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      • 강원도 P군지역과 도심지역간 고등학생의 체격과 체력변화 비교 : 2001년·2004년

        차세종 경기대학교 교육대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 248671

        본 연구는 고등학교 1학년 남자·여자학생들의 연도별 체격, 체력에 대한 강원도 P군과 도심 지역의 관계를 비교 분석하여 보다 적절한 체격 및 체력 발달이 이루어지도록 하는데 도움을 주고자 지역간의 차이를 살펴보았다. 체격 측정항목들을 살펴보면, 신장이 남학생의 경우 2001년, 2004년 모두 도시학생들이 크게 나타났고, 연도별 차이에는 큰 차이가 없었다. 여학생의 경우 2001년도에는 강원도 P군 여학생이 컸지만, 2004년도에는 도심지역 학생이 크게 나타났다. 연도별 차이에서는 양쪽 모두 증가하였으나 도심지역 여학생이 큰 것을 알 수가 있다. 체중의 경우는 도심지역 남학생이 높게 나타났으나, 연도별로 보면 강원도 P군과 도심지역 남학생들은 점점 줄어들고 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 여학생의 경우는 2001년도에는 강원도 P군 지역이 높지만, 2004년도에는 도심지역 여학생이 높게 나타났다. BMI의 경우 강원도 P군 남·여 학생들이 높게 나타났지만 도심지역 학생들과 차이는 크게 나타나지 않았다. 연도별로 보면 남학생은 점차 줄어드는 반면, 여학생은 늘어나고 있는 것을 알 수 있다. 체력측정 항목들을 살펴보면 50m 달리기는 남·여 학생간의 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았지만 강원도 P군 남·여 학생이 기록이 좋았다. 오래달리기는 남학생의 경우 강원도 P군 학생이 우수하게 나타났지만, 연도별로 강원도 P군과 도심지역 남학생은 모두 기록이 향상되었음을 알 수 있다. 여학생의 경우 강원도 P군지역 여학생은 기록이 향상되는 반면, 도심지역 여학생은 기록이 저조해 진다는 것을 알 수가 있다. 제자리멀리뛰기는 도심지역 남학생이 기록이 좋았고, 양쪽 모두 연도별 점점 증가하였다. 여학생의 경우는 강원도 P군지역 여학생은 기록이 향상되지만 도심지역 여학생이 기록이 저조해 지는 것을 알 수 있었다. 팔굽혀펴기는 2001년 도심지역 남학생이 기록이 좋았지만 2004년도에는 강원도 P군 남학생들이 우수한 결과를 보이고 있다. 여학생 경우 도심지역 여학생이 기록이 좋았으며, 남·여 모두 연도별 증가하고 있음을 보여주고 있다. 윗몸일으키기에서는 남학생이 강원도 P군 학생이 우수하였고, 여학생의 경우 2001년 도심지역 학생이 우수하였지만, 2004년도에는 강원도 P군지역 여학생이 우수하였다. 연도별로는 강원도 P군 지역학생과 도심지역 남학생은 기록이 점차 향상되지만 도심지역 여학생은 기록이 점차 저조해 지는 것을 알 수 있다. 앉아 윗몸앞으로굽히기 경우 강원도 P군 남학생이 우수했음을 알 수 있고, 여학생의 경우 2001년도 도심지역 학생이 우수했지만 2004년도에는 강원도 P군지역 여학생이 우수하였다. 도심지역 여학생은 기록이 점차 감소하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이상의 결과를 통하여 볼 때, 강원도 P군, 도심지역의 체격검사, 체력검사결과 유의한 차이가 있으나, 앞으로 학생들의 건강상태 및 체격·체력 요인을 비교 분석하고 보다나은 체육수업지도방법을 연구, 프로그램을 개발하고 보급하여 효과적인 발전을 시도하여야 할 것이다. This research has been conducted regional difference to help development of male and female first year high school students compared and analyzed relationship between yearly physical power and constitution of the students in countryside and city. Looking into a matter of measurement in terms of physical power, it is identified that male students in city are larger than male students in countryside in 2001 and 2004 and there is no significant difference between 2001 and 2004. Female students in 2001 has been identified that the students in countryside are bigger, however, in 2004, female students in city overtook female students in countryside. The result shows that there is a huge gap in these two groups increased gradually between 2001 and 2004. The result demonstrates that the male students in city have been measured heavier than the students in countryside in terms of weight. However, the difference of weight has been narrowed between the male students in city and countryside as the time passes. In terms of Body Mass Index (BMI), it has been identified that both male and female students are higher in countryside, whereas there is no significant difference between countryside and city. Further, the index of the male students falls steadily meanwhile the index of female students rises progressively. Concerning the measurement of constitution, there is no considerable distinctive result between the students in city and countryside in the measurement of 50m sprints. In a middle-distance running, the students in countryside record better than the students in city in terms of male. Both of the male students in countryside and city are improved their records. On the contrary, there is an increase of the performance in the female students in countryside whereas the performance of the female students in city is lower. The male students in city are better and gradually increased by the years than the students in countryside in long jump. The measurement shows that the female students in city are the only getting worse. In 2001 the male students in city are well-performed in terms of push-ups. However, overall performance of the male students in countryside is far better than the students in city. Whereas the female students in city show better records, the performance in both city and countryside is raising as the years pass. Although there is a steady decrease of the records by the terms of year in sit-ups, the female students in city in 2001 are performed better as well as the male students in countryside at the same time. In a measurement of stretching in sitting, it is identified that the male students in countryside are highly performed than the students in city. Even though the female students in city are better recorded in 2001, the performance of them is only declined gradually. Having a look through the overall results as described above, it is obvious that there is a significant difference in the measurement of physical power and constitution of the students in countryside and city. Therefore for the further circumstances to develop the measurement, advanced scientific measurement is required to analyse comparison of health, physical power and constitution factors, research and develop further teaching methods of athletic lesson, and apply the developed programmes into the practice.

      • 一部 都市地域 學生들의 體格變化에 關한 調査硏究

        이의자 경북대학교 보건대학원 1985 국내석사

        RANK : 248638

        도시에서만 성장한 학생들의 체격변화를 보기위해 대구지역 3개 남자고등학교(각 7개반) 4개 여자고등학교(각 6개반)중 1967년 3월 1일 부터 1968년 2월 28일사이에 있는 1,121명(남자 525, 여자 596명)을 대상으로 건강기록부에 기재된 신장, 체중, 흉위 및 좌고의 측정치를 국민학교 1학년(6세)에서 고등학교 2학년(16세)까지 11년간의 연속적인 자료를 이용하여 조사를 실시하였다. 최대성장연령을 보면 신장의 경우는 남자는 12∼13세사이에서 7.7㎝, 여자는 10∼12세사이에서 7.2㎝이었고 체중에서 남자는13∼14세사이에서 6.1kg, 여자는 11∼12세사이에서 5.6kg이 었고 흉위에서 남자는 13∼14세사이에서 4.1㎝, 여자는 11∼12세사이에서 5.9㎝이었고 좌고에서 남자는 12∼13세사이에서 3.9㎝, 여자는 10∼11세사이에서 3.5㎝이었다. 신장에 있어서 연간성장치는 남자는 6∼11세에서 4∼6㎝, 11∼14세에서 8㎝이상 여자는 6∼10세에서 4∼6㎝, 10∼11세에서 6∼8㎝, 11∼12세에서 8㎝이상 성장군이 제일 많았다. 체중에 있어서 연간성장치는 남자는 6∼10세에서 1.5∼3.0 kg 10∼11세에서 3.0∼4.5kg, 11∼15세에서 4.5kg이상 여자에서는 6∼10세에서 1.5∼3.0 kg, 10∼13세에서 4.5kg이상 증가군이 제일 많았다. 비체중에서는 11∼13세까지는 여자가 남자보다 더 큰값을 보였고 비흉위에서는 남자는 11세 여자는 10세까지 감소하다가 그 이후부터는 모두 증가하였으며 비좌고에서는 남자는 14세 여자는 12세까지 감소하다가 다같이 15세부터 증가하였다. Ro¨hrer지수는 남자는 14세, 여자는 11세까지 감소하다가 그 이후부터 증가하였으며 Kaup 지수는 남녀 다 같이 16세에 2.0 이상이었다. 체표면적은 남자가 12∼13세사이에서 0.130㎡, 여자가 11∼12세사이에서 0.123㎡의 증가를 보여 년간 최대변화를 나타내었다. 체용적은 남자가 13∼14세사이에서 5.84ℓ, .여자가 11∼12세사이에서 5.32ℓ의 증가로 연간 최대변화를 나타내었다. This study was to assess the physical growth pattern of students who had grown up in the urban area from physical measurement on a school health chart of 1,121 students (525 males, 596 females). This study was used the personal health charts recorded continuously from a 1st grade of the element school to 3rd grade of the high school personally. The maximum growth age in body height has been observed among male 12-13 ages (7.7cm) and among 10-12 (7.2 cm, female), body weight was 13-14 ages (6.lkg, male) and 11-12 (5.6kg, female), chest girth was 13-14 ages (4.lcm, male) and 11-12 ages (5.9cm, female), and sitting height was 12-13 ages (3.9cm, male) and 10-11 ages (3.5cm, female). In relative body weight, female excelled male in the ages of 11 and 13. In relative chest girth, male decreased until 11 ages, female decreased until 10 ages, and after that increased in both male and female and in relative sitting height, male decreased until 14 ages (female decreased until 12) and after that increased in both male and female. Ro¨rer index showed that male decreased until 14 ages (female decreased until 11 ages) and after that increased in both male and female. In body surface area and body volume, male had rapid growth between the ages of 12 and 14, while female had rapid growth between the ages 11 and 12.

      • 중학생들의 체격 및 체력변화에 따른 분석

        심수보 부산외국어대학교 교육대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 248638

        The goal of this research is that provides the fundamental data which is necessary to guide efficient for physical improvement of the youth, through comparing and analyzing physique and physical fitness of middle school students between past and present. The subjects of this research are 600 students from twelve schools, which include 3boys middle school 3rd grade students and 3girls middle school students who live in Ulsan(the city area, the intermediate area and suburb). And the method of this research is comparing the physique which are added from the physical examination results of this research subject with examination result state(1987~2005) of Ministry of Education. Followings are the summaries of research results. 1. The boys and girls are getting taller and taller. It says that the boys growth rate is bigger than the girls. 2. The boys and girls weight is gaining by 2002. After then the boys weight was gaining while the girls weight was not changed or losing a little. 3. After 1999 boys and girls 50M running records was almost not changed. In 2006 its records was not decreased, girls records was more worse than boys records. 4. In case the standing brood jump, the records of boys and girls were decreasing continuously, we can see a marked decline in comparison with the past 20 years, and girls records decreased more than boys. 5. In case of sit up, the records of boys and girls were decreasing continuously and then has improved from 2005. 6. In case of long distance running - walking, the boys records were decreasing continuously and didn't appear the change of records from 2002. The girls records were decreasing continuously, and decreased largely in 2006. 7. There had appeared the irregular change in push up(the boys) till 2005, and has been a little improvement since then. 8. The records in hanging with bent arms(the girls) has declined continuously and, compared to the records for the past ten or twenty years, decreased remarkably. 9. The records in sitting trunk flexion(both the boys and girls) went down compared to the past, showing the irregular change.

      • 7∼19歲 男.女의 曆年齡과 PHV年齡에서 본 體格.體力發達 變化樣相

        신상근 東亞大學校 1993 국내박사

        RANK : 232299

        The purpose of this study was to examine the timing and sequence of velocity curve and distance curve of somatic growth and motor development aligned on age at peak height velocity in boys and girls from 7 through 19-year-old. The study design, the subjects, and the method were used the by cross-sectional invastigation. The subjects participatied in this study were 7 through 19 years of age who belonged to typical primary, junior, senior high school and college students, and about 300 males and females in each group. Therefore, the total size was 3,045 males and 2,984 females. Grand total was 6,030. For physique measured, 10 items such as body height, body weight, chest girth, sitting height, biacromial breadth, biiliocristal breadth, triceps skinfold, subscapular skinfold, percent fat and lean body mass. For motor perfomance ability measured, 16 items such as grip strength, back strength, sit-ups(30secs), push-ups, 10m shuttle run, Burpee(10secs), 50m dash, standing long jump, standing trunk flexion, trunk extension, Bass stick balance, 10m eyeclosed straight walking(forwared direction), bar gripping reaction time, handball zigzag dribble, 1 minute lateral jump, and vital capacity were selected in this study. Measurement actually worked out in April through July, 1991 and 1992, respetively. The mean and standard diviation were respectively computed for each item, each age, and each sex. Then, the differences of means between boys and girls were statistically tested by t-test for each age and each sex, respetively. Velocity curve chart of motor performance was the smoothed according to an approximation of splines by the SAS/GRAPH procedure GPLOT(SAS Institute, 1985). This routine uses a piecewise eleven-degree ploynomial for each set of two adjacent points. The polynomial passes through the plotting points and matches the first and second derivatives of neighboring segements at the points. The following summarized the major observations of the analysis. ; 1. In somatic growth, 1) Boys showed higher then girls in all ages in intervals in body weight and lean body mass item, however, all ages intervals in two site skinfold thickness and percent fat (P<0.05~P<0.01). 2) Sexual difference was started 14 and 15-year-old of age in physique. 2. In motor development domain, 1) The boy were similar of superior to the girls in all items except trunk flextion in flexibility. 2) Sexual difference was started 12-13-year-old of ages. 3. In age at peak value for physique and physical fitness items in boys and girls, 1) In age at peak value for somatic domain, ages at peak value of body height, body weight chest girth, biacromial breadth, biiliocristal breadth, subscpular skinfold and lean body mass items were occured 18 years old in girls about 1 year eariler than boys, while age at peak value of triceps skinfold and percent fat were occured 12 years old in boys about 4 or 5 years earlier than girls, respectively. 2) Boys of peak values of body height, body weight, chest girth, sitting height, biacromial breadth, biiliocristal breadth, and lean body mass items were more superior than girls except triceps skinfold, subscapular skinfold and percent f at items. 3) Girls of ages at peak value of all physical fitness items were occured about 1 through 5 years earlier than boys. 4) Boys of peak values of all physical fitness items were more superior than girls except standing trunk flexion item. 4. In velocity curves for physique and physical fitness items in boys and girls, peak velocity of biiliocristal breadth, triceps and subscapular skinfold items in boys and peak velocity of trunk extension and 10m eyes-closed straight walking in both sexes were showed bi-modal phenomenon according to the two occurence of peak velocity, while peak velocity of 7 items for physique and 14 items for physical fitness were showed uni-modal phenomenon according to the one occurence peak velocity in both sexes, respectively. 5. In age at peak velocity for physique and physical fitness items in boys and girls, 1) Ages at PHV were 13.52 years old in boys and 11.26 years old in girls, respectively. 2) Ages at peak velocity of body height, body weight, sitting height, biacromial breadth and lean body mass in girls were occured earlier about 0.30 through 4.11-year than boys. 3) Ages at peak velocity of all physical fitness items in girls were occured earlier than boys except bar gripping reaction time, respectively. 6. In optimal physical fitness training time according to the adolescent development spurt by physcial fitness, adolescent spurts of coordination, balance and agility were occured before PHV, while adolescent spurts of endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, power and flexibility were occured after PHV, respectively.

      • 성장판 자극 스트레칭 운동이 청소년들의 체격 변화에 미치는 영향

        정혜정 경기대학교 대체의학대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 232237

        현대 사회에서의 청소년들은 의학의 발달과 서구화된 식생활, 사회 경제적 여건의 변화 등으로 과거에 비해 발육과속현상(acceleration phenomenon)이 일어나서 체형의 변화가 두드러지게 나타나고 있다. 신체적 특징이나 외모가 인간 행동과 심리에 미치는 영향은 어느 연령층에서나 중요하지만, 특히 청소년기는 급속한 신체의 성장, 사회성의 발달로 자신의 신체 및 외모에 관심이 집중되기 때문에, 그 중요성은 더욱 크다고 할 수 있다 사춘기 청소년들의 체형의 변화 중에서 키에 대한 학생들의 열망은 ‘키가 크고 싶다’ 라는 확고한 의지로 바뀌어 수단과 방법을 가리지 않고 키 키우는데 온 신경을 쏟고 있는 현실적인 상황을 목격하게 된다. 바야흐로 키가 실력이고 능력이며 경쟁력이라는 말까지 나오는 ‘외모지상주의’적 현실을 직시하며 올바른 키 성장에 필요한 유전적인 요소 이외의 균형잡힌 영양과 올바른 생활태도, 그리고 꾸준한 운동습관 등 후천적으로 노력하여 키울 수 있는 잠재적인 키 성장 요소를 살펴보고, 그 중에서도 성장판을 자극하여 키 성장에 도움이 되는 운동을 통하여 키 성장을 살펴보고자 한다. The development of medical science, westernized dietary life, change in social, economical condition have caused acceleration phenomenon of adolescents in modern society so much compared to the past and so the body type of adolescents is changing so noticeably. Although men's physical characteristics and outward appearance are greatly affecting human behavior and mentality in every age group, the weight of it for the adolescents period is far greater because of the rapid growth of their bodies and sociality set them to focus their attention on their physique & outward appearance. The desire of the adolescents for change in their body type is a level of confirmed intention like 'I want to be taller' showing the behavior of being obsessed with growing height whatever it takes. Facing up to the reality of appearance suprematism as much as there is such saying that height is ability, competition. I will look into the potential height growth factors avaliable by acquired efforts such as balanced nutrition, right way to live, and the habit to exercise consistently beside genetic factors necessary for desirable ways of height growth especially, the exercise stimulating growth plate which is greatly helpful for height growth.

      • 靑少年의 體格 그룹별 體力發達 變化樣相에 관한 類似縱斷的 硏究

        안기영 東亞大學校 大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 215918

        The purposes of this study were to examine the change aspect of the physique and the physical fitness of the youth in groups, and look into the partial correlation degree of the physical fitness based on the physique, and make an attempt to decide the desirable physique formation and the appropriate body activity effectively through the semi- longitudinal study for 3 years done on the elementary school, junior high school, high school students (all 3006). The results are as follows; 1. The physique growth disposition in ages. 1) The emergence of the pick velocity of the body height showed that group 3 and 6 in men appeared 1 or 2 years early and group 1 and 2 in women appeared half a year early and women showed it 2 yews earlier than men. 2) The emergence of the pick velocity of the body weight showed that group 3 and 5 in men appeared 1∼2.5 years early and group 4 and 6 in women appeared 0.5∼3.5 years early. 3) The emergence of the pick velocity of the chest showed that 4 group appeared 2. 3 years early, men in group 5 appeared 1∼5 years early and women group 4 and 5 appeared 1 to 3 years early. 4) The emergence of the pick velocity of the abdominal girth showed that 4 group appeared 2∼3 years early, in men group 5 appeared the pick velocity and group 4 appeared 1∼3.5 years early, women group 6 appeared the pick velocity. 5) The emergence of tile pick velocity of the lower limb length showed that 4 group appeared 2∼3 years early, men group 5 appeared the pick velocity, and this is found at the same age for all the women.(11.0+-11.5.+) 2. The physical fitness growth aspect in physique. 1) The physical fitness, change aspect in groups of the body height. The power, the agility, the muscular strength, the vital capacity were revealed best in group 5 and 6, the valance was revealed best in group 1, 2, and 3, the endurance in men group 1 and 2 and also women group 1 and 2 2) The physical illness change aspect of men, women in groups of the body weight. The power, the valance showed a frequent crossing, and the flexibility of men was excellent in group 4 and 5, that of women was excellent in group 3 and 6, the vital capacity in men grout) 5, the endurance in group of men. 3) The physical fitness change aspect of men, women in group of the chest girth. The power was excellent in group 3 and 4, the agility was in men group 5, the power and the agility of women showed a little difference among groups and the growth disposition was low and the valance, and the agility showed a crossing phenomenon among groups and the endurance was excellent in both men and women groups. 4) The physical fitness change aspect of men and women in groups of the abdominal girth. The power was most excellent in men group 3, 3, 5, and women group 5 and 6, and the flexibility in men was most excellent in group 1 and 3, women in 4. 5 group, and the agility showed a little difference among groups, and the back strength, the vital capacity were excellent in both men group 5 and 6 and women group 5 and 6. 5) The physical fitness change aspect of men, women in groups of the lower limb length. The power, the agility, and the vital capacity were excellent in group 5 and 6, and the flexibility in group 1 and 2 for both men and women. The endurance was best shown in men group 4 and 5, and women group 6. 3. The partial correlation analysis of the physique and the physical fitness. 1) The partial correlation of the physical fitness and the body height. The significant correlation appeared between the body and the vertical jump for men aged 14.5+∼17.54+, and between the body height and the vital capacity for both men and women aged 10.0+ ∼12.5+ women. (P<0.01, p<0.05) 2) The partial correlation of the physical fitness and the body weight. The significant correlation appeared between the body and the vertical jump for men and women aged 13.0+∼15.5+ together, and between the body and the back strength for men aged 12.5+ to 15.5+, and for women aged 16.0+∼18.5+.(P<0.01 P<0.05) 3) The partial correlation of the physical fitness and the chest. The significant correlation appeared between the chest girth and the vertical jump for women aged 10.0+∼17.5+, between the chest girth and vital capacity for women aged 10.0+∼12.0+, between the chest girth and the back strength for men aged 17.5+∼18.0+, and the chest girth and 1,000m run for men aged 15.0+∼15.5+. (p<0.01, p<0.05) 4) The partial correlation of the physical fitness and the abdominal girth. The significant correlation appeared between the abdominal girth and the vertical jump, l0m shuttle run and 10.0+∼15.5+ years, and the back strength and 12.0+∼15.0. years, 1,000m run for men aged 13.0+∼15.0. only. (P<0.01, p<0.05) 5) The partial correlation of the physical fitness and lower limb length. The partial correlation appeared between the lower limb length and the flexibility for men aged 10.5∼14.5+ years and women aged 10.0+∼12.5+. (P<0.01, p<0.05)

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