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      • KCI등재

        日韓の打ちことばにおける経済性について -音韻変動を中心に-

        최현필 한국일본언어문화학회 2022 일본언어문화 Vol.59 No.-

        This paper focuses on ‘Principle of Economy’ and phonological variation in Japanese and Korean Internet-based language. And the purpose of this paper is to clarify the occurrence rate of ‘Principle of Economy’, types and user’s intention of phonological variation. Thus we aggregated data to target Twitter realtime trend in Korean and Japan and big Internet bulletin boards is called Casphy and DC-inside gallery in Korean and Japan. As a result, we clarified the occurrence rate of Principle of Economy is 6.4% in Japanese Internet-based language, 39.4% in Korean Internet-based language. And the types of phonological variation are ‘contraction(77.4%)’, ‘elision(16.9%)’, ‘mixed type(3.8%)’, ‘deletion of character(1.9%)’in Japanese Internet-based language, and ‘mixed type(39.2%)’, ‘alternation(23.5%)’, ‘elision(14.8%)’, ‘liaison(9.8%)’, ‘aggregation of characters(3.9%)’ in Korean Internet-based language. And we clarified the user’s intention of phonological changes is mostly ‘convenience(JP: 98.1%, Kor: 84.3%)’. In conclusion, ‘Principle of Economy’ hardly can function in Japanese Internet- based language, comparatively functions in Korean Internet-based language. And Korean Internet-based language has more various types of phonological variation than Japanese Internet-based language.

      • KCI등재

        打ちことばにおける「笑い」の表現について -「w」, 「笑」, 「草」を中心に-

        최현필 한국일본언어문화학회 2022 일본언어문화 Vol.60 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the frequency and intention of expression of laughing which is used ‘w’, ‘笑(wara)’, ‘草(kusa)’ in Japanese internet-based language. Usually laughing in Japanese internet-based language is expressed with ‘w’, ‘笑(wara)’, ‘草(kusa)’. But we have not clarified the frequency, and user’s intention using these three characters. Thus we carried out two investigation. One is analysis of examples in Twitter and Casphy.com which is big online youth bulletin in Japan, the other is survey targeting Japanese native speakers. As a result, we clarified the frequency of expression of laughing is ‘w(58.58%)> 笑(wara: 35.83%)>草(kusa: 3.33%)>mixed type(1.25%)’. And we also clarified the intentions of expression of laughing used ‘w’, ‘笑(wara)’, ‘草(kusa)’ are ‘laughing for fun(75.83%)’ and ‘social laughing(24.17%)’. It was similar with intention of Japanese native speakers through survey investigation. And it has no differences in genders, but has a differences in generation. We could perceive the ages group of 50 years has negative image on ‘w’ and ‘草(kusa)’.

      • KCI등재

        打ちことばにおける長音符による イントネーション表現に関する考察 -キャスフィにおける小中高生掲示板の分析から-

        최현필 한국일본언어문화학회 2020 일본언어문화 Vol.51 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the types of expression and functions of intonation using long note ‘-’, ‘∼’, ‘…’ in Japanese internet-based language. Internet-based language has a shortcoming which cannot transfer informations of prosody messages. But many internet-based language users in Japan are using and making the methods of expression of prosody messages, expecially intonation. Thus, we focus on the types of expression and function of intonation using long note ‘-’, ‘∼’, ‘…’ in Japanese internet-based language on a youth bulletin site is called Casphy.com. As a result of investigation, we clarified that the intonation in Japanese internet-based language has five types of expression, ‘short rise(↑)’, ‘long rise(↗)’, ‘rise-fall(⇅)’, ‘flat(→)’, ‘long fall(↘)’. And we clarified the intonation in Japanese in internet-based language has nineteen functions. Expecially three functions ‘affinity’, ‘lingering’, ‘rising of feelings’ are unique functions in Japanese internet- based language. .

      • KCI등재

        停滞している日本語教育実践に変化をもたらすため には何が必要か - 韓国における実践者間の「ピア·サポート」の事例から -

        최현필 한국일어일문학회 2016 日語日文學硏究 Vol.98 No.1

        This paper focuses on the stagnation of Japanese language practice. Japanese language practice is repeated as a routine work, has chronic stagnation. Thus, this paper makes clear what need to overcome stagnation of Japanese language practice, through ‘peer support’. ‘Peer support’ is a program to develop education practice. We carried out ‘peer support’ in university of South Korea over 7 months, clarified two evidences. One is ‘the importance of verbalizing, analyzing, restructuring of practice’, the other is ‘empowerment of a teacher’. This paper clarified Japanese language teachers can analyze their practice through verbalizing with ‘peer’. And we can make clear ‘analyzing of practice’ makes Japanese language teachers be able to restructure next practice. Importantly, Japanese language teachers could be empowered in this process. Therefore, we concluded that it is require to overcome stagnation of practice, ‘verbalizing, analyzing, restructuring of practice with peer’, and ‘empowerment of a teacher’. 본고의 목적은 정체되어 있는 일본어교육실천에 변화를 주기 위해서는 무엇이 필요한 지를 규명하는 것이다. 일본어교육실천을 비롯한 언어교육실천은 반복되는 특성을 가지고 있어 패턴화하기 쉽고 매너리즘에도 빠지기 쉽다. 따라서일본어교육실천의 정체성의 극복을 위해서는 무엇이 필요한지 규명하는 것이일본어교육연구는 물론 외국어교육연구에 있어서 절실히 필요하다고 할 수 있다. 이 점에서 본고에서는 일본어교육과 일본 국내외의 교육학에 있어서 교육실천의 개선을 도모한 사례들의 검토를 통해 ‘협동’, ‘객관적 데이터’, ‘대화’, 그리고 ‘깊은 성찰(deep reflection)’이 교육실천의 개선을 위해 필요하다는 점을 분명히 했다. 그리고 상기 세 가지를 통합한 언어교육실천의 개선을 위한 프로그램으로써 ‘피어서포트(peer support)’를 고안하여 한국의 대학과 고등학교의 일본어교육현장에서 7개월에 걸쳐 수행하였다. 본고에서는 특히 수행 초기 정체가두드러졌던 대학의 사례에 초점을 맞춘다. 7개월간의 ‘피어서포트’의 수행결과, 대학의 조사협력자의 실천에는 ‘수업자의 설명과 판서중심의 수업’에서 ‘다양한 보조교재의 사용’, ‘페어워크의 도입’, ‘정답이 없는 활동의 실시’ 등의 변화를 보이는 점을 밝혀내었다. 상기의 결과를 통해 본고에서는 정체되어 있는 일본어교육실천에 변화를 주기 위해서는 ‘수업의 언어화·분석·재구축(verbalizinganalyzing- restructuring of practice)의 가능화’와 ‘수업 개선을 위한 의욕의 고취(empowerment)’가 필요하다는 것을 밝혀냈다. 또한 상기의 두 가지를 실현하게하는 프로그램으로써 본고에서 수행한 ‘피어서포트’가 실증적인 좋은 일례가된다는 점을 제시한다.

      • KCI등재

        日本語専攻満足度とカリキュラムについて -韓国の3つの大学を対象として-

        崔鉉弼 한국일본언어문화학회 2020 일본언어문화 Vol.52 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify what is necessary to reorganize the curriculums of Japanese language departments in South Korea. In this point, we carried out an survey on the degree of satisfaction targeted three universities in Seoul, South Korea. As a result of survey, we clarified three points for reorganization of curriculums of Japanese language departments in South Korea. One is a system for gathering needs of students, and monitoring the present curriculums. The other is education of Kanji based curriculums. Another is supporting program for students who have an underachievement, especially for freshmen and sophomores.

      • KCI등재

        일본어 교육에서의 멀티미디어 교재와 교수법

        최현필 동국대학교 일본학연구소 2023 일본학 Vol.61 No.-

        본 논문에서는 일본어 교육의 멀티미디어 교재와 교수법에 대해서 논하였다. 먼저 멀티미디어 교재의 역사에 대해 살펴보고, 최신의 멀티미디어 매체로써 어플리케이션, 메타버스, 인공지능–이하, AI–의 일본어 수업에서의 이용 사례와 그 장단점에 대해서 논하였다. 장단점에 대해서는 일본어 수업 디자인과 교수법에 초점을 맞추어 수업 디자인, 시간 배분, 효과적인 이용 방법, 교사의 역할 등에 대해 서술하였다. 또한 디지털 리터러시의 구성 요소에 관한 선행연구의 검토를 통해 한국의 일본어 교육에 있어 멀티미디어 교재를 이용하여 육성해야 할 역량에 대해 제언하였다. 구체적로는 어플리케이션의 경우는 ‘도입’와 ‘정리’ 단계에서 짧은 시간 안에 학습목표 성취 확인에 사용하는 것이 효과적이라는 점을 제언하였다. 메타버스와 AI를 이용하는 경우는 ‘일반 교재보다 수업 시뮬레이션에 시간을 들일 것’, 멀티미디어의 사용에 그치는 것이 아니라 ‘학습목표를 디지털 리터러시 중 한국의 교육과정에 부족한 “협업 및 의사소통 역량”, “디지털 윤리 역량”, “생산 및 공유 역량”의 육성에 관련된 것으로 설정할 것을 제언하였다. The purpose of this paper is to propose useful tips for teaching method and course design using multimedia in Japanese language education. First, we discussed the merits and precautions in using latest multimedia which are applications for language education, metaverse and artificial intelligence(AI). In the case of using applications for language education, for example Kahoot!, Quizlet, QUIZN, Padlet, we can effectively use these materials in ‘start’ and ‘finish’ steps. And the case of using metaverse and AI, it is needed more time and simulation for course design than the case of using classic materials. Most of all, we must design the goal of our Japanese language course using multimedia to develop the abilities in digital literacy of learners. We proposed the abilities of digital literacy for Korean Japanese language learners, ‘for cooperation and communication’, ‘for digital ethics’, and ‘for product and share the information’, because these abilities are considered not important in South Korean curricula.

      • KCI등재

        한일 통신언어의 「경제성」위배에 대한 고찰 - 음운현상을 중심으로 -

        최현필 한국일어일문학회 2022 日語日文學硏究 Vol.120 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the occurrence rate of contravention of Principle of Economy and types of phonological changes and intentions of expression in Internet-based Korean and Japanese language. Thus we aggregated the data to target Twitter realtime trend in Korea and Japan and big Internet bulletin boards called Casphy and DC-inside gallery in Korea and Japan. As a result, we can clarify that the occurrence rate of contravention of Principle of Economy is remarkably higher than Principle of Economy. And we can clarify that the main types of phonological changes are ‘alternation’ and ‘marks addition’ in the Korean language, ‘marks addition’, ‘mixed types’ and ‘use of half-width characters’ in the Japanese language. We also clarify that the main intentions of using phonological changes are ‘uniqueness’ in the Korean language, and ‘prosody’, ‘expression of feelings’ in the Japanese language. In conclusion, we propose 5 features in Internet-based Korean and Japanese language, ‘Principle of Economy’, ‘prosodic features’, ‘standard features’, ‘wordplay’, ‘individuality’, ‘expression for bond’ 本稿は、日韓の打ちことばにおける経済性に反する現象を音韻現象と関連づけて 考察したものである。打ちことばとは、携帯電話やインターネット経由のことばを 指しており、韓国では「通信言語」と呼ばれる。打ちことばにおいては、ボタンや キーボードを押す手間を省くための「経済性」が重要な原理として働くとされる。 一方、「経済性」に反し、打つ回数が増える場合もある。しかし、日韓の打ちこと ばにおける「経済性」に反する現象の生起率とその使用意図の比較は行われていないのが現状である。そこで、本稿では、日本の学生コミュニティ「キャスフィー」 とYahoo!リアルタイム検索と韓国のDCインサイドギャラリーとツイッタ─(Twitter) のリアルトレンドを分析対象とし、日韓の打ちことばにおける「経済性」に反する 現象について考察した。その結果、日本語の場合は全体用例の約9割以上、韓国語 のほうは約6割以上が「経済性」に反するもので、日韓の打ちことばともに「経済 性」に反する現象のほうが「経済性」よりも遥かに多いことが明らかになった。ま た、音韻現象は、日本語の場合「符合挿入>複合類型(2つ以上の音韻現象が同時に 起きている類型)>半角文字使用>交替>文字挿入>添加>ローマ字使用・韓国語 使用>縮約」の順で生起率が多かった。韓国語の場合は、「交替>符合挿入>添 加>日本語使用>複合類型>分離表記>連音>文字挿入>異化>ローマ字使用」の 順で多かった。音韻現象の使用意図は、日本語の場合は「韻律>複合意図(2つ以上 の意図が同時に使用されたもの)>感情>個性>親近感」の順であり、韓国語の場 合は「個性>韻律>親近感>感情>複合意図」の順であることが明らかになった。 この結果によって、日本の打ちことばは符合・半角文字使用によって韻律と感情を 表現する傾向が強く、韓国の打ちことばのほうは音素の交替・符合挿入によって個 性や韻律を表す傾向が強いことが明らかになった。

      • KCI등재

        打ちことばにおける長音符の使用意図について -日本語母語話者を対象とした調査から-

        崔鉉弼 한국일본언어문화학회 2023 일본언어문화 Vol.62 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the usage intention of prolonged sound marks ‘ー’, ‘~’, ‘…’ in Japanese internet-based language. One of the most interesting features of Japanese internet-based language is frequent use of prolonged sound marks. But it have been not clarified the usage intention of prolonged sound marks in Japanese Internet-based language. Thus we carried out a questionnaire survey which was targeting at ten Japanese native speakers from teens to fifties. As a result, we clarified the usage intentions of prolonged sound marks have unique features. The usage intention of ‘ー’ is ‘softening nuances of sentences’, ‘~’ is ‘expression of amiableness’, and ‘…’ is ‘worrying or deep thinking or disappointing’. we also clarified the tendency of sequenced use of prolonged sound mark which is hardly recognized former.

      • KCI등재

        한국 대학교에서의 일본어 음성교육 수업사례 연구

        최현필 한국일본어교육학회 2023 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.105

        This paper describes an Japanese pronunciation class in university of South Korea. There is rarely been case studies on Japanese pronunciation education in South Korea, especially in university. An study on pronunciation class is important for developing Japanese teacher’s class, needless to say. Thus, we report an study on Japanese pronunciation class in university of South Korea to propose teaching points. We carried out an Japanese pronunciation class in university in South Korea during fifteen weeks. We designed class three parts. One is to study the knowledge of Japanese phonology minimum required to understand student’s missed pronunciation. The other is to practice pronunciation which Korean Japanese learners often miss, using flash cards, videos and sheets for Japanese elementary students, Japanese animation and drama, news. Another is to be a teacher to instruct Japanese pronunciation is called flipped learning for Korean Japanese learners to find studying method themselves. In conclusion, we propose two points for Japanese pronunciation class in university in South Korea. One is not to force to students studying the knowledge of Japanese phonology. It is important that the teacher make have a motivation to understand their miss pronunciation. The other is to narrow the teaching goals, for example, accents of ‘nai-form’.

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