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      • KCI등재

        ‘마음의 분화’의 비언어적 측면

        김정래 한국교육철학회 2012 교육철학 Vol.48 No.-

        The paper has tried to examine the meaning of the differentiation of mind regarded as 'educatedness'. There are two main aspects of the differentiation of mind: the logical aspect of school subjects and the psychological aspect of mind. As already argued, the two are to be integrated for the progressing feature of mind development. Though, a problem arises from the process of this integration which cannot restrict to the articulated domain of the content. Ryle's knowing-how, Hayek's muddling, and Polanyi's tacit knowing respectively throw light on the significance of non-articulated domain of human knowledge, both in the epistemological and educational contexts. The non-artificial meaning of common sense has also been taken into account. The tacit dimension takes part in the process in which children as well as scientists try to inquire their own topics and plays an important role for recognizing things and formating relevant concepts for them, which Polanyi has demonstrated this in his Tacit Dimension. This would require so-called 'academic freedom' for the better state of human knowledge. For this the progressivsts and romantists indeed tend to reject the tradition for the these inquiries, which for Polanyi is a detrimental mistake. Whether or not we recognize the articulation of educational content, we never fail to accept the tradition for the growth of understanding and the development of mind in order to be educated in terms of the differentiation of mind.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        인간, AI, 미술의 시각작업: M. 폴라니의 ‘암묵적 차원’을 통한 고찰

        강수미 현대미술학회 2023 현대미술학 논문집 Vol.27 No.2

        In contemporary visual work, human, AI technology, and art processes are convergent and interactive. These media conditions require a more expanded perspective and understanding of human cognitive ability and senses, creativity, expertise, and artistic criteria. In this context, my research explores the basis for judging the relationship between a creation by humans and a visualization by technology, focusing on Michael Polanyi’s theory of Tacit Dimension and Roy Lichtenstein’s Comic Pop Art. First, I explain Polanyi’s theory, which illuminates the tacit dimension of human knowledge and performance. Then I discuss computer science’s development direction and limitations through three paradoxes (Menon’s paradox, Polanyi’s paradox, and Moravec’s paradox). Next, I analyze a tacit dimension and creativity in Lichtenstein’s paintings which appropriate the comic cuts. These include his ability to comprehensively read the art world based on accumulated artistic practices and experimentations and his strategy of presenting new creativity in the painting by intentionally choosing technical imitation instead of the artist’s autonomy. Today’s Image-generating AI learns from data that labels Lichtenstein’s paintings as his visual elements and artistic patterns. In that respect, generative AI machine learning takes Lichtenstein’s creative characteristics from the process he trained the mechanical vision and imitated the technical expressions of printed comics by hand. In conclusion, my paper suggests an interdisciplinary understanding of the loop interactive paradigm of humans, technology, and art and the tacit dimension of artists.

      • KCI등재

        신체활동의 묵시적 측면에 대한 현상학적 탐색

        김방출 ( Bang Chool Kim ),이영국 ( Young Kuk Lee ) 한국스포츠정책과학원(구 한국스포츠개발원) 2011 체육과학연구 Vol.22 No.4

        최근 신체활동이란 개념이 국내 스포츠교육학계에 회자되고 있는 시점에서 신체활동의 묵시적 측면을 현상학적인 관점으로 드러내야겠다는 취지로 이 연구가 수행되었다. 신체활동의 묵시적 측면이란 신체활동의 ``정보``에 해당되는 명시적 측면과 대비되는 개념으로서 신체활동의 ``판단``에 상응하며 신체활동 참여자의 신체활동 체험을 토대로 간접적으로 드러낼 수밖에 없는 개념이다. 자료의 수집은 연구자 및 제보자의 운동일지를 토대로 이뤄졌으며 자기분석, 주제화, 태도변경 등의 분석 방법을 통하여 신체활동의 묵시적 측면을 드러내었다. 결국, 연구자의 신체활동에 대한 체험을 반성한 결과, ``사단의 존재``와 ``자연 및 사람과의 교감`` 이 주제화되었으며, 제보자의 신체활동 경험을 해석한 결과, ``만남을 통한 좋은 감정의 발생``과 ``교학상장``을 파악할 수 있었다. 마지막절에서는 신체활동의 묵시적 측면을 고양하기 위해서 생활체육지도자와 체육교사의 역할 등을 제언하였다. The interest in physical activity has recently been renewed in the field of sport pedagogy. This paper aimed to examine the tacit dimension of physical activity from the phenomenological perspectives. The tacit dimension of physical activity is the opposite concept of explicit dimension which refers to information about physical activity. As the meaning of tacit dimension of physical activity was difficult to be captured, the method of phenomenological reflection and interpretation was used to unveil the consciousness of the person. As a result, the reflection grasped the theme of ``four character`s being`` and ``keeping in touch with nature and human being,`` while the interpretation found ``generating good emotions through meeting others`` and ``learner and teacher`s growing.`` This paper suggests some roles that instructors and PE teachers can play in order to cultivate the tacit dimension of physical activity.

      • M. Polanyi의 인식론에 함의된 ‘당사자적 지식’의 성격

        이진희(Lee Jin Hee) 공주대학교 교육연구소 2009 교육연구 Vol.23 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 폴라니의 인식론(認識論)에 나타난‘당사자적 지식’(Personal Knowledge)의 성격을 규명해 보고자 하는데 있다. 전통적ㆍ분석적 인식론 측면에서의 지식이 명시적이고 객관적이며 주지주의적인 측면을 강조하였다면, 폴라니는 이에 대한 대안으로 ‘당사자적 지식’이라는 새로운 개념을 통해 지식을 설명하고 있다. 그에 따르면 지식은 인식의 주체가 되는 당사자와 분리될 수 없는 ‘암묵적 차원’(tacit dimension)을 지니며 인식주체와 분리된 지식은 지식이 될 수 없다. 폴라니는 당사자적 지식을 주체와 분리되지 않는 암묵적 차원(tacit dimension)인 ‘초점식’(焦點識: focal awareness)과 ‘보조식’(補助識: subsidiary awareness)이라는 두가지 개념을 사용하여 지식획득과정을 설명하는 데 초점식과 보조식은 상호기능을 통해 지식의 획득과정이 이루어지며, 보조식과 초점식은 분리된 것이 아니라, 보조식은 새로운 초점식의 암묵적 뿌리가 된다고 보았다. 폴라니에게 있어서 ‘당사자적 지식’이라는 말은 지식의 발견이나 학습과정에 인식 주체인 당사자의 열정과 헌신을 가지고 참여한다는 말이다. 폴라니는 절대적이며 객관적인 지식을 강조하는 전통적인 인식론에 반대하면서 발견(發見)과 설득(說得)이라는 개선된 인식을 향해 나아갈 수 있는 방법을 제시하고 있다. 발견과 설득은 가르침과 배움이라는 교육활동의 두 축으로 나타낼 수 있으며 교육은 자아(自我) 당사자의 성장을 도모하는 배움과 타아(他我)의 성장을 조력하는 가르침으로 구성된다. 배움은 자신의 것과는 논리적 간극이 있는 인식을 대상으로 좀더 개선된 인식의 진리성을 ‘자증’(自證)하는 과정이며, 가르침은 자신의 인식보다 수준이 낮은 상대를 향상시켜 자신의 인식이 진리롭다는 점을 ‘타증’(他證)하는 활동으로 가르침과 배움은 상호 공조적인 교육적 관계속에서 이루어져야 한다. The purpose of this study is to explicate the nature of knowledge in the view of Polanyi’s theory of knowledge. For this purpose, the traditional and analytical epistemology were examined and Polanyi’s concept of “Personal Knowledge” was interpreted as the essential meaning of knowledge. In the tradional epistemology, which is represented as rationalism and empiricism, “innate ideas” and “sensational data” were considered as the basis of certainty. In the perspecitive of analytical epistemology, certainty and objectivity of knowledge depend on whether it suffice the three conditions such as belief condion, proof condition, and truth condition as the certain one, which clarified the objectivity of knowledge further. However it cannot provide us an adequate explanation of knowledge acquisition in the context of teaching and learning school subjects. On the other hand, Polanyi explains the knowledge through the new concept of “Personal Knowledge”. It is composed of two aspects of subsidiary awareness as a tacit aspect and focal awareness as a formulated aspect. The focal indicates the new knowledge acquired, which can be manifested, however the subsidiary contributes the acquisition of new knowledge as tacit dimension, which cannot be manifested. Tacit dimension can hardly be transferred to the other persons through linquistic interactions. It can be taught and learned by persuasion and discovery. The acquiring process of the personal knowledge with the nature and the relation like this is composed of the process of persuasion and heuristics. Persuasion of teaching is teacher’s activity and heuristics of learning is studen’s activity. Heuristics is to be possibility through persuasion, persuasion was to be itself by heuristics. Therefore, when it is accord with persuasion of teachers and heuristics of student, acquirement of knowledge can completed.

      • KCI등재

        생명윤리 관련 고교 과제연구의 융합교육적 접근

        윤영돈 ( Young Don Yoon ),이희연 ( Hee Yeon Lee ),류지수 ( Ji Su Ryu ),이경아 ( Kyung Ah Lee ),김해원 ( Hae Won Kim ),변아영 ( A Yeong Byeon ) 한국윤리교육학회 2015 윤리교육연구 Vol.0 No.36

        본 연구는 “배아 복제 연구의 윤리성에 관한 고찰”을 주제로 실시한 인천 연수여자고등학교의 과제연구 사례를 생명윤리에 대한 융합교육적 접근이라는 틀로 논구하였다. 이를 위해 먼저 융합교육의 필요성과 모델을 살펴보고, 융합교육이 지닌 암묵적 차원으로서 창의.인성 교육의 가능성을 이론적 배경과 함께 제시하였다. 과제연구(R&E)를 수행한 학생연구원들의 후기를 살펴볼 때, 진정성 있는 태도로 수행한 융합교육적 과제연구는 다음과 같은 학술적 가치뿐만 아니라 일정 부분 도덕적 가치도 지닐 수 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 먼저, 학문적 글쓰기와 말하기 능력 향상은 물론이고 연구문제에 오랜 시간 몰입하는 과정에서 지적 열정과 창조적 힘을 체험하였다. 다음으로 자신의 진로 및 전공을 탐색하고, 동일한 주제에 대한 관점의 다각화와 통합이라는 융합적 접근의 의미를 이해하였다. 또한 각자 맡은 역할과 책임을 감당하면서 팀장은 리더십을, 그리고 팀원들은 팔로 우십을 체득할 수 있었다. 끝으로 융합교육의 관점에서 과제연구를 체계적으로 수행함으로써 인성핵심 역량과 창의적인 지식 생산자로서의 몰입 및 성취감, 즉 창의.인성을 함양할 수 있었다. In the perspective of convergence education approach to bioethics, this study elucidated the case of ‘research & education’(R&E) of Yeonsu Girls High School whose topic was “An Ethical Review of the Cloning of a Human Embryo Research.” For this, we treated the necessity of ‘convergence education’(CE) and its model, and then proposed the possibility of creativity & character education as tacit dimension which CE throws open the door to. According to the postscripts of student researchers, CE shows academic and moral worth as follows. CE improved writing and speaking ability and inspired intellectual passion & creative power in the flow experience absorbed with research problem. Through CE, student researchers searched their major & career and learned the significance of the diversification of perspective and communication & convergence between disciplines about the same topic. And team leader experienced leadership, team members followship, in the course of doing their role & task. Most of all, student researchers cultivated character core competency as well as flow experience & satisfaction as creative knowledge producer by implementing their R&E focused on convergence education.

      • KCI등재

        통합교과와 교과교육론의 공통과제

        김승호 ( Seung Ho Kim ) 한국초등교육학회 2009 초등교육연구 Vol.22 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to explore the common problem of curriculum integration and theory of teaching a subject. Even thought student learns diverse subjects in each different place and time, the result of learning must be placed in same student` mind. In terms of this tacit dimension of a subject, if curriculum integration has not any relation with integration in student` mind, it has no basis as a theory of teaching. Also, This study interprets the `mode` theory of Oakeshott as giving explanation to the common problem. A subject as `mode` is not partial substance, but abstract world of idea. A subject as `mode` is not a separable part of reality, but the whole of experience from a limited view of the totality of experience. But, a subject as `mode` is defective, and therefore the totality of experience can not be explained in term of a subject as `mode` or some. The relation of these abstract worlds of ideas to the totality of experience is so important. A `conversation` or `encounter` of subjects as modes in a certain moment contributes to the totality of experience. Divergent subjects as modes, conflicting and harmonizing with each other, make up for defects or limits, which each subjects as `mode` can not avoid in attempting to express the totality of experience. On the basis of education of whole man, there is no way to justify a subject only by itself. The authentic justification of a subject is up to how much a certain subject, combined with other subjects, contributes to the development of whole personality of a student. curriculum integration and theory of teaching a subject has a indispensable relationship like each sides of the same coin. Curriculum integration and theory of teaching a subject have a problem in common, in that curriculum integration and theory of teaching a subject have excluded each other on purpose or not, therefore both together have forgotten basic concept like education of whole man.

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