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        장애인 당사자가 느끼는 장벽에 관한 내러티브 연구

        여진아,최정희,정은지,김혜진 한국장애학회 2017 한국장애학 Vol.2 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the barriers experienced by a person with disabilities through his daily life. To investigate the meaning of barriers, this study is to examine the meanings of prejudice, stigmatization, and discrimination, which have similar meaning of barriers. Through interviews with the person with disabilities, this study looked at experiences that corresponded to the concept of barriers in his life. This study also explored how to define barriers by himself and what alternatives he think to solve them. This study used a narrative inquiry to capture the experiential story of the individual among various methods of qualitative research, to search for the meaning through exploration of experience, and to use semi-structured in-depth interview as a tool of data collection. As a result of the research, the research participant recognized the existence of barriers through communication with people without disabilities, and he felt the barriers from their perception of disabilities as a problem. Because of these barriers, the person with disabilities has experienced the loss of his own identity and has become more and more passive attitudes away from his inherent tendencies. However, he tried to get out of the situations by taking an active life attitude by himself that started by accepting his disability as a part of his life. After seeing his changed attitudes, his friends without disabilities also gradually showed their effort for him to break down the barriers between them. 본 연구는 장애인이 겪는 ‘장벽’에 주목하여 장애인 당사자가 삶에서 느끼는 ‘장벽’의 존재를 규명하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 ‘장벽’과 유사하게 사용되는 개념인 ‘편견’, ‘낙인’, ‘차별’의 의미를 다각도로 살펴보고, 이를 상대적으로 연구가 부족한 ‘장벽’과 비교함으로써 ‘장벽’의 의미를 확인하고 재탐색하였다. 그리고 한 명의 장애인을 인터뷰하여 성장 과정에서 ‘장벽’이라는 개념에 부합할만한 경험으로 어떠한 것이 있었는지 살펴보고, 이를 근거로 ‘장벽’을 어떻게 규정할 것인지, ‘장벽’을 해소할 수 있는 방안은 무엇인지를 탐구하였다. 또 본 연구에서는 질적연구 방법의 하나로, 개인의 체험적 이야기를 탐색하고 그 의미를 찾아가는 내러티브 연구 방법을 사용하였고, 반 구조화된 심층 면담을 자료 수집의 도구로 사용하였다. 연구 결과 연구 참여자는 비장애인과 소통하면서 장벽의 존재를 인식하였고, 자신의 장애를 문제로 인식하는 환경과 주위의 시선에서 장벽을 느끼고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이 장벽으로 인해 연구 참여자는 자신의 정체성을 잃는 경험을 하였고, 타고난 자신의 성향에서 벗어나 점차 소극적인 태도를 형성하게 되었다. 하지만 자신의 장애를 받아들이고 적극적인 삶의 태도를 취하여 스스로 주어진 상황에서 벗어나고자 노력하였다. 또 주위에 있는 비장애인 친구들도 함께 노력하면서 자신을 둘러싸고 있는 주변 환경으로 형성되었던 장벽을 점차 해소해나가는 모습을 보여주었다.

      • KCI등재
      • 퀸란(Thomas F. Quinlan) 주교의 사목 활동

        여진천(Yeo, Jincheon) 수원가톨릭대학교 이성과신앙연구소 2020 이성과 신앙 Vol.69 No.-

        Bishop Thomas Quinlan, a Columban missionary, ministered as Perfect Apostolic(1940-1941, 1945-1955), Vicar Apostolic(1955-1962), Diocesean Bishop(1962- 1966) since he first worked as the pastor at Jungnimdong parish(1938-1939) in the city of Chuncheon. He always stayed in Chuncheon except for the period when he was a prisoner of the Korean War(1950-1953) and when he stayed in Seoul as the Regent(1953-1957). The main focus of Bishop Quinlan's ministry was to expand the number of Catholics. About 30 parishes were established as he was so devoted to pastoral visits and other activities. In particular, he asked for the support from the Columban headquarters and benefactors in order to construct new churches. At that time, the pastoral achievement of the Korean priests and the Columban missionaries seemed to be greatly influenced by the bishop's holiness, passion, fatherly encouragement and direction. The second focus was charitable work. He established clinics in Chuncheon, Samcheok and Gangneung with the help of the Columban Sisters in order to cure and heal those who suffered from diseases as a way of practicing the Gospel charity. He also paid much attention to education including attracting Sacred Heart Women's University to be opened in Chuncheon and so on. Bishop Quinlan was an authentic pastor who loved God's people and true fatherly leader who loved residents of Gangwon province. 퀸란 주교는 성 골롬반 외방선교회 선교사로서 춘천시에 있는 죽림동 본당(1938-1939)에 부임한 이후, 줄곧 춘천 지목구장(1940-1941, 1945- 1955), 대목구장(1955-1962), 교구장(1962-1966)으로 사목활동을 해 왔다. 한국전쟁시 포로로 북한으로 끌려갔다가 돌아올 때(1950-1953)까지, 또한 교황사절 서리(1953-1957) 임무를 수행하느라 서울에 머물 때를 제외하고는 줄곧 춘천에 머물렀다. 퀸란 주교의 사목활동의 핵심은 첫째, 교세 증가였다. 그의 열심한 사목방문과 활동으로 30여 개의 본당을 설립⸱신축했고, 원주교구를 분할시켰다. 특히 성당을 건축하기 위해 골롬반회 본부와 은인들의 후원을 요청했다. 당시 한국인 신부들과 골롬반 선교사들이 이뤄놓은 사목상의 성공은 퀸란 주교의 성덕과 열성, 아버지다운 격려와 지도에 힘입은 바 크다고 할 수 있다. 둘째, 인보 사업이었다. 퀸란 주교는 복음적 사랑을 실천하기 위해 병 때문에 고생하는 이들을 치유하도록 춘천, 삼척과 강릉에 수녀회의 도움을 받아 의원을 설립하였다. 또한 성심여대를 유치하는 등 교육 사업에도 관심을 기울였다. 퀸란 주교는 하느님 백성을 사랑한 참다운 목자였고, 강원도민을 사랑한 진정한 아버지다운 지도자였다.

      • ‘하느님의 종’ 심능석·이유일의 교우촌에 관한 연구

        여진천(Yeo, Jincheon) 수원가톨릭대학교 이성과신앙연구소 2019 이성과 신앙 Vol.66 No.-

        시복시성 운동 중에 있는 순교자 심능석(스테파노)과 이유일(안토니오)이 살다가 1868년 5월에 체포된 교우촌이 관변측 기록에는 ‘강릉 계촌’, 교회측 기록에는 ‘강릉 굴아위’ ‘강릉 계골’로 나와 있다. 관변 및 교회 증언 자료를 통해서 볼 때, 동일한 지역을 두고 각기 다른 호칭을 사용하였음을 알 수 있다. 강릉 ‘굴아위’에 대하여 강릉시 사천면 석교2리 구라미(仇羅味), 강릉시 성산면 위촌2리 경암(鯨巖), 평창군 방림면 계촌3리 굴아우 등 세 가지 설이 있다. 첫째와 둘째 지역은 춘천교구 지역이기에, 춘천교구에서 순교자 심능석의 시복 시성을 위하여 기도문을 바치고 있고, (사) 강릉바우길에서는 ‘경암’지역에 트레킹 코스를 개발하여 ‘심 스테파노의 길’로 명명하였다. 그리고 강릉 ‘굴아위’에 대한 국어학적 분석을 통해 장정룡 교수는 구라미를, 방동인 교수는 ‘경암’을 주장하고 있다. 두 순교자가 살다가 체포된 교우촌은 구라미와 경암이 아닌, 오늘날 평창군 방림면 계촌3리 굴아우이다. 첫째, 『여지도서』 강릉부에 계촌리가 있는데, 이 지역은 1906년 평창군지역으로 이속되었다. 둘째, 『한글지명총람』(1970)에 ‘구라미’와 ‘경암’ 마을에 대한 설명에서 굴아위에 대한 언급이 없다. 그런데 계촌리 항목에는 ‘계골’ ‘계촌’ ‘굴아우’ 등에 대한 언급이 있다. 셋째, 심능석은 횡성에서 태어나 26세에 용인으로 갔다가 43세에 계촌으로 이주해 왔는데, 평창군 방림면 계촌리는 고향 횡성군과 가까운 곳이기 때문일 것이다. 넷째, 1866년 당시 서울에서 교회의 중요한 일을 수행했던 이유일(안토니오)은 박해가 일어나자, 평창군 방림면 계촌리 굴아위 마을에 있는 심능석의 집으로 피신하였다. 체포령이 내려진 이유일을 체포하면서 집주인 심능석도 체포되었고, 서울 포도청으로 압송되어 순교하였던 것이다. The martyrs who were arrested in May 1868, living in the martyrdom of Sim Neung-seok(Stefano) and Yi Yun-il(Antonio), recorded ‘Gangneung Gyechon’ in the official records, ‘Gangneung Gulaoui’ ‘GyeGol’. Throughout the passage and the testimony of the Church, we can see that different names were used in the same area. There are three theories about Gangneung ‘Gulaoui’: Gangneung Sacheon- yeon Seok-gyoLee Gurami, Gangneung Seongsan-myeon WitchonLee Gyeongam, and Pyeongchang. Since the first and second areas are located in the Chuncheon Diocese, they are offering prayers for the martyrdom of the martyrs in the Chuncheon Diocese. In addition Professor Jang Jung-ryong claims the village of Kurami, while the professor of the Bang Dong-in claims ‘Kyongam’. The martial arts villages where the two martyrs were arrested were not Kurami and Kyongam. Firstly, This area was bound to Pyeongchang- gun area in 1906. Second, there is no mention of the above in the explanation of ‘Kurami’ and ‘Kyongam’ However, there are references to ‘Gyeolgol’ ‘Gyechon’ Third, Shim Neung-seok was born in Hoengseong and moved to Yongin at the age of 26, and moved to Kyechon at the age of 43, because Kyechon in Bongrim-myeon of Pyeongchang-gun is close to the hometown Hoengseong-gun. Fourth, in 1866, when the persecution broke out in the city of Seoul, Yi Yun-il, who had done important work in the church, fled to the house of Shim Neung-seok in the village of Gulaoui. After arresting the reason for the arrest, the landlord Shim Neung-seok was arrested and sent to the Seoul for martyrdom.

      • KCI등재

        현사시와 박달나무의 Pb 흡수능력 및 내성

        여진기(Jin Kie Yeo),이재천(Jae Chun Lee),구영본(Yeong Bon Koo),김인식(In Sik Kim) 한국산림과학회 2001 한국산림과학회지 Vol.90 No.5

        This study was conducted to estimate the capability of Populus alba × glandulosa and Betula schmidtii for the uptake of Pb from the lead-contaminated soil and their tolerance to lead. Rooted cuttings in the former species and germinated seedlings in the latter species were planted in pots and irrigated with Pb-containing water for 60 days. In both tree species, growth inhibition was observed in 800, and 1,500ppm of Pb(NO₃)₂. Most Pb was accumulated in plant roots and only a small portion was transported to the shoots. The translocation rates of Pb for B. schmidtii and P. alba × glandulosa were 1.6-2.6% and 1.2-1.6%, respectively. The maximum Pb content accumulated in shoots was 468.0㎎/㎏ d.w. in P. albs × glandulosa, and 602.0㎎/㎏ d.w. in B. schmidtii. Although tolerance to lead was generally higher in B. schmidtiithan P. alba × glandulosa, the highest tolerance to lead was observed in P. alba × glandulosa clone, 72-16. Finally, we discussed the applicability of P. alba × glandulosa and B. schmidtii for phytoextraction based on their Pb uptake ability, high biomass production, and easiness in large-scale cultivati

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      • KCI등재

        축산폐수 처리에 따른 포플러유의 생육반응 및 축산폐수 흡수능력

        여진기(Jin Kie Yeo),구영본(Yeong Bon Koo),손두식(Doo Sik Son) 한국산림과학회 2001 한국산림과학회지 Vol.90 No.6

        The two-month-old rooted-cuttings of Populus albs × glandulosa, P. euramericana and P. nigra × maximowiczii clones were exposed to livestock waste water - one of major water pollutants, and ground water in order to determine the effects of livestock waste water on growth response and absorption capacity of the species. For this purpose, 5 clones of each species were used. In all the species, the height growth of rooted-cuttings was better in livestock waste water treatment than in ground water. Of all the poplar species compared, the height growth was best in P. alba × glandulosa. In the cases of P. euramericana and P. nigra × maximowiczii, the height growth in the livestock waste water treatment was statistically different among clones, whereas there was no significant difference among P. alba × glandulosa clones. Aboveground biomass such as leaf and shoot dry weight of all the species increased in the livestock waste water treatment, while root dry weight decreased. In addition, chlorophyll contents in leaf of all the poplar species increased in the livestock waste water treatment. All the poplar trees showed temporal variation in the absorption amount of livestock waste water during the experimental period. In all the poplar species, the absorption amount of livestock waste water was less than that of ground water. Of 3 poplar species, P. alba × glandulosa was best in the absorption capacity of livestock waste water. Of all 15 poplar clones compared in this study, the 72-16 clone of P. alba × glandulosa showed the best absorption capacity.

      • KCI등재

        바이오센서로 응용을 위한 양극산화알루미늄의 양극산화 온도에 따른 제작 및 전기적 특성

        여진,이성갑,김용준,이영희,Yeo, Jin-Ho,Lee, Sung-Gap,Kim, Yong-Jun,Lee, Young-Hee 한국전기전자재료학회 2014 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.27 No.6

        We fabricated the electrolyte-dielectric-metal (EDM) sensor on the base of AAO (anodic aluminum oxide) template with variation of the anodizing temperature. When a surface is immersed or created in an aqueous solution, a discontinuity is formed at the interface where such physicochemical variables as electrical potential and electrolyte concentration change significantly from the aqueous phase to another phase. Because of the different chemical potentials between the two phases, charge separation often occurs at the interfacial region [1]. This interfacial region, togeter with the charged surface, is usually known as the electrical double layer (EDL) [2]. The structural and electrochemical properties of AAO sensor were investigated for applications in capacitive pH sensors. To change the thickness of the AAO template, the anodizing temperature was varied from $5^{\circ}C$ to $20^{\circ}C$, the thickness of the AAO template invreased from 300 nm to 477 nm. The pH sensitivity of sensors with the anodizing temperature of $20^{\circ}C$ showed the highest value of 56.4 mV/pH in the pH range of 3 to 11. The EDM sensor with the anodizing temperature of $20^{\circ}C$ exhibited the best long-term stability of 0.037 mV/h.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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