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        1950년대 전국 제1의 야당 도시는 대구(大邱)다

        유명철 동아시아국제정치학회 2017 국제정치연구 Vol.20 No.2

        This study intends to explain which city generally demonstrated the strongest pro-opposition party dispositions in South Korea in the 1950s. To analyze pro-opposition party inclinations in such large cities as Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Daejeon, Gwangju, and Jeonju, it comparatively decides ranking in the percentage of votes that the opposition party candidates obtained in the presidential and vice presidential elections and in the number of parliamentary seats that the opposition parties won in the National Assembly elections. As a result, this study confirms that in the 1950s Daegu was the number one pro-opposition party city in South Korea. Among the large cities, Daegu showed the strongest pro-opposition party inclinations in the 1954 National Assembly election, the 1956 presidential and vice presidential elections, and the 1960 vice presidential election. In the elections, Deagu strongly demonstrated its anti-Syngman Rhee and anti-Liberal Party dispositions, which were greatly influenced by the following facts: in 1954, the constitutional amendments for direct presidential election; in 1956, the constitutional amendments abolishing two-term limitations on the presidency; and in 1960, Liberal Party's heavy vote rigging and the democratization movement staged on 28 February 1960. Daegu also displayed its strong, if not number one, pro-opposition party propensities in the 1952 presidential and vice presidential elections, the 1958 National Assembly election, and the 1960 presidential election. 1950년대 전국 주요 도시(서울, 부산, 대구, 인천, 대전, 광주, 전주)의 야당 성향을 파악하기 위하여, 1) 대통령선거와 부통령선거에서는 주요 도시에서의 야당 후보의 득표율을 가지고 야당 성향의 순위를 비교해 보고, 2) 국회의원선거에서는 각 주요 도시에서 야당이 차지한 의석수를 가지고 야당 성향 순위를 비교하여, 전국에서 어느 도시가 1950년대에 걸쳐 전반적으로 가장 강한 야당 성향을 보이는가를 밝히고자 하였다. 분석해본 결과, 1950년대에 대구가 전국 제1의 야당 도시이었음을 확인하였다. 대구가 전국제1의 야당 성향을 보인 선거는 1954년 국회의원선거, 1956년의 대통령선거와 부통령선거, 1960년의 부통령선거이다. 1954년 국회의원선거에서는 대통령 직선제 개헌이 큰 영향을 준 것으로, 1956년 대통령선거와 부통령선거에서는 초대 대통령 중임제한 폐지 개헌이 큰 영향을 준 것으로, 1960년 부통령선거에서는 전면적인 부정선거와 대구 2.28민주운동이 큰 영향을 준 것으로 보이며, 이것이 반이승만, 반자유당으로 나타났다고 할 수 있다. 그리고 1952년 대통령선거와 부통령선거, 1958년 국회의원선거, 1960년의 대통령선거에서도 전국 제1의 야당 성향은 아닐지라도 이에 가까운 강한 야당 성향을 보였다.

      • 비구 골절 후 이차적으로 시행된 인공고관절 전치환술

        유명철,조윤제,김강일,전영수,고동오,이진웅 대한골절학회 2003 대한골절학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        목 적 : 비구 골절 후 이차적으로 시행한 인공고관절 전치환술의 결과를 분석하고자 한다. 대상 및 방법 : 비구 골절의 치료로 보존적 치료 또는 관혈적 정복 후 이차적으로 고관절 전치환술을 시행한 20례를 대상으로 하였으며, 비구 골절 후 일차적으로 보존적 치료를 시행한 경우가 6례, 관혈적 정복 및 내고정술을 실시한 경우가 14례였다. 인공고관절 전치환술후 추시기간은 평균 5년 2개월이었다. 전치환술의 원인으로는 외상성 관절염 15례, 대퇴 골두 무혈성 괴사 5례였다. 사용된 기구로는 비구부에 무시멘트 비구컵 18례, 시멘트 비구컴 2례였고, 대퇴부는 무시멘스 스템 18례와 시멘트 스템 2례였다. 비구부의 결손은 13례에서 있었다. Harris 고관절 점수, 동통, 관절 운동범위와 양하지 부동 여부, 정기적인 방사선학적 분석을 하였다. 결 과 : Harris 고관절 점수는 술 전 평균 57점에서 91점으로 향상되었으며 술 전 13례에서 하지 부동을 보였으나 1례를 제외하고 모두 개선되었다. 최종 추시시 방사선적 검사상 골용해는 비구부 2례, 대퇴부 5례였고 삽입물의 해리는 비구부 2례, 대퇴부 1례 이었고 비구부 2례 모두 시멘트 컵을 사용하였던 경우였다. 재치환술은 비구컵 3례 (15%), 대퇴스템 2례(10%)에서 시행되었다. 결 론 : 비구 골절 후 시행된 인공고관절 전치환술은 비구의 해부학적 구조변형, 골결손 등으로 술 후 결과가 일반 고관절 전치환술보다는 만족스럽지 못하였으며, 따라서 비구부의 적절한 골 이식과 함께 비구컵 고정이 비구컵의 생존율을 연장하는데 중요한 요인으로 사료된다. Purpose: We evaluated the results of secondary total hip arthroplasty (THA) after acetabular fracture. Material & Methods: Twenty cases of THA were performed to treat acetabular fracture as secondary treatment after conservative management (6 cases) or internal fixation (14 cases). The mean follow up period was 5 years 2 months. The cause of secondary THA was post traumatic arthritis in 15 hips and osteonecrosis of the femoral of the femoral head in 5. Cementless acetabular cup was used in 18 cases and cemented in 2 cases. Cementless femoral componenet was used in 18 cases and cemeted in 2 cases. Serial Hariis hip score (HHS), pain, limb length discrepancy and radiographs were evaluated. Results: HHS improved from 57 points to 91 points. Osteolysis in the acetabular component occurred in 2 cases and 5 cases in the femoral component. Loosening occurred in 2 cases of cemented acetabular components and 1 case in the femoral component. In this study, 3 cases (15%) required revision of the acetabluar component and 2 cases(10%) of the femoral component. Conclusion: The clinical results of THA after acetabular fracture was inferior to that of conventional arthroplasty. The secure cementless acetabular fixation with proper bone grafting is mandatory to improve the survival of acetabular component.

      • KCI등재
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        2000년 이후 중립화통일론의 특징

        유명철 대한정치학회 2014 大韓政治學會報 Vol.22 No.1

        First, the following factors may contribute positively to Korean reunification through neutralization: the North-South acknowledgement at the first North-South summit of 15 June 2000 of common elements in South Korea's proposal for a confederation and North Korea's proposal for a federation of lower stage as the formulae for achieving reunification, the proposal for the establishment of a separate forum to discuss the permanent peace regime on the Korean peninsula suggested in the Six-Party Statement of 19 September 2005 and the Six-Party agreement of 13 February 2007, and the second North-South summit of October 2007. Another characteristic includes the facts that the Austrian formula would be the model for neutral reunification of Korea, that the United States, China, Russia, and Japan would guarantee neutralization of Korea, that the United States would lead Korean neutralization with the possible withdrawal of its forces from South Korea, that the existing regimes in both Koreas should agree on neutralized reunification of the Korean peninsula, and that a precondition for neutral reunification would be relaxation of military tensions on the Korean peninsula and specifically active utilization of the opportunity of increased inter-Korean economic cooperation based on the premise that recently Northeast Asia is situated in the Cold War security environment and at the same time close post-Cold War economic cooperation. The third characteristic is that the formulae of neutralization of the Korean peninsula first and then reunification of Korea have formed the mainstream in discourses on Korean reunification. Reunification would be achieved gradually and by stages, based on the idea that integration of the two Koreas would follow neutralization and long coexistence of the two Korean states in accordance with both Koreas' agreement on the South's proposal for a confederation and the North's proposal for a federation of lower stage manifested in the Joint North-South Declaration of 15 June 2000. 2000년 6.15 남북정상회담과 더불어 중립화통일론이 집중적으로 제기되고 있다. 이와 관련하여 2000년 이후에 제기된 중립화통일론의 특징에 대하여 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위해, 시대적 배경과 관련한 특징, 중립화의 모델, 중립화 보장국, 중립화통일에 대한 주체와 관련하여 현정권 해체냐, 존립이냐의 문제, 중립화통일을 위한 전제조건(여건조성), 중립화통일을 위한 중간단계로 총선거를 통하느냐, 국가연합의 과도기적 단계를 거치느냐의 문제, 중립화통일의 정부형태를 단일국가로 하느냐, 연방국가로 하느냐의 문제, 중립화통일의 정치체제, 중립화통일의 과정과 관련하여 선통일 후중립화냐, 선중립화 후통일이냐의 문제에 대하여 분석해 보고자 하였다.

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        Flunitrazepam 이 호흡 및 순환에 미치는 영향

        유명철 대한마취과학회 1973 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.6 No.1

        To 48 surgical patients (23-62 years of age, physical status 1-2), the newest banzodiazepine derivative, flunitrazepam (Ro 5-4200), in the dosage of 0.03 mg/kg was administered intravanously at a rate of 2 mg/min. as an intravenous anesthetic induction agent. All patients inhaled 100%, oxygen during induction except where blood-gas studies were conducted, in which case they breathed room air. Thereafter anesthesia vas maintained with nitrous oxicle-oxygen-halothane with or without muscle relaxant following endotracheal intubation. Respiratory rate, pulse rate, tidal volume and blood pressure were measured during the pre- operative visit, immediately prior to and again after induction. All patients were premedicated with 1 mg/kg meperidine and atropine. The lead II ECG and fronto-occipital lead EEG were continuously monitored on an oscilloscope throughout the procedure. In 12 patients femoral artery and central venous catheters were inserted prior to induction and the ECG, EEC, arterial pressure and central venous pressure were recorded continuously on a Beckman Type RM 4-channel recorcter. Blood samples were taken before and again 5 minutes after induction and PaO₂, PaCO₂ and pH were measured with a Beckman Blood Gas Measurement System. Arterial-central vanous O₂ coutent difference was calculated from the computer-produced physiological table of Kellmann and Nune. To rule out the possible cardiorespiratory effects of meperidin and atropine, blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate and tidal volume were also measured in 10 young resident volunteers in this department. The results are as follows: 1) Moderate respiratory depression was obvious in most patient.. Tidal volume decreased 12.9 per cent (p$lt;0. 01) with concomitant increase (17.6 per cent, p$lt;0.01) in respiratory rate. There was an insignifincat rise in PaCO₂, accompanied by slight fall in pH and a significant fall PaO₂ (17. 7 per cent, p$lt;0. 01), which was probably due to hypoventilation and/or ventilation/perfusion irregularities. 2) It is mandato assist or control respiration writh 100% oxygen in case of hypov ntilation or apaea during induction with flunitrazepam. 3) A slight and insignificant fall in blaod pressure and increase in pulse rate were observed. No cardiac arrhythmias were noted. A fall in central venous pressure (13.3 per cent, p$lt;0.05) was uniformly demonstrated in 12 patients in whom CVP was measured. These findings suggest that the fall in blood pressure was not due to negative inotropic effect but rather to peripheral vasodilatation caused by the sedative effect and decreased sympathetic tone produced by flunitrazepam. 4) The arterial-central venous oxygen content difference decreased by 12.1 per cent (p$lt;0.05). It seems reasonable to assume that during induction no rnajor changes in oxygen consumption occurs. It has been shown that the central venous oxygen content or right atrial oxygen content are slightly lower but still an accurate reflection of mixed venous oxygen content. Under these circumstances the arterial-central vencus oxygen content difference may be inversely related to the cardiac output. These results seem, to indicate that cardiac output increased during induction with flunitrazepam. 5) It appears that because of its minimal circulatory depressant effects flunitrazepam may be recommended in seriously ill patients, especially those with cardiac disease, in whom it is advisable to avoid hypotension and tachycardia. 6) Subjects not premedicated with meperidine required more flunitrazepam for induction of sleep to result in prolonged drowsiness. To use flunitrazepam as an intravenous anesthetic induction agent, therefore, it is advisable to premedicate the patient with meperidine to keep the dose of flunitrazepam as low as possible.

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