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      • General queueing network model을 이용한 망의 성능 해석

        조국현 光云大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        In this paper, a network model, GQNM(General Queueing Network Model) is presented. In this model, performance of network is analyzed by decomposition method and mean value analysis. Then we show the effectiveness of the solution by comparing the results of analysis with those of simulation.

      • KCI등재

        언어행위의 이해

        조국현 한국외국어대학교 외국어 종합연구센터 언어연구소 1999 언어와 언어학 Vol.24 No.-

        This paper is an attempt to describe an action-character of language that is usually called "speech act". In the 60s, J. Austin and J. Searle began the study of this problem in England. Their approach is called the theory of speech acts. Other linguists in Ost-Germany also have studied the communicative functions of language by analyzing the ordinary use of words. This linguistic approach is called functional-communicative language description(funktional-kommunikative Sprachbeschreibung). This paper will discuss the similarities and differences between these two theories. The theory of speech acts studies the phenomenon of language use analytically through what we call the 'modular' method. J. Searle notes which linguistic elements of sentences are to be distinguished in the performance of a speech act. In the utterance of the sentence, the speaker expresses a propositive and an illocutionary force. For example, in the deep structure of the utterance "Does Sam smoke habitually?" we can identify two elements that correspond to the indicator of illocutionary force (F) separately from those that correspond to the indicator of propositional content (p). F: request, p: event that Sam smokes habitually. However, functional-communicative description of the language approaches the study of these problems in a different way that is called 'holistic'. According to this concept, we communicate strategically by planning the overall use of language, usually in three stages - orientation, planning, and formation. It is suggested that the communicative functions of words do not exactly correspond to their syntactic structure, and the goal of linguistic analysis of language use is to discover and collect appropriate expressions that can contribute to the comprehension of the speaker's intention.

      • KCI등재

        유사체액에서의 전기화학적 처리가 티타늄 표면의 인산갈슘 흡착에 미치는 영향

        조국현,김문영,송광엽,배태성,이민호 大韓齒科器材學會 2002 대한치과재료학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        This study was performed to examine the effect of electrochemical treatment on the precipitation of apatite-like calcium phosphate in a simulated body fluid. Titanium plates of 20×20×1 ㎣ in dimensions were polished sequentially from #600 to #2,000 emery paper and one surface of each specimen was received an additional polishing sequence through 0.1㎛ alumina paste. To improve the bioactivity of titanium plates, they were electrochemically treated at 100 mA for 20 min in an electrolyte containing the calcium and phosphate ions, and the Hanks' solution with pH 7.4 at 36.5℃ for 30 days, and the surfaces were examined with X-ray diffractometer(XRD), scanning electron microscope(SEM) and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy(XPS). Precipitation of calcium phosphate and CaO were observed on the electrochemically treated titanium surface in a simulated body fluid after treatment at 600℃. Precipitation of calcium phosphate was densified and coarsened with increasing the temperature of the electrolyte solution in the range of 20-80℃. The calcium phosphate contained phosphate in the form of Po₄^3-, HPO₄^2-, and H₂PO₄^-.

      • KCI등재

        기능적 관점에 따른 독일어 문법 교육

        조국현 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 2000 외국어교육연구 Vol.- No.14

        요약Der kommunikationsorientierte Sparachulnterricht bemüht sich darum, den Blick auf das Lernziel der sprachlichen Kommunikationsfähigkeit zu lenken. Dabei bergißt man oft, daß der Grammatikunterricht eine Grundlage dafür ist. Eine Grammatik im traditionalen Sienne soll Auskunft geben, was richtig und was falsch ist. Um das kommunikationsorientierte Lernziel zu erreichen, soll die Hrammatik auch dem Lerner helfen können, äußerunger affressatengerecht im sozialen Interaktionskontext zu verwenden. In diesem Artikel betrachte ich die Wortarten der deutschen Sprache unter funktionalem Gesichtspunkt. D. h., die deutschen Wortarten beschreibe ich hauptsächlich auf Grund der unterschiedlichen Funktionen des Wortes zum Satzbau. Ein Ausgangspunkt dafür ist, daß eine Wechselbeziehung zwischen Form und Funktion im grammatischen und lixikalischen Bereich besteht. Substantive, Adjektive und Verben, die deklinierbar sind, gelten als Grundwörter, die im Grunde eine eigene begruffliche Entktät haben:Lebewesen, Dinge, Zustände, Vorgänge, Handlungen, Eigenschaften, Merknale. Um diese begrifflichen Wörter im Satz zu verknüpfen, sind verschiedene Kausformen notwendig. Diese Rolle des Kasus übernehmen z.T. Präpositionen, die mit Konjunktionen Fügewörter genannt werden. Also werden Grundwörter entweder durch den Kausus oder mit z. B. als Proadverben - Grundwörter, aber ihre Hauptfunktion besteht darin, Grundwörtern kennzeichnend zu dienen. Sie werden daher Beiwörter genannt, wie Artikel, die in der regel Substantive begleiten.

      • KCI등재

        동독의 언어 및 문법 연구에 나타난 기능의 의미

        조국현 한국독어독문학회 2002 獨逸文學 Vol.83 No.1

        Seit der Mitte der 20. Jahrhunderts spielt der Funktionsbergriif in der Sprachauffasssung und -beschreibung der ehemaligen DDR eine zentrale Rolle. Das Funktionskonzept geht davon aus, sprachliche Ausdru¨cke als Mittel bzw. Instrument zum Erzielen bestimmter kommunikativer Effekte zu betrachten. Die Vielschichtigkeit und Uneinheitlichkeit des Funktionsbegriffs ha¨ngt damit zusammen, dass die Sprach- und Grammatiktheorien, die der funktionalen Sprachforschung in der DDR zugrunde liegen, unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten sta¨ndig modifiziert worden sind. Danach la¨sst sich der Funktionsbegriff zuna¨chst auf zweifacher Weise charakterisieren: einerseits als sprachsystembezogene Kategorie, andererseits als sprachverwendungsbezogenen Kategorie. In der Anfangsphase der funktionalen Grammatik, die sich in den 60er Jahren etablierte, geht man einfach von der Wechselbeziehung zwischen Form besonders grammatischer Form und Funktion aus und bezeichnet grammatische und begriffliche Inhalte grammaticher Mittel als Funktion, wie Schmidt z.B. 'logischgrammatische Funktion' oder 'kommunikativ-grammatische Funktion' nennt. Dabei wird die Funktion in erster Linie auf die Wortebene bezogen, und zwar im grammatischen Bereich. Spa¨ter umfasst der Funktionsbegriff zwar noch die grammatische und lexiklasiche Entita¨t sprachlicher Ausdru¨cke, aber er wird lediglich im Rahmen des Sprachsystems verwendet. Erst in der funktional-kommunikativen Sprachbeschreibung, die seit den 70er Jahren fu¨r den Muttersprachen- und Fremdsprachenunterricht entwickelt worden ist, wird die Funktion nicht mehr nur als sprachintermes Pha¨nomen betrachtet. Unter holistischem Aspekt ist die Funktion der Sprache demnach die Zielgerichtetheit sprachlich-kommunikativer Ta¨tigkeit und ihrer konkreten Realisationen, die man Kommunikationsverfahren wie Bitten, Berichten, Vorschla¨gen, Zusammenfassen, Ero¨rtern usw. nennt, und zugleich die Zweckbestimmtheit des Sprachsystems, Textes und einzelner sprachlicher Mittel in ihrem anteiligen Zusammenwirken bei der Erreichung des Kommunikationsziels. Es wird dazu betont, dass Form und Funktion keinenfalls in der 1:1 Beziehung zueinander steht und dementsprechend ein bestimmtes Mittel oder ein bestimmtes Kommunikationsverfahren in einer Kommunikationssituation zur Realisierung des u¨bergeordneten Ziels pra¨ferentiell einzusetzen ist.

      • KCI등재
      • Markovian queueing network의 구조 안정성

        조국현 光云大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        This thesis presents the structural stability of OMQN and CMQN(Open and Closed Markovian Queueing Network). Namely, the concept of ergodic and stationary stability is introduced as the structural stability on the pertubation of routing matrix, mean arrival rate, and service rate vector which stipulate a structure of OMQN and CMQN, they are used as the method of structural stability analysis of Markovian system. Here, the stability of OMQN and CMQN is a equivalent concept and decribed as a general attribute of ergodic Queueing Markovian Network.

      • 中世 婦産科의 醫史學的 硏究

        조면휘,박현국 동국대학교 한의학연구소 1996 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        Obstetrics and Gynecology include gynecology which is concerned with the treatment for the disease based on physiology and pathology of women, and obstetrics which is concerned with pregnancy delivery. These obstetics and gynecology can be said to date from the birth of human beings. This paper has carried on the studies about the generating and developing process of obstetics and gynecology. The results of this study are as follow : Distinction in Northern and Southern Dynasties were much more Obstetrics and Gynecology studying the Obstetrics and Gynecology books in that time, the study about "oncosis" (?瘤) and forma of drug pill, powder, plaster were carried on. The highest distinction in Sui age were research and development on pathogenesis and cause of disease about Obstetrics and Gynecology disease and it was appeared representatively in "Zhubingyuanhoulun"「諸病源候論」 which was special book on cause of disease and pathogenesis and syndrome, And it was explained about abnormal vaginal discharge in this book Obstetrics and Bynecoiogy were developed on theory and clincis in Tang age when "Taiyshu"(太??暑) was established. Taiyshu"(太??暑) taked complete charge of medical operation and education, published much expellent Obstetrics and Gynecology books than the past. Among them specially "Qianjinyaofang"「千金要方」 explained Obstetrics and Gynecology matter first in three volumes and "Qianjinyifang"「千金要方』 explained this matter first in four volumes. This point indicate that Obstetrics and Gynecology's Importance was established in Tang age, so Obstetrics and Gynecology's developmental history, Song age was the acme period. "Taiyju"(太??局) was established in "xining"『??守』 9 year and Obstetrics belonged to one of nine departments under "Taiyju"(太??局), so Obstetrics and Gynecology was separated from the other medical parts and it was prepared of it's progressing bases independentIy and appeared of changes in quality and increase in quantity about theory and prescription of Obstetrics and Gynecology, specially determination of treatment based on the differentiation of symptoms and sighs was taked a serious view. Besides four great physicians in Jing and Yuan dynasies diversified Obstetrics and Gynecology contents through their only medical theory and clinical treatment.

      • 폴리에스테르 섬유 감량시스템용 프로세서 타이트레이터 개발

        조진호,이흥락,이종현,김명남,구성모,김무영,진경찬,유병희,강민수,김국진 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1993 연차보고서 Vol.1993 No.-

        폴리에스테르 섬유 감량시스템의 제어를 위해서는 처리조 내에서 감량되는 섬유가 목표 감량치에 도달했는지를 판단해 주는 장치가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 가성소다용액의 초농도 및 섬유 감량 정도의 정확한 측정과 감량 종료시간의 산출 및 이에 따른 종료신호를 발생할 수 있는 폴리에스테르 섬유 감량기 전용의 자동적정장치를 개발하였다. To control caustic soda treatment system for the polyester fabric reduction, we need the device to determine that the fabric has been arrived target reduction value. In this study, we develope an automatic process titrator for the caustic soda treatment system. Major functions of the target titrating system are accurate measurements of the caustic soda concentration and then producing the end point signal for caustic soda treatment system.

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