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        해상운송인의 면책사유 검토

        서완석,김영주 가천대학교 법학연구소 2010 가천법학 Vol.3 No.2

        본 논문은 해상운송인의 면책사유와 관련한 2004년 대법원 판결에 관한 해석론을 피력하면서 항해과실 면책을 그대로 존속시켜야 하는지에 관하여 논하고 있다. 대법원 판결에서의 쟁점은 해상운송인의 면책사유 중 특히 항해과실 면책에 관한 가부를 쟁점으로 하는 것이었다. 법원은 사안에서의 사고가 상법 제795조 제2항 소정의 항해과실 의한 사고이므로 운송인에게 손해배상책임을 지울 수 없다고 판시하고 있는데, 이에 관하여는 재검토가 필요하다고 본다. 우리 상법은 항해과실면책(화재면책 포함)과 기타 운송인의 개별적인 면책사유를 따로 분리하여 규정하고 있으므로 이에 대한 정확한 구별이 필요함에도 법원에서는 이에 관해 명시적인 판단을 하고 있지 않다는 점, 국제적으로는 항해과실면책이라는 운송인의 중대한 면책사유가 현재 폐지되는 추세이므로 법원이 해상운송인의 항해과실면책을 상법 제796조의 각호와는 달리 보다 좁고 엄격하게 해석했어야 하지 않는가 하는 아쉬움이 있다. 대법원이 이 사건에서 인정한 해상운송인의 항해과실 면책은 상법상의 문리적 해석을 충실이 따른 것으로 보이나, 이와 같은 해상운송인의 항해과실 면책은 이제 그 존폐여부에 관한 검토가 필요하다고 생각한다. 본 논문은 이와 관련하여 해상운송인의 항해과실 면책사유를 폐지하는 것에 찬성하며, 그 근거로는 첫째, 항해과실 면책이 사법상의 일반원칙의 중대한 위반이라는 점, 둘째, 현재 항해술과 선박 자체의 엄청난 발전이 이루어졌다는 점, 셋째, 항해술의 주체인 선원들의 전문화가 어느 정도 달성되었다는 점, 넷째, 운송인의 사용인에 대한 통제력이 강화되었다는 점, 다섯째, 항해과실과 상사과실과의 구별이 매우 어렵다는 점, 여섯째, 육상운송이나 항공운송 등 기타 운송법 체제와의 형평성을 고려해야 한다는 점, 일곱째, 선박 자체의 성능과 전문화가 이루어졌다는 점, 여덟째, 현대의 국제해상운송법 체제의 입법 발전 추세와 조화를 이루어야 한다는 점 등을 들고 있다. The exceptions of the carrier's responsibility for cargo has been changed to the development of social and economic aspects of sea transportation of goods as well as the improvement of the transport technologies. Especially, the one of the exonerations of sea carrier, fault or errors in navigation or in the management of the ship, is always controversial and, at times, esoteric issue. The main issue in the Korean Supreme Court Decision, 2004 DA 8494, is whether the sea carrier can be exempted when loss or damage resulting from fault or errors in navigation or in the management of the ship. Under the Article 795 (2) of the Korean Commercial Code, neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible for loss or damage arising or resulting from act, neglect, or default of the master, mariner, pilot, or the servants of the carrier in the navigation or the management of the ship. Thus, according to the nautical fault defense of the Code, the Supreme Court in this case held that the carrier could possibly use liability immunity.However, it is necessary to rethink the nautical fault defense of the sea carrier. The new international convention in 2008, U.N. Convention on the contract of international carriage of goods wholly or partly sea (so-called the Rotterdam Rules), differs from the Hague and Hague-Visby Rules, Hamburg Rules, Korean Commercial Law in that (1) the carrier's exemption from the liability caused by the error in the navigation or management of the ship is deleted; (2) the fire exemption is also slighty modified but remained as one of the exceptions; (3) the traditional catalogue of defenses of the carrier is retained. Therefore, the international main stream of the exonerations system in sea carrier is the abolition the nautical fault defense. Also, there are important reasons for abolishing this exception of the sea carrier. They are as follows: (ⅰ) The nautical fault defense is a material breach of general rules in private law; (ⅱ) The art of navigation, nautical instruments, high efficient vessel, etc., developed rapidly from that time when the nautical fault defense was enacted laws down to this day; (ⅲ) the specialization of seamen or mariner was achieved; (ⅳ) the carriers' control on their employer was strengthened; (ⅴ) it is really difficult to judge whether the nautical fault (errors of navigation) or the commercial fault (negligence in management of the ship); (ⅵ) a maintaining of the nautical fault exception in only sea carriage (on the contrary to this, there is no nautical fault defense in both land carriage and air carriage) loses the principle of equitable treatment; (ⅶ) the trend of current international transportation law system is the repeal of the nautical fault defense. Therefore, it is time we do away with the nautical fault exemption.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        미국 연방대법원의 Kirby 사건 판결에 관한 고찰

        서완석 법무부 2010 선진상사법률연구 Vol.- No.52

        In 2004, the Supreme Court decided Norfolk Southern Railway Co. v. James N. Kirby Pty. Ltd. The Case was, in the words of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, "maritime case about a train wreck." James N. Kirby was an Australian manufacturer of heavy machinery who contracted with ICC, a freight forwarder, to ship ten package of machinery from Australia to Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A. Huntsville is an inland destination, requiring either rail or truck carriage from Savannah. Two bills of lading were issued, one by the freight forwarder, ICC, to the shipper, Kirby, and one by the carrier, Hamburg Sud, to ICC. Both bills extended "beyond the tackles," and contemplated a shipment that included a land leg as well as the sea leg of the journey. Also, the bills contained clauses limiting the liability of the freight forwarder and carrier respectively, as well as other parties assisting in the performance of the carriage contract. As Huntsville is an inland destination, Hamburg Sud contracted with Norfolk Southern Railway (hereinafter Norfolk) to carry the cargo by train for the final inland leg of the journey, between Savannah, the discharge port, and Huntsville, the destination. Prior to reaching Huntsville, the train derailed, causing US$1.5 million worth of damage to the machinery. Kirby sued Norfolk, who claimed coverage under the limitations of liability in both the ICC and Hamburg Sud bills of lading. The United States Supreme Court held that the United States Federal maritime law governs disputes arising under a multi-modal ocean bill of lading which includes a "substantial" maritime leg, irrespective of whether the carriage also includes a substantial over-land carriage and irrespective of the leg of the voyage on which the claimed damage occurred. The Court further held that claims arising under multi-modal ocean bills of lading are not "inherently local" such that state law should govern. Applying Federal maritime law, the Supreme Court concluded that defendant rail carrier was covered by Himalaya clauses contained in two multi-modal bills of lading issued in respect of the subject cargo and thus was entitled to the COGSA's US$500 per package limitation of liability in respect of damage to a cargo of machinery which occurred as a result of a train derailment on the final leg of the delivery. In so doing, the Court held that, for the narrow purposes of accepting limitations of liabilities in the bill of lading, at least, the cargo interests were bound by the terms in the bill of lading of the actual carrier through the agency of the contracting carrier. This decision is significant for at least three reasons: (1) it broadens and clarifies the application of the Federal maritime law to all bills of lading involving multi-modal transportation which includes a "substantial" maritime leg; (2) it makes clear that Himalaya Clauses in bills of lading are subject to the same rules of construction as other contract terms and should be enforced if a plain reading of the language indicates that it was intended to apply in a given situation; and (3) it makes clear that an intermediate carrier or NVOCC can bind the shipper to the actual carrier's limitation of liability contained in its bill of lading. 2004년 미국 연방대법원은 Kirby 판결을 통해 미국의 해사관할에 관한 새로운 기준을 제시하면서 종래 영미권에서 끊임없이 문제시 되어 왔던 히말라야 약관을 완벽하게 인정하고, 그 법적인 효력을 확인한 바 있다. 다만 해석론적 논리를 구성함에 있어 연방대법원은 종래 지배적이었던 Common law상의 원칙들을 반복해서 적용하지는 않았으며, 해사계약을 확정하고 연방법을 적용하는 접근방식에 있어 새로운 판례법적 근거를 확립하였고, 나아가 히말라야약관의 효력을 부여하는 접근방식에 있어서도 '신뢰원칙'이라는 추상적인 가치를 실체법적 판단의 기초로 인용하여 Common law상의 새로운 법리로 '새로운 대리이론'을 제시하고 있다. 그런데 미연방대법원의 Kirby 사건은 우리법상 해상운송법체제의 틀과 입법적 논의에 있어 여러 가지 시사점을 던져주고 있다. 특히 우리 상법 제798조에 따르면 독립계약자가 상법상의 규정을 적용받는 경우에는 책임제한 등의 이익을 향유하지는 못하지만, 선하증권 상의 히말라야 약관에 의해서는 상법 보다 더 큰 책임제한의 이익을 향유할 가능성이 있다. 또한 운송인에 대해서는 책임제한이나 면책을 인정하면서도 이보다 경제적으로 훨씬 열위의 위치에 있는 운송인의 피고용인이나 대리인 등의 이행보조자 또는 독립계약자에 대해서는 이를 부정한다는 것은 합리적이지 못하다 할 것이다. 실무상 히말라야 약관에는 다양한 독립계약자가 포함되는 것이 현실이다. 날로 항만하역업자, 터미널운영업자, 창고업자 등과 같은 독립계약자들의 역할이 증대되고 있는 상황에서 독립계약자만을 해상운송법상 책임제한의 향유 주체에서 배제시키는 것은 시대적 상황에도 맞지 않는다고 본다. 즉, 독립계약자도 해상운송을 담당하는 일원으로 해상운송인이 가질 수 있는 이익을 구체적이고 포괄적으로 누릴 수 있도록 해주어야 하며, 이는 해상운송법상 책임제한을 주장하는 자의 범위 확정의 문제를 입법을 통해 해결해야 한다는 논리의 근거가 될 것이다. 결론적으로 우리 상법 규정의 입법 취지와 Kirby 사건에서의 미국 연방대법원의 판단 및 2008년에 제정된 로테르담 규칙의 새로운 운송인 책임법제를 종합적으로 고려한다면, 독립계약자의 지위와 책임에 관한 통일성과 예측가능성을 높일 필요성이 있고 이를 위해 히말라야 약관에 관한 보다 구체적인 입법론상의 논의가 필요할 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        회사기회유용 금지이론

        서완석 전남대학교 법학연구소 2007 법학논총 Vol.27 No.1

        A rule governing the decision-making discretion of a corporate fiduciary should protect the integrity of the fiduciary relationship by both maximizing the utility of the relationship and minimizing the opportunities for abuse of power. Nevertheless, a corporate fiduciary is not in total thrall to the corporation and furthermore governing rules should not undermine the spirit of free enterprise and the exercise of discretionary authority for which the fiduciary was hired. In this era of rapid technological innovation, corporations face many exciting corporate opportunities. These corporations, however, may not be prepared to exploit new corporate opportunities that they encounter. A corporation’s inability to immediately take advantage of profitable opportunities understandably tempts fiduciaries within these entities who learn of the opportunities through their employment, to consider personally taking the opportunities. In addition to the corporate opportunity doctrine, corporate law deals with directors’ competition and self dealing, but corporate opportunity doctrine different from other two doctrines for various reasons. Traditionally, the US courts have dealt with director’s usurpation of corporate opportunity as a breach of duty of loyalty. As the US goes, the Ministry of Justice tries to introduce the theory into Commercial Code in Korea, too. It seems that there is no dissenting opinion in protecting business entities from the usurpation of corporate opportunity. Merely, some commentators who have raised the view want to solve the problem through the enlarged analytical research of existing provisions. In this study, I give my opinion that it is desirable to make new provisions about the corporate opportunity doctrine or it may be more pertinent to solve the problem through the entry of the corporate opportunity in the category of competition with the corporation.

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