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        1980년대 유사역사학의 확산과 그 성격

        신항수(Sin, Hang Su) 역사실학회 2021 역사와실학 Vol.75 No.-

        안호상은 1950년대 일민주의를 주창하면서 단군의 홍익인간과 화랑 그리고 이승만을 잇는 계보를 만들었다. 60년대 이후 그는 단군의 사상을 한얼사상으로 구체화하여 한국 사상사의 기원으로 제시하였으며 이는 민족주체성 교육이 강조되던 시점에 많은 관변의 이데올로그들에게 수용되었고, 1980년대 국민정신교육 내지는 국민윤리 교육에서 활용되었다. 당시 국민윤리 교육을 주도하던 한승조도 안호상의 유사역사학을 수용하여 당시의 한국사 연구와 역사 교육을 비판하였다. 이들은 모두 민주주의를 비롯한 서구 문화에 비판적이었으며, 한국 민주주의의 근거를 전통에서 찾았고 자본주의와 사회주의를 극복하는 한국적 이념을 만들 것을 주장하였다. 유사역사학은 일민주의에서 시작하여 70년대 민족주체성 강화 정책 속에서 한국사상사 연구 및 교육을 주도하던 인사들 사이에서 세력을 확장하였으며, 일본의 국체이념 내지는 근대초극론과 유사하게 서구 민주주의의 가치를 거부하고 독재를 정당화하는 논리로 활용되었다. 유사역사학은 현재까지도 많은 한국인의 심성에 남아 있는데 이는 그것이 국민윤리 교육 등 공식적인 학교 교육을 통해 주입된 결과이다. Pseudo-historical studies emerged with the rise of Ilminism during the Syngman Rhee regime. In the 1970s, in the policy of strengthening national identity, the people who led research and education on the history of Korean thought accepted Ahn Ho-sang"s pseudo-history. Similar to Japan"s ideology of national sovereignty or modern supergeukism, Korea"s pseudo-history was used as a logic to reject the value of Western democracy and justify dictatorship. After the 1980s, they worked in conjunction with the academic circles of national ethics, leading to revisions to national history textbooks in the wake of distortions in Japanese textbooks, and reflected their arguments in national spirit education or national ethics education. In addition, it was revealed that the persons who took the lead in this process occupied major positions such as the Korea Spiritual and Cultural Research Institute.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        李瀷의 筆法論과 역사인식

        신항수(Sin, Hang-su) 한국사학사학회 2001 韓國史學史學報 Vol.0 No.4

        For the comprehension to Yi Ik's idea on history, this note starts with his approach to the classical historiography in Confucianism(『The Book of Spring and Autumn』 of Confucious and 『Kangmu』 of Zhu Xi). His idea of history was influenced by those books. So he applied their manner of historiographical writing(bao-bian, 褒貶) in his works. He regarded the introductory of 『Kangmu』 as a golden rule of historian. His idea on legitimacy of dynasties also follows the introductory of 『Kangmu』 and 『Xukangmu』 written in the dynasty Ming. It made him look the international situation as it was. His idea was a result of his personal background. For him, his father, exiled to nothern territory of korean penisula and died there, and his brother, killed after the brutal torture, were victims of the immoral situations. Yi Ik evaluated that they had been right in their political behavior. So he concentrated himself in the problem between justice and injustice in his study of history. Contrary to studies so far, he blamed those who had won in history because they had acted immorally, and praised many losers who had acted with justice and moral. The core of historiographical writing is the moral value in his idea.

      • KCI등재

        이익의 당대사 해석과 청남 개념의 정립

        신항수(Sin, Hang-Su) 역사실학회 2015 역사와실학 Vol.56 No.-

        After the political failure of his family and their faction, Yi Ik tried to justify his family’s political behavior which had been criticized in moral reason. He made a new sense of Ch’?ngnam (淸南) Faction. According to his father’s biography written by him, Ch’?ngnam(淸南) Faction was a group of man of virtue such as a great scholar H? Mok and his father Yi Hajin. Yi Ik argued that they were close comrades who fought against corrupted minister H? J?k, the leader of T’aknam faction(濁南), but defeated by him. Yi Ik did not mentioned about Yun Hyu, another leader of Ch’?ngnam(淸南) Faction. Actually Yi Hajin was very close to Yun Hyu and even H? J?k, and was sometimes opposed to H? Mok. Writing his father’s biography, Yi Ik distorted political history of his family. By these works, he regrouped Ch’?ngnam(淸南) Faction and seperated himself from many Namin celebrities involved in rebellion or immoral crimes. His works helped his family and his political group recover their political position.

      • KCI등재

        2015 개정 교육과정기 역사과 집필기준의 문서적 성격과 서술 내용 분석

        신항수 ( Sin Hang-su ) 역사교육학회 2022 역사교육논집 Vol.81 No.-

        In this thesis, I analyzed the writing standards(집필기준) of the 2015 revised curriculum period through characteristics, changes in form, and comparison with other compilation standards. the results are as follow. The writing standard is a document that has no legal basis. The purpose of making the writing standards has also lost its meaning. Many experts participate in the process in which textbooks are produced and used in schools. According to their expertise, textbooks will be produced, and control of government is no longer required. The contents of the writing standards were often in conflict with the national curriculum(국가 교육과정). Most of these contents are intended to impose specific political and academic views. Distorting the content of a legal document into a document that has no legal basis is a problem. In order for the writing standards to survive, there must be a legal basis, and they must remain in the role of supporting the national curriculum.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        역사학의 새로운 과제와 전자문화지도

        신항수 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 한국문학연구소 2003 民族文化硏究 Vol.38 No.-

        90년대 이후 역사학을 포함한 인문학 전반의 위기가 공론화되고 있다. 전통적으로 한국사회에서 한국사는 의제설정 기능을 행사해왔다. 이러한 경향은 90년대 이후 신자유주의의 확산에 따라 급속히 쇠퇴하여, 다른 인문학 분야와 마찬가지로 사회적 유용성을 의심받고 있는 형편이다. 그러나 한편으로는 역사학에 대한 대중적 관심 및 요구가 높아지고 있는 모순적 상황이 전개되고 있다. 한편 IT 산업의 발전에 따라 한국학분야의 정보화도 급속히 진전되고 있다. 조선시대 전자문화지도는 역사학의 위기상황에 대한 하나의 돌파구가 될 수 있을 것이다. 조선시대 지도를 복원하고 전자화하여, 여기에 조선시대 문화의 다양한 현상을 구현한다. 가상공간의 특성상 전자문화지도는 다양한 방향과 내용으로 확장될 수 있다. 이를 통해 자료에의 접근성을 제고하고 학제간 연구의 기회를 확대하며 연구의 생산성을 높일 수 있을 것이다. 조선시대 전자문화지도는 한편으로 조선시대의 각종 자료에 대한 대중들의 접근을 용이하게 하여 역사학에 대한 대중적 수요를 퉁족시키는 일익을 담당할 것이며 이를 통해 다양한 교육적 효과를 기대할 수 있다. 한편으로 간과해서는 안 될 것은 인문학에서 정보기술은 하나의 도구일 뿐이지 그 자체가 목적일 수는 없다는 사실이다. 보다 중요한 것은 삶과 사회에 대한 성찰이며 그것이 역사학을 포함한 인문학의 존재 이유일 것이다. Many scholars argue on the crisis of history, like other fields of human arts. Because of neo-liberalism, history lost its social role. agenda making, which historians had played since the begining of modernization. But on the other hand, some TV series and best sellers make history very popular. To overcome such crisis, many scholars and scientists try to adopt I.T. technology in human arts and obtain some meaningful results like CD-ROM of Annals of Chosun Dynasty. The Institute of Korean Culture develops the Electronic Cultural Atlas of Chosun Korea which can open new way of Korean studies. I.K.C. reconstruct. at first, electric maps of Chosun Dynasty(1396-1910). Then I.K.C. members will input many important cultural materials of that era which will be arranged and displayed by technology of electric atlas. By E.C.A.C.K., one will be able to approach and obtain wide materials more easily. Mass of people will approach historical materials by this methode, and it can be a solution of the question to the mothern history-‘history for whom?’. Most of all, historians are asked to consider the life of human being and problems of their society. In spite of its importance, technology is nothing but a tool. The role of historian is beyond the technology.

      • KCI등재후보

        경전해석을 통해 본 이익의 왕패인식

        신항수 한국사상사학회 2002 韓國思想史學 Vol.19 No.-

        Yl It annotated confucian classics since his early thirties. In those works, he generally accepted Zhu Xi's(朱薰) doctrine like his contemporaries. But in some points, he asserted new interpretations which were contrary to common idea of Yi dynasty in l8th century. Despite Zhu Xi, Yl Ik didn't deny the value of baodao(覇道,hegemonic way). He affirmed many persons who had been blamed for baodao such as Qi Huangong(齊桓公) and Guan Zhong(管仲).His idea was based on many practical merits of baodao which had been denied by confucianism since Mencious' era. Mencious and his successors distinguished baodao from Wangdao(王道, royal way) because the hegemonic way is no more than pretending renyi'(仁義, benevolence and righteousness). Yl It asserted that pretending would be better than nothing. By him, if the pretending lasted long time, real effectiveness would alive. Those of his ideas expanded themselves into the affirmation of profit. Yl Ik thought that public profit should be pursued to the end even bypretending renyi. It is important that his such ideas were result of his very early works on confucian classics. It means that he tried to change the view point to the world very radically. Yl It tried to overcome the doctrine of Zhu Xi since his early thirties. It became the base of his critical ideas on policy lasted to death.

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