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        就學前 및 初等敎育 改革

        李貴胤 한국교육학회 1983 敎育學硏究 Vol.21 No.3

        교육현실의 개선과 개혁에 관한 논문이나 토론들은 수없이 많았다. 그런데 토론이나 논란의 조제에 있어서 다소의 차이는 있었지만 건국후 30년간은 대개 입시제도, 교사양성, 과밀학급에 관한 것이었고 요즈음에 와서는 유아교육문제에 관한 것이 좀 색다르게 대두되고 있다. 이와 같은 교육개혁의 주제들은 결국 경제적인 여건이나 또는 교육 외적인 여건의 개선없이는 이루어질 수 없었기 때문에 같은 문제들이 오랫동안 되풀이 되고 있는 것 같다. 요사이 대두되고 있는 유아교육에 있어서도 교사교육, 시설문제, 과밀학급, 공교육화, 교육과정 문제 등 결국은 재정적인 문제 해결 없이는 이루어질 수 없는것이 많다.

      • 음성학에 기초를 둔 국민학교 1학년 읽기지도의 실험적 연구

        李貴胤,車再順 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1979 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.33 No.-

        There has been much controversy among educators and reading specialists over the role of phonetics in the teaching of reading. Few argued, however, that phonetic is not useful for a language with phonetic rule. It has rather been advocate that phonetic knowledge is a very necessary and indispensable part of the process of teaching to read. It is more so for a language which has phonetic characters. It is quite natural as a student of reading education to draw attention to the fact that the word method has largely dominated the teaching of reading in Korea elementary schools since the liberation. In this stuffy the focus of interest was the effectiveness of the phonetic method of teaching of reading in decoding the written form of language into its spoken form. Using a pre-post-test design two groups, control and experimental: 1. Students IQ was measured by the IQ Test. 2. Decoding ability in reading was assessed by the newly developed test items. (pre-test) 3. The textbook provided by the Ministry by the Education was used for the control group while the new textbook was employed for the experimental group. 4. Achievement of decoding ability in reading was assessed by the test inventory previously used (post-test). 5. A comparison was made by the descriptive data, analysis of variance and analysis of covariance within and between the groups. The major findings of this study were the following: 1. The result of pre-and-post showed a significant improvement p<.005 for the control group. The most gains made by the students of the group were in the second category of vocabularies in the test. 2. The result of pre-and -post test for the experimental group was showedant highly significant improvement p<.001. The same trend was found for this group as in the control group for the second category of the test inventory. 3. The table of analysis of covariance showed that the significant level of the gain score was not much affected by the variance accounted for by the IQ measured, In short, IQ had contributed little to achievement in reading. 4. The descriptive data and statistical tables revealed that gain scores were considerably bigger in every category of the test inventory in favor of the experimental group. The most impressive difference of gain scores between two groups was in category III of the test. In general, the results of the study were encouraging. A strong pattern of gain scores was observed in the test results for the experimental group that employed the new textbook for the study period. Findings if analysis variance showed the use of new textbook to be extremely efficient: the more difficult the vocabulary to read, the better were mainstreamed.

      • 부모·교사에 대한 어린이의 기대와 관심사

        李貴胤,車再順 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1980 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.35 No.-

        The child learns in the early stages what parents and teachers expect of him when they exhort him to be a good boy. Frequently the child's gratifications are obtained or withheld depending upon whether he conforms to the adult's expectations. Sometimes punishment ensues if other's expectations are unsatisfied. Parents and teachers, on the other hand, strive to fashion their behavior to meet expectations held by the child. Children's behavioral problem are believed to be the result of not meeting adult's expectations satisfactorily. The main purpose of this study was to discover children's expectations of parents and teachers as well as to analyze adult behaviors and concerns which he thinks need to be corrected. Other related purpose in the study are to find differences in a child's expectations of parents and teachers within group variables : 1. by region 2. by sex 3. by grade level The final concern of this study is to explore the difference in a child's expectations of the father and mother. Five thousand elementary school children were selected in a stratified random-sampling manner by region, grade and sex. The participants were given a free writing period with directions to write anything they desired to their mothers, fathers and teachers, respectively. After building major categories and sub-categories, tabulations were made each category for percentage of frequency. To determine differences between groups in the major categories, the statistical technique of significance of the difference between two independent proportions was employed. Findings in the study are as follow : 1. Children's expectation of both mothers and fathers fall generally into the same categories. However, children are more concerned about relationships with their fathers and his habitual behaviors, while expecting more from their mothers concerning economical needs and personal matters. 2. There are differences between regions in children's expectations of parents in a parent-child relationship. Significant differences were also found between the sexes in the expectation category. 3. Children are more concerned with a father's personal matte than with mother's. The Father's attitude toward the mother seemed to be a major concern of children. This increases as the grade advances. 4. The father's smoking and drinking habit are the most frequent item of children's concerns. 5. Children's economic needs are not sufficiently met. Third and fourth graders are less satisfied with their economical needs than the upper graders? [Do you mean: Third and fourth graders are les satisfied with how their economic needs are being met than students in upper grades. 6. Heavy home work assignments are a major source of children's complaints toward teachers. Male pupils are more concerned with the burden of homework than female counterparts. 7. Children are very concerned with discipline method, particularly corporal punishment. Children from rural areas suffer more from stiff punishment by the teachers. 8. Children desired to be treated as equally as others (or siblings)by the teachers (or parents). Children think that scolding or any other punishment before classmates is an undemocratic way of discipline.

      • 학업성적에 따른 上·下 학교집단의 특성에 관한 연구

        이귀윤 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1982 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.40 No.-

        Data measurement of educational outcomes are, at present, soley from achievement test scores, It is a practice that provokes some questim regarding its validity as the only criteria by which to determine the quality of education in public schools. Therefore, the purpose for this study was to generate and contribute additional measures for planning, developing and implementing educational programs in public schools. To identify and measure additional characteristics for the outliers, one must ask a basic question as to a method of identifying those schools. Available data showed that some schools scored well above the national norms, while others, far below. Yet, the data merely describes without drawing any inferences or hypithoses to the reason why the schools obtained their average scores. In particular, once the variability of student cognitive score has been accounted for, many schools find themselves at opposite extremes on the residual score distribution. The evidence suggests that the schools identified by the regression method have special characteristics that are not accounted for by chance. In this study the composite residual scores were computed for each school by the regression method with the cognitive ability score controlled. Fifteen(15) percent of the schools located on each end of the school residual score distribution were selected as outliers for further investigation. The next issue of this study was to select the variables to be investigated. Subjective selection criteria from the list of variables were used. However, efforts were made to avoid the variables that were used in the process evaluation project of MSDE and from past research. As the result, three major areas were developed: school characteristics, financial characteristics, and community characteristics. Seventeen(17) specific variables were chosen within the three general areas: school attendance rate, school enrollment, teacher's salary, administrator's salary, teacher's experience, administrator's experience, educational background of teacher, educational background of administrator, total educational cost, instructional cost, student's personnel service cost, community population, family income, percent of disadvantaged students, father's education level, mother's education level, and administrative cost. To investigate the differences of the characteristics(variables) between the outliers, frequencies were calculated for those schools with a value above the median for that specific variable. The following are the findings: A. School characteristics 1. Schools with high achievement scores have better student attendance rate, this is espectally evident in the lower grades. 2. For the lower grades, there is a relationship between school size and achievement test scores: the smaller the school, the higher the achievement scores. 3. There was little evidence to support the relation ship between achievement scores and the variables of teacher's salary, administrator's salary, teacher's experience, administrator's experience, educational level of the teacher, and education level of the administrator. However, for the upper grades, there is a high relationship between teacher's educational level and the achievement scores. The results also show that small group instruction is more efficient particularly for younger children. B. Financial characteristics The schools with higher educational cost have better achievement scores. All three components of the total educational cost(instructional cost, administrative cost and student personnel service cost) are highly related to the achievement scores. C. Community Characteristias 1. Students from smaller communities have better achievement scores than those from large communities. 2. There is substantial evidence to suggest that a good index to predict achievement scores is the level of family income. 3. Parents educational level is a significant characteristics to determine the probability of achievement scores.

      • KCI등재
      • 교육학의 학문적 성격에서 본 교육연구의 과제

        이귀윤 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1986 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.50 No.-

        It has often been said that education is common sense. The phrase seems to imply that no one can divorce himself from education as he involves in education one way or the other. Does this mean that theories of education are nothing more than common sense? If so, what responsibilities do experts and students of the discipline of education bear, and what contributions do they make to this public common sense? Are educational theories different in nature from those of other disciplines? If so, how and in what ways? These are questions to be discussed in this paper. Some other fundamental issues in the study of education are also examined by illuminating them in the context of Joseph Schwab's well-known discussion of the basic structures of disciplines: "Organizational," "substantive," and "syntactical." The organizational structures of education are principles not exclusive to other disciplines and are concerned with the problem of delimiting the borders and interaction between education and other fields of discipline. In practice, particularly in Korea, the organizational structures of education are so vague and ambiguous that educational researchers are forced to deal with overlapped disciplines. The fact that science of education is multi-disciplinary does not necessarily mean that the field of education is to be extended infinitely, without borders with other disciplines. This overlapping creates waste and makes cooperation among academic societies more difficult. Another issue related to the organizational structure of education is the sectionalization and professionalism within the field of education itself. Under this academic environment students of education are concerned more with other disciplines such as administration, philosophy, sociology, etc., rather than establishing their own theories in their primary field. It is true that educational study cannot be conducted by itself without considering the interaction with other disciplines, as educational events occur in complex ways. However, for the purpose of this study, it is necessary to establish systematic boundaries from other disciplines. Substantive structures of discipline are sets of propositions and assumptions about the variables of interest to the discipline. There are different levels of substantive structures apparent in most disciplines. Some assumptions and propositions are fundamental to a discipline; their removal or alteration would require a total revision of that structure. Other levels of assumptions are trial ones, including the tentative hypothesis. Between the two extremes lies the bulk of substantive structures. What are the assumptions and propositions in the field of education? And how are they related to those of other sciences? It must be pointed out here in conjunction with the substantive structures of discipline that most assumptions and propositions used in education are borrowed from other disciplines. The problem is not in "borrowing" itself, since educational events are complex and comprehensive in nature. Instead the principal concern involves mixing and applying those borrowed concepts which often prove to be incohesive and unfeasible when approaching educational problems. Mixture of assumptions borrowed from other disciplines are not substantive structures of education. When trying to resolve practical educational problems, the answer is not in an unassimilated compound of borrowed concepts which may have the superficial appearance of the right formula, but in the homogeneous solution refined with proper consideration of substantive educational concepts. Syntactical structure is a system for gathering and evaluating data, posing and testing hypothetical assumptions, and relating these assumptions to broader generalizations and the explanatory scheme. The variabilites of the syntactical structure are related to a large number of factors, one of which is the characteristics of the variables being investigated at a given time in a given discipline. There is little agreement on variables among scholars of education. They find it extraordinarily difficult to delimit the variables of concern. The nature of variables in question is determinant of syntax to be employed. There no adequate direct efforts in educational research to delineate the syntactical structures of the discipline of educational theory. There will be no bright side in perspective in the field of education unless adequate efforts are made for delineating the variables being investigated. Another issue related to syntactical structure of education is the characteristics of educational theory. There has been a series of discussions among scholars and educators as to "descriptive" or "prescriptive" nature of educational theory. This argument also led to similar discussion of "quantitative" or "qualitative" approach to educational research. It is worth nothing here that education theory and educational research should be against dichotomization. Educational events occur as "whole" ones. We often fail to adopt the view that there is a close relationship between science and art, and that there are more similarities than difference between artistic work and scientific work.

      • 음성학에 기초를 둔 국민학교 1학년 읽기지도의 실험적 연구

        李貴胤,車再順 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교육과학연구소 1979 인간발달연구 Vol.7 No.-

        There has been much controversy among educators and reading specialists over the role of phonetics in the teaching of reading. Few argued, however, that phonetic is not useful for a language with phonetic rule, ft has rather been advocated that phonetic knowledge is a very necessary and indispensable part of the process of teaching to read. It is more so for a language which has phonetic characters. It is quite natural as a student of reading education to draw attention to the fact that the word method has largely dominated the teaching of reading in Korea elementary schools since the the liberation. In this study the focus of interest was the effectiveness of the phonetic method of teaching of reading in decoding the written form of language into its spoken form. Using a pre-post-test design for two groups, control and experimental: 1. Students IQ was measured by the IQ Test. 2. Decoding ability in reading was assessed by the newly developed lest items, (pre-test) 3. The textbook provided by the Ministry of Education was used for the control group while the new textbook was employed for the experimental group. 4. Achievement of decoding ability in reading was assessed by the test inventory previously used (post-test). 5. A comparison was made by the descriptive data, analysis of varience and analysis of covarience within and between the groups. The major findings of this study were the following: 1. The result of pre-and-post test showed a significant improvement p<.005 fot the control group. The most gains made by the students of the group were in the second category of vocabuaries in the test 2. The result of pre-and-post test for the experimental group was showedant highly signific improvement p<.001. The same trend was found for this group as in the control group for the second category of the test inventory. 3. The table of analysis of covarience showed that the significant level of the gain score was not much affeced by the varience accounted for by the IQ measured, In short, IQ had contributed little to achievement in reading. 4. The descriptive data and statistical tables revealed that gain scores were considerably bigger in every category of the test inventory in favor of the experimental croup. The most impressive difference of gain scores between two groups was in category Ⅲ of the test. In general, the results of the study were encouraging. A strong pattern of gain scores was observed in the test results for the experimental group that employed the new textbook for the study period. Findings of analysis of varience showed the use of new textbook to be extremely efficient: the more difficult the vocabulary to read, the better were mainstreamed.

      • KCI등재

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