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        농지개혁 진행과정과 정부,지주,농민의 입장 -경기도 광주군 남종면 사례를 중심으로

        조석곤 ( Seok Gon Cho ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2011 大東文化硏究 Vol.75 No.-

        남종면은 농지개혁 당시 농가인구가 전체의 7할을 넘는 전형적인 농촌지역으로 밭이 많은 산간지대였다. 1961년 6월말 현재 남종면 분배농지는 1,059필지 125.1 정보였으며 상환량은 3,599석이었다. 전체 농가 중 76%가 수배농가였는데, 수배농가의 70% 정도는 1정보 미만을 소유한 영세농가였다. 농지개혁은 그 분배규모의 영세성 때문에 수배농가의 경영 상태를 개선하기에는 역부족이었다. 상환과 보상 그리고 등기로 이어지는 농지개혁사업의 실무 작업들이 정부의 애초 계획대로 진행되진 않았지만, 「농지개혁법」의 기본 정신이라 할 수 있는 경자유전의 원칙과 소유상 한제는 변함없이 유지되고 있었다. 농민들은 상환곡 납부에 소극적이었으며 소유권 이전등기에 대해서는 더욱 소극적인 태도를 보였다. 그러나 이것은 농지개혁에 대한 저항이라기보다는 분배농지의 소유권이전이 기정사실로서 인정되고 있는 농촌의 현실을 반영한 것이었다. 지주에 대한 농지보상은 상환업무에 비하면 더디게 진행되었다. 지주 또한 보상금 수령에 적극적으로 임하지 않았다. 정부가 보상금 지불을 미룬 탓에 실질적인 보상금 지불업무가 시작된 1957년에는 이미 그 필요성이 현저히 감소하였기 때문이었다. Namjong-myeon, 70% of its population was agricultural household, was a typical rural area. The share of dry fields in arable lands was about 60%. The amounts of distributed lands in Namjong-myeon at June, 1961 were 1,059 plots of land, 125.1 jeongbo(1 jeongbo=0.992ha), and the amounts of rice repayment were 3,599 seok(1 seok=80kg). The proportion of land-receiving agricultural households in the whole agricultural households was 76%, the 70% of land-receiving agricultural households was small-peasant group whose landownership was under 1 jeongbo. In spite of Korean Land Reform, the economic condition of small peasants was not improved immediately due to the small distribution. Although the actual process of Korean Land Reform was not implemented along with the time schedule of government, the core idea of ``Land Reform Act``, land- to- the-tiller and maximum 3 jeongbo system, did not changed. However, peasants kept passive attitude to repayment, and they kept more passive attitude to landownership transfer register. This passive attitude did not come from the resistance to land reform, but from the peasants` mass psychology that they already got landownership substantially. The performance of indemnities for land-distributed landlords was lower than that of repayment. Because of the delayed payment of indemnities and inflation after Korean War, land-distributed landlords were also passive attitude to receiving their indemnities.


        과실이 크고 품질이 우수한 조생종 배 ‘금촌조생’ 육성

        조광식(Kwang-Sik Cho1),손동수(Dong-Soo Son),강삼석(Sam-Seok Kang),김명수(Myung-Su Kim),홍경희(Kyung-Hui Hong),윤석규(Seok-Kyu Yun),조강희(Gang-Hui Cho),조현모(Hyeon-Mo Cho) 한국원예학회 2004 원예과학기술지 Vol.22 No.1

        ‘금촌조생’ 품종은 농촌진흥청 원예연구소 나주배연구소에서 1971년 ‘금촌추’의 품질을 개선하기 위해 당도가 높고 육질이 유연한 ‘단배’를 교배하여 1982년 1차 선발되었고, 1997년부터 5년 간 지역적응시험을 거쳐 2001년 최종 선발 및 품종보호출원 되었다. 수세는 비교적 강하고, 수자는 반개장성이다. 꽃가루가 풍부하며, 주요 재배품종과 교배친화성을 보인다. 또한 흑반병에 대하여 강한 포장저항성을 나타내었다. 숙기는 재배중인 ‘원황’ 품종보다 약 5일 정도 늦은 9월 3일로 추석에 출하하기 알맞은 품종이다. 과형은 ‘금촌추’와 같은 도원추형이고, 과피색은 황갈색이다. 과중은 593g이고, 당도는 13.2Bx이다. 육질은 유연하며 과즙이 풍부하고, 석세포가 없어 식미가 매우 우수하다. 그러나 과육선숙형 품종으로 원예적 수확기에도 과피에 녹색이 남지만, 완숙과가 되면 황갈색으로 착색된다. 상온저장 기간은 20일 정도로 다른 조생종에 비해 저장력은 좋은 편이다. ‘Geumchonjosaeng’ pear cultivar (Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta Nakai) originated from the cross between ‘Imamuraaki’ and ‘Danbae’ to improve the fruit quality of ‘Imamuraaki’ cultivar in 1971 at Naju Pear Research Institute of National Horticultural Research Institute (NHRI), Rural Development Administration (RDA). It was preliminarily selected in 1982 and named in 2001. The tree habit shows vigorous growth and upright spreading. It carries abundant pollen grains and shows cross compatibility with leading cultivars. Also it shows high resistance to black leaf spot (Alternaria kikuchiana) in the field condition. Optimum harvest time is around Sep. 3, which is 5 days later than that of ‘Wonwhang’, and it could satisfy consumer’s demand for high quality pear fruit in “Chuseok”. The obovate fruit shape resembles maternal parent, ‘Imamuraaki’ and skin color is green yellowish brown at normal harvesting time and gradually turned to yellowish brown at full ripennig state. Fruit weighs about 593 g, and the soluble solid content is 13.5 ˚Bx. The flesh is very soft and juicy and, rendering good eating quality. Shelf life is about 20 days under the ambient temperature, and it is a relatively long period as compare with other early season cultivars.

      • 간세포암과 감별이 어려웠던 악성중피종 치험 1예

        김선문,허원석,채경훈,강윤세,정재훈,김연수,박기오,문희석,이엄석,김석현,성재규,이병석,이헌영,신경숙,조준식,송인상,강대영 충남대학교 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.2

        Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare neoplasm that arises from the mesothelium of a serosal cavity and is a rapidly fatal disease with a median survival of 4 to 12 months for untreated cases. Recently, we experienced a case with malignant peritoneal mesothelioma who was suspected hepatocelluar carcioma by abdominal CT scan and was confirmed by biopsy including immunohistochemical stain(calretinin) after surgery. We performed tumor excisions and wedge resection of the liver(segment Ⅷ)and inserted Tencoff catheter in abdominal cavity at 25th day of post-operation. We treated with intraperitoneal paclitaxel(25mg/m^(2)/day for 5 days) six courses monthly. She was well tolerable and is still living without any evidence of recurrence for 14th month of post-operation.

      • MgCl₂溶液內에서 STS 304 HP Stainless Steel 熔接部의 破壞擧動에 對한 硏究

        金永奭,丁太權,朴昌彦,洪錫柱,梁仁榮,金基玉,朴煥奎,李茂錫,曺圭宰,鄭在康 조선대학교 생산기술연구소 1983 生産技術硏究 Vol.1983 No.-

        This paper is based on an experiment analysing the stress corrosion cracking behaviour of welding specimens compared to that of non-welding specimens of STS 304 HP stainless steel in corrosion solution. As a corrosion condition, stainless steel has been known to be the most fragile in a solution of 42% MgCl₂heated to the boiling point, therefore the experiment was carried out in this condition. The experiment was carried out with argon gas TIG welding specimens and non-welding ones made of stainless steel plates, thickness 2mm, by tensile force. At this time, the tensile force was taken to be the value of the yield strength of the tensile test specimens divided by the safety factor of 3.0 to 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, and 5.0. In this paper, the relations between Time of Initial Crack, Time of Failure, Time of Final Fracture and Crack Propagation Length were investigated and then plotted. Furthermore, the relations between Stress Intensity Factor K proposed by Irwin and the Time of Initial Crack, the Time of Failure, the Time of Final Fracture were calculated and plotted. At the last, all the relations plotted were expressed to normal equations by computer, and the equations were used to analyse the data obtained in the experiment. The conclusions obtained in this study are as follows: 1. Welding materials, compared with non-welding ones, as the Time of Initial Crack, the Time of Failure, and the Time of Final Fracture were generally very fast, appeared to be a phenomenon of unstable brittleness fracture. 2. Non-welding materials, compared with welding ones, as the safety factor was larger or the working stress was smaller, appeared to be a phenomenon that the longer had had greater durability. Therefor, welding materials must be considered enough to be used in heate affected and stress corrosion atmosphere. 3. The normal equations of the Time of Initial Crack and the variation rate to the same Stress Intensity Factor K are as follows: (A) Non-welding T =259702.4-5451.2 K+28.386 K² T = -5451.2+28.386 K (B) Welding T= -332.693+28.043 K-0.211 K² T' =28.043-0.211 K here, T; Time of Initial Crack, T'; Variation Rate of Time of Initial Crack to Stress Intensity Factor K, K ; Stress Intensity Factor.

      • 칼라 히스토그램과 엔트로피를 이용한 동영상 장면전환 검출

        송현석,안강식,안명석,조석제 한국해양대학교 산업기술연구소 2002 연구논문집 Vol.19 No.-

        In content-base video data retrieval, the detection for scene change is needed. Color histogram approaches are generally used. Color histogram approaches are simple and more robust to object and camera movements but they ignore the spatial information and fail when two different frames have similar histograms. We propose a new algorithm to use color histogram and entropy to enhance the false-positive occurred by brightness variation and the miss by similar color histogram. At the experiments, it is more robust to brightness variation and have spatial information.

      • Genotoxicity Evaluation of an Ethanol Extract Mixture of <i> Astragali Radix</i> and <i> Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix</i>

        Lee, Jin-Seok,Cho, Jung-Hyo,Lee, Dong-Soo,Son, Chang-Gue Hindawi 2018 Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medic Vol.2018 No.-

        <P>Myelophil, a combination of<I> Astragali Radix </I>and<I> Salviae Radix,</I> is one of the most commonly used remedies for disorders of<I> Qi</I> and<I> blood</I> in traditional Chinese medicine. Based on the clinical applications of these plants, in particular to pregnant woman, this study aimed to evaluate the genotoxic potential of an ethanol extract mixture of the above two herbs, called Myelophil. Following the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guideline methods, a genotoxicity test was conducted using a bacterial reverse mutation test with<I> Salmonella typhimurium</I> (TA98, TA100, TA1535, and TA1537) and<I> Escherichia coli</I> (WP2<I>μ</I>vrA), an<I> in vitro</I> mammalian chromosome aberration test using a Chinese hamster ovary cell line (CHO-K1), and an<I> in vivo</I> mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus test using ICR mouse bone marrow. In the Ames test, for both types of mutations (base substitution and frameshift) under conditions with/without an S9 mix up to 5,000 <I>μ</I>g/plate, Myelophil did not increase the number of revertant colonies of all<I> S. typhimurium</I> strains as well as<I> E. coli</I> strain. For both short (6 h) and long tests with/without S9 mix, the chromosome aberration test did not show any significant increase in the number of structural or numerical chromosome aberrations by Myelophil. In addition, no significant change in the number of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes or polychromatic erythrocytes was observed in the bone marrow of an ICR mouse administered Myelophil orally at 2,000 mg/kg/day for 2 days, respectively. These results are the first to provide experimental evidence that Myelophil, an ethanol extract mixture of<I> Astragali Radix</I> and<I> Salviae Radix, </I>has no risk of genotoxicity.</P>

      • KCI등재

        브로콜리 추출물의 향장활성 효과

        김대용ㆍ조석철ㆍ권혁선ㆍ김미경(Dae Young KimㆍSeok chul ChoㆍHyuk sun KwonㆍMee Kyung Kim) 한국인체미용예술학회 2016 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        In this study, we investigated the anti-oxidative effects, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory activities of the extracts from broccoli to evaluate its use as a functional ingredient in cosmetics. The extracts are WE (water extract at RT), MWE (mineral water extract at RT), EE (70% ethanol extract at RT), and USEE (heat process for 12 hours at 60℃ after ultrasonification for six hours with 70% ethanol). The measurements of the total polyphenol content from broccoli extracts were highest in EE at 425.24±13.9 mg/g dry. The result of electron donating ability of EE was the highest at 10,000 ㎍/㎖ as 97.81% and increased in a concentration-dependent manner. The ferric reducing antioxidant powder (FRAP) of EE was the highest at 10,000 ㎍/㎖ as 1235.6 μM. In an antimicrobial activity test, the EE showed significant antimicrobial activity against S. epidermidis, S. aureus, E. coli, P. acnes, and P. ovale. Furthermore, broccoli extract exhibited no cytotoxicity in RAW 264.7 cells. Also anti- inflammatory activity by NO assay showed LPS-induced NO was significantly inhibited following treatment with EE of 1,000 ㎍/㎖. Therefore, the broccoli ethanol extract can be used as a resource of natural cosmetic material for functional cosmetics.

      • KCI등재후보

        조혈모세포이식 환자에서 침습성 진균 감염에 대한 Micafungin의 예방 효과 및 안전성

        김시현,이동건,최수미,권재철,박선희,최정현,유진홍,이성은,조병식,김유진,이석,김희제,민창기,조석구,김동욱,이종욱,민우성,박종원 대한감염학회 2010 감염과 화학요법 Vol.42 No.3

        Background: Micafungin, a potent inhibitor of 1,3-β-D-glucan synthase, is a novel antifungal agent of the echinocandin class. In vitro study showed that micafungin was effective against Aspergillus species as well as Candida species, but clinical data on the prophylactic efficacy against invasive fungal infections (IFIs) other than candidiasis are still lacking. Materials and Methods: We identified 60 consecutive adult hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) recipients who received at least 3 doses of micafungin during neutropenic period. Micafungin was started as an alternative in patients who were intolerant or had adverse events (AEs) to primary prophylactic antifungal agents. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records and analyzed the efficacy and safety of micafungin for prophylaxis against IFIs. Results: The patients either had autologous (n=9) or allogeneic (n=51: 1 syngeneic, 24 sibling, 26 unrelated donor) HSCT. Itraconazole oral solution (n=58) was the most frequently used first line antifungal agent for prophylaxis and was administered for median 11 days. The most frequent cause of switch to micafungin was vomiting (n=42). The duration of neutropenia and micafungin administration was median 13 and 12 days, respectively. A successful outcome was achieved in 45 (75%) patients. Empirical antifungal therapy was initiated in 13 (22%) patients. There were 2 cases (3.3%) of breakthrough fungal infections which comprised a probable invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and a possible invasive fungal sinusitis. There was no case of invasive candidiasis. A total of 53 (88%) patients experienced at least one AE regardless of causality during micafungin administration. The most frequent AEs were hypokalemia, vomiting, diarrhea, and elevated serum aspartate aminotransferase or alanine aminotransferase. Among the aforementioned AEs, only 1 case of diarrhea could be classified as a probable relation with micafungin when causality was assessed. There was no AEs that caused discontinuation of micafungin. Conclusions: Micafungin seems to be a safe and effective agent for prophylaxis of IFIs including aspergillosis as well as candidiasis in HSCT recipients. However, further large, prospective, and randomized comparative studies are warranted for aspergillosis.

      • I-Muscone의 심혈관계에 관한 약리연구

        조태순,김낙두,허인회,권광일,박석기,심상호,신대희,박대규 충남대학교 약학대학 의약품개발연구소 1997 藥學論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        In order to investigate the pharmacological properties of l-muscone, effects of l-muscone and musk were studied on the cardiovascular system with various experimental models. In isolated rat aorta, l-muscone and musk made the relaxation of blood vessels in maximum contractile response to phenylephrin (10^-6M) in endothelium-containing rings of the rat aorta, but not in endothelium-denuded rings. However, l-muscone and musk in the presence of the inhibitor of NO synthase and guanylate cyclase did not make the relaxation of blood vessel. In spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), l-muscone and musk slightly reduced blood pressure but significantly decreased heart rate. In the isolated perfused rat hearts. l-muscone and musk did not affect significantly on LVDP, contractile force, coronary flow and (-dp/dt)/(+dp/dt). These results suggest that l-muscone and musk have weak cardiovascular effects with relaxation of blood vessel and decrease of heart rate, but without significant cardiac functions.

      • 人蔘 Total Saponin, Protopanaxadiol 및 Protopanaxatriol의 消炎作用에 關한 硏究

        조태순,이선미,정국현,이범구,이석용,박종대 성균관대학교 약학연구소 1999 成均藥硏論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        Abstract-In an attempt to elucidate the anti-inflammatory action of ginseng total saponin, protopanaxadiol and protopanaxatriol, the anti-inflammatory activity of three compounds was investigated under various acute and chronic inflammatory models. The blood vessel permeability was slightly inhibited by total saponin and protopanaxatriol treatments. Granuloma formation induced by 2% carrageenan was inhibited by total saponin and protopanaxatriol. The cotton-pellet granuloma formation was significantly inhibited by intraperitoneal injection of total saponin. Total saponin and protopanaxadiol inhibited leukocyte emigration and protein exudation in CMC-induced pouch but protopanaxatriol increased leukocyte emigration. The swelling of rat hind paw induced by 1% carrageenan was significantly inhibited by total saponin, protopanaxadiol and protopanaxatriol both single and 2 weeks treatments. Total saponin, protopanaxadiol and protopanaxatriol decreased the anti-inflammatory activity in adrenalectomized rat. Our results suggest that total saponin, protopanaxadiol and protopanaxatriol have potent anti-inflammatory activity, this may be mediated in part through stimulation of adrenal glands.

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