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        조선후기 철화백자와 회화에 나타난 화조문양의 조형성 연구

        박현주 한국도자학회 2019 한국도자학연구 Vol.16 No.2

        White porcelains are a kind of ceramics that existed and prevailed through the early part of the Joseon Dynasty to its later part since its initial production in the 10th Century during the Goryeo Dynasty. In the 15th Century, hard porcelains were produced by the influence of white and blue porcelains of the Ming Dynasty of China. However, in the 17th Century, historic events of Japanese Invasion of Korea and Second Manchu Invasion made the purchase of expensive Chinese white and blue pigments no further available and, as a result, iron oxide porcelains (鐵 畵白磁porcelain made using iron oxide pigment) became hugely popular owing to their good accessibility of pigments everywhere in the country. Along the way, in step with wide distribution of porcelains to the countryside, local porcelain kilns were actively operated. The origin of iron oxide porcelains was from the 11th Century during the Goryeo Dynasty, and the 17th Century when iron oxide porcelains started to get popular in full fashion was their heydays. Iron oxide technique was a decoration method using pigment of ruddle mostly composed of iron oxide. This pigment tends to spread so quickly on the surface once contacting the water that producers must draw the picture in an extremely fast way, but they can express it freely. Iron oxide porcelains, in particular, expressed a diverse range of patterns such as birds and flowers, flowering plants, clouds & dragons and four gracious plants with a bold and picturesque stroke. This study, which conducted comparative research with bird-and-flower paintings during the Joseon Dynasty drawn in a similar period with bird-and-flower patterns out of a number of patterns of ceramics, sought to introduce unique pictorial expressions of iron oxide porcelains as shown at bird-and-flower patterns. For this, Chapter Ⅰ discussed the purpose and methodology of the study, while Chapter Ⅱ examined background of emergence of iron oxide porcelains and characteristics by each period to introduce iron oxide porcelains that expressed the sentiments of the Joseon society in a unique way. Chapter Ⅲ analyzed classification of bird-and-flower paintings and symbolism as appeared in paintings during the Joseon period and examined examples of work connected to the latter part of the Joseon period. Chapter Ⅳconducted comparative research with bird-and-flower paintings shown at folk paintings which were drawn in the similar period with bird-and-flower patterns of iron oxide porcelains that attempted diverse pictorial expressions out of diverse porcelains. And it found bird-and-flower patterns were drawn frequently not only in paintings but on ceramics because of their symbolism of good auspice. Along the way, Chapter Ⅴ attempted to vividly represent the feelings of patterns by linking old patterns of ceramics with today's 3D technique. This treatise was a follow-up of the researcher's previous comparative research with paintings regarding iron oxide patterns in grayish-blue-powdered celadon at A Study on Pictorial Expression Shown at Patterns of Grayish-blue-powdered Celadon: Focused on fish patterns at Gyeryongsan celadon. And it sought a comparative research between the patterns on paintings and those on porcelains. And the study suggested two works of 3D as an example in search for a fresh and unique method and the researcher would like to use them in ceramic creation and treatises in a path towards extending ceramics in the pictorial point of view in the future studies. 백자는 고려시대 10세기 이후 제작되기 시작하여 조선 전기에 걸쳐 말기까지 지속된 자기의일종이다. 15세기에는 중국 명대의 청화백자의 영향으로 경질백자가 제작되었고 17세기에는 임진왜란과 병자호란으로 인해 중국에 의존하여 구입했던 값비싼 청화안료가 더 이상 수급이 어려워지자 국내 어디서나 안료를 쉽게 구할 수 있는 철화백자가 크게 유행하였다. 또한 백자의보급이 지방으로까지 널리 확대되어 지방 백자 가마들이 활발하게 운영되었다. 철화백자의 기원은 고려시대 11세기경부터이며 본격적으로 유행하기 시작하는 17세기는 철화백자의 전성기이다. 철화기법은 석간주(石間硃)라는 산화철이 주성분인 안료를 이용하여 그림을 그린 장식기법을 말한다. 이 안료는 물에 닿으면 빨리 퍼지므로 아주 빠른 필치로 그려야하므로 그림을 자유롭게 그려 표현할 수 있다. 특히 철화백자는 대담하고 회화적 느낌의 선으로화조(花鳥)·화훼(花卉)를 비롯해 운룡(雲龍), 사군자류 등 다양한 문양을 표현했다. 본 연구는 백자의 여러 문양 중 화조문양과 비슷한 시기에 그려진 조선시대 화조도(花鳥圖)를 비교 연구함으로서 화조 문양을 통해 나타난 철화백자만의 특별한 회화적 표현을 소개하고자한다. 이를 위해 Ⅰ장에서는 연구의 목적과 방법을 논하고, Ⅱ장에서는 철화백자의 발생배경과시기별 특징을 고찰하여 조선사회의 감성을 특유의 방법으로 보이고 있는 철화백자를 소개한다. Ⅲ장에서는 조선시대 회화에서 등장하고 있는 화조도의 분류와 상징성에 대해 분석하고 조선시대 후기로 이어진 작품사례를 살펴보았다. Ⅳ장에서는 백자 중에서도 회화적 표현이 다채롭게 시도된 철화백자의 화조문양과 비슷한 시기의 그려진 민화에 나타난 화조도를 비교연구하였으며 화조문양은 길상적 의미의 상징성 때문에 회화뿐 아니라 도자기에서도 많이 그려진것으로 분석하였다. 또한 Ⅴ장에서는 도자기의 옛 문양을 오늘 날의 기술인 3D와 접목하여 문양의 느낌을 실감나게 재현하고자 하였다. 본 논문은 앞서 본인이 연구했던 박현주(2018).「분청사기 문양에 나타난 회화적 표현 연구: 계룡산 철화분청사기의 물고기문양을 중심으로」『한국도자학연구』Vol.15 No.2 2018. 에서 분청사기에서의 철화문양에 대해서 회화와 함께 비교연구 하였던 사례에 이어 후속으로 백자에서의 철화문양에 대해서 회화와 함께 비교연구 하고자 하였다. 아울러 본 논문에 좀 더 색다른방법을 모색하기위해 시범적으로 3D 두 작품을 제시하였고 이를 바탕으로 향후 이어지는 본인의 연구에서 도자기를 회화적 관점으로 확장하는 도자작품 창출과 대논문에 활용하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        대퇴골 내고정술 후 발생된 가성 동맥류에 의한 소모성 혈액 응고 장애

        박현주,임창무,전영수,정덕환,박현주 대한골절학회 1998 대한골절학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        A case of consumptive coagulopathy due to pseudoaneurysm, which occured as a complication of intramedullary nailing, was rarely reported. Pseudoaneurysm of peripheral artery is presented with pulsating mass and may show extrinsic indentations of the adjacent bone. The coagulopathy and bleeding responded to surgical elimination of the fistula and aneurysm. Diffuse intravascular coagulopathy or consumptive coagulopathy is infrequently associated with pseudoaneurysm of deep femoral artery. Laceration of major arteries are more common in open than in closed fractures. They usually occur only when a major artery is in close proximity to bone as complications to fracture. Diffuse intravascular coagulopathy or consumptive coagulopathy is characterized clinically by excessive bleeding, ecchymosis and petechiae and by laboratory evidence of a disease in the numbers of platelets and amount of fibrinogen and an increase of fibrin degradation products with prolonged prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times. When the two coexist, they create a difficult clinical problem that requires optimal medical and surgical treatments. If the appropriate treatment was delayed, serious complication such as sepsis or death could be occured. Prompt recongnition through appropriate laboratory tests and early surgical intervention was indicated essentially, We are reporting one case of coagulopathy associated with pseudoaneurysm of deep femoral artery that presented to the broad clinical picture.

      • KCI등재

        한국 뮤지컬의 중국 진출 유형과 사례 연구

        박현주,임대근 한국중국언어문화연구회 2014 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.35

        This study is intended to discuss the issues of ‘cultural exchange’ as a cultural movement and acceptance in progress between Korean and China. It focuses on the most active type of cultural exchange, the musical theater, and discussion highlights musical as performing art contents. This involves discussing the type and case of the musical theater between Korea and China, and it is limited to private sector of cultural exchange which is expect continuous flow in future. Therefore, various types of collaboration are widely presented through private enterprise companies such as CJ E&M as well as local festivals (e.g. DIMF). And it contains non-verbal performance which are openly discussed as another type of musical theater. “Finding Destiny” is chosen to discuss in this case study, which is successful in Korea, China, and Japan as of 2013. This original Korean musical was re-arranged through the collaborations in between countries to fit the local circumstances and became a good model of cultural exchange through musical theater. The case of “Finding Destiny” can be guidance and provide direction to the future Korea/China performing art exchange program. This case study particularly focused on the cultural exchange through musical theater which export to China. Korea musical’s oversea expansion is done through dual producing, non-verbal performance, and local festivals and conjunction with area. To re-adjust on language, character, story, actors/actress, and the producers to fit the local custom is another important layer to the successful Korea/China cultural exchange.

      • KCI등재

        행동활성화체계 및 사전음식섭취가 섭식억제자의 섭식행동에 미치는 영향

        박현주,김교헌 한국건강심리학회 2007 한국심리학회지 건강 Vol.12 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the moderating effects of BAS(Behavioral activation system; Gray, 1990) on eating behavior in case of food preloading. 172 college female subjects were classified as either restrained eaters or unrestrained eaters on the basis of their scores on the Lee(1999)'s Revised Restraint Scale and high or low BAS sensitivity group on the basis of the BAS Scale score. Subjects were randomly assigned to preloading condition, in which subjects were forced to have chocolate drink before ice cream taste test, or non-preloading condition. The experiment was a 2(restraint level: restrained eaters/unrestrained eaters) × 2(BAS sensitivity: high and low) × 2(preloading: 0cc/235cc) completely randomized factorial design. The main results of this study were as follow: First, the level of restraining and preloading interaction effects were not significant, which means there was to no disinhibition effect for restrained eaters by preloading. Second, there were significant interaction effects of the BAS sensitivity level and restraint level. Restrained eaters with high BAS sensitivity ate more ice cream than did restrained eaters with the low BAS sensitivity. On the other hand, non-restrained eaters did not differ in their ice cream consumption according to their BAS sensitivity levels. Differential effects of sub-component factors of BAS were explored. As a result, the similar pattern of interaction effects were found significant in the 'reward sensitivity’ and 'fun seeking' sub-component factors of the BAS. However, there were no significant interaction effects in the 'drive' factor of the BAS. The results of this study were discussed in relation to the previous studies and future research directions. 본 연구에서는 평소 섭식억제를 많이 하는 사람들의 섭식 행동이 사전음식섭취와 보상단서에 민감하게 반응하도록 하는 특성적 경향성인 행동활성화체계(Behavioral activation system; Gray, 1990)의 개인차에 따라서 어떻게 달라지는가를 알아보고자 하였다. 먼저 여자 대학생 215명을 대상으로 섭식억제수준과 행동활성화체계의 개인차를 측정하는 질문지를 사전에 실시하여, 이들 중 172명을 섭식억제수준의 높고 낮음과 행동활성화 경향성의 높고 낮음에 따라서 4집단으로 나누었다. 이후 신제품 아이스크림의 맛을 평가하는 연구라고 위장된 실험에 참가시켜 사전에 칼로리가 높은 초코 드링크를 먹거나 먹지 않는 조건에 무선 할당하였다. 연구결과, 첫째 섭식억제 수준과 사전음식섭취에 따라서 아이스크림의 섭취량이 달라지게 될 것이라는 가설은 지지되지 않았다. 둘째 섭식억제집단에서는 행동활성화체계 민감성의 고저에 따른 아이스크림 섭취량의 차이가 유의하게 나타났으나 섭식비억제집단에서는 행동활성화체계 민감성의 고저에 따른 아이스크림 섭취량의 차이가 유의하지 않았다. 아울러 행동활성화체계의 하위 차원들이 섭식억제수준과 어떻게 상호작용하는지를 탐색적인 수준에서 알아보았다. 그 결과, 섭식억제집단의 경우 보상반응민감성과 재미추구 경향성에서는 위의 상호작용효과가 나타났으나 추동 하위 차원에서는 상호작용효과가 유의하지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 행동활성화체계의 개인차가 섭식억제자의 섭식행동을 중재(moderate)할 가능성을 제안하는 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        산림지역 VOC 플럭스 관측을 위한 측정방법 정도관리

        박현주,김소영,홍유덕,한진석,김기준 한국환경분석학회 2013 환경분석과 독성보건 Vol.16 No.3

        Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) are emitted from various plant species into atmospheric environment and playing an important role in the formation of photochemical oxidant. We established the enclosure chamber system for measuring BVOC flux in the field. In order to get the quality assurance and quality control data for the enclosure chamber system, some of VOC were tested by PTR-MS (Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer). The enclosure chamber system was successfully evaluated in the field. Especially, PTR-MS allows real-time measurements of VOCs in the air with a high sensitivity and fast response time. The response factors and precisions were estimated and the time to reach equilibrium concentration in the chamber was examined. The measured response factor of VOCs was in the range of 2.40~18.31 and the elapsed time in the chamber was examined after approximately 70 min. The recovery of chamber system was higher than 80%.

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