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박홍배(Park, Hong-Bae) 한국시학회 2018 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.54
본 연구는 박두진의 유년시절의 의식이 박두진의 성장기는 물론이고 청년기와 장년기, 나아가 노년기에 이르기까지 영향을 미친다는 관점을 보이고 있다. 박두진의 특수한 경험에 해당되는 유년기의 가난은 박두진을 좌절시키기보다는 오히려 박두진의 일생에 걸쳐 박두진을 곧고 강한 인물이 되도록 할 수 있었던 요인이 되었던 것이다. 물론 유년기의 불우했던 환경이 모든 이에게 긍정적인 방향으로 귀결되지는 않았을 것이나 박두진은 이러한 조건에 굴복한 것이 아니라 이를 딛고 자신의 인생을 개척했음을 알 수 있다. 이는 박두진의 강직하고도 자의식 강한 성품을 말해주는바, 본고를 통해 박두진의 유년기의 정신적 풍경을 살펴봄으로써 그의 어떠한 요인이 그의 삶을 바르고 곧은 길로 이끌었는지 확인하고자 하였다. 지독한 가난으로 잦은 이사를 다니면서 동네 아이들로부터 심한 따돌림으로 고통 받아야 했던 박두진에게 산과의 인연은 절대적인 요인으로 다가왔다. 가난의 고통과 텃세로 인해 죽음을 생각할 만큼 열등감에 시달렸던 박두진에게 산은 놀이 공간이자 안식처였고 구원의 지대였다. 또한 산은 박두진에게 하나의 공동체였고 삶의 터전이었다. 박두진은 온갖 생명이 생기가 넘쳐나는 산을 통해 자유와 평등과 사랑으로 공동체를 이루고 살아가는 모습을 보게 되었고 생의 의욕을 다지게 된다. 산을 오르내리면서 얻게 되었던 이러한 체험은 소년 박두진을 좌절로부터 일으켜 세움으로써 그의 이상과 의지와 꿈을 형성하게 한 계기가 되었다. 이는 박두진이 에릭슨이 말한 바 유아 남성성의 단계를 슬기롭게 겪음으로써 ‘유능함’의 삶의 과정을 거치게 되었음을 말해준다. 유년기 산에서의 체험에 힘입어 박두진은 인생의 매 시기 강건하고 올곧은 선택을 할 수 있었고 이는 박두진의 시력의 세 단계로 나타나게 되었다. 그것은 첫째 산에서의 행복했던 체험에 바탕을 둔 초기 자연시와 관련되며 둘째 산에서 발견한 공동체의 모습에 의지하여 중기에 보여주었던 사회참여시와 관련되고, 셋째 산에서 얻게 된 이상적 공간에 대한 감각에 따른 후기의 신앙시와 관련된다. 산에서 외로움과 고통으로부터 벗어날 수 있었던 박두진에게 산은 안식의 공간이었을 뿐만 아니라 이상적인 공동체였으며 바른 삶을 살 수 있도록 하는 안내자였던 것이다. 이는 산에서 겪었던 유년기의 체험이 그의 시력에 결정적인 영향력으로 작용했음을 말해준다. 즉 소년 박두진은 산을 오르내리면서 많은 생각을 하게 되었고 이때 다져진 그의 굳은 의지는 박두진의 가슴에 화석처럼 쌓여 일생 동안 길잡이가 되었던 것이다. 박두진의 초기, 중기, 후기의 시들이 모두 변함없이 일관되게 강직하고도 완전한 형태로 이루어질 수 있었던 것도 이러한 사정에 기인한다. This study shows that Park’s childhood consciousness influences Park’s growing years, youth, and even the first years of life. The childhood poverty, which is equivalent to Park Doo-Jin’s special experience, could have made Park Doo-Jin a straight and strong character over her lifetime rather than let Park Doo-Jin be frustrated. Of course, the poor childhood environment may not have resulted in a positive one for everyone, but Park Doo-Jin overcame these conditions to learn about it. It shows Park’s strong and self-conscious character, and reveals what factors led Park in his life to the mental landscape. For Park Doo-Jin, who had to suffer from severe bullying by local children after moving around a lot due to extreme poverty, the bond with the mountain has become an essential factor. For Park Doo-Jin, who suffered from poverty and inferiority complex that made him think about his death, the mountain was a playground, a haven, and a land of salvation. The mountain was also a community for Park Doo-Jin and a place to live. Park Doo-Jin saw all kinds of lives forming a community of freedom, equality and love through the lively mountain, and he became more passionate about his life. The experience, which was gained from climbing the mountain, helped raise the boy Park Doo-Jin from frustration, forming his ideals, will, and dreams. It tells us that Park Doo-Jin has gone through what Erickson calls the “capable” lifestyle process by going through the smart phase of infant manhood. Thanks to his experiences in the mountain, he was able to make strong, straight choices during each phase of his life, which appeared to be three stages of Park’s vision. First, it is related to the early natural poetry based on the mountain experience, second, it is associated with the social participation in the latter phase of the year, depending on the appearance of the community found. Third, it is related with the latter faithful poetry. For Park Doo-Jin, who was able to escape from loneliness and suffering in the mountain, it was not only a place of rest, but also an ideal community and a guide to a just life. It suggests that his childhood experiences in the mountain served as a decisive factor in his vision. The boy, Park Doo-Jin, came up with many thoughts as he traveled around the mountain, and his strong will was wrapped up in Park’s chest like a fossil, making him a guide throughout his life. It is also due to these circumstances that Park Doo-Jin’s early, mid-and-after and later-the-day poems could all be performed consistently and in a complete form.
간장 및 담도 : 담도결석 (膽道結石) 제거수술예의 (除去手術예) ERCP 진단적의 (診斷的義
박홍배(Hong Bae Park),전병철(Byung Chul Jun),조정열(Jung Youl Han),이상운(Sang Yoon Lee),김재원(Jae Won Kim),김규순(Kyu Soon Kim),명재일(Jae Il Myung),여향순(Hyang Soon Yoo) 대한소화기학회 1986 대한소화기학회지 Vol.18 No.1
N/A We performed 1856 cases of ERCP from 1976 to August 1985 and among them we analyzed 116 cases of ERCP after biliary stone surgery. 1) Among 1856 cases of ERCP, biliary tract diseases were 709 cases(38.2%), and among 709 cases, 336 cases(47.4%) had stones in the biliary tract. Among 709 cases, 116 cases of ERCP after biliary tract surgery demonstrated following data. 2) Almost all cases of 116 cases(16.4%) of ERCP received cholecystectomy due to gall stone and the duration from operation to ERCP were variable. Many cases received operation in the private hospital but 31.4% cases received operation in the general hospital and university hospital. 3) Sex distribution in ERCP 116 cases of biliary tract surgery showed predominence in the female(62.1%) and most of the cases were over 40 years of age. SGOT and serum bilirubin were normal in half the cases, but alkaline phosphatase was elevated in 80 cases. Clinical impression in ERCP 116 cases of biliary tract surgery were in the order of remained CBD stone(67 cases), obstructive jaundice(24 cases), T-tube CBD stone(10 cases), pancreatitis(5 cases), cholangitis(4 cases), postop jaundice(2 cases), etc. 4) 111 cases in 116 cases of biliary tract surgery were performed ERCP and ERCP demonstrated recurrent or remained biliary tract stone in 62 cases(53.4%) and chronic pancreatis in ERCP was demonstratated in 52 cases(44.8%) So we think that biliary stone induces duronic pancreatitis. Among 62 cases of recurrent or remained CBD stone EST was performed in 35 cases and after EST good results were obtained.
담석제거수술직후 (膽石除去手術直後) 거대천담석의 (巨大淺膽石) 유두부절개술 (乳頭部切開術) 요법
박홍배(Hong Bae Park),여향순(Hyang Sun Yeo),조석형(Seok Hyeng Cho),최종범(Jong Bum cho),전병철(Byung Chul Jun) 대한소화기학회 1985 대한소화기학회지 Vol.17 No.2
N/A We performed 1618 cases of ERCP since 1976 and also performed 108 cases of EST from Dec. 1981 to Aug. 1984, 8 cases among the 108 cases of EST were diagnosed as retained stones after biliary stone surgery. So EST was done and following results were obtained. 34 cases among the performed 108 cases of EST had biliary surgery history and 8 cases among these cases were patients having retained CBD stone after biliary surgery. 1 case was diagnosed by ERCP, 7 cases were diagnosed by T-tube Cholangiogram and ERCP. Duration of T-tube drainage was from 2 month to 4 month. 2) 7 cases of 8 cases were performed EST and succeeded. Stones were eliminated through stool and confirmed by ERCP and T-tube cholangiogram. 1 case were surgically treated due to periampullary diverticulum. 3) SGOT and serum bilirubin were normal except 1 case, but alkaline phosphatase was elevated except 2 cases and ERCP showed chronic pancreatitis pattern on 2 cases. So we think that biliary stone induce chronic pancreatitis. 4) Our report showed a defect of the operative cholangiogram. So a reform measure of the operative cholangiogram is required. And ERCP etc. were required for site and number of biliary stones. 5) Complications of EST were noted in 2 cases. It were temporal increase of amylase after EST. These cases were improved by medical treatment,
담남수술후 (膽囊手術後) 잔담석 (殘膽石) 및 재발담석 환자의 내시경적 (內視鏡的) 유두부절개술 (乳頭部切開術)
박홍배(Hong Bae Park),박영(Young Park),김종수(Jong Su Kim),최종범(Jong Bum Choi),여향순(Hyang Sun Yeo) 대한소화기학회 1984 대한소화기학회지 Vol.16 No.1
N/A We performed 1, 345 cases of ERCP since 1976 and also performed 71 cases of EST from Dec 1981 to Aug. 1983. Twenty-one cases among the 71 cases of EST were diagnosad as retained recurrent stones after biliary stone surgery. So, EST was done, following results were obtained: 1)21 cases among the performed 71 cases of EST had biliary surgery history. 15 cases were diagnosed by ERCP, 6 cases were diagnosed by T-tube cholangiogram and EST was done in 19 cases. 19 cases of 21 cases were performed EST and successed. But only symptom was improved in 4 cases. 2 cases were surgically treated due to periampullary fibrosis. 2) Complications of EST were noted in 2 cases: 1 case of acute pancreatitis and 1 case of cholangitis. These caes were improved by medical treatment.