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Intravital laser-scanning microscopy for real-time cellular visualization
김필한 한국공업화학회 2015 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2015 No.1
Recent advances in genomic technology have allowed a creation of animal model for human disease with genetically encoded biomarkers such as green fluorescent protein (GFP), which has opened up a new avenue to investigate complex pathophysiology of human disease in much greater details at cellular and molecular level. Over the recent years, intravital laser-scanning microscopy has demonstrated dynamic 3D visualization of various biological processes in the living subject, which provides unprecedented insights those were impossible to obtain by traditional static 2D snapshots (e.g. histopathology and cytometry). It has been utilized to monitor gene expression, protein activity, drug delivery, cell trafficking, cell interaction, physiological response under external stimuli in live animal in vivo, which provides new insights unobtainable by conventional ex vivo and in vitro observation. In this talk, recent in vivo cellular imaging studies utilizing custom-design ultrafast laser-scanning intravital microscopy system will be introduced. First, in vivo visualization of T and B lymphocyte trafficking at the high endothelial venule (HEV) of lymph node will be demonstrated. Individual endothelial cell of HEV can be clearly identified with its distinctive cuboidal morphology. Dynamic flowing behaviors of T and B lymphocytes and their dynamic migrations across endothelial cells and fibroblastic reticular cells were analyzed in vivo. Second, in vivo monitoring of small lipid and drug molecules in intestinal villi will be described. By utilizing lacteal-reporter (Prox-1-GFP) mouse, we successfully visualized transepithelial absorption of molecules across villus enterocyte, diffusion through lamina propria and subsequent transport via lacteal. Interestingly, we observed active contractile movement of lacteal in concert with villi motion, which suggests lacteal may act as an active pump during lipid absorption, not merely as a passive conduit. Moreover, we identified highly diverse pattern in absorption dynamics of various exogenous molecules as well as intrinsically fluorescent drugs through enterocytes and lacteal in vivo.
Effects of suspended solids in natural seawater on microalgal biomass productivity
김필한,박한울,이철균 한국공업화학회 2014 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2014 No.1
Suspended solids, with various sizes, in seawater, may affect algal biomass productivity or not. In the previous research, biomass productivity of microalgae was enhanced by filtering all SSs using microfiltration. In this research, the fractionated SSs by their sizes were tested to find the effect of each fraction on the growth of a microalga, Tetraselmis sp. KCTC12433BP. The SSs were fractionated by filtration with glass microfiber filters, which pore sizes were 0.2 μm (A), 0.7 μm (B), 1.2 μm (C), and 3.0 μm (D). Each fractions were put into the f/2-Si medium with natural seawater. The highest overall biomass productivity, 0.10 g/L/day, was obtained from D fraction group, and the cultures with B, C, and A fraction groups followed after. In the control group, containing all SSs, the biomass productivity was decreased by 61%. Some suspended solids, the size ranges from 1.2 μm to 3.0 μm, look as if they have advantageous effect, while the other SSs that larger than 3.0 μm look as if they have disadvantageous effect on the microalgal growth. Further studies will be on analyzing the constituents.
파장분할다중화방식 전송로의 In-service 감시를 위한 새로운 감시시스템의 구현 및 성능평가
김필한,윤호성,박남규,서재은,정기태,유기원,이규행 한국광학회 2001 한국광학회지 Vol.12 No.2
Novel supervisory system for WDM transmission link using conventional optical time domain reflectometry was presented. By modifying the structure of erbuim doped fiber amplifier to support bi-directional transmission at arDR pulse wavelength and launching the optical pulse into transmission link in the opposite direction of data signal propagation to avoid the distortion by cross-gain modulation, it is possible to monitor the WDM link in service. To prove the validity of proposed scheme, the supervision result of 2.5 Gbps $\times$ 8 channel WDM 320 km transmission system in service by arDR was presented. And power penalty due to monitoring was measured as smaller than 0.3 dB. .3 dB.
김필,한병훈 한국거버넌스학회 2023 한국거버넌스학회보 Vol.30 No.3
최근 다양한 재난이 발생하며 시민안전교육의 필요성이 커지고 있다. 본 연구는 시민안전교육 거버넌스의 행위자, 교육 대상자, 교육 내용, 교육 전달 방식을 분석한 후, 국내외 사례를 통해 최근 트렌드 및 시사점을 도출하여 지방정부가 구축할 수 있는 시민안전교육 거버넌스의 안(案)을 서울시 사례로 살펴본다. 최근 안전교육 트렌드는 VR, 현장체험 등 실습에 초점을 맞추고 있었으며, 재난정보서비스・소셜미디어와의 통합 등 다양한 확장성을 보이고 있었다. 분석 결과, 시민안전교육 거버넌스의 각 요소 간 정합성이 높은 조합이 존재하였으며 이를 전(全)생애주기형 체계적 안전교육, 현장 대응력 강화 참여위주 안전교육, 지역커뮤니티빌딩 안전교육 등 세가지로 나누어 제시하였다. Amidst a surge in societal crises, the demand for comprehensive citizen-focused disaster safety education has risen. This study thoroughly examines stakeholders, targets, contents, and methodologies in a structured framework. Analyzing global cases, including Seoul, reveals trends favoring experiential learning via virtual reality and real-world exposure, integrated with disaster info services and social media. Conclusively, three pillars emerge: lifelong systematic safety education, participatory field-response training, and community-centered resilience building. This study offers an adaptable governance framework for local governments, especially pertinent to Seoul’s context.
하이브리드 거버넌스 분석: 재활용 폐기물 수거 거부 사례를 중심으로
김필,임도빈 한국거버넌스학회 2020 한국거버넌스학회보 Vol.27 No.2
This paper analyzes the governance of waste recycle management from a hybridity perspective which embodies complex reasons for and conditions of cooperation in the discharge of public responsibility for service provision. Drawing from transaction cost economics, we apply the concept of path dependency to assess the cost of each possible alternative governance types. The findings indicate that as the cost of path-dependency increases, market, consortium hybrid governance, quasi-integration governance, and hierarchy become the best alternative to shift from the present market-like governance. The policy instruments matching each governance type are setting fair-price, supporting subsidy, contracting-out and directly collecting recycle waste. 하이브리드 거버넌스는 시장과 계층제 원리를 권한, 소유권, 인센티브 차원에 따라 혼합한 구조로서 최근 두 가지 원리 중 하나로는 해결하기 힘든 정책 문제의 해결 기제로 주목받고 있다. 본 연구는 최근 코로나 바이러스로 인해 다시 위기의 조짐이 보이는 재활용 폐기물 수거 거버넌스에 대한 정부 개입 방향을 거래비용이론과 신제도주의이론을 바탕으로 하여 하이브리드 거버넌스 모델의 각 차원을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 분석 결과, 기존 거버넌스는 자생적 시장이라는 특수한 성격을 띠며, 경로의존성에 기반한 비용이 낮은 순서에 따라 시장, 컨소시엄 하이브리드 거버넌스, 준통합형 하이브리드 거버넌스, 계층제로의 이행이 적합하다. 각 거버넌스에서 정부의 주 역할은 공정가격형성, 보조금 지원, 민간위탁계약 체결, 기초자치단체 직접 수거이다.