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      • 발전공정 공정개선을 통한 온실가스 배출량 감소 연구

        최승기,김은총,배재현,정재헌,김시윤 한국품질경영학회 2021 한국품질경영학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.-

        오늘날 지구상 모든 생명체가 직면한 한 가지 문제를 꼽자면 당연코 기후변화라고 할 수 있을 정도로, 기후변화는 우리세대가 풀어야 할 가장 큰 난제로 대두되고 있다. IPCC(기후 변화에 관한 정부간 패널, 유엔 산하 국제협의체)의 ‘지구온난화 1.5℃ 특별보고서’에 의하면 과거 100년간 지구온도는 약 1℃ 상승한 것으로 관측되며, 이는 인간 활동에 기인한 것임이 확실하다고 발표했다. 기후변화 대응을 위한 파리기후협약, ESG 경영 등 국제사회의 노력은 활발히 이뤄지고 있으며, 우리나라는 2030 온실가스 감축로드맵 발표를 통해 BAU 대비 37% 감축이라는 목표를 발표한바 있다. 그 중 에너지산업의 2019년 온실가스 배출량은 약 280백만tCO2eq이며, 2030년 목표 감축량은 58백만tCO2eq로 국내 총 목표 감축량의 21%를 담당할 정도로 많은 비중을 차지하고 있다. 2019년 12월 남제주빛드림본부의 온실가스 배출량 원단위는 682.10kgCO2eq/MWh(이후 kg/MWh로 표기)이며, 주요공정별 배출비율을 확인한 결과 주증기 생산공정 91.95%, 수전 및 공급 공정 7.54%, 보조증기 생산 0.48%, 전기생산 공정 0.03, 기타 0.01%의 비중을 차지하고 있다. 결과에 의하면 발전소에서 발생하는 90% 이상의 온실가스는 연료연소 공정에서 발생하는 것이며, 그 외 10%의 온실가스는 단위기기 효율저하, 증기누설 등에 기인한 에너지 손실로 볼 수 있다. 공정관리 중점관리 항목으로 주증기 생산공정, 수전 및 공급공정을 선정하였으며, 최종 요인으로 코너별 버너 틸팅각도 다름, 증기컨버터 벤트증기 다량 방출, 연료분사 노즐 내부 탄화연료 퇴적 외 7가지가 검토되었다. 연소효율 상승과 소내전력 사용량 저감을 위해 버너 틸트 각도 고착 해소, 벤트 증기 회수 방안 마련 등을 개선하여, 개선 전대비 12.64kg/MWh 이상의 원단위가 개선되었다.

      • KCI등재

        『안토니우스의 생애』에 나타난 안토니우스의 영들의 분별 : 영적 성숙의 동선을 따라

        최승기 한국실천신학회 2020 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.71

        본고는 『안토니우스의 생애』가 담고 있는 안토니우스의 영들의 분별 원리를 탐구하는 것을 목적으로 삼는다. 안토니우스의 영들의 분별 원리는 그의 영적 성숙의 여정을 따라 역동적으로 조사되어야 바르게 이해될 수 있다. 『안토니우스의 생애』가 비록 악한 영의 가시성 여부에 대해 안토니우스의 「서간」과 다른 입장을 취하지만, 아타나시우스가 그린 안토니우스의 모습이 지닌 역사적 진정성은 훼손되지 않는다. 그리스도와의 일치를 목적지로 삼은 안토니우스의 영적 성숙의 여정은 더욱 강화된 고독을 위해 이동한 그의 네 거처로 구성된다. 이곳들은 악한 영과 각각의 고유한 싸움이 벌어진 곳이며, 중요한 영적 진보의 순간들이며, 그리스도를 전적으로 수용하여 온전히 그리스도처럼 변화되는 공간이다. 안토니우스는 영적 성숙의 첫 단계에서 염려와 애착을 자극하는 생각(logismoi), 몸에 성욕을 자극, 가시적 출현을 통한 악한 영의 공격을 받는다. 둘째 단계에서 악한 영의 주공격은 맹수의 환영 출현, 떼로 몰려옴, 육체적 폭행, 더욱 중요하게는 안토니우스가 느끼는 하나님의 부재의식으로 행해진다. 셋째 단계에서 악한 영은 광명의 천사의 탈을 쓰고 유혹한다. 넷째 단계에서 악한 영은 반인반수의 모습으로 출현하여 안토니우스를 희롱한다. 이 짐승은 동쪽 사막의 주(lord)로 추앙받는 이집트의 신인 민(Min)으로 추정된다. 안토니우스는 영적 성숙의 각 단계에 행해진 악한 영의 공격을 물리치는 처방을 제시한다. 특별히 넷째 단계에서 안토니우스는 십자성호를 그으며 “나는 그리스도의 종이다”라고 외침으로써 그 짐승을 패퇴시킨다. 이것이 안토니우스가 그리스도의 종으로서 악령들과의 싸움에서 거둔 최후의 승리이다. 안토니우스의 승리는 그를 통한 그리스도의 승리이다. 결국 안토니우스는 하나님의 은혜로 영들을 분별하는 은사를 파지하여 수도승과 모든 그리스도인들을 돕는 영적 사부가 된다. 그는 그리스도처럼 되어감의 영적 여정을 걸어가고 있는 오늘의 그리스도인들도 영들의 분별이란 영적 여정의 핵심으로 초대한다. This article aims to explore Antony’s rules for the discernment of spirits, which are contained in the Vita Antonii. His rules for the discernment of spirits must be dynamically investigated along the journey of his spiritual maturity to be understood. Although Vita Antonii and Antony’s Letters disagree on the visibility of evil spirits, the historical authenticity of Antony’ image drawn by Athanasius in the Vita Antonii is not undermined. Antony’s journey of spiritual maturity, with the destination of unity with Christ, consists of his four dwellings where he has moved for further intensified solitude. The places are where he has waged spiritual battles against the evil spirits respectively, are significant moments of his spiritual progress, and are spaces that he has fully accepted Christ and has been transformed into Christ-likeness. In the first stage of spiritual maturity, Antony is attacked by evil spirits through thoughts (logismoi) that stimulate anxiety and attachment, stimulation of sexual desire in the body, and visible appearance. In the second stage, the attacks of the evil spirit are carried out by the appearance of the illusion of wild beasts, their flocking, physical assault, and more importantly, Antony’s feeling like the absence of God. In the third stage, the evil spirit wears and seduces the mask of the angel of light. In the fourth stage, the evil spirit emerges in the form of a satyr-like beast and ridicules Antony. It is believed to be Min, the Egyptian lord of the East Desert. Antony presents a prescription to defeat the evil spirit attacks done at each stage of spiritual maturity. Especially in the fourth stage, Antony draws the cross and repels the beast by shouting, "I am the servant of Christ.” That is Antony’s final victory in the fight against evil spirits as a servant of Christ. Antony's victory is Christ's victory through him. Eventually, Antony attains the gift of discerning the spirits by the grace of God, becoming a spiritual master to help the monk and all Christians. He invites today’s Christians, who are walking on the spiritual journey of becoming like Christ, to the discernment of spirits which is the heart of the spiritual journey.

      • 문화의 지구화와 로컬리티

        최승기 한국지역문학회 2014 한국지역문학연구 Vol.3 No.1

        The main purpose of this research is seeking both theoretical basis and practical methodology for studying Locality. Firstly, for theoretical basis, I picked up deconstruction of coloniality and transmodernity in terms of cultural ecology by globalization. Then, I emphasized that the study of locality need to focus on discourse and institutional aspect like the study of culture did. Thirdly, it is also important that the study of locality should embrace perspective of translocality as well as transmodernity. With these, I suggest to not only critical discourse analysis as a practical methodology but also theoretical basis. 본 연구의 목적은 로컬리티 연구를 위한 이론적 토대와 실천적 방법론(practical methodology)을 모색하는 것이다. 이를 위해 이론적 측면에서, 첫째 문화의 지구화로 인한 문화적 생태학(cultural ecology)의 관점에서 식민성의 해체와 트랜스모더니티를 논의하였다. 둘째, 문화에 대한 연구의 중심이 담론(discourse)이 되어야 하듯이, 로컬리티에 대한 연구도 담론과 제도적 측면에 초점을 맞출 필요가 있음을 강조하였다. 셋째, 트랜스모더니티(transmodernity)의 중요성과 마찬가지로 로컬리티의 연구에서도 트랜스로컬리티(translocality)의 관점이 강조되어야 함을 살펴보았다. 이러한 이론적 측면과 더불어 실천적 방법론으로서 비판적 담론 분석(critical discourse analysis)을 제시하였다.

      • 人口增加와 食糧需給 展望에 關한 硏究

        崔承基 안성산업대학교 1982 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        The results of the study on the prospect of demand and supply of the food in relation to the increase in population are as follows : 1. The establishment of irrigation facilities, readjustment of arable land, and comprehensive development works of large scale should be promoted to raise the productivity of land. 2. To effectively cope with the decrease of farming labor resulted from their giving up farming, it is necessary to develop farm machines proper to our real circumstances. 3. It must be promoted to form a unit of chief producing district with the suitable cultivation of the crops in the arable land, and extend the range of intercropping and secondary cropping in a field with the reformation of planting system. 4. The food products, which in the case of comparing with that of other countries have insufficient international competitive power, should be supported and protected in price and production to fulfill the rate of self-support. 5. The extension of farm land through the reclamation work on the area under possible cultivation, 357,000 ha, and the area under possible clearing, 220,000 ha, will increase the total production. 6. The reformation of eating habits by encouraging the barley and wheat-orientaed consumption instead of rice and constituting pork and chicken for beef will help gain a foothold for self-support of main food.

      • KCI등재

        인류세 시대의 생명정치와 음식생산시스템 --마이클 캐롤란의 『값싼 음식의 실제 가격』에 나타난 외부효과를 중심으로

        최승기,김대영 문학과환경학회 2019 문학과 환경 Vol.18 No.1

        In Anthropocene epoch, the human communities require practical ways, new biopolitics in which human and nature can coexist for a sustainable environment. New biopolitics can politically support alternative food system, which can accelerate the circulation of ecosystem while using the natural resources. Therefore, should industrial food systems be criticized in terms of not only human and environmental health but socio-economic concept, “externalities”, the legetimacy of alternative systems can be secured in accordance to new biopolitics. Michael Carolan’s The Real Cost of Cheap Food criticizes both the direction of existing biopolitics and economic efficiency on industrial food systems with the externalities of food production costs. With unfairness and inefficiency of industrial food systems, he suggests effective political supports for alternative food systems with its validities and democratic decision making procedures. Therefore, if this study examines the food systems with his arguments, it can discuss the new direction of biopolitics which embraces sustainable environment, human health, and human-nature coexistence. Furthermore, global societies can justify various political support measures for alternative food systems. 인류세 시대에 국제사회는 지속가능한 환경을 유지하는 데 인간과 자연이 공존할 수 있는 방안을 탐색한다. 그 중 인류의 음식생산을 위한 노력은 자연환경을 이용하면서도 생태계 서비스의 순환성을 강화할 수 있는 방안으로 각광받는다. 따라서 자연생태계의 생물과 인류와의 공존을 위해 새로운 형태의 생명정치의 방향성이 요구된다. 마이클 캐롤런(Michael Carolan)의 『저가 식품의 실제 비용』(The Real Cost of Cheap Food)은 음식생산비용의 외부효과문제를 지적하며 산업적 음식시스템의 생명정치의 방향성과 경제적 효율성 문제를 지적한다. 이를 통해 그는 대안적 음식시스템에 대한 정책적 지원의 타당성과 민주적 의사결정으로 효과적인 지원방안을 모색한다. 캐롤란의 지적은 음식생산방안에 대해 사회경제학적 개념인 외부화로 접근하며 지속가능한 환경뿐 아니라 인류의 보건, 복지, 그리고 정치경제학적 타당성을 확보하려한다. 그의 노력은 다학제간 연구로 지속가능한 환경을 유지하려는 환경인문학연구에 사회경제학적 이론을 제공하며, 민주적 의사결정으로 일반대중의 참여를 촉구할 수 있다. 따라서 그의 연구를 통하여 음식생산시스템을 고찰한다면, 앞으로의 생명정치가 지속가능한 환경, 인류의 보건, 인간과 자연의 공존이라는 방향성으로 논의를 진행하고, 다양한 정책적 지원의 방안을 강구할 수 있다.

      • 農漁民 後繼者 育成事業의 實態 및 改善方向

        崔承基,全榮吉 안성산업대학교 1990 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        · A Background of Study The fostering strategies of future farmers and future fishermen are due to the relative retardness of agriculture and fishery resulted from the high economic growth and the process of industrialization. The quantitative decrease and the falling-off in quality in labors of agriculture and fishery have an effect on the growth of agriculture and fishery as obstacles. In the turning point of agriculture and fishery in Korea, the fostering of future farmers and future fishermen is very important problem in securing persons who need in the growth of agriculture and fishery, and in being leaders that they are compete with other industries. Therefore, this study is aimed at analyzing and grasping the result of the fostering strategies of future farmers and future fishermen and then, finding the improvable method about developing them in the future. · A Result of study 1) Problems in the fostering strategies of future farmers and future fishermen. Future farmers and fishermen are fostered numbers of 47,444 until now since 1981. They are developing faithfully as leaders of regional societies as well as managers of agriculture in farm management. But many problems are raised in the process of the excessive quantitative expansion relatively. Firstly, excellent future farmers and fishermen must be picked up. Korean agriculture in a commercial farming must be specialized, advanced and then must have competitive power. Also excellent future farmers and fishermen have to be picked up and they must have farming technique, an ability of management and the sale mechanism. Secondly, a training system of education is desired. Thirdly, scale of support funds for future farmers and fishermen is totally short. Because the funds are almost concentrated on only apart of special sectors, they are out of balance between them. Fourthly, functional establishment of support organization for future farmers and fishermen is ambiguous. Fifthly, fostering strategies for organization of them are passive. 2) Method of improvement for fostering strategies of future farmers and future fishermen Government has in many-sides reformed a policy for them to solve problems proposed and to obtain an worthy results for future farmers and fishermen. Firstly, that is an efficient operation of process for picking up future farmers and fishermen. An institutional system, ones who finish the regular educational course can be future farmers and fishermen is needed. Secondly, a system of educational training must be consolidated rapidly. That is, it must get out of a formal education and it must play a positive role as a leader of rural and a fishing settlement, agriculture and fishery to invent future farmers and fishermen with motives for farming and fishering. Thirdly, there is a problem for establishing a role in support system. The Administration picks up future farmers and fishermen and establishes basic diciplines of management. The Agrarian Development Office and The Fisheries Agency carry out deucation and an ex post facto management. An Agricultural Cooperative Association, a stock-raisers association and A Fisheries Cooperative Union must reinforce an educational leadership a loan and support funds to be able to used funds for production. Fourthly, scale of support funds for future farmers and fishermen must be magnified from 8 million won to about 15 million won. And a loan condition of them must be improved and the term unredeemed of repayments must be lengthened and interest rates must be lowered. Fifthly, a political support must be reinforced. Sixthly, government must develop an organization for future farmers and fishermen that can discuss about both policies and activities of farming and fishering nominally and virtually.

      • KCI등재

        평화의 영성을 향하여

        최승기 한국실천신학회 2016 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.52

        한국교회 안에 내적 평화를 추구하는 사람들이 자연스럽게 그 평화의 지평을 공공의 영역까지 확장하는 경우는 드물다. 반면, 외적 평화를 추구하는 사람들은 저항의 과정에서 내적 평화를 상실하고 저항의 대상처럼 되기 쉽다. 여기서 두 가지 질문이 발생한다. 첫째, 내적 평화를 추구하는 한국의 그리스도인들이 어떻게 평화의 지평을 공공의 영역까지 확장하여 내적 평화와 외적 평화를 통합적으로 추구하는 삶을 살아갈 수 있을까? 둘째, 외적 평화를 추구하는 한국의 그리스도인들이 어떻게 저항의 과정에서 내적 평화를 유지하여, 내적 평화에 기초한 외적 평화 추구를 할 수 있을까? 이 질문들에 대한 응답은 평화의 영성 형성을 위한 디딤돌을 제공한다. 첫째 질문에 대한 응답은 평화에 대한 인식의 확장, 내면성에 대한 새로운 이해, 기도와 행동에 관한 이분법적 인식의 수정에서 찾을 수 있다. 평화의 정의는 역사적 정황에 따라 동적으로 변화했으며, 내적 평화와 외적 평화를 통존적으로 이해하는 방향으로 발전해왔다. 내면성의 상징인 마음은 하나님과의 연대를 통해 온 인류, 피조세계와 연대가 이루어지는 곳이다. 기도와 행동은 분리될 수 없으며, 그리스도인의 영성생활은 신비적이면서 동시에 예언자적이어야 한다. 기도, 저항, 공동체의 필요성이 둘째 질문에 대한 응답이다. 기도는 먼저 사랑하는 하나님과의 교제를 통해 폭력의 원천인 욕구와 상처에 감염되지 않은 공간을 제공한다. 저항은 죽음에 세력에 “아니요”라고 말할 뿐 아니라, 더욱 중요하게는 생명의 세력과 움직임에 “그렇다”라고 말하는 것이다. 고백과 용서의 공동체는 폭력의 기반인 소외의 치료제이다. 평화의 영성을 촉진하는 영성훈련들이 있다. 특별히 의식성찰의 기도를 원용한 가칭 평화성찰 기도는 통존적 평화 추구에 큰 도움이 될 수 있을 것이다. 평화의 영성은 무장해제 된 존재로서 평화를 위한 저항의 수행을 지향하는 것이다. It is not easy to find Korean Christians who are in pursuit of inner peace and naturally extend their concern for peace to public areas. Meanwhile, not a few Korean Christians who work for outer peace are apt to lose their inner peace and to become a violent in the process of resistance for the cause of peace. Here are a couple of questions that can be raised. First, how can those who seek for inner peace extend their concern to public areas and thus integrate the inner with the outer peace. Secondly, how can those who work for outer peace keep their inner peace while resisting for peace. By responding to these questions, this article aims at providing a stepping stone to a spirituality of peace. The response to the former question can be found in necessity of expanding the horizon of the concept of peace, retrieving the meaning of interiority, and amending a dichotomy between prayer and action. The concept of peace has been changed in accordance with historical contexts, and has moved toward the integration of the inner and the outer peace. The heart, a symbol of interiority, is the place where we can be in solidarity with God and thus others. Prayer and action are not separable, and Christians' spiritual life must be mystical-prophetic. The necessity of prayer, resistance, and community is the answer to the second question. Prayer as a communion with God can provide us with a place where we cannot be infected by inordinate desires and wounds, that is, the main sources of violence. Resistance is to say no to life-destroying movements and more importantly, to say yes to life-giving movements. A community with confession of sins and forgiveness can be an antidote to alienation which is a foundation of violence. Some spiritual exercises can facilitate a spirituality of peace. Especially the so-called the examination of peace drawing from the examination of consciousness can be helpful for peacemaking. A spirituality of peace promotes our resistance for the cause of peace without hate and resentment.

      • 우리나라 農村社會의 變化現象에 관한 小考

        崔承基,金榮吉 안성산업대학교 1989 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        Korean society has been attained a social cataclysm hastely and continuously in a stream of modernization since 1960's and this social cataclysm has been continued until now. Especially, the cityward tendency of rural peoples according to urbanization have an important effect upon the mode of living of rural peoples according to urbanization have an important effect upon the mode of living of rural society and the attitude of value of farmers. Today, one of the urgent problems that rural society is the situation of disorganization of traditional rural society. Understanding rural society that becomes the open socialization and heightens the relience of urban areas gradually, former concept of rural communal society that is self-sufficient and isolated and isolated lose the usefulness gradually. Of course, this is the universe change that appear when they withdraw from rural society and enter industrial society. But today Korean rural society have social, economic and cultural problems that must be figured out in terms of the unity of nation, social development, industry and occupation. The haste urbanization of Korean society and the falling behind of rural society according to that feel a sense of in congruity, and that can be the big obstacle of the unity of nation. Considering still 17.3% of all population are rural peoples if their dissatisfaction and alienation are overlooked, that is the serious problem for the unity of society. Also the cityward tendency of the rural peoples beings about many social preblems such as unemployment, povety, house, transport and education in urban society. The fact that the industrial pollution according to the policy of industrialization taking the economic development of only export leading decline the quality of city environment is known to all people new. Anyway, as rural society become urbanized more and more, Korean agriculture is demended gradual improvement into commercial farming and then the structure of consciousness and concept of value of farmers become urbanized more and more. But in this process, the fact we must know is that we must devise many built-in-stabilization not to be transformation of uneasiness as the past again. Rural environment, occupation and society are different from those of city. But the significant point that Korean farmers will have the modern consciousness of job. That is, it is not farming as an inheritance and the mode of living but farming as a means of living. Farmers must deviate from a fixed idea of a temporizing economy that farmers are producers who supply food and rural communities are producing areas as factories. And they must realize they are farmers as workers. For them, besides the unprejudiced agricultural policy for an rural, farming and farmer, to make rural society be little hard to live and be the place of living in comport though development of rural area and the original attitude that government and farmers try and is concerned about together must be realized.

      • 農産物競賣制度의 發展方向

        崔承基,趙興洙 안성산업대학교 1987 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        In agricultural products wholesale market, a functional reliance that an auction system contributes to the adjustment of demand and supply of agricultural products and fair price decision have to be supposed. Especially, they have it is more reasonable and ideal that agricultural products are gathered in a fixed place and the price is decided under the open bidding in level that adjustment of demand and supply is possible. The most important problem in auction of agricultural products wholesale market is to increase the economic efficiency through increasing the quantity to be supplied goods. Beside total scale of the quantity of sending out goods, there are wide difference in items, degree of standardization and grading, types of sending out goods between two types of agricultural products wholesale market. Generally, except the total quantity of sending out goods, agricultural products wholesale market of medium and small cities are placed at a disadvantage more than that of big cities in an condition to operate auction system. All of agricultural products wholesale markets adopt auction system. The following problems have to be solved auction system to be efficiently realized in agricultural products wholesale market. Firstly, scale of sending out goods per unit of a shipper should be increased. Secondly, standardization and grading must be accomplished. Thirdly, expansion and modernization of equipment should be accomplished. Fourthly, economic incentive according to the mass transaction should be given to producer and legal trader. Fifthly, to make producer send out goods in agricultural products wholesale market, financing must be expanded. Lastly, all that take part in agricultural products marketing should established ethical value judgement to accomplish a commercial transaction on the ground of reliance and honesty.

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