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        시각장애인 임금근로자 가구의 소비 실태

        권미자 한국시각장애교육&재활학회 2014 시각장애연구 Vol.30 No.2

        This research is an exploratory study of comparing spending habits of working poor families and working non-poor families from 127 visually impaired wage worker families using the Fifth Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled(2012, PSED). The major conclusions are as follows. The ratio of working poor families in visually impaired wage worker families was more than three times higher than the working poor families in overall disabled families. The higher the percentage of females, persons ages above 50, persons with educational degree below middle school, single families, and non-regular workers was, the higher was the chance of becoming working poor families. The conclusion on the spending habits revealed that the working poor families spent more than they earned, mostly in areas of groceries, housing, school, and health care. Also, the items concerning the spending habits that weighed against working poor families resulting in extreme polarization were cost of durable goods, cost of family events, cost of daily necessities and other taxes. The policy implications demand for the establishment of educational support system to raise the academic level along with aids such as educational vouchers and realization of social benefits suitable for visually impaired families. In terms of calculating minimum cost of living, spending articles and amount of expense right for visually impaired families’ consumption expenditures should be determined. Housing benefits for visually impaired families should incorporate an expansion of housing allowance in consideration of the number of disabled families. The current minimum housing standard in Korea is unsuitable for disabled families, therefore a new minimum housing standard for disabled families should be provided. 본 연구는 제5차 장애인고용패널조사(2012년) 자료를 사용하여 시각장애인 임금근로자 127가구에 대해 근로빈곤 가구와 근로비빈곤 가구의 소비 실태를 비교한 탐색적 연구이다. 주요 결론은 다음과 같다. 시각장애인 임금근로자 가구 가운데 근로빈곤 가구는 전체장애인 가구의 근로빈곤 가구 비율보다 3배 이상 높은 것으로 나타났고, 여성, 50대, 중졸 이하, 단독가구, 비 상용근로자의 비율이 높을수록 근로빈곤 가구에 처할 확률이 높았다. 소비 실태에 따른 결론은 근로빈곤 가구는 소득보다 소비 지출이 더 많았고, 식비, 주거비, 교육비, 보건의료비 지출이 높았다. 또한 소비 실태에 있어서 근로빈곤 가구에 불리하게 작용하여 양극화가 심한 지출 항목은 내구재구입비, 경조사비, 생필품구입비, 기타 세금 등으로 나타났다. 정책적 함의는, 학력수준을 높일 수 있는 교육지원체계를 구축함과 동시에 교육 바우처와 같은 지원방안, 시각장애인 가구의 가구특성에 맞는 생계급여의 현실화가 필요하고, 최저생계비 계측에서 시각장애인 가구의 소비 지출에 맞는 소비항목과 지출비용의 산출이 현실화되어야 할 것이다. 시각장애인 가구에 대한 주거복지 지원을 장애가구원 수를 고려한 적정 수준의 주거급여로 확대할 필요가 있고, 현재 우리나라의 최저 주거기준이 장애인가구에 부적합하기 때문에 장애인가구에 맞는 최저주거기준의 마련이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        과학기술계 정부출연연구기관의 과학문화 프로그램 실태조사 - 대덕연구개발특구 소재 기관을 중심으로 -

        권미자,정기주 국제문화기술진흥원 2021 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.7 No.1

        대덕특구 소재 13개 과학기술계 정부출연연구기관(과기출연(연))의 최근 3년간(2017∼19년)의 과학문화 활동 프로그램을 활동방법과 운영주체에 따라 구분하여 조사하였다. 과기출연(연)이 운영한 총 프로그램 수는 150개이며 기관 당 연평균 11.5개의 과학문화프로그램을 운영하였다. 과학문화 활동방법으로는 과학축제와 견학이 전체 프로그 램 수의 72%이고 운영주체는 ‘자체(PPOI)’ 프로그램이 68개(45.3%), ‘협력(PCPI)’프로그램이 82개(54.7%)로 조사되 었다. 또한 참가 대상의 87.2%가 초․중․고 및 대학생이며 성인대상의 프로그램은 없었다. 우리는 본 연구의 결과로 대중의 연구이해(PUR)를 위해 첨단과학기술을 포함한 현재 진행 중인 연구내용중심으로 각 과기출연(연) 주관·주최 의 열린 과학축제와 일반 성인을 대상으로 과학콘서트 등의 과학문화 활동 프로그램을 제안한다. The scientific culture programs of 13 Government-supported Research Institutes in the field of Science and Technology (GRIST) in Daedeok Innopolis are studied and classified according to the activities and operational types of programs conducted by GRIST over the past three years (2017∼19). The total 150 scientific and cultural programs of GRIST were operational with annual average of 11.5 programs per institution. Science festival and field trip, as a scientific culture activity, account for 72%. By means of operational entity, the programs were identified as 68(45.3%) for PPOI(Programs Planned and Operated by Institute) and 82(54.7%) for PCPI(Programs Contributed and Participated by Institute). Also the 87.2% of all participants were elementary, middle, high school, and college students and the program for adult participants was none. From this study, we suggest that open lab type of science festival programs, which organized and operated by each GRIST, to inform ongoing and advanced research for public understand of research (PUR) and science concerts for targeting adult audiences.

      • 舞踊 創作過程에 있어서 舞踊的 image 抽出方法에 關한 硏究 : taking advantage of music as an impetus 音樂을 剌戟劑로 하여

        權美子 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1978 연구논문집 Vol.20 No.1

        It is a must to provide guidance in the process of creation when dancing is for the educational purpose, and guidance provided in the process of creative work(dance) should be focused on the image of dancing, which is believed to be a main factor of psychological desire for the creative works. this research undersent to study its means by selecting the music to be accompanied first and used it as a subject matter, reversing the general practice, selecting a subject matter first and then the music to go with. Then the music played as an action or an impetus which abstracted the image and scrutinized the means of abstracting the image of dancing by doing impromptu physical motions. The actual results are as follows: 1. With the speedy tempo, high tone, and complicated rhythm, brighter images were produced. 2. The image of the feeling upon listening to music and that of impromptu dancing made easier the selection of subject matters. 3. With more experiences in dancing (experiences in its observation and simply grasped by knowledge), showed tendencies of taking more motions. 4. Increased the impromptu ability, accomplishing more successful creative works. 5. Produced the guidance materials for creative works by showing what sorts of music and subject matter should be selected and how motions should be taken. 6. There is no image coming into mind at the beginning, but by repeating it over and over again, there comes an image through an idea conceived by intuition. It enables to get several images consolidated and formed the image of dancing and the rhythmical pattern of motions. then the content of expression is decided and characteristics of the form are found. 7. Contributed to settling the feelings of economical and mental burdens that used to be so when relying on music composers. 8. It has been proved that the 'selection of music first' has changed the chronic idea that dancing is visual translation of music.

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