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        한국에 있어서의 아리시마 다케오(有島武郎)의 수용양상

        金希貞),김희정(Kim Hee Jung 일본어문학회 2015 일본어문학 Vol.70 No.-

        本研究では、韓国に受容された有島武郎の全体像を把握することを試み として、まず、有島武郎が、いつ、どのように、どのような朝鮮人に受け入れられたのか、どのようなイメージとして認識されていったのかについて調べてみた。その次に、有島武郎の私生活を素材にして執筆された二つの作品、「死と其前後」、「小さき者へ」に関する受容様相を考察してみた。 その結果、結論として第一に、有島の思想と文学を享受した人々は、日 本留学を通じて近代文学を学んだ作家、高等教育を受けた新女性たちや演劇作家、画家など幅広い人々に受け入れられていたことが確認された。その有島の受容時期は、1919年から1994年までと推定される。 第二に、1920年に金東仁が翻訳した当時の「死と其前後」は、人生を照 らす真摯な文学的主題として受容されたが、1938年の朝鮮においては、その主題がすでに時代遅れの話となってしまっていたことが分かった。 第三に、朴錫胤が「小さき者へ」で得た「精神的に深く大きなもの」とは、 有島武郎の生活に現れている「純粋な愛の姿」であった。有島は、朴が目指した「内的、外的な生活の改造」の体現者として、伝統的な思想から解放され「真の自己の生」を生きる「人格者」であり、「人類の分子としての人」として捉えていたことが分かった。

      • KCI등재

        응급구조(학)과 학생들의 임상현장실습 시 감염관리에 대한 인지도와 수행도

        김희정,이유진,최현진,임서영,최은숙 사단법인 한국응급구조학회 2024 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        Purpose: This study aimed to provide basic data for infection control education plans based on infection control awareness and performance of paramedic students during clinical field training. Methods: Data were collected from paramedic students with experience in clinical field training. The data collection period was from May 4, 2023, to June 4, 2023, and 132 copies of the collected survey were analyzed using the SPSS27.0 program. Results: Infection control awareness and performance were 4.80±0.24 points and 4.49±0.55 points out of 5, respectively. The infection control awareness of the participants according to clinical field training-related characteristics differed significantly in university education before clinical field training (t=2.100, p=.038). In addition, there were significant differences in performance in the number of clinical field training sessions (F=9.149, p=.000), hospital education before clinical field training (t=5.365, p=.000), and hospital education during clinical field training (t=3.094, p=.002). Conclusion: Before clinical field training, schools should provide infection control education that combines theory and practice suitable for hospital practice so that students can complete the infection control education organized by the hospital. Furthermore, if a university develops infection control in the clinical field training guidelines, it will have a positive impact on students' infection control performance through prior education.

      • KCI등재

        수학 교사의 주목하기와 반응적 교수의 관계:모든 학생의 수학적 사고 계발을 지향하는 수업 상황에서

        김희정,한채린,배미선,권오남,Kim, Hee-jeong,Han, Chaereen,Bae, Mi Seon,Kwon, Oh Nam 한국수학교육학회 2017 수학교육 Vol.56 No.3

        This case study contributes to the efforts on identifying the essential features of responsive teaching practice where students' mathematical thinking is central in instructional interactions. We firstly conceptualize responsive teaching as a type of teachers' instructional decisions based on noticing literature, and agree on the claim which teachers' responsive decisions should be accounted in classroom interactional contexts where teacher, students and content are actively interacting with each other. Building on this responsive teaching model, we analyze classroom observation data of a 7th grade teacher who implemented a lesson package specifically designed to respond to students' mathematical thinking, called Formative Assessment Lessons. Our findings suggest the characteristics of responsive teaching practice and identify the relationship between noticing and responsive teaching as: (a) noticing on students' current status of mathematical thinking by eliciting and anticipating, (b) noticing on students' potential conceptual development with follow-up questions, and (c) noticing for all students' conceptual development by orchestrating productive discussions. This study sheds light on the actual teachable moments in the practice of mathematics teachers and explains what, when and how to support teachers to improve their classroom practice focusing on supporting all students' mathematical conceptual development.

      • KCI등재

        환경처리 잔재물을 이용한 악취제어용 흡착제 개발

        김희정,박찬진 한국냄새환경학회 2018 실내환경 및 냄새 학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        Environmental treatment residues become valuable waste byproducts like biomass when an environmental infrastructure necessary for recycling is effectively developed. In this study, an environmentally friendly sewage sludge sorbent was developed in a sewage treatment plant by carefully processing the sewage sludge generated from sewage treatment plants. In order to increase the adsorption efficiency, coffee ground waste was added to the adsorbent as an additive and the adsorbate used in the adsorption experiments was acetaldehyde as organic waste. It could be found from the experiment that the adsorbent of the sewage sludge was adsorbed more easily at the carbonization temperature of 600℃. In addition, adsorption experiments showed that the breakthrough time reached to 85, 110, and 130 minutes at 3:1, 2:2, and 1:3, respectively, depending on the content ratio of the sewage sludge and coffee waste. Therefore, the amount of acetaldehyde adsorption increased with the increase in the amount of coffee grounds in the mixture. It could be also be found that the addition of the coffee grounds as an additive to increase the adsorption capacity of the sewage sludge adsorbent is advantageous for adsorption.

      • KCI등재

        드뷔시의 피아노 음악에 나타난 케이크워크의 수용 양상

        김희정 한국피아노교수법학회 2019 음악교수법연구 Vol.20 No.2

        미국 남부 흑인들의 춤에서 그 유래를 찾을 수 있는 케이크워크가 19세기 말 프랑스로 유입되었다. 케이크워크의 춤과 음악은 20세기 초 프랑스 파리를 중심으로 엄청난 인기를 누렸으며, 이러한 열풍을 반영하듯 클로드 드뷔시도 자신의 여러 작품에서 그 양식을 적극적으로 수용하고 있다. 본 논문은 당시 케이크워크가 프랑스로 유입된 배경과 유입을 통한 사회, 문화적 파급 현상에 대해 고찰해보고 아울러 드뷔시가 실제로 접했을 법한 케이크워크 <휘파람 부는 루퍼스>, <스모키 모크스>, <무지개 길을 건너>의 세 곡을 바탕으로 그 양식적 특성에 대해 논의해본다. 케이크워크 양식이 반영된 드뷔시의 피아노 작품 ‘골리워그의 케이크워크’, ‘괴짜 라빈 장군’은 양식에 대한 정통함을 보여주면서도 선율 구조, 차용 선율, 악곡 형식 등에 있어 각기 다른 접근방식을 취하고 있다. In the early twentieth century, cakewalk music found its way to France, originally via a military band at the 1900 Paris World Exhibition. With its characteristic syncopated rhythm, cakewalk’s popularity was phenomenal in the capital. With the subsequent arrival of an American dancing troupe not long after, Parisians experienced the new type of entertainment once again, and this time, danced to cakewalk. The dance had enjoyed tremendous success in Paris and it was against this social and cultural background that Claude Debussy encountered the syncopated cakewalk music. His highly receptive approach to this American music was demonstrated in his piano pieces such as ‘Golliwogg’s cakewalk,’ the sixth piece of his piano suite <Children’s Corner>; ‘The Little Nigar,’ the short piece written in 1909; ‘Minstrel,’ the twelfth piece in his <Prelude I>; and ‘General Lavine - excentric,’ the sixth piece in his <Prelude II>. This paper addresses in detail the background of the influx of cakewalk to France and the way in which it reshaped the French cultural scene in the early twentieth century. Debussy, with clear reference to the cakewalk style in general, adopted a different approach in composing his piano pieces. ‘Golliwogg’s Cakewalk’ and ‘General Lavine – excentric’ reflect Debussy’s versatility and imagination as a composer in combining musical and extra-musical sources. By analyzing these pieces in detail, this study illuminates a different approach to dealing with form, phrase structure, and harmony and aims to provide a broader spectrum on which to understand Debussy’s music.

      • KCI등재

        2017년 독일민족민주당(NPD) 해산기각결정과 통합진보당 해산결정 법리 비교

        김희정 한국비교공법학회 2019 공법학연구 Vol.20 No.4

        In January 2017, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany decided to dismiss a request for dissolution of a far-right party(Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands, NPD) with a violent tendency and a Nazi-like claim. The German Constitutional Court found that the party's purpose was anti-constitutional and incompatible with German democracy. The Federal Constitutional Court, however, denied the need for dissolution of the German Democratic Party. The key executives of the party continued to exercise serious violence, but they did not believe that the party was influential enough to destroy German democracy. The Federal Constitutional Court said that the political party's criterion for dissolution is not just whether it goes against Germany's democratic basic order. The Federal Constitutional Court made it clear that a party that could not serve its purpose, even if it was unconstitutional, need not be dissolved. It also said that the state should seek less intrusive means, not forced dissolution, for parties that are unlikely to achieve their purpose. The German Parliament amended Article 21, paragraph 3, 4 of the Basic Law to ensure that political parties without the possibility of achieving their objectives cannot receive funding from the State. This decision needs to be analyzed in that Germany has made significant changes to the existing law of dissolution of political parties. I analyzed the legal characteristics and compared them with that of the Constitutional Court's decision to dissolve the Integrated Progressive Party. 2017년 1월 독일의 연방헌법재판소는 폭력적 성향이 강하며 나치와 유사한 주장을 하는 극우 정당인 독일민족민주당(Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands, NPD)을금지(Parteienverbot, 정당해산)시켜 달라는 청구에 대해 기각결정을 하였다. 독일 연방헌법재판소는 독일민족민주당(NPD)의 목적이 반헌법적이고 독일의 민주주의와 양립할수 없다고 판단했다. 그러나 연방헌법재판소는 독일민족민주당의 해산 필요성을 부인하였다. 정당의 핵심간부들이 심각한 폭력을 지속적으로 행사하였지만 독일민족민주당(NPD)이 독일의 민주주의를 무너뜨릴 정도의 실제적 가능성을 가진 정당은 아니라고판단하였다. 연방헌법재판소는 그 정당이 단순히 ‘독일의 민주적 기본질서에 반하는 가’ 가 아니라, ‘가까운 미래에 목적을 달성할 수 있는지’가 정당해산의 기준이 된다고 하였다. 연방헌법재판소는 위헌적이라도 목적을 이룰 수 없는 당은 해산할 필요가 없다는 점을 분명히 하였고, 위헌적 목적을 실현할 가능성이 없는 정당에 대해서는 정당해산이라는 예외적인 수단보다는 덜 침해적인 제재 수단을 강구할 필요가 있다고 하였다. 연방헌법재판소의 이러한 결정을 바탕으로 독일 의회는 기본법 제21조 제3,4항을 개정‧추가하여 위헌적인 목적을 가지고 활동을 하지만 그 목적을 달성할 가능성이 없는 정당에 대해서 국가로부터 자금 지원을 받을 수 없도록 하는 내용을 만들었다. 이 결정은 독일이기존의 정당 해산 법리에 상당한 변경을 가했다는 점에서 분석의 필요가 있어, 그 법리적 특성을 분석하고, 그 분석 지점을 통해 헌법재판소의 통합진보당 해산결정의 법리와비교하였다.

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