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      • 특이 IgG 결합활성과 Immunoblotting에 의한 소아와 임신부의 Varicella Zoster Virus감염의 항체 반응

        박혜경 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1991 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.2 No.-

        The author measured IgG antibody and IgG avidity of Varicella Zoster Virus(VZV) of sera from pregnant women, children and adults who were hospitalized with unrelated disease. And the VZV avidity index was calculated, and compared with positivity of IgM antibody of the sera. The sera were immunoblotting and ovserved whether violet band were formed or not. The results were as follws; 1. The IgG antibody positivities of VZV were 26/30(86.7%) in children, 23/25(92.0%) in pregnant women and 20/25(80.0%) in adult women with unrelated disease by EIA method. 2. The positivity of VZV antibody was shown in 69/80(86.3%), sera was of which mean OD were around 0.230 similarity in general. 3. The IgG avidity indice of VZV were 61.8% in children, 58.1% in pregnant women, and 71.1% in adult women. These high indice seemed suggestive of past infetion and, or recent reactivations. 4. IgG avidity indice of VZV were between 50-70% in 70.0%(7/10)of IgM antibody positives. 5. Immunoblotting method is a procedure rather complicated but demonstrative of violet band which is to be seen by naked eyes.

      • Immunoblotting을 이용한 Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1과 Type 2에 대한 특이 혈청 항체의 감별

        박혜경,서주영 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1994 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.5 No.-

        There are two serotypes of herpes simplex virus, type 1 and type 2. HSV type 1 usually causes oropharyngeal infection while type 2 usually genitourinary infection. However, the clinical discrimination between two serotypes in eliciting disease entities is becoming uncertain. Furthermore, clinical discrimination is sometimes regarded of no importance due to lack of difference in treatment. However, serotyping is required for explicit diagnosis or epidemiologic survey. The conventional serological assay such as ELISA can not discriminate between HSV type 1 and type 2. Thus we tried to discriminate serum antibodies against HSV type 1 and type 2 by immunoblot analysis and compared it with the results of dot blot assay. Sera were separated from pheripheral blood of 10 patients who visited the department of dermatology or gynecology, Mok-Dong Hospital, Ewha Womans University from Jun. to Oct. 1994 for symptoms suspicious of genital herpes, 31 normal adult women, 20 pregnant women and 48 infants or children. Immunoblot analysis of HSV type 1 and type 2 revealed various patterns according to sera, not showing typical specific patterns. However, the two types could be differentiated in that type 1 frequently showed 134, 120, 106, 76, 71, 58, 50, 47kDa immunoblot bands, while type 2 showed 182, 126, 115, 109, 102, 95, 85, 81, 67kDa bands, frequently. Serum antibody positive rates against HSV type 1 and type 2 assayed by dot blot and immunoblot were contradictory in some cases. And it was false positive cases in dot blot for anti-HSV type 2 antibody which was most frequent, showing crossreaction dut to common antigenicity in whole virion antigen.

      • KCI등재

        블라디미르 나보코프의 <Дар>-작가의 탄생

        박혜경 서울대학교 러시아연구소 1994 러시아연구 Vol.4 No.-

        Роман Владимира Набокова (Дар) - его последний роман, напишенный по-русски. Это состоит из пяти глав. Автор сам говорит о их содержа-нии в педисловии английского тнкста. Сюжет первой главы сосредочится в стихи детства фёдора Годунова-Чердынцева. Глава вторая - волна к Пушкину в литературном прогрессе фёдора и содержает его попытку изобразить зоологическое исследование его отца. Глава третья двигается к Гогодю, но настоящий центр в этой любовнвиые стихи посвященные зине. Глава четвёртая содержает биографию Н.Г.Чернышевского. эта глава начинается сонетом и кончается тоже сон-етом. Глава пятая обьединяет предществующие темы и намечает книгу ко-торую фёдор когда-то мечтает писать- (Дар). Набоков говорят обо всём России-о русской натуре,культуре, истории и литературе- в зтом ро-мане Форма и содержание стихов федора не прекрасные, не превосходнве, не интересные. Но его стихи-основа прогресса его творного литературн-ого развития. Содержание первой поэзий о пропавшем мяче и последной поэзий о ммяче найденном. Мяч круглый и структра Стихов тоже круглая. Эта структура колыца растёт спиральной структурой в целом романе. Ко-льцо или спиральсовершенная структура сама по себе, но развтия нет в этой. Это значит,что фёдору надо искать другую литературную дорогу. Потом он искает настоящее творчество литературы в Пушкине. Пушкин его литературный откц. И он пытается писать биографию отца по пушкинскому приёму. Но когда он начинает изображать отцовскую экспедицию, зто ст-ановится его экспедицией. Итак ему не Удалось отцовскую биографию. Потом он передвигается от Пушкина к Гоголю. Роль пушкина как лите-ратурный отец кончилась, и теперь фёдоре хочется помощь Гоголя. Зина, муза фёлора, ободряет его и советует нисать биографию Н.Г.Чернышевско-го. Ифёдор пишет биографию по приёму Гоголя. Его Чернышевский не герой. Которого раликалы Уважали, а гоголевский человек с многими нел-остатками. Он превратил исторического персонажа в литературного. Итак биография чернышевского становится творчеством фёдра. Но это тоже не литература. Которую фёдор хочет писать Теперь ему надо снять традицию русской литературы. Он в лесу Грун-евальде раздевает донага и плавает в реке. Это ритуал для передвижен-ия в новое творчество. Потом он покидает россию, русскую историю, ру-сскую культуру, русскую литературу и подготовляет роман новой тенденц-ии. Это потом оказывается роман напишенный по-анг лийски.

      • KCI등재

        한국 중산층의 자녀교육 경쟁과 ‘전업 어머니’ 정체성

        한국여성학회 2009 한국여성학 Vol.25 No.3

        <P>본 연구는 최근 자녀교육 경쟁에 어머니 참여가 강화되는 현상을 여성들이 어떻게 해석하고 정당화하는지를 여성들의 정체성을 통해서 살펴봄으로써, 자녀교육 경쟁강화가 여성의 삶에 어떠한 변화를 함의하는지를 미시적으로 분석한 것이다. 이를 위해 전업주부 등 주로 자녀학업에 참여할 시간이 많은 중산층 기혼여성 23인을 심층면접 조사하였다.</P><P> 자녀교육 경쟁은 사교육 시장 의존의 형태로만이 아니라 정보수집과 공교육 관리로도 나타나며 이것은 어머니노동의 강화를 초래하는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 중상층 어머니들은 자녀교육을 위한 어머니노동에 적극적이었고, 명문대 출신 어머니의 우수생 정체성은 자녀의 우수한 성적에 대한 요구를 정당화하기도 했다. 좋은 어머니를 전업 어머니로 정체화하고 그것을 취업 어머니와 대비시킴으로써, 여성들은 전업주부의 위치를 정당화하였다. 학업경쟁을 충분히 지원하지 못하는 어머니들은 ‘못난 엄마’ 정체성으로 우울해 했고, 사교육에 반대하는 어머니들도 불안감을 호소했다.</P><P> 어머니 정체성은 어머니들로 하여금 자녀교육 경쟁에 참여하게 만들면서도, 동시에 사교육 중심의 지나친 교육경쟁에 비판적 태도를 낳기도 했다. 이처럼 심화되는 경쟁체제에서 어머니 정체성은 어머니노동을 강화시키면서, 동시에 그것을 통해 스스로를 위협하는 불안정한 것이기도 하다. 이 불안정성으로부터 대안을 위한 변화를 끌어낼 수 있는데, 경쟁체제에 대한 동조와 저항이 모두 어머니 정체성에서 비롯된다는 점은 어머니 정체성의 역설이다.</P>

      • 購買行動理論의 未來에 대한 考察 : Shethdml 理論을 中心으로

        朴惠敬 숙명여자대학교 경제연구소 1983 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        In this paper, it was attempted to speculate on the future of buyer behavior theory Sheth's speculations were limited to forecasting major directions which it is likely to tyke in the coming decade. These predictions were basen on reviewing historical perspectives of buyer behavior theory and taking into account the contemporary events. Sheth has suggested that four major changes are likely to occur in the structure of buyer behavior theory. They are (1) development of criteria to evaluate theories of buyer behavior, (2) construction of standardized dests and scales to measure buyer beharior constructs, (3) complex model building in an inductive manner with the use of several statistical procedures, and (4) research emphasis on nonpurposeful behavior. Second, he has suggested three major ways by which buyer behavior theory is likely to broaden its horizons, namely (1) development of cross-cultural theories of buyer behavior, (2) research and theories of buyer behavior for public policy purposes, and (3) research on social and environmental problems created by mass consumption societies. Third, he has predicted that a number of other disciplines will actively engage in buyer behavior and, therefore, substantially borrow research methodology and theory typically identified with buyer behavior theory. Specifically, he has suggested that (1) less mature social sciences such as political science, law, education and public health will borrow research methodology, (2) more mature and older social sciences are likely to borrow the concepts and theories from buyer behavior in their efforts to become more relevant and realistic disciplines, and (3) some natural sciences will borrow both methodology and theory from buyer behavior in the process of broadening their horizons to understand social consequences of technology. Despite the bright predictions for the future of buyer behavior theory, there are some identifiable ailments in today's theories of buyer behavior which may impede the achievement of these predictions. First, most theorise look upon buyer behavior as the consequence of some form of the decision-making process, and thus implicitly concede that buyer behavior consists of only goal-directed behavior. This may very well restrict the horizons to which buyer behavior theory can be broadened. Second, a large number of theories of buyer behavior often examine the buyer decision process from the point of view of marketing. While marketing management has made the greatest use of findings and concepts of buyer behavior, there is no reason why others from different viewpoints cannot utilize the same concepts and findings. Not only has this tendency made buyer behavior theory somewhat myopic, it has produced a terminology and vocabulary for buyer behavior which impedes its extension to nontraditional areas. Third, it seems that most theories of buyer behavior tend to overemphasize the process leading up to behavior and underemphasize the buying behavior or the antecedent and subsequent events which surround the behavior. Unless we consciously strive to remove these ailments, buyer behavior theory may take a longer time to gain restectability across disciplines.

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