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      • 학업지도 교수제 운영방안에 관한 연구

        김능현,정현 경주대학교 창의력개발연구소 2000 創意力開發硏究 Vol.- No.4

        This study aims at maximizing the educational effects of pupils who will lead the 21C era by analying the effects of all kinds of educational activities by types of class teacher system at university and providing the related things to the school sites. Following are the contents of this paper in order to attain the study object. The first content is to grasp the ideal class teacher system for the living guidance and counseling, humanism guidance and education for the whole woman, class and office work management, and counseling for pupils' parents in class management activities. The second is to understand what is the ideal class teacher system for the cooperative education between school grades, business conducting the school grades, linkinging educational courses between grades, and reflecting the stage of child development in grade management activities. The third is to find what is the ideal class teacher system for the planning and evaluation of processing educational curriculums, expanding educational profession, teaching/ learning guidances and evaluation, making equipments for teaching / learning, and studies in school management activities. The forth is to present the optimum scheme of the class teacher system of university based on the above analysis. Collected data were surveyed and analyzed, for the most effective class teacher system, by general viewpoints, persons of different sexs, position, educational career, or grade teacher on 18 parts of class/ grade/school management by types of class teacher system. Finally, in terms of the most effective/ optimizing class teacher system by types of class teachers, those in shard of grades 1 and 2, grades 3 and 4, and the whole course of study most prefer the fixed system of grades with division of pupiles; teachers in change of grades 5 and 6 most prefer the fixed system of class teachers.

      • 공간구문 모델링에 의한 건축공간 해석방법에 관한 고찰

        김능현 경주대학교 건설환경연구소 2005 建設環境論叢 Vol.- No.7

        Buildings imply various types of information and inform it to us by shapes of its own morphological status. It is said that, even if spatial structure is fixed and not changed, it influence on human behaviour and spatial cognition between outdoor and indoor by differing these forms. Considering buildings are highly influenced by social changes of human behaviour, socio-spatial interrelationship in building can be role in accurate criteria for analysis and interpretation of it. During the last decade, some researches for the method itself are keeping up to scrutinize the physical attributes and structure of spaces. But it can be said that the purpose of mose research are confined itself to understand spatial attributes of building form and apply to analysis of social structure in it. Space syntax intend to express the specific attribute of socio-spatial form by some detaild quantititive methods. But the purpose is not only for quantifying the informations in a building but for qualificating the relational attribute of space and form in statistical attributes. The recent accomplishment of the method research-space syntax- is more generalized for mophological analysis of spaces. Hencemore, the reseach has attained the stage of questioning what is the meaning of functional form and those complex socio-spatial relation in building.

      • Peter Eisenman 주택의 공간구조분석을 통한 설계언어의 비교연구

        김능현 경주대학교 건설환경연구소 2003 建設環境論叢 Vol.- No.5

        The paper examines what appear to be the rules of geometrical composition underlying the design of plan in eight well-known houses by Peter Eisenman. The effect of these compositional rules, tied to the design process of decomposition described by Eisenman, in the generation of spatial layout in these houses is then analysed using space syntax analysis. In particular, the effects of this design process in structuring the relationships, if any, between everyday living and private household functions, i.e. bedrooms, and the interface between inhabitants and visitors are examined. This is done in order to better understand the relationship, if any, between Eisenman's stated aims in own his theoretical writings about the design of these houses and the architectural object itself.

      • 경주세계문화 Expo 전시장의 전시방법의 공간구문 분석에 관한 연구

        김능현 경주대학교 지역개발연구소 2002 地域開發論叢 Vol.- No.5

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between the exhibits layout and the spatial organization in exhibition spaces, As an analytical method, the space syntax theory devised by Bill Hillier(l984) was applied for analysing the potential differentiation of exhibition spaces and remodeling method in Gyeongju World Cultural Expo selected for case study. The results are as following. Especially from the convex analysis, axial analysis and exhibits(interpretation); 1) the closed spatial system(1F) has high visibility and high intelligibility in hall area but lacks route continuity, 2) the circulated spatial system has low global visibility but offers high intelligibility and connectivity due to its coercive circulation, 3) and the organization of exhibition design consists in differentiating space that reintegrates them into another spatial order. Therefore, these process are expected to provide a methodological framework for analysing and interpreting spatial organizations of design, leading to the clear explanation of remodeling.

      • 경주시 주택 설계에 나타난 표현의 기호론적 분석에 관한 연구

        김능현 경주대학교 지역개발연구소 2000 地域開發論叢 Vol.- No.3

        The purpose of study is to find out whether there is a sign system in houses of Kyongju. The form of houses functions as not only for their usage but also sign which has effect on(materiality of house life). However, recently as the variety of consruction become divergent, the type of housing stops to be visible and disorder among the visual elevations distubs the goal of design view of houses because its planning and designs are generally consisting in a conventional code which provides a proper signigixation for a type. Therefore, this study trys to make up a code through analyzing the correlations among visual aspects or collected from 35 individual houses. As a result of quantifying nalysis based on matrix of two characterstic, it can be concluded that several types are visible on two significant units, i,e[site plan]and [facade].

      • 20세기 유럽집합주택의 생성과 변천에 관한 연구

        김능현 경주대학교 2000 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        오늘날의 집합주택은 양적 충족을 위한 생산성 위주의 대량공급체계에서 비롯된 집합규모의 과다, 표준형 평면의 획일적 보급에 의한 공간 및 경관의 단조로움과 지역성과 경시현상, 단위공간계획과 배치계획이 분리 진행됨에 따른 내,외공간의 연계선 부족, 소위 타성적인 DK형에 뿌린 박힌 평면유형의 경직성 등에서 기안한다. 따라서, 거주민의 생활양태는 본래 그 개별성에 있어 다양하므로 이러한 개별성을 어떻게 공동화 할 것인가, 정책적으로 어떻게 뒷받침할 것인가가 문제의 근간이 된다. 본 연구는 집합주택이 지닌 획일성에서 탈피하여 다양화할 수 있는 근거와 방법, 도시적 맥락과는 무관하게 들어서고 있는 고층 집합주택들에 대한 실천적 대안의 모색, 공급자의 측면에서 보다는 수요자의 측면에서 문제해결의 실마리 모색하기 위해 우선 집합주택의 역사가 오랜 유럽을 중심으로 도시집합주택의 계보를 살펴보고 현대적 상황을 파악함으로써 이에 비추어 우리네 삶에 적합하고 도시적 차원에서도 바람직한 도시 집합주택을 제안하기 위한 전단계로서의 의미를 갖는다. 20세기의 유럽집합주택의 역사는, 때로는 산업화 추진의 모체로서, 제국주의적 이데올로기를 현시하고 있었으며, 때에 따라서는 국가주의적 이데올로기의 문화와 정치적 표명으로, 또 어떤 때에는 소비주의의 일과성유행(一過性流行)의 근원으로 이용당하였으나, 주택건축의 이념-건축기술-건축형식에 커다란 영향을 주었다. 특히 1920년대, 30년대에 활발히 전개된 그 당시의 건물들이 지금도 활용되고 있으며, 그 설계 개념 또한, 건물의 물리적 노화에도 불구하고, 충실히 계승되어 오고 있다. 본 연구에서 논의한 부분외에도 생활공동체, 도시적 삶의 맥락으로서의 집합주거 개념을 프랑스, 독일, 스위스 등 유럽도처에 남기 ‘Unite'로 실현한 꼬르뷔제의 ’D'habitation', 스미슨 부부와 헤르만 헤르츠버거 등의 구조주의적 접근방법, 하브라켄의 SAR로 대변되는 거주관습성에 대한 논리적 접근방법 신합리주의적 접근방법과 도시구조적 접근방법 등을 방법론적 토대로 하여 새로운 인식의 전환점이 태동하고 있는 것이다. This study has it's meaning as pre stage to propose desirable housing typology which is adaptible to habitants in urban context, through presenting the basis and method of diversification breaking from it ; s uniformity of urban housing. For this purpose, this study, review the background and it's geneology of 20c' urban housing in Eroupe. In Europe, the housing has been developed in collabolated with government and architects in revitalization of urban tissues and its historical context. It is remarkable that the collabolation is based on new paradigm toward cities after modern environment, pointing to ① the approach of logical one which reflect traditional urban community and residential convenion in Ausria, and Netherland.(Herman Hertzberg, John Habraken). and ② N대 Rational one which emphasize on the role of housing as critial environment in urban structure and it's traditional context. In Korea, since new town project Bun Dang, 1985, it has provide some possibility and cue of applying those approach in the city through collabollation with government and architect. This study that it is neccessary to active application those collaboration system for providing more suitable and harmonize residential and urban environment.

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