 바로 오늘날 존재의 역운이다. 인간은 이미 몰아세움의 본질 영역에 들어서 있다. 우리의 모든 일거수 일투족은 언제 어디서건 몰아세움에 의해 도발적 요청을 받고 있다. 따라서 몰아세움의 극복은 인간의 힘만으로는 이루어질 수 없다. 오히려 몰아세움의 극복은 어떤 다른 역운의 도래로부터 그때마다 일어난다. 그러나 존재의 전향은 갑작스럽게 번뜩이기에 이 새로운 역운의 도래를 인간은 계산하거나 재구성할 수 없다. 따라서 이제 인간은 표상적 사유의 틀을 내버리고 존재의 새로운 도래를 숙고하는 태도를 가져야 한다. 초연한 내맡김이란 바로 이러한 태도를 의미한다. 그리고 초연한 내맡김의 태도가 구체화된 것이 바로 시적 거주다. 시적 거주는 현대 자연과학적 기술 시대의 삶의 양식을 대신하는 새로운 삶의 양식이다.

      • KCI등재

        A Survey on the Impact of Operation Volume on Rectal CancerManagement

        이선일,박윤아,손승국 대한의학회 2007 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.22 No.S

        The rectal cancer management can be influenced by the surgeon’s practice and the hospital. This study was to evaluate the differences according to the surgeon’s operative volume and the level of the hospital. Questionnaires were sent out to the members of the ‘Korean Society of Coloproctology’, and the responses were evaluated according to the surgeon’s operation volume, the surgeon’s age, and the level of the hospital. Sixty responses were received during the three months’ period (from August to October 2004). Thirty three respondents (55%) operated more than 50 cases of rectal cancer per year (high-volume surgeons), and 37 respondents (61%) worked at university hospitals or tertiary care facilities (high-level hospitals). The preoperative evaluation with endorectal ultrasonography (ERUS) was significantly different according to the surgeon’s operation volume and the level of the hospital, whereas magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography (PET) was significantly different only for the surgeon’s operation volume. The preoperative radiation therapy was significantly different according to the surgeon’s operation volume, the surgeon’s age, and the level of the hospital. However, there was no significant difference found on the operative procedures or postoperative surveillance. The preoperative loco-regional evaluation and the preoperative radiation therapy could be considered as the factors that influence the volume-outcome relationship in rectal cancer treatment.

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