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        Synergistic Effects of 5-Fluorouracil (FU) and Curcumin on Human Cervical Cancer Cells

        안성호,김동희,강정훈,이명선,Ahn, Seong-Ho,Kim, Dong-Heui,Kang, Jung-Hoon,Lee, Myeong-Seon Korean Society of Electron Microscopy 2010 Applied microscopy Vol.40 No.4

        암은 전 세계적으로 사망률이 높은 질병으로 현재 자궁암 치료는 cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil (5FU) 등의 항암화학요법과 방사선 요법 등을 복합적으로 병행하고 있다. 최근 항암효과를 가지고 있는 자연식품의 섭취에 관심이 커지면서 커리의 주성분인 curcumin (CMN), 녹차의 주성분인 카테킨, 토마토의 주성분인 리코펜 등의 약리효과에 대한 연구가 활성화되고 있다. CMN은 동물실험 결과 항염증의 활성이 있고, 피부, 대장, 유방, 전립선 등에서 암으로의 진행을 억제한다는 보고가 있으나 인체 자궁암에서는 그 효과가 밝혀져 있지않다. 본 연구는 항암제 5FU와 CMN이 인체 자궁암세포 HeLa에 미치는 영향을 apoptosis의 유도로 평가하고, p53유전자 발현율과의 상관관계로 확인하고자 시행하였다. CMN은 HeLa 세포의 성장을 억제하였으며, 5FU로 유도된 apoptosis의 발생률과 p53유전자의 발현률을 현저하게 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 이러한 연구결과는 CMN이 자궁암 치료제의 가능성이 있으며, 또한 5FU와 복합적으로 사용하면 항암제를 단독으로 투여하는 경우보다 자궁암 치료에 보다 효과적임을 강력히 시사하는 것이다. Cervical cancer is associated with low antioxidant status. It has a high prevalence especially amongst woman in Asia and is a leading cause of cancer death. Cancer chemotherapy in vivo improved in cases with high p53 expression in the tumor tissue. The restoration of p53 levels could be a potential strategy to increase chemoresponsiveness. Under circumstances where damage is extensive, p53 plays a direct role in trigering apoptosis. To investigate the effect of curcumin (CMN) as an antioxidant agent on anticancer agent 5-fluorouracil (5FU) induced apoptosis and p53 expression, HPV-18 positive HeLa cells were treated with noncytotoxic amounts of antioxidant. Curcumin induced apoptosis in cervical cancer cells. Morphological hallmarks of apoptosis such as nuclear fragmentation and internucleosomal fragmentation of DNA were observed. CMN caused upregulation of p53 expression, evident from Western blotting data and also increased the susceptibility/apoptosis induced by 5FU. These results show that increasing drug sensitivity of cervical cancer cells by upregulation of p53 using CMN is novel approach and could have a possible therapeutic potential in cervical cancer.

      • KCI등재

        취나물 점무늬병을 억제하는 Paenibacillus polymyxa JE201의 생물학적 특성

        안성호 ( Ahn Seong-ho ),김다연 ( Kim Dayeon ),박병용 ( Park Byeng-yong ),한지희 ( Han Ji Hee ),이상엽 ( Lee Sang-yeop ) 한국유기농업학회 2021 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.29 No.2

        Koreans consume cham-chwi (Aster scaber thunb.) as a common vegetable in a meal because of its bitter taste and rich flavor. In addition, it is the crop with the most residual pesticides detected in the last five years. Among the detected pesticides, the most common was azoxystrobin, which is a drug used primarily to prevent the leaf spot disease of A. scaber caused by Septoria sp.. We isolated the microorganisms that antifungal activity against Septoria sp.. The optimum incubation conditions (temperature, pH and growth medium) were examined for the growth of the isolates. Additionally, cellulase and protease activity and siderophore production ability were also examined. According to 16S rRNA sequencing of the isolate was affiliated to Paenibacillus polymyxa JE201. Largest inhibition zone measuring up to 9.2 mm was observed for P. polymyxa JE201 after 7 days of inoculation. P. polymyxa JE201 strain showed antifungal activity against various fungal phytopathogens Altanaria sp., Botrytis cinerea, Colletotrichum acutatum, Fusarium oxysporum, Phytophthora capsici, Ph. drechesleria, Rhizoctonia solani and Stemphylium sp.. Based on these observations, P. polymyxa. JE201 can be used as a promising biocontrol agent for preventing the leaf spot disease and other phytopathogens.

      • KCI등재

        상생정치의 제도적 조건

        안성호(Ahn Seong-Ho) 서울행정학회 2002 한국사회와 행정연구 Vol.13 No.3

        Many analysts have notoriously characterized Korean democracy as a noxious conflict-ridden fragmented polity, where the political parties, largely based on divisive regionalism, have been struggling desperately for victory in elections, particularly every five-year presidential election. Indeed, all political activities and events including elections have been perceived by political parties and factions in conflict as ruthless winner-take-all contests and zero-sum games. That is to say, Korean polity has typified a majoritarian democracy. In this context, this paper aims to get valuable lessons for filling up polarized fissures and building concordance on Korean political topography from the Swiss experience of consociational democracy. For this purpose, the paper begins by discussing the value and nature of consociationalism as a theoretical model for conflict-resolution in a deeply divided society. Next is an investigation of the power-sharing experiences through proportional ism, federalism, and direct democracy in the Swiss consociationalism. Finally, the paper ends with a discussion about the need for transforming the existing extreme majoritarian democracy into a sort of consensual democracy by institutionalizing power-sharing mainly in parliamentary politics of National Assembly via creating decentralized inter-governmental relations, the Upper Chamber, a full-fledged proportional election system, and a system of parliamentary negotiation bodies proportionally representing the number of votes obtained.

      • KCI등재

        구조중심 협동학습 활용 "생물과 환경" 단원 수업이 초등학생의 과학적 의사소통 능력에 미치는 영향

        안성호 ( Seong Ho Ahn ),신영준 ( Young Joon Shin ) 한국생물교육학회 2015 생물교육 Vol.43 No.4

        ‘The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of structure-centered cooperative learning which improves the scientific communication skills in elementary school. To examine effects of structured cooperative learning, two six-grade classes from the same elementary school in Gyeonggi province were respectively selected as the experimental and control group. The experimental group was taught using structure-centered cooperative learning, while the control group was taught using traditional explanation. The major findings are as follows; First, the students who were taught using structure-centered cooperative learning program had high scores in the describing area of the scientific explanations than those in the control group. Second, structurecentered cooperative learning program suggests that statistically significant results in justified claim area of the scientific claims. But, there is no significant differences in explaining and evidence-based claim area between two groups.

      • 점진적 학습법과 준 지도 학습법을 활용한 센서 기반 인간 행동 인식 프레임워크

        안성호(Seong-Ho Ahn),전설(Seol Jeon),정동화(Dong-Hwa Jeong) 대한전자공학회 2022 대한전자공학회 학술대회 Vol.2022 No.11

        Sensor-based human activity recognition using machine learning methods has been used in various healthcare services recently, and their significance is increasing. However, previous methods have limitations with leakage of personal information, increased computation time caused by data growth, and difficulty in data labeling. In this study, we propose a human activity recognition framework that combines incremental learning and semi-supervised learning methods to overcome these limitations. Our proposed method can be trained more quickly without performance loss than conventional batch learning methods in sensor-based human activity recognition.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 지방자치체제 개편과 방향

        안성호(Ahn, Seong-Ho) 한국지방정부학회 2010 지방정부연구 Vol.14 No.1

        본 논문은 시.군.구를 묶어 통합광역시로 만들고, 시.도 자치정부를 폐지하는 대신 국가지방행정기관을 설치하려는 정치권의 개편만을 비판적으로 검토하고, 지방민주주의와 국제경쟁력을 강화하는 대안적 지방자치체제 개편구상을 논의하기 위해 다음과 같은 연구과제들을 다룬다. 첫째, 지방자치구역 및 계층의 현황과 정치권 개편안의 특징을 국제비교의 관점에서 검토한다. 둘째, 정치권 개편안의 문제점을 규모와 효율성.민주주의의 관계를 중심으로 논의한다. 셋째, 정치권의 도 지역정부의 폐지 내지 약화 기도를 국제동향에 비추어 점검한다. 넷째, 정치권 개편안 규모정치의 폭력성과 빗나간 벤치마킹을 비판한다. 끝으로 향후 지방자치구역 및 계층구조를 개편할 때 유념해야 할 이해당사자인 정 치권의 편견 억제와 진문가.시민의 역할 등의 절차적 사항들을 논의한다. This paper aims to critically review the political parties' reorganizing schemes of local self-governing areas/tiers in Korea, and then to discuss the procedural issues to be considered in the process of revising the local self-governing system. To this end, the paper begins with examining the characteristics of both the current status of and the political parties' restructuring schemes on local self-governing areas/tiers from the angle of international comparison. Next, the paper analyzes the serious pitfalls embedded in mainstream political parties' plans: the spurious arguments for efficiency improvement and critical democratic deficits resulting form the radical consolidation of basic-level self-governing units Third, the paper criticizes the political circles' plots to weaken or abolish the 'Do' regional governments in light of international trends of strengthening regional governments. Fourth, the paper examines the secret motives of the political parties to gratify their political interests by redesigning the present local self-governing system to their political tastes. Finally, the paper discusses the procedural issues to be seriously observed in the process of reforming the existing local self-governing system.

      • KCI등재

        Launching Jeju Special Self-Governing Province in Korea

        Ahn Seong-Ho(안성호) 한국지방자치학회 2008 韓國地方自治學會報 Vol.20 No.2

        본 논문의 목적은 제주특별자치도 출범 1주년을 맞아 제주특별자치제의 도입 배경과 연혁을 비롯해 제도적 특징과 그 동안의 성과를 점검하고, 향후의 발전방향을 모색하는 것이다, 첫째, 본 논문은 제주특별자치제의 이론적 배경을 지역발전 패러다임의 전환과 '규제완화를 포괄하는 지방분권' 개념을 통해 살펴본다. 둘쨰, 제주특별자치정책의 의제설정으로부터 설계구상과 입법과정 및 제주특별자치도의 출범과 그 이후의 정책과정을 사례역사의 관점에서 검토한다. 셋째, 제주특별자치제의 특징을 자치권 확충, 4+1 핵심산업의 진을을 위한 규제완화, 성과관리체제로 나누어 정리한다. 넷째, 제주특별자치도 도입의 성과를 제도수용 노력, 전국적 지방분권정책과 제주사회에 미친 영향을 통해 파악한다. 다섯째, 제주특별자치제도가 당면한 도전과 향후 과제를 추가적 지방분권, 세입재정분권, 규제완화 권한의 제주 이양, 장기적 관점의 성과평가, 국정참여 확충, 시민참여 활성화, 동네자치 활성화, 촉매적 리더십의 발휘, 제주의 지속가능발전 등의 항목으로 나누어 논의한다.

      • KCI등재

        재활용 폴리프로필렌의 함량이 목분/폴리프로필렌 복합체의 물성에 미치는 영향

        안성호(Seong Ho Ahn),김대수(Dae Su Kim) 한국고분자학회 2014 폴리머 Vol.38 No.2

        본 연구에서는 재활용 폴리프로필렌을 첨가한 wood plastic composite(WPC)의 물성을 극대화하기 위해 먼저용융혼합 조건을 최적화하였으며 재활용 폴리프로필렌의 함량이 WPC의 물성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. WPC의 기계적 특성을 측정하기 위해 만능재료시험기와 충격시험기를 사용하였고 열적 특성을 조사하기 위해 DSC, TGA, DMA를 사용하였다. SEM을 이용하여 WPC의 파단면을 관찰하였다. 전체 폴리프로필렌 함량의 50 wt%를 재활용폴리프로필렌으로 함유한 WPC의 최적가공 조건은 170 oC, 15분, 60 rpm이었다. 재활용 폴리프로필렌의 함량증가는WPC의 수분흡수성을 증가시켰고 열적, 기계적 특성을 저하시켰다. 그러나 모든 물성을 종합하여 분석한 결과WPC의 두드러진 물성 감소 없이 전체 폴리프로필렌 함량의 50 wt%까지 재활용 폴리프로필렌을 첨가하는 것이 가능하였다. In this study, the melt-mixing condition was optimized first to maximize the physical properties of a wood plas-tic composite (WPC) with recycled polypropylene (PP) and the effects of recycled PP content on the physical properties of the WPC were investigated. Mechanical properties of the WPC were measured by UTM and an izod impact tester and thermal properties were investigated by DSC, TGA and DMA. Fracture surfaces of the WPC were investigated by SEM. The optimized mixing condition of WPC with 50 wt% recycled PP of total PP was melt-mixing at 170℃ for 15 min at 60 rpm. With increasing the content of the recycled PP, the water absorption characteristics of the WPC increased and the thermal and mechanical properties decreased. However, the following was concluded from the analysis of all the physical properties; it was possible adding the recycled PP up to 50 wt% of total PP without a significant decrease in the performance of the WPC

      • KCI등재

        용융혼합 조건과 첨가제가 목분/폴리프로필렌 복합체의 기계적 특성에 미치는 영향

        안성호(Seong Ho Ahn),김대수(Dae Su Kim) 한국고분자학회 2013 폴리머 Vol.37 No.2

        첨가제(윤활제 및 산화방지제)와 용융혼합 조건(온도, 시간 및 로터 속도)이 폴리프로필렌(PP) 기반 WPC(wood polymer composite)의 기계적 특성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. WPC는 용융혼합 후 압축성형하여 제조하였다. 용융혼합 과정을 이해하기 위해 WPC 용융혼합물의 토크 변화를 측정하였다. 말레산무수물로 개질된 폴리프로필렌을 상용화제로, 나노점토를 보강재로 각각 사용하였다. WPC의 기계적 특성을 측정하기 위해 UTM과 충격시험기를 이용하였고 색차계를 이용하여 WPC의 용융혼합 조건에 따른 변색을 측정하였다. 기계적 특성 분석에 따른 최적용융 혼합 조건은 170℃, 15분, 60 rpm인 것으로 나타났다. 윤활제와 산화방지제의 함량이 증가할수록 WPC의 기계적 특성이 하락함을 확인하였다. 용융혼합 과정에서 목분만을 별도로 나중에 투입하는 이단계 방법이 전형적인 일단계 방법보다 WPC의 기계적 특성 향상에 더 효과적이었다. Effects of additives (lubricant and antioxidant) and melt-blending condition (temperature, time and rotor speed) on the mechanical properties of polypropylene-based wood polymer composites (WPCs) were investigated. WPCs were prepared by melt-blending followed by compression molding. To understand melt-blending procedure, torque change of the WPC melt-blend was monitored. Maleic anhydride modified PP and nanoclay were used as a compatibilizer and a reinforcing filler, respectively. UTM and izod impact tester were used to measure the mechanical properties of the WPCs and a color-difference meter was used to measure the discoloration of the WPCs according to melt-blending condition. The mechanical properties showed that the optimized melt-blending condition was 170℃, 15 min, and 60 rpm. The mechanical properties of the WPCs decreased with increasing lubricant and antioxidant content. The two step method, adding wood flour later separately during melt-blending, was more effective than the typical one step method for improving the mechanical properties of the WPCs.

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