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      • An acoustic study on interactions between domain-initial strengthening and stress in English : 영어의 운율영역 초 강화와 강세의 상호작용에 관한 음향학적 연구

        김지승 한양대학교 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 2940

        본 연구는 영어에서 나타나는 운율 영역 초 강화현상(Prosodic domain-initial strengthening)에 대한 실험을 바탕으로 하고 있다. 영어에서 운율 영역(Prosodic domain)이란 발화를 운율과 리듬을 기준으로 나눈 것으로서, 주로 영역의 처음 부분과 끝 부분의 소리가 길고 커지는 것을 신호로 구분할 수 있다. 특히 본 연구에서는 이러한 운율 영역 초 강화현상과 영어의 2음절 단어에 나타나는 두 가지의 단어 강세(Lexical stress)의 종류가 어떻게 상호작용 하는지를 음향학적으로 분석해 보고자 하였다. 이전까지의 운율 영역 초 강화현상에 관한 연구들은 대부분 영어의 단어 중에서도 강약격(Trochaic)의 강세를 갖는 단어를 주요한 분석 대상으로 삼아왔다. 그러나 이러한 경우에는 단어에 내재하고 있는 강-약의 리듬 때문에, 단어의 첫 부분에 이미 단어 강세에 의한 장음화(Lengthening)와 강화현상이 나타날 수 있고, 그러므로 진정한 의미에서의 운율 영역 초 강화현상만을 설명하였다고 보기 어렵다는 해석이 가능하다. 그리하여 본 연구에서는 영어 단어가 약강격(Iambic)의 강세를 갖는 2음절의 영어단어와, 그 단어와 소리가 비슷하지만 강약격의 강세를 갖는 마찬가지로 2음절의 영어단어를 한꺼번에 비교하고, 각 단어에서 운율 영역 초 강화현상이 어떻게 나타나는지 알아보는 것을 주된 목적으로 하였다. 여기서 세울 수 있는 가설은 단어 강세가 운율 영역 초 강화현상과 함께할 때에만 강화현상이 유의미한 크기만큼 일어난다는 것과, 반대로 단어강세가 단어의 첫 음절에 존재하지 않더라도 운율 영역 초 강화현상 만으로 첫 음절이 유의미하게 강화된다는 것 두 가지로 나눌 수 있다. 또한 본 연구는 영어에서 그 동안 자주 연구되지 않았던 유성자음(Voiced consonant)에 대해서도 분석하였다. 이전의 연구들은 주로 운율 영역 초 강화현상이나 영어의 문장강세(Pitch-accent)에 의한 장음화 현상(Accentual lengthening)에 의해 영어의 무성음이 갖는 음운적/음성적 자질 중 어떤 것이 어떤 방식으로 강화되는지를 주로 보여주었다. 그러나 영어의 무성음이 강화현상에 영향을 받을 때 좀 더 자음과 같은 성격을 띠게 되는 데에 반해, 유성자음이 어떤 방식으로 강화되는지 연구된 바가 적었다. 본 연구는, 영어의 /b, d/라는 유성자음이, 단어 강세와 결합한 또는 결합하지 않은 운율 영역 초 강화현상에 의해 어떤 자질을 강화시키는지 알아보고자 하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 영어에서 운율 영역 초 강화현상이 약강격을 띠는 단어의 첫 음절에서도 나타난다는 것을 보여줌으로써 운율 영역 초 강화현상은 단어 강세와 결합하지 않고 독자적으로 작용하는 현상이라는 것을 밝혔다. 또한 이러한 운율 영역 초 강화현상은 문장강세와 다른 방식으로 단어의 강화에 영향을 미쳤다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 먼저 운율 영역 초 강화현상은 대개 단어의 첫 번째 자음에 집중적으로 영향을 미치고 그 다음에 오는 모음이나 다음 음절에는 유의미한 영향을 보여주지 않았다. 즉 운율 영역의 경계(boundary)에 가까운 소리를 강화시켜 단어의 경계를 더욱 쉽게 인지하도록 하였음을 추측할 수 있었다. 반면에 문장강세는 강조가 되는 단어를 전반적으로 더 길고 큰 소리로 발화함으로써 단어의 모든 소리를 강화시켰다. 즉 단어 자체의 인지를 더욱 쉽게 만들어주는 방향으로 작용하였다고 볼 수 있다. 또한 이 연구에서는 영어의 유성 자음이 영어의 무성 자음과는 다른 방식으로 강화된다는 사실을 보여주었다. 먼저 영어의 무성 자음은 본 연구에서도 이전 연구들의 결과와 마찬가지로 기식현상(aspiration)과 발성시차(Voice Onset Time)을 크고 길게 만드는 방향으로 강화되었다. 그러나 영어의 유성자음은 어떤 강화현상의 영향 아래 있느냐에 따라 다른 양상을 보여주었다. 운율 영역 초 강화현상의 영향을 받았을 때 유성자음은 마치 무성자음과 같이 자음의 자질들인 기식현상과 발성시차를 크고 길게 만드는 방식으로 강화되었다. 그러나 문장강세의 영향을 받았을 때 유성자음은 유성음으로서의 자질을 강화시키는 방향으로 강화되는 모습을 보였다. 즉 전자의 방향은 유성자음이 그 다음에 오는 모음과의 대비를 좀 더 분명하게 만드는 효과를 보여주었다고 할 수 있으며, 후자의 방향은 유성자음이 무성자음과의 대비를 더욱 분명하게 만드는 효과를 보여주었다고 할 수 있을 것이다. The present study was motivated by the fact that previous studies on the effects of domain-initial strengthening have been mostly focusing on the lexically stressed initial syllables of a word in English. Therefore, in this acoustic experiment, 4 different lexically unstressed initial syllables of a disyllabic word were tested against 4 different lexically stressed counterparts. It is hypothesized that if the lexically unstressed initial syllable shows any effects of domain-initial strengthening, such effects are supposed to be purely driven by domain-initial strengthening as the initial syllable is exempt from the prominence induced by the lexical stress. Moreover, because the locus for pitch-accent is shifted when the stress pattern is modified, the effects of domain-initial strengthening and accent-induced strengthening was expected to interact with each other. Also examined was the onset consonant of the test words. The voiced stop consonants /b,d/ under the effects of domain-initial strengthening as well as accent-induced strengthening was tested against their voiceless counterparts /p,t/ in order to investigate the way the voiced consonants enhance their phonetic qualities. The results of the experiment confirmed that the effects of domain-initial strengthening may stand alone regardless of the existence of the lexical stress in the affected initial syllable. However, this effect was observed only in the onset consonant of the initial syllable but it did not spread to the following vowel. This could be interpreted as the scope of the pure domain-initial strengthening effects is limited to the onset consonant. As for the scope of the accentual lengthening, not only the results confirmed the conclusions from the previous studies in that the influence of the accentual lengthening was the strongest in the lexically stressed syllable, but also the results showed that the influence could be spread leftwards as well as rightwards within the affected prosodic word. From the results, it seems that the accentuation effect is used to enhance the entire lexical word while the domain-initial strengthening only enhances the segments that are nearest to the prosodic boundary. This could be interpreted as the difference between the facilitation of lexical recognition versus the facilitation of phrasing by prosodic boundary. The results regarding the voicing contrast enhancement suggest that the voiceless consonant becomes more consonant-like, implying a type of syntagmatic contrast enhancement strategy. The voiced consonant behaved differently depending on the source of prosodic strengthening. When the consonant was under the influence of domain-initial strengthening, it showed greater aspiration, similar to the voiceless consonant. However, the voiced consonant became more sonorant when it was influenced by the accent-induced strengthening, which is suggestive of a type of paradigmatic contrast enhancement.

      • Tailor-made design of complex concentrated alloys

        오현석 서울대학교 대학원 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 2939

        Complex concentrated alloys (CCAs; CCAs that have more than four elements are also referred to as high entropy alloys) are a new alloy development philosophy in which the base alloy has a significant fraction of multiple principal elements. CCAs have attracted worldwide attention as strong candidates to solve problems owing to their useful performances, such as superior mechanical properties at all temperature ranges and good irradiation resistance. Much of the interest in CCAs stems from the belief that the atomic-level complexity, which originates from the large number of principal elements would provide profound effects, such as the lattice distortion effect, the sluggish diffusion effect, the irradiation resistance, and the solid-solution strengthening. However, the correlation between the complexity and the resultant properties has not yet been thoroughly understood. As a result, the advantage of so many degrees of freedom for alloy design of CCAs is diminished by a lack of mixing rules, rendering alloy design an empirical try-and-error undertaking. Therefore, to make a useful guide for the new CCA designs, a simple parameter is required to reflect the atomic environments of CCAs in a physically meaningful way so that they can be directly related to properties. In CCAs, all constituent elements are solute and solvent, and every element interacts with the stress field of dislocations, thereby increasing or decreasing the elastic strain energy of the system and resulting in solid-solution strengthening. Thus, the solid-solution strengthening effect is one of the representative phenomena that reflect atomic-level complexity in CCAs, which can also be related to macroscopic mechanical and functional properties influenced by the complexity. In this thesis, the relationship between atomic-level complexity and its influence on properties, in particular solid-solution strengthening, is investigated. CCAs with face-centered cubic (FCC) phase consisting of late 3d transition metal elements (i.e., V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni) are mainly discussed (Here we call them 3d CCAs). These alloys have been considered to have outstanding mechanical properties, and some commercial alloys, such as austenitic steels and γ matrix of a superalloy, belong to this group, which implies a high possibility of new commercial alloys. First, we analyzed the local atomic structure of 3d CCAs by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) to measure the elemental average atomic sizes of consisting elements. From the obtained structural information, we predicted the solid-solution strengths by applying the atomic size difference among the constituting elements to the existing model on the basis of elasticity theory. However, the predicted solid-solution strengths do not match well with the experimentally measured values. In order to interpret this mismatch, we calculated the atomic structure using density function theory (DFT) and found that the fluctuation of bond lengths due to the dissimilar local atomic configurations, which is usually ignored for dilute alloys, has a significant impact on the solid-solution strengthening of CCAs, which introduces higher degree of complexity problem in CCAs. As a second approach, we calculated the atomic-level pressure of each element in 3d CCAs, which is the cause of solid-solution strengthening, using DFT calculation. We found that the atomic-level pressure of individual atoms originates from the charge transfer between a center atom and its surrounding atoms. This was also confirmed with an experimental study by measuring volume strain of each element in 3d CCAs using EXAFS and plotting with charge transfer. This means that the atomic-level pressure in 3d CCAs is attributed to the electronic effect rather than the elastic interaction of constituent elements. In order to utilize this concept for an alloy design strategy, we tried descending the degree of complexities in 3d CCAs. Through a statistical approach, we found that both values of ‘deviation of average elemental atomic-level pressure’ and ‘deviation of atomic-level pressure due to the variance in local atomic configurations’ are linearly proportional to each other. This makes it possible to estimate a higher degree complexity (configurational deviations) using a lower degree complexity (elemental deviations), which can be identified experimentally. As a result, we were able to theoretically explain the proportional relationship between electronegativity difference and solid-solution strengths in the 3d CCAs. Based on the aforementioned discussion, we constructed an electronegativity-mixing entropy diagram that shows the relationship between chemical complexity and complexity induced by deviation of atomic-level pressure, i.e., solid-solution strengthening. All possible combinations of 3d transition metal elements (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) are included in the diagram. The area of the 3d CCAs has inverse C-shape boundary, which means that (1) the mixing entropy does not have a strong correlation with solid-solution strengthening, and (2) there is a region where the mixing entropy should be decreased to obtain greater solid-solution strengthening effects. Thus, we concluded that there is no strong correlation between the chemical complexity and the deviation (i.e. complexity) of atomic-level pressure in 3d CCAs. One may argue that the chemical complexity is no longer important for CCAs as the complexity of atomic-level pressure are closely related to the lattice distortion effect and the sluggish diffusion effect, which are CCA’s two ‘core effects’ among the four. Changing the composition from the Cantor alloy, we developed twin-induced plasticity (TWIP) and transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) CCAs by decreasing stacking fault energies while maintaining the deviation of atomic-level pressure, i.e., solid-solution strength, in order to show that there are many factors that we can manipulate besides complexity of atomic-level pressure. The change of deformation mechanisms from dislocation gliding to TWIP and TRIP increases the strain hardening rate of the CCAs, enhancing both ultimate tensile strength and the percentage of uniform elongation without loss of yield strengths. The development of these new CCAs was possible due to the freedom in manipulating composition, which implies that chemical complexity is also important for the design of new CCAs for the vastness of composition space. Additionally, we discussed asymmetry of atomic-level pressure-induced element-specific properties in CCAs. Atomic-level pressure of an element includes the information of anharmonicity of lattice potential and represents the resistance of it against displacement. As a result, element-specific properties, such as atomic displacements, diffusivity, and preferential site of interstitial elements show asymmetric behavior upon atomic-level pressure. Consequently, the deviation of atomic-level pressure dominantly affects the degree of lattice distortion, the diffusivity of substitutional elements, and the solubility of interstitial elements, which are crucial for engineering applications. Through this research, we distinguished the previous concept of complexity in CCAs into two categories: chemical complexity for the vastness of composition space and complexity of atomic-level pressure reflecting fluctuation of lattice potential energies. We believe that the tailor-made design of CCAs is possible when both complexities are investigated well for the desired elemental combinations.

      • Combined effects of ultrasonic melt treatment and Cu/Mg solute on strengthening and microstructural refinement for Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys

        김수배 Graduate School, Yonsei University 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 2906

        Hypo-eutectic Al-Si-Cu-Mg cast alloys are most widely used for automobile component among the various Al cast alloys due to their good castability, relatively high strength, high resistance to corrosion, good weldability and low coefficient of thermal expansion etc. The microstructure of these alloys consists of coarse dendritic α-Al, coarse needle-like eutectic Si and various intermetallic compounds (IMC) which are formed by addition of alloying elements, mainly Cu and Mg. Because the coarse dendritic α-Al and needle-like eutectic Si have detrimental to mechanical properties of the alloys, various microstructural refinement methods such as addition of refiner, rapid solidification and mechanical stirring are usually employed. Among mechanical stirring methods, ultrasonic melt treatment (UST) has been raised as the promising method due to its economic and environmental friendliness. Pioneer researchers have successfully obtained the microstructural refinement and improvement of the mechanical properties of hypoeutectic Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys, by employing UST. Two most important phenomena of UST, cavitation and acoustic streaming, has been suggested to account for the microstructural refinement of α-Al grain and various primary phases formed in the initial stage of solidification. On the other hand, its effect on solute behavior at the final stage of solidification has been less understood. The strength of Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys mainly depend on Cu/Mg solutes which induce solid solution strengthening and precipitation strengthening. In addition, Cu and Mg solutes form IMC at the final stage of solidification. Therefore, such a lack of understanding for the interactive effect of solute with UST could limit the exact interpretation of following important issues achieved through UST : 1) ultrasonically induced strengthening of the alloys and 2) alloying design using UST. Thus, the current study aims to investigate the effect of UST on Cu and Mg solute during solidification of hypoeutectic Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys. Based on this, the author tried to achieve following purposes ; 1) interpretation of microstructural refinement and strengthening induced by UST, 2) investigation each roles of Cu and Mg which are main alloying elements for the alloy under UST. According to the purposes, in chapter 3, the role of UST on solute behavior during solidification of hypoeutectic Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy was investigated. Furthermore, based on the solute effect under UST, strengthening by UST was tried to be interpreted. UST was applied to Al-7Si-2Cu-1Mg alloy at a temperature about 100 oC higher than liquidus of the alloys. UST did not refine grain, and instead decreased secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS). It was found that MgAl2O4 particles naturally present in the alloys are well wetted by UST and induces hyper-branching dendrite, leading to SDAS refinement. IMCs were more uniformly distributed by UST compared to absence of UST. Quantitative analysis on volume fraction of IMC confirmed that UST reduced micro-segregation, suppressing formation of IMC formed at the final stage of solidification, along with the decrease in SDAS. In addition, as the micro-segregation decreased, solubility of solute in α-Al matrix increased. The mathematical model of yield strength predicted that the strengthening by UST attributes to increment of solid solution strengthening due to increase in solute content in Al matrix. In chapter 4, each role of Cu and Mg under UST on the microstructure and tensile properties was investigated by varying Cu (0-4 wt.%) and Mg (0.35-1.00 wt.%) content. It was found that UST was ineffective in refining grain but reduced micro-segregation with SDAS refinement. However, with increasing Cu content, SDAS refinement efficiency decreased and IMC volume fraction of the alloy with UST becomes similar with that of the alloy without UST. On the other hand, as Mg content increases, SDAS of the alloy with UST decreased and the effect of decreasing IMC volume fraction by UST was also increased. This is due to the increase in numbers of MgAl2O4 particles finely dispersed by UST, which can somehow affect the SDAS refinement. With UST, Cu solute in refining grain size and SDAS diminished while, an increase in Mg led to structural refinement. A significant reduction in grain size through Mg addition combined with UST may be associated with the formation of finely dispersed MgAl2O4 particles with the increase in the number density. The most significant increase in yield strength was achieved for the Al-7Si-2Cu-1Mg alloy with UST where SDAS was well refined. In chapter 5, the effect of UST on primary α-Al grain refinement was investigated. In the previous chapters, UST did not induce the grain refinement. The absence of the grain refinement under UST is mainly explained by high temperature of melt and reduction in nucleation particles size. However these interpretations are still in controversial. Thus, Ultrasonic melt treatment (UST) was applied to Al-7Si-2Cu-1Mg melt at various temperatures of 620, 650, 700 and 785 oC. MgAl2O4 particles which were often found to be densely populated along oxide films, became effectively dispersed and well-wetted by UST. Transmission electron microscopy work combined with crystallography analysis clearly indicates that MgAl2O4 particles can act as α-Al nucleation site with the aid of UST. However, with UST, grain refinement occurred only at temperature of 620 oC and the grain size increased from 97 to 351 μm with increase of melt temperature to 785 oC for UST. In quantitative analysis of grain size and MgAl2O4 particle diameter, it was found that ultrasonic de-agglomeration decreased mean particle size of the MgAl2O4 particles, significantly reducing size from 1.2 to 0.4 μm when temperature increased from 620 to 785 oC. Such a size reduction with increased number of MgAl2O4 particles does not always guarantee grain refinement. Thus, in this work, detailed condition for achieving grain refinement by UST is discussed based on quantitative measurement. Furthermore, we tried to suggest the most valid grain refinement mechanism among the known mechanisms by investigation of the relationship between grain size and particle size with variation of melt temperature.

      • 나노 석출물 분산 고강도 저합금강의 구리첨가 영향

        신영민 高麗大學校 大學院 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 2874

        High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) steels can be usually made by adding minor alloying additions such as Ti, Nb and V to low carbon steel with controlled rolling and precipitation strengthening. Recent advancements in the automotive sector focuses on development of steels with light weight and good stability in order to improve the fuel efficiency and also by keeping the present view of global warming and raising crude oil prices. In this study we have investigated the complex precipitation strengthening mechanism of TiMoC and Cu precipitates by maintaining ductility which is responsible for both elongation and formability of HSLA steels. Experiments were designed by different combinations of alloy chemistry, precipitates, compression testing, hot rolling and heat treatment after optimizing at each stage. Microstructure, precipitation mechanisms, and mechanical properties were thoroughly investigated by Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Small angle neutron scattering (SANS), Tensile and Hardness testing. Moreover strengthening effect of nano-precipitates studied by both Ashby-Orowan and Rusell-Brown theories. Superior complex precipitation strengthening effect (tensile strength 865MPa) was obtained when the steel consists of both TiMoC and Cu precipitates without sacrificing elongation, which is 12.5% higher than that of steel consists of only TiMoC precipitates. Strengthening effect of “Cu” precipitates was found to be in between 140 to 227 MPa, which was obtained by quantitative analysis of Ashby-Orowan and Rusell-Brown theories. Based on our experimental results and theoretical calculations, it is possible to obtain a steel of 1GPa strength without sacrificing elongation by increased grain refinement and higher volume fraction of “Cu” precipitation.

      • BIM Simulation on Strategic Positioning and Structural Strengthening of Main Shelter-in-Place in SOC Structures

        Kim, Young-Hwi 고려대학교 대학원 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 2859

        As the only divided country in the world, Korea is exposed to the CBRE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Explosive attacks) situation. Therefore, to protect citizens in such a situation, the government has assigned evacuation facilities nationwide so that citizens can evacuate when they got. Evacuation facilities are installed and operated in a total of 23,727 subway stations, basements of buildings, tunnels, and parking lots, including 4,114 in Seoul, 4,554 in Gyeonggi, and 1,911 in Busan. Recently, as BIM (Building Information Modeling) design is mandatory for infrastructure projects, most newly constructed structures are designed with 3D models including information. However, most of the facilities designated as evacuation facilities were designed without considering the capacity or location of the SIP (Shelter In Place) when designing as operating facilities. This study reviews the effect on evacuation time when designing subway stations and apartments considering the location and capacity of SIP, whether the elevators are used, and the speed, compared to the case where it is not designed. In addition, it will be studied how the geometric shape of facilities located in the evacuation route differs from overseas standards and how it affects the evacuation time. First, Considering the capacity and location of the SIP and the evacuation route, it will be studied deep into a subject how it affects the evacuation time compared to the existing case. However, even if design data such as drawing and BIM model exists for public facilities, there are many cases where facilities are changed or added during operation, and there are often no final as-built drawings reflecting this. Therefore, to simulate the evacuation of public facilities, reverse engineering was performed on the final as-built model using laser scanning. During reverse engineering, evacuation by attaching a target to stairs or doors, which are geometric elements that have a great influence on evacuation time simulations were performed more accurately. Second, the stairway that has the greatest influence on gait speed in the evacuation route is a bottleneck as occupants are driven from wide spaces to narrow stairs during evacuation. Since it is slow compared to the speed, the geometry information of the stairs can have a big influence on the evacuation. Therefore, it will be reviewed domestic standards for shape information of evacuation stairs and overseas standards such as IBS (International Building Code) & LSC (NFPA 101, Life Safety Code), NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), and BRE report (Building Research Facility). Third, there are two types of SIP facilities: Government-Support Facilities and Designated Facilities for Public Use. In the case of public facilities, it is proposed in 'A Study on the Improvement of Civil Defense Resident Shelter Standards (2016)' that facilities that are outdated or do not have structural durability (more than 20 years or less than 300mm in wall thickness) should be excluded as SIP. Therefore, in this study, the optimal reinforcement method for structural reinforcement to secure the structural durability of public facilities that do not meet the above criteria is studied through experiments.

      • 용융가압함침법으로 제작된 철강기지복합재의 열처리 및 강화재 분율에 따른 인장특성 고찰

        오누리 창원대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 2859

        In this study, tensile properties of TiC reinforced SKD11 tool steel matrix composites were investigated with different heat-treatment conditions and volume fractions of reinforcement. TiC is well-known for reinforcement in Fe-matrix because of its high melting point, low density and elastic modulus and especially exhibits good melt wettability with iron and steel matrices. Generally, TiC-Fe composites have been produced by powder metallurgy, but there are some problems such as a high cost, mechanical properties and a limitation of enlargement. In order to overcome these problems, TiC-SKD11 composite manufactured by infiltration having high volume fraction of TiC, could have cost-effectiveness and feasibility of enlargement, as compared to that of powder metallurgy. TiC reinforced SKD11 matrix composites fabricated by powder metallurgy and infiltration have high volume fraction of TiC particles(43%, 53%, 64%). Especially, TiC-SKD11 composite fabricated by infiltration showed a homogeneous distribution of TiC within the matrix. The complete infiltration of the molten steel was confirmed from the microstructure showing that the penetration of the liquid metal reached geometrically complex regions without any interfacial flaws. The results about atomic arrays obtained from HRTEM show that TiC and steel atoms are connected through semi-coherent nature, i. g. . Tensile tests were conducted at 25, 700, 750 and 800 ℃. The composite exhibited the enhanced strength compared with the unreinforced SKD11 and its reinforcement was most effective at 800 oC. After tensile test, fracture behaviors of the TiC-SKD11 composite were investigated using SEM (scanning electron microscope) by investigating microstructures below fractured surface. At 25 and 700 oC, cracks almost initiated at Cr-rich M7C3 carbide and then propagated through adjacent TiC. A significant amount of transgranular TiC cracking was found along the {100} cleavage plane, which was responsible for main fracture of the composite. However, at and above 750 oC debonding of TiC interface began to be operative, which imply that transition temperature from TiC cleavage fracture to interfacial decohesion may be present around 750 oC. In order to investigate the effect of reinforcement volume fraction, tensile properties of the TiC-SKD11 composites having 43%, 53%, 64% volume fraction of TiC were obtained at 25 and 700 ℃. The degree of strengthening effect of the composite became significant when volume fraction of reinforcement decreased at 25 ℃, but increased at 700 ℃. In addition, in order to determine the effect of heat-treatment, tensile properties of variously heat-treated (as-infiltrated, softening, hardening, hardening followed by 300 ℃ or 500 ℃ tempering) composites having 64% volume fraction of TiC were compared from each other at 25 and 700 oC. At 25 oC, softening heat-treated composite having relatively soft matrix shows the highest degree of strengthening. On the contrary, regardless of the heat-treatment condition, the composites have similar tensile properties 700 oC because the matrices of the composites can be changed to 700 oC tempered structure. Additionally, the strengthening mechanisms of the infiltrated composite were discussed in terms of a dislocation, residual stress, load transfer from steel to TiC reinforcement. Finite element simulation was conducted to predict quantitatively the stress concentration at the interface between TiC and steel matrix using ANSYS.

      • Effects of Side-lying Hip Abduction Exercise on Electromyographic Activities of Lumbopelvic Muscles in Young Females with Gluteus Medius Weakness

        Nam, Soo Jin 청주대학교 대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 2858

        The hip abductor muscle plays an important role in providing pelvic and trunk stability, and in supporting body weight during the stance phase of the gait cycle. Recently, the importance of the gluteus medius (GMed), a hip abductor, has been emphasized for rehabilitation, and therefore, there has been focus on exercises to improve the function of the GMed. The hip abduction exercise is beneficial for improving neuromuscular control of the hip abductor muscle, and thus is commonly used in clinical practice. However, previous studies on GMed strengthening exercises have been conducted on healthy individuals or athletes; therefore, the effects of these exercises on those with a weakened GMed remain unknown. Hip abductor rehabilitation must be able to selectively activate the GMed and should consider the relative activities of the adjacent accessory muscles. This study aimed to investigate effective GMed strengthening exercises and the appropriate load in young females with GMed weakness. The aim of Study 1 was to examine the effects of three hip abduction exercises in the side-lying position on electromyographic activity of the lumbopelvic muscles in young females with weakened GMed muscles. Twenty-one young females with GMed weakness performed three exercises in a side-lying position (side-lying hip abduction exercise, clam exercise, and side-bridge exercise). Surface electromyography data were collected from the GMed, quadratus lumborum (QL), gluteus maximus (GMax), and tensor fascia latae (TFL). The activity of the GMed and the QL, and the GMed/QL ratio appeared to significantly differ across the three exercises (p < 0.05). The clam exercise showed significantly less activity for the GMed (0.26±0.14 % maximal voluntary isometric contraction [MVIC]) and QL (0.31±0.21 % MVIC) than the side-lying hip abduction exercise (GMed: 0.54±0.19 % MVIC and QL: 0.80±0.37 % MVIC) and side-bridge exercise (GMed: 0.67±0.40 % MVIC and QL: 1.22±0.32 % MVIC) (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the GMed/QL ratio was significantly lower in the side-bridge exercise than in the other two exercises (p < 0.05). These findings indicate that the side-lying hip abduction exercise and clam exercise may be beneficial for facilitating the optimal use of lumbopelvic muscles without compensation by the QL. In addition, only the side-lying hip abduction exercise led to adequate GMed activity, and is recommended in young females with GMed weakness to achieve GMed strengthening. The aim of Study 2 was to demonstrate the effects of using external load during side-lying hip abduction on the lumbopelvic muscles of young females with GMed weakness. Twenty-four females with GMed weakness were enrolled in the study. EMG data on the GMed and QL were measured during side-lying hip abduction exercise under three load conditions [no load, external load-1 (3% of the body weight), and external load-2 (5% of the body weight)]. During the side-lying hip abduction exercise, greater activity of the QL activity was observed in the external load-2 condition (0.93±0.60 % MVIC) than in the no-load condition (48.94±45.09 % MVIC) or external load-1 condition (82.47±57.36 % MVIC) (p < 0.05). The GMed/QL ratio significantly differed between no-load (1.78±1.47 % MVIC) and external load-1 conditions, and between the no-load (0.93±0.60 % MVIC) and external load-2 conditions (0.85±0.45 % MVIC) (p < 0.05). Greater QL activity during the side-lying hip abduction exercise was reported with greater external loads, which can further trigger abductor compensation in young females with GMed weakness. This study confirmed that the no-load condition during hip abduction exercise could be more beneficial for focusing on strengthening the GMed without QL substitution. 고관절 외전근은 일상생활에서 중요한 보행의 입각기 동작에서 골반과 몸통의 안정성을 제공하고 체중을 지탱하는데 중요한 역할을 한다. 최근 임상에서 고관절 외전근인 중둔근에 대한 중요성 때문에 중둔근의 기능 향상 운동이 강조되고 있다. 고관절 외전 운동은 고관절 외전근의 신경근 조절을 향상시키는데 이점이 있어 임상에서 주로 사용되고 있다. 그러나 지금까지 중둔근 강화 운동에 대한 선행 연구는 건강한 사람 또는 운동선수를 대상으로 진행되었기 때문에, 중둔근 약화가 사람을 대상에 대한 효과를 명확히 설명하기는 어렵다. 고관절 외전근 재활은 중둔근을 선택적 활성화 시키고 주변 보조근의 상대적 활성화 또한 고려하여 진행되어야 한다. 본 연구는 중둔근 약화가 있는 여성의 효과적인 중둔근 강화 운동 방법과 적절한 운동 부하를 알아보기 위하여 계획하였다. 연구 1의 목적은 중둔근 약화가 있는 젊은 여성의 요골반부 근육 활성도에 대한 옆으로 누운 자세에서의 세 가지의 운동 방법의 효과를 알아보고자 하였다. 본 연구에서 21명의 중둔근 약화가 있는 젊은 여성에게 옆으로 누운 자세에서 세 가지 고관절 외전 운동 (side-lying hip abduction 운동, clam 운동, 그리고 side-bridge 운동)을 하는 동안 중둔근, 요방형근, 대둔근 그리고 대퇴근막장근의 표면 근전도 신호를 측정하였다. 본 연구의 결과 중둔근과 요방형근의 근활성도 그리고 중둔근/요방형근 비율 (ratio)에서 side-lying hip abduction 운동, side-bridge 운동 그리고 clam 운동 사이에 유의한 차이가 나타났다 (p < 0.05). Clam 운동에서 중둔근 (26±0.14 % MVIC)과 요방형근 (0.31±0.21 % MVIC)의 근활성도가 side-lying hip abduction 운동 (중둔근: 0.54±0.19 % MVIC 그리고 요방형근: 0.80±0.37 % MVIC)과 side-bridge 운동 (GMed: 0.67±0.40 % MVIC 그리고 QL: 1.22±0.32 % MVIC)보다 낮게 나타났다. 또한 중둔근/요방형근 비율이 다른 두 운동보다 clam 운동에서 통계학적으로 낮게 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 side-lying hip abduction 운동과 clam 운동이 side-bridge 운동보다 협력근의 보상작용을 최소화시키데 적합한 것으로 사료된다. 두 운동 중 side-lying hip abduction 운동에서만 중둔근 근력 강화의 충분한 정도의 근활성도가 확인되었기 때문에 본 연구는 side-lying hip abduction 운동을 중둔근 약화가 있는 젊은 여성에게 중둔근 강화를 위한 운동으로 추천한다. 연구 2의 목적은 고관절 외전근 약화가 있는 젊은 여성의 외전근 근활성도에 side-lying hip abduction 운동을 하는 동안 주어지는 외부 부하가 미치는 영향을 알아보는데 있었다. 고관절 외전근 약화가 있는 24명의 젊은 여성이 세 가지 외부 부하 조건 (부하 없음, 외부 부하-1 [체중의 3%] 그리고 외부 부하-2 [체중의 5%])에서 side-lying hip abduction 운동을 하는 동안 중둔근과 요방형근의 근활성도를 측정하였다. 요방형근의 근활성도는 부하 없음 (48.94±45.09 % MVIC) 그리고 체중의 3% 부하 조건(82.47±57.36 % MVIC) 보다 체중의 5%의 부하 조건(0.93±0.60 % MVIC)에서 운동을 하였을 때 가장 높게 나타났다 (p < 0.05). 중둔근/요방형근 비율은 부하 없음 조건 (1.78±1.47% MVIC)과 외부 부하-1 조건 (0.93±0.60 % MVIC) 그리고 부하 없음 조건과 외부 부하-2 조건 ( 0.85±0.45 % MVIC)에서 유의한 차이가 나타났다 (p < 0.05). 높은 외부 부하 조건에서 Side-lying hip abduction 운동을 할 때의 외전근 약화가 있는 젊은 여성의 외전근 보상작용을 일으킬 수 있는 요방형근의 높은 근활성도가 나타났다. 본 연구는 중둔근 사용을 촉진시키고, 요방형근의 과도한 사용을 피할 수 있는 중둔근 강화를 최적화 하는데 추가적인 외부 부하가 필요하지 않다는 것을 확인하였다.

      • 음절의 조음적 구성원리에 의한 영어 음운현상 분석

        최학순 연세대학교 대학원 2002 국내박사

        RANK : 2856

        음절이 조음적으로 어떻게 구성되는가를 살펴보고, 특징적인 음절의 구성원리를 통해 음절과 관련된 현상들을 재조명해보는 것이 본 논문의 목적이다. 음절에 관한 기존의 이론들이 모두 음절의 구성성분이나 이론적 장치들을 바탕으로 음절과 관련된 현상들을 기술하여 왔지만, 이들은 현상이 나타나는 이유를 설명하지 못하고, 나타나는 현상들에 대한 일반화를 포착하지 못한다는 문제를 제기함으로써 논의를 시작한다. 음절이 분절음의 연속체로 구성되는 것은 사실이지만, 개별적인 분절음의 기술만으로는 음절이 보이는 특징들을 설명하는데 한계가 있다는 사실에 바탕을 두어, 본 논문에서는 분절음이나 자질과 같은 단위대신 조음음운론이 제시하는 제스쳐를 사용하여 음절의 특성을 논의한다. 이것은 음절과 관련된 현상들을 분석하는데 분절음보다 작은 단위가 필요하며, 단지 특정지점만을 가리키는 것이 아니라 지속 시간을 갖는 단위의 필요성을 인식한데서 비롯된 것이다. 아울러 음절을 구성하는 개별분절음들 뿐 아니라 분절음간의 이행방식에 대한 기술이 필요하고 제스쳐가 이를 기술할 수 있기 때문이다. 음절을 구성하는 분절음들의 연결관계에 대한 기존의 실험 관찰 결과들을 통해, 다음과 같은 세 가지 음절의 조음적 구성원리를 제안하였다. 첫째, 음절말음위치에서 모음적 제스쳐가 자음적 제스쳐보다 시간적으로 먼저 조음된다. 이러한 사실로 부터, 음절에서 모음적 제스쳐는 모음적 제스쳐끼리, 자음적 제스쳐는 자음적 제스쳐끼리 모여 조음되는 조음적 친화성이 있음을 알 수 있다. 둘째, 음절초 자음군과 모음은 전체적 시간관계를, 모음과 음절말 자음군은 국부적 시간관계를 갖는다는 사실로부터 음절초 자음군과 모음, 모음과 음절말 자음군의 협동조음관계가 다르다는 것을 알 수 있다. 셋째, 이상적인 공명도의 변화는 음절전부에서 최대한의 상승을, 음절후부에서 최소한의 감소를 보이는 것으로서, 이것은 선호음절구조가 CV가 되는 이유를 잘 설명해 준다. 나아가 이것을 조음적으로 해석하면, 음절전부에서는 조음기관의 협착을 최대화하고, 음절후부에서는 조음기관의 협착을 최소화하려는 것으로, 음절전부에서는 모음성이 강화되는 조음적 강화현상이 있음을 알 수 있다. 이러한 세 가지 조음적 구성원리들을 바탕으로 보상적 장음화 현상과 영어 /r/의 분포를 재분석한다. 음절의 조음적 구성원리들은 이들 현상들이 나타나는 이유를 설명해 주고, 나아가 보다 일반화된 조음원리로 이들을 설명할 수 있다는 점을 논의한다. 아울러 이러한 논의는 본 논문에서 제시하는 음절의 조음적 구성원리들에 설명력이 있다는 사실을 입증해주는 것이라고도 할 수 있다. 나아가 이 세 가지 음절의 조음적 구성원리들은 선호음절구조를 만들어가는 작용을 한다는 점에서 그 관련성을 찾을 수 있다. 즉 이들 조음적 구성원리들이 모두 지켜졌을 때 가장 이상적인 선호음절구조가 만들어진다는 것이다. 이러한 최적의 조음적 특성을 맞추어가려는 음운현상으로 음절내에서 영어의 자음군 단순화 과정을, 음절 사이에서 한국어의 설측음화/비음화 과정을 살펴본다. 또 제스쳐 사이의 시간관계와 협동조음관계를 바탕으로 변이형의 개념을 새롭게 재조명해본다. 기존의 이론에서는 하나의 음소에 특정한 자질이 부여되는 개별규칙을 적용해서 변이형들이 나타나는 것으로 기술해왔다. 그러나 여기서는 변이형들이 개별적 자질이 부과된 범주적 개념이 아니라, 조음적 제스쳐들의 시간관계와 협동조음관계에 의해 설명될 수 있는 매우 점이적인 개념이라는 점을 논의한다. This dissertation aims to investigate the articulatory principles of the syllable and to reanalyze some English phonological processes related to syllables. The present dissertation questions a number of current syllable theories, which only describe English syllable-related processes in terms of individual syllable constituents and theoretical devices such as Onset First Principle and Ambisyllabicity. It is claimed that such descriptions cannot explain the reason why the phonological processes occur and cannot capture the relationship between them. This dissertation is based on a gestural model of articulation, Articulatory Phonology, which has articulatory units, gestures. Gestures can represent the concept of timing duration and can provide a way in which abstract phonological units can actually be realized. I propose three principles of articulatory organization, based on the previous experiments on segment transition, articulatory timing and coordination. The first is the principle of articulatory affinity, which means gestures have some affinity to their same type; vocalic gestures are likely to articulate with vocalic gestures, and consonantal gestures with consonantal gestures. The second is the principle of articulatory timing, which means C_(n)-V transition shows local timing and V-C_(n) transition shows global timing. The third is the principle of articulatory strengthening, which means the first half of a syllable prefers consonantal strengthening while the second half prefers vocalic strengthening. This latter principle, in particular, comes from a critical reinterpretation of the preferred sonority cycle in a syllable. Based on these three principles, two phonological processes, compensatory lengthening and distribution of /r/ in English, are analyzed. The principles can explicate why the processes come to occur, instead of merely describing them. The most important point is that many syllable-related phenomena can be explained by certain general articulatory principles, but not by specific stipulations to syllables. The three articulatory principles can help predict the preferred syllable structure, CV. When none of the three principles are violated, the most ideal syllable can be predicted. It is argued that English consonant cluster simplification in coda and Korean lateralizations/nasalizations reflect the preferred syllable structure within a syllable and between syllables respectively. Finally, the study proposes a new approach to the concept of allophonic variants, especially of the English voiceless stop /t/. It is claimed that allophonic variants are not a categorical, but rather a gradient concept, which can be explained by the general principles of articulatory timing and coordination.

      • 19세기 전반 서울의 刑政運營 연구

        이선희 연세대학교 대학원 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 2839

        조선후기 刑政에 관한 연구경향은 18세기 후반의 범죄 실태와 형정운영의 변화에 집중되어 있었다. 19세기 전반 조선정부가 어떠한 基調와 방식 아래 형정을 운영했는지 살펴보지 못하였다. 본 논고에서는 19세기 전반을 18세기와 정치적, 사회적으로 연결된 시기로 보고, 조선정부가 18세기 후반 ‘公刑罰權 강화’ 기조를 수용하여 사회질서 유지와 통제를 실현하였다고 보았다. 본 논고에서는 19세기 전반 서울집중 현상 심화에 주목하여 ‘서울’을 연구지역으로 정하였다. 그리고 당시 서울에서 증가하거나 심화된 범죄를 국가, 사회, 민과 관련한 것으로 나누었다. 이것은 국가권력에 도전하는 범죄, 국가의 자원관리에 반하는 범죄, 신용을 무너뜨리고 민의 생명을 위협하는 범죄이다. 조선정부는 세 가지 유형의 범죄를 사법절차, 照律을 통한 條文과 刑律적용에 따라 처벌하였다. 당시 일반적으로 적용하는 절차와 기준이 있는 반면, 범죄의 특성에 맞춰 판단해야 하는 부분이 있었다. 그리고 처벌기준은 범죄내용과 그로 인한 피해보다 발생장소와 범죄자의 신분에 따라 달라지기도 하였다. 19세기 전반 서울에서 발생한 범죄의 일반적인 사법절차는 포도청에서 죄인을 체포해 供招한 후 刑曹로 이송하였다. 형조에서는 죄인을 다시 조사하여 자백의 일관성을 확보하고 照律을 거쳐 왕의 판결을 받았다. 반면 掛書와 모반 등의 처벌은 推鞫절차를 통해 이루어졌다. 대신들이 推鞫의 필요성을 요청하고 왕이 이를 수용하면 推鞫廳이 설치되었다. 이때 義禁府에서 捕盜廳에 갇혀 있던 죄인과 이들의 공초를 기반으로 하여 推問-진술-再推問-자백-結案-照律-處刑의 절차를 거쳤다. 이 과정에서 가장 중요하게 여긴 것은 ‘자백’으로 이를 확보하기 위해 죄인에게 刑訊을 가하였다. 한편 살인범죄에 대해서는 初檢-供招-검험보고서 작성-刑曹 보고 및 漢城府 移牒-覆檢-會推-형조의 完決-同推-結案-왕의 判付 절차를 거쳐 처벌하였다. 조선정부가 이러한 사법절차를 준수하여 처벌함으로써 얻는 실효성은 국가 처결의 ‘당위성’ 확보였다. 마땅히 처벌받아야 할 범죄라도 일정한 절차법에 따라 죄의 자백을 받고 처리하는 것은 照律의 타당함과 조선정부의 권위를 보여주는 것이었다. 19세기 전반 조선정부는 여러 범죄의 특성에 따라 ‘처벌기준’을 다르게 하여 條文과 刑律을 적용하였다. 官物竊盜의 경우 물건을 몰래 훔치고 판매했다는 점에서 절도죄에 해당되었지만 실제 형률은 절도를 포함한 盜罪의 범위에서 절도 발생장소, 범죄자의 신분, 훔친 물건의 분량에 따라 적용되었다. 또 절도물건을 매입한 자들과 감독을 제대로 하지 않거나 묵인한 官人들의 죄까지 함께 벌함으로써 ‘包括的 처결’의 모습을 보였다. 관속층과 관련한 폭행죄는 ‘규제와 보호’의 관점 아래 처벌하였다. 규제는 관속층간의 폭행죄를 다스리는 것으로, 이들이 ‘법령의 지엄함을 두려워하지 않는다’라는 인식 아래 처벌의 강도를 강화하여 제재하였다. 이때의 처벌기준은 피해 정도에 따른 것이 아닌 폭행 발생 장소, 범죄인의 지위 및 규모 정도, 首謀者 구분이었다. 폭행 장소가 임금의 거처와 가까울수록 무거운 처벌을 받았고 구타와 작당 首謀者를 구분하여 처벌하였다. 반면 보호는 官權을 지키기 위한 조치로,『大典通編』刑典 濫刑條의 ‘私門用刑’을 적용해 처결하였다. 법전에 규정된 형벌은 杖1백, 徒3년으로 결코 가볍지 않은 처벌이었다. 조선정부는 犯三禁, 公文書 위조, 私鑄錢 등 공동의 다수가 함께 사용하는 자원에 대한 처벌에서도 나름의 강화책으로 대응하였다. 犯三禁은 세세한 규제로 民의 행동을 제어하였다. 공문서 위조는 즉각적이고 빠른 처리과정을 통해 위조문서의 효력을 상실시켰고 해당 관청의 卽決로 처리하도록 하였다. 私鑄錢에 대해서는 기존의 死刑(絞刑, 斬刑)을 적용하되 軍門에서 梟首하도록 하여 民을 경계시켰다. 梟首는 斬刑으로 집행되었지만 범죄인에게 가해지는 모욕의 수위가 매우 높았기 때문에 斬刑보다 무거운 처벌이었다. 조선정부는 여기에서 더 나아가 당백전 私鑄를 ‘先斬後啓’하도록 하여 禁法에 대한 강한 의지를 드러내었다. 한편 放火범죄는 民이 억울함 호소를 위해, 民家를 도둑질하기 위해, 民의 강력한 요구와 불만을 표시하기 위한 목적으로 발생하였다. 조선정부는 세 가지 모두 斬刑으로 다스렸지만, 도둑질과 民의 요구표시 목적에 대해서는 ‘明火賊律’을 적용하고, 民도 ‘亂民’으로 규정하여 梟首처벌하였다. 반면 조선정부는 殺獄에서 만큼은 寬刑을 적용하여 국왕의 恩典을 드러내고자 하였다. 19세기 전반 조선정부는 변화하는 사회에 대해 능동적으로 대응하기보다 한 박자 느리게 반응하였다. 당시 고통과 부조리에 대한 고발과 감시가 작동되고 있었지만 三政문제를 해결하기 위한 방안은 임시적이었고 매관매직과 소수 가문의 요직 독점도 해결하지 못하였다. 이러한 눈높이의 차이는 조선정부가 제도개혁보다 ‘사회질서 유지’를 우선적으로 추구하도록 만들었으며 기존 ‘공형벌권’의 적용도 강화되는 요인이었다고 생각한다. 자연스럽게 국가기강 보호와 사회의 공공질서 유지, 民生民安을 위협하는 범죄에 대한 ‘嚴刑處決’이 이루어졌다. 이것은 강한 왕권을 지닌 군주의 부재와 사회통합력의 부족상태에서 국가가 할 수 있었던 자구책의 결과라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 조선정부는 형정운영 실무자들의 폐단을 막지 못했고, 民과 사회의 가치관 변화와 요구에 민감하게 반응하지 못하였다. 결과적으로 嚴刑중심의 형정운영은 사회질서 유지와 통제에 있어 효과적이지 못했다고 할 수 있다. 국가가 梟首, 先斬後啓 등 강력한 처벌을 내릴 만큼 당시 사회문제와 갈등은 해소되지 않고 진행 중이었음을 반증하기 때문이다. 근본적인 개혁만이 해결방법이었지만, 19세기 전반 조선정부의 역량은 이를 감당하기에 부족했다고 생각한다. A research trend on criminal policy in later Choseon was focused on criminal reality and change of administrative operation in late 18c. From the beginning of 19c, it failed to observe under what kind of basis and mode Choseon government operated criminal policy. In this study, it was judged that by regarding former 19c as a time being connected with 18c politically and socially, Choseon government maintained and controlled social order by accepting a keynote of ‘strengthening official penal power' in late 18c. In this study, 'Seoul' was selected as research area by paying attention to deepened phenomenon of focusing on Seoul in former 19c. And increased or deepened crimes in Seoul at that time were divided into criminal event relevant to public, private sector and society. It is a crime of challenging national power, violating national resources management and that of destroying credit and threatening public life. Choseon government punished three types of crime based on judicial proceedings, application of legal regulation and criminal practice through mediation. At that time, while there was generally applied procedure and standard on the one hand, there was other practice of having to determine a case by matching with criminal features on the other. And punishment standard was changed depending on crime occurrence place and personal status of criminal rather than criminal contents and its damage. In former 19c, general judicial proceedings of the crimes committed in Seoul was that Podocheong(police agency during Choseon era, 捕盜廳) arrested criminal and transferred such criminal to Hyeongjo(prosecutor's office during Choseon era, 刑曹) after questioning. In Hyeongjo, they secured consistency of confession by questioning criminal again and received a royal judgment through mediation. On the other hand, punishment of illegal post and treachery was performed through interrogation procedure. Interrogation office was installed when officers requested for necessity of interrogation and the king accepted such request. In Euigeumbu (judicial institution during Choseon era, 義禁府) at this time, a procedure of interrogation-statement-re-interrogation-confession-conclusion-mediation-criminal punishment was passed based on criminal confined in Podocheong and questioning report. Most important thing in this process was 'confession' and in order to secure this, high-handed questioning was applied to criminal. On the other hand, murder crime was punished through a procedure of initial investigation-interrogation report-preparation of autopsy report-report to Hyeongjo and transfer to Hanseongbu(漢城府)-re-investigation-joint questioning-conclusion of Hyeongjo-joint interrogation-royal approval. Effectiveness obtained by Choseon government by observing this judicial proceedings was that ‘justification’ of national punishment was secured. Handling even crime deserving due punishment after receiving confession based on specified procedure showed validity of mediation and authority of Choseon government. In former 19c, Choseon government applied legal regulations and criminal rule by differentiating ‘punishment standard' depending on features of various crimes. In case of government property theft, it was applicable to larceny in terms of the fact that an object was stolen secretly and sold it but actual criminal rule was applied based on theft occurrence place, personal status of criminal, quantity of stolen goods in criminal act including theft. In addition, ‘comprehensive decision' of punishing a person who bought stolen goods and a crime of officers who failed to supervise properly or overlooked such crime together was represented. Assault relevant to civil service class was punished under a perspective of ‘restriction and protection'. Restriction is to crack down on assault among civil service class and under a recognition that ‘such class do not dread legal strictness', punishment intensity was strengthened. Punishment criteria at this time was based on assault occurrence place, personal status of criminal, division of main culprit, not on damage level. The more assault place was close to royal residence, heavier punishment was followed by dividing beating and gang formed main culprit. On the other hand, protection was provided in order to keep governmental authority by applying ‘Samunyonghyeong(私門用刑)' of Namhyeongjo (濫刑條) of code ‘Daejeon tongpyeon(『大典通編』)'. Punishment specified in such code was whipping 100 times, 3 years of penal servitude that were not so light. Choseon government responded with strengthened policy in punishing resource being jointly used by majority including prohibition of three crime, forgery of official document, private coining. In three forbidden crime, behavior of general public was controlled by detailed restrictions. In case of forgery of official document, effect of forged document was invalidated through immediate and fast handling procedure and relevant institution was authorized to punish such crime at their own discretion. Regarding private coining, existing death penalty (hanging, beheading) was sentenced but general public was warned by having military army hang beheaded head in public. Such penalty was executed by beheading but as level of insult applied to criminal was very hight even though head hanging was executed by beheading, it was heavier punishment than beheading. Furthermore, Choseon government exposed strong will for prohibitive law by 'beheading first, warning later' for private coining crime. On the other hand, arson crime was committed in order to appeal false accusation, steal private house and to demonstrate strong private demand and dissatisfaction. Choseon government punished such three crimes with beheading punishment. However, ‘MyeonghwaJeokyu(明火賊律)’ was applied to stealing and demanding crime and civilians were punished with beheaded head hanging as defining them as ‘refugee'. On the other hand, contrary to this punishment, Choseon government tried to expose royal grace by applying generous punishment as far as murder case is concerned. In former 19c, Choseon government responded to changing society one step late, rather than responding to it positively. At that time, accusation and monitoring for distress and irregularity were worked but a method of solving Samjung(三政) issue was temporary and traffic of government position, monopoly of key positions by minor family were not solved. This difference of viewpoint made Choseon government to pursue ‘maintaining social order' rather than system reform with priority and application of existing ‘official punishment power' was strengthened thereby. Naturally, protection of national discipline, maintaining social public order, ‘harsh punishment' for the crime threatening civil life and safety were achieved. This is considered to be a result of self remedy that could be done by a state under the condition that sovereign having strong royal authority lacked and social unifying power was insufficient. However, Choseon government failed to block negative effects of working administrators and respond to value change and demand of the civilians and the society sensitively. Resultantly, administrative operation based on punishment was not effective for maintaining and controlling social order because social issue and conflict were not eliminated and under progress so much as to necessitate strong punishment such as beheaded head hanging, beheading first, warning later by a state as its counterevidence. Basically, only reform was a sole solution but it is considered that Choseon government in former 19c was not empowered to handle such issues properly.

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