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        지역기후모델을 이용한 상세계절예측시스템 구축 및 겨울철 예측성 검증

        김문현(Moon-Hyun Kim),강현석(Hyun-Suk Kang),변영화(Young-Hwa Byun),박수희(Suhee Park),권원태(Won-Tae Kwon) 한국기상학회 2011 대기 Vol.21 No.1

        A dynamical downscaling system for seasonal forecast has been constructed based on a regional climate model, and its predictability was investigated for 10 years' wintertime (December-January-February; DJF) climatology in East Asia. Initial and lateral boundary conditions were obtained from the operational seasonal forecasting data, which are realtime output of the Global Data Assimilation and Prediction System (GDAPS) at Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). Sea surface temperature was also obtained from the operational forecasts, i.e., KMA El-Nino and Global Sea Surface Temperature Forecast System. In order to determine the better configuration of the regional climate model for East Asian regions, two sensitivity experiments were carried out for one winter season (97/98 DJF): One is for the topography blending and the other is for the cumulus parameterization scheme. After determining the proper configuration, the predictability of the regional forecasting system was validated with respect to 850 h㎩ temperature and precipitation. The results showed that mean fields error and other verification statistics were generally decreased compared to GDAPS, most evident in 500 h㎩ geopotential heights. These improved simulation affected season prediction, and then HSS was better 36% and 11% about 850 h㎩ temperature and precipitation, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        요한복음 11:1-44에 나타난 마르다, 마리아, 나사로, 그들은 누구인가?

        김문현(Moon Hyun Kim) 한국복음주의신약학회 2016 신약연구 Vol.15 No.4

        본 논문은 요한복음 11:1-44 에 나타난 ‘나사로를 다시 살린 표적사건’에 등장하는 인물가운데, 마르다, 마라아, 그리고 나사로에 대한 인물성격과 역할에 대한 연구이다. 표적사건과 내러티브 분석을 통한 인물연구가 상호관계적 방법으로 사용될 때, 등장인물 각각의 인물성격과 역할, 예수의 정제성, 그리고 저자가 추구하는 의미를 더욱 정확하게 이해할 수 있다. 본 연구는 요한복음 11:1-44 의 마르다, 마리아, 그리고 나사로의 독특한 인물성격을 분석하고, 그들이 어떻게 예수의 정체성을 드러내고, 그에 따른 하나님의 영광을 묘사하는 등, 저자가 의도하고 있는 신학적인 주제를 표출하는 데 있다. 11:1-44에 나타난 마르다, 마라아, 그리고 나사로의 인물 성격은 내러티브의 전개와 더불어 점층적으로 분명하게 드러난다. 마르다와 마리아의 인물 성격은 여러 관점에서 다양한 유사성과 차이점이 존재한다. 마르다는 신학적인 주장에 대한 인식과 통찰력을 보여준 반면, 마라아는 더 친밀하고 정서적인 성격을 반영한다. 마르다는 예수에 정체성에 대한 놀라운 신앙고백을 하지만(11:27), 죽은 나사로의 무덤에서 “죽은 자의 누이”로 묘사되고 흔들리는 믿음을 보여준다(11:39). 마르다는 예수와의 대화를 통해 나사로를 살리는 표적사건의 의미를 독자들이 이해할 수 있는 해석의 틀을 제시한다. 예수의 제자와 친구로 인식된 나사로는 예수 또는 다른 등장인물과 한마디의 말도 없고 단지 무덤에 누워 있다가 예수의 음성을 듣고 걸어 나오는 행동을 보여준다. 무덤에서 예수의 음성을 듣고 반응하는 나사로의 인물성격과 역할은 궁극적으로 예수에게 순종하는 제자도를 보여주며, 죽음을 통해서라도 예수의 음성에 반응하고 따르는 진정한 제자도의 이상적인 전형을 보여준다. This article explores the Johannine characterization of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus through a critical narrative reading in John 11:1-44. Most of the Johannine characters (including the characters in the miraculous sign [σμμεῑον] of the raising of Lazarus) demonstrate a prophetic or representative type that manifests distinctive traits in relation to the Johannine Jesus. The characterization of Martha through her active interaction with Jesus reveals her signigicant theological perspective in response to Jesus revelation. Unlike Mary, Martha engages in a theological discussion with Jesus, enabling him to pronounce his self-revelation as the resurrection and the life. Responding to Jesus revelatory statement, Martha pronounces the ideal Johannine confession (11:27) with conviction. However, Martha, as the sister of the dead (11:39), is characterized as the one whose faith wavers when she faces the rotten corpse of Lazarus. Comparing to her earlier confession (11:27), Martha s hesitating and faltering faith at the tomb (11:39) is quite surprising: however, she demonstrates the ideal Johannine discipleship. In addition, her engagement with Jesus provides the interpretive lens through which the reader can see view the sign (shmei/on) of raising Lazarus. Like Martha, Mary is also displayed as a round character demonstrating a multiple of traits. Unlike Martha, Mary operates through emotional actions rather than words. Her act of devotion in some way demonstrates the good quality of a genuine discipleship. Mary expresses her distinctive devotion to Jesus as a disciple. Mary is not only characterized as passive, emotional, and affectionate, but also initiative and active. Even though there are similarities and dissimilarities between the two sisters, Martha and Mary display their distinctive characterizations and roles. Lazarus is characterized as Jesus friend and disciple in John 11:1- 44. Lazarus, as a character, is significant and cannot be lightly disregarded despite his silence. The raising of Lazarus reveals that Jesus is the resurrection and the life (11:25) and ultimately demonstrates the glory of God. The raising of Lazarus encapsulates Jesus death and resurrection. Lazarus also functions as a foil of genuine disciple by obeying to Jesus voice and following him even through death. As the episode concludes, the Jewish authorities plot the death of Jesus.

      • KCI등재

        죽음 앞에 선 예수 : 요한복음 12:1-50을 중심으로

        김문현(Kim, Moon Hyun) 한국복음주의신약학회 2020 신약연구 Vol.19 No.3

        요한복음의 저자는 죽음 앞에 선 예수를 어떻게 묘사하고 있는가? 죽음 앞에 선 예수의 사명과 역할은 어떻게 표현되고 있는가 본 소고는 죽음에 직면한 예수의 인물성격이 요한복음 12 장에 나타난 다양한 사건과 다양한 등장인물들과의 상관관계 속에서 어떻게 일관성을 유지하며 관통하고 있는 지를 내러티브 흐름에 따라 분석하고 있다 요한복음 장은 요한복음 전체구조에서 중요한 전환점을 이루고 있다 12 장은 전반부의 표적의 책과 후반부의 영광의 책으로 구분되는 서로 겹치는 이음 단락일 뿐만 아니라 예수의 공생애 사역의절정으로서 죽음 앞에 선 예수의 사명과 역할이 두드러지게 표현되고 있다. 예수의 수난 십자가 영광이 요한복음 전체의 중요한 주제이기는 하지만 장은 예수와 예수의 말씀에 대하여 당시의 유대인들의 적대감과 배척 그리고 불신앙의 배경 속에서 십자가의 죽음을, 앞둔 예수의 정체성과 사명을 생생하게 표출하고 있다. 예수의 공생애 사역의 마지막 상황을 점진적인 흐름으로 보여주는 12장은 마리아의 향유 부음 사건 예수의 예루살렘 입성 십자가의영광의 예수 유대인들의 배척과 불신앙 그리고 유대인들의 불신앙에 대한 예수의 호소 자신의 말이 하나님의 명령이라는 엄숙한 고별적 선언을 통하여 자신의 공생애 사역을 결론짓는다 예수는 내 말이 내 아버지께서 명령하신 그대로 라는 고별적 선포를 통해 십자가 의 죽음을 목전에 둔 예수의 사명이 엄숙하게 표현된다/ 예수 공생애의 마지막 순간을 보여주는 장의 다양한 사건과 내용들이 죽음 앞에 선 예수의 인물성격과 정체성 역할과 사명을 일관성 있게 서로 , 연결하며 그 의미를 점강법으로 결론 맺고 있다. How did the author of John’s Gospel portray Jesus being aware of his anticipating death at cross in John 12? John 12 demonstrates a significant turning point in light of the overall literary and theological structure of John’s Gospel. John 12 not only acts as a bridge section between the book of sign and the book of glory, but also describes a graphic portrayal of the identity and mission of Jesus during the last phrase of his public ministry. This paper aims to demonstrate the identity and role of Jesus who is facing death for the glory of the Father. In John 12, the over￾arching reaction of unbelief and evil rejection of the Jews against Jesus and his words are gradually escalated, the overwhelming hos￾tility and ignorance of the Jews eventually lead up to Jesus’s death. John 12 describes various events and discourse about Jesus and his anointment, triumphal entry, prediction of his death, rejection, judgement against the unbelief. Jesus has spoken what the Father has commanded him to say, and his words are God’s command which is the eternal life. This paper explores the significant theological integrity and unity by knotting the various and complex of the events and discourses under the role and mission of Jesus being aware of his anticipating death in John 12. In conclusion, the characterization and role of Jesus facing his approaching death is consistently described and wrapped up in anticlimax narrative flow over the various and complex narrative events and sequences.

      • 그래핀옥사이드 여과막의 나노구조 변화에 따른 물 투과율 변화 규명

        태남 ( Tae-nam Kim ),이지은 ( Ji-eun Lee ),박성관 ( Sung-gwan Park ),문현 ( Moon Hyun Hwang ),주경훈 ( Kyoung Hoon Chu ),채규정 ( Kyu-jung Chae ) 한국물환경학회 2020 한국물환경학회·대한상하수도학회 공동 춘계학술발표회 Vol.2020 No.-

        In recent years, multi-layered GO membrane (GOM) is progressively studied by researchers due to its unique water transport system, high chemical and mechanical stability. Two-dimensional (2D) nanochannel between neighboring graphene oxide (GO) nanoflakes exhibit pore size of less than 1.5 nm that shows remarkable ion-sieving performance from salt water. However, due to the flexible nature of GO, it is still unclear how the microstructure of GOM affects water permeation through stacked nanochannels. Recently, Chong et. al. (2018) reported significant water flux decline by 90% during long-term filtration test. Such flux attenuation was continuously and repetitively occurred regardless of various fabrication method of GOM. The authors stated that somewhat loosely packed microstructure induces the structural changes during filtration. However, structural change of GOM during filtration is not specifically identified yet. Here, we experimentally investigated the effects of nanostructures of GO on GOM laminate and water pathway during water desalination. We varied the size of GO nanoflakes by probe-type sonication that destructs the size of GO while chemical properties are not distinctively changed. Pure water permeability almost doubled for large GO stacked membrane compared to that of small stacked one for 16.6 and 8.4LMH/bar, respectively. The water permeability results was opposite to conventional Hagen-Poiseuille model that large GO will result in low water flux as water pathway is longer. To compare the flux result and microstructure change of GOM, X-ray diffarction, Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy was performed.

      • KCI등재

        요한복음 18:1-27에 나타난 ἐγώ εἰμι와 οὐκ εἰμι

        김문현(Moon Hyun Kim) 한국복음주의신약학회 2014 신약연구 Vol.13 No.1

        The main goal of the article is to explore the distinctive theological meanings based on the characterizations of Peter and other characters by focusing on Peter's swordplay and denials and Jesus' self-identification and witness through a narrative reading on John 18:1-27. For this narrative exegesis, the characterization is critically surveyed under the rubric of the narrative criticism and source criticism. While the narrative unfolds, the distinctive features of each character are also portrayed. In John 18:1-9, Judas is portrayed as a traitor and he was standing with the arresting party, yet Jesus knocks them to the ground by the divine selfidentification formula (ἐγώ, εἰμι). Likewise, Jesus completely controls this dangerous situation with his divine word, but Peter attacks the high priest's servant (Malchus) through his swordplay in an attempt to defend and protect Jesus. Jesus was not impressed by Peter's inconsiderate behavior and rather speaks to him solemnly about his mistaken action(18:10-11). Ultimately, Jesus was arrested and brought into the high priest's house(18:13). After his first denial, Peter was standing with the servants of the high priest and was keeping warm by the fire(18:18, 25). Peter's standing with them recalls how Judas stood with the armed soldiers to arrest Jesus. Also, Peter's two, "I am not"(ouvk εἰμι) denials(18:17, 25) are starkly contrasted with Jesus' three "I am he"(ἐγώ, εἰμι) confessional self-identification statements (18, 5, 6 and 8). Peter's three denials in John 18:15-18, 25-27 come from the cutaway scene of Jesus' interrogation before the high priest with scenes of Peter's denials before the servants (gatekeeper, the servants, and a relative of Malchus) in the courtyard of the high priest. Thus, the characterizations between Jesus and Peter are even more starkly contrasted in John 18:19-24. When Jesus was investigated by the high priest about his disciples and his teaching, he boldly declares his openly publicized teaching without of secrecy and rather challenges him, "Ask those who heard me. Surely they know him what I said"(18:21). Moreover, Jesus did not hide his disciples and he did not betray his disciples, while Peter did keep his secret about Jesus and betrayed him by denying him three times.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        상지장애인을 고려한 스마트폰의 터치 키 설계

        문현주(Moon Hyun Ju),석일(Kim Suk Il) 한국장애인재활협회 2015 재활복지 Vol.19 No.2

        터치스크린은 직관적이고 편리한 인터페이스를 제공함으로써 최근 정보기기의 입력 장치로 각광 받고 있다. 그러나 팔의 움직임이 자유롭지 못한 장애인은 터치 입력 방식을 이용하기 어렵다. 이 논문에서는 손과 팔의 움직임이 어려운 상지장애인을 고려하여 스마트폰의 터치 키를 설계할 때, 키의 크기와 간격을 어떻게 설계하는 것이 바람직한가에 관하여 연구하였다. 이를 위하여 장애인과 비장애인으로 구성된 피실험자 집단을 대상으로 스마트폰 터치 키의 크기와 간격에 따른 입력 성능을 평가하고, 두 집단 간의 입력 성능의 차이점 및 특성을 분석하였다. 실험 결과, 입력 시간과 오류 횟수의 측면에서 장애인이 비장애인에 비하여 키의 크기와 간격의 영향을 더욱 크게 받았다. 장애인 및 비장애인의 모든 사용자가 빠르고 정확한 터치 입력을 수행할 수 있도록 하기 위해서는 터치 키의 크기를 대각선 7mm~11mm 범위에서 설계하는 것이 바람직함을 알 수 있었다. 또한 터치 버튼 간에는 간격을 두어야 하며, 그 폭은 최소 1mm 이상이 되어야 한다. Touch screen is becoming widespread as an input device for the information equipment by providing an intuitive, easy-to-use interface. However, for the people with upper limb disabilities, it is difficult to use touch-based input method. This paper presents a preferred way of designing the size and spacing of the touch keys that considering the people with upper limb disabilities. The performance according to the size and spacing of touch keys was evaluated targeting the subject groups consisting of individuals with and without upper limb disabilities. Experimental results show that the people with upper limb disabilities were more greatly affected by the size and spacing of the keys on the performance. In order to ensure that all users of the disabled and non-disabled people can perform touch-based input, the size of the touch keys should be diagonally 7mm∼11mm. And for the ease of use, it should be a gap between touch keys and the width should be at least 1mm.

      • KCI등재

        제주지방 돼지의 폐병변으로부터 Pasteurella multocida 분리 및 생화학적 특성

        옥녀 ( Ok Nyeo Kim ),이두식 ( Du Sik Lee ),문호규 ( Ho Kyou Moon ),우택 ( Woo Taek Kim ),문현 ( Moon Hyun Seo ),배종희 ( Jong Hee Bae ),임윤규 ( Yoon Kyu Lim ),조길재 ( Gil Jae Cho ) 한국가축위생학회 1995 韓國家畜衛生學會誌 Vol.18 No.2

        The present study was conducted to investigate the incidence of Pasteurella multocida infection in cheju swine from March 1994 to December 1994 isolated organisms were identified by the biochemical properties, cellulose serological type and antibiotic susceptibilities. Pasteurella multocida was isolated from the Lungs of 96 pigs with pneumonia(51%) among 188 slaughtered pigs. The majority of p multocida isolates were identical to those of the standard strains. On the classification of the capsular type of the isolated p multocida it consist of the 88 isolates of type A(91.6%) 2 isolates of type D (2%) and un classified 6 types(6.2%). The majority of the 96 isolates of p multocida highly susceptible to the antibiotics including ampicillin(Am), cephalotin(Ce), erythromycin(Em), gentamycin (Gm), kanamycin (Km), lincomycin (Lm), neomycin (Nm), penicillin(Pc), streptomycin(Sm), sulfametoxazol/trimethoprim(Sxt) and tetracycline (Te)

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