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      • 우리나라 民官共同出資事業의 活性化에 관한 硏究

        김승환 光州大學校 經商大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 250751

        地方自治制가 본격적으로 施行됨에 따라 날로 다양해지고 고도화되고 있는 지역주민의 복지수요 증대에 능동적으로 대처하고 지역의 각종 현안사업들을 보다 효율적으로 추진하기 위하여, 本 論文은 民間部門의 資本, 技術, 經營力 등을 활용하는 새로운 都市經營的 技法의 하나로 민관공동출자사업을 연구하고자 하였다. 더우기 民間資源의 活用에 그 기반을 두고 있으면서도 지방정부의 현실적 문제해결, 즉 지방재정의 健全化와 良質의 公共서비스 제공측면에서 獨立採算制. 使用者負擔으로 운영되는 민관공동출자사업에 관한 연구는 중요하다고 본다. 그러나 민관공동출자사업은 우리나라의 경우 그 施行이 아직도 初期段階에 불과하여 이론적으로나 기술적으로 많은 補完이 필요한 실정이다. 이의 성공을 위해서는 공공부문과 민간부문의 혼합체로서 민관공동출자사업이 본질적으로 가질 수 있는 여러 가지 내재적인 限界點을 정확히 인식하고, 그 추진과정에서 나타날 수 있는 여러 가지 내재적인 한계점을 정확히 인식하고, 그 추진과정에서 나타날 수 있는 여러 가지 문제점들을 예상하여 이를 극복할 수 있어야 한다. 따라서 본 硏究에서는 민관공동출자사업의 활성화를 위한 몇 가지 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 첫째, 민관공동출자사업을 활성화하기 위해서는 먼저 작은 정부에 대한 필요성을 파악하여 政府와 民間의 力割分擔次元에서 민관공동출자사업을 論議하여야 한다. 둘째, 關聯 法. 制度의 整備를 들 수 있다. 이미 앞에서 論議된 바와 같이 앞으로는 地方自治團體가 25%이상 出資한 民. 商法上의 법인 설립주체를 관주도에서 민주도로 그리고 地方公企業法에 의한 地方公社라는 설립형태를 地方公企業法에 의한 地方公社. 地方工團외의 出資. 出捐法人, 民法上의 財團法人, 商法上의 주식회사로 세분화시켜 개선해 나가야 할 것이다. 세째, 民官共同出資 形態의 地方公社는 稅制面에서의 지원이 절대적으로 필요하다. 본격적인 지방자치시대를 맞이하여 지방적 역량을 키워나가는데 있어 필요한 제도라는 점에서도 지방공사에 대한 세제면의 지원이 있어야 하지만 같은 기능을 수행하고 있고 또 같은 수준의 공공성을 지닌 다른 공공법인과의 균형을 위해서도 地方公社에 대한 세제면의 배려는 특히 중요하다. 네째, 組織管理의 효율성 제고를 위한 방안을 모색하여야 한다. 우선 민관공동출자기업에 대한 공무원의 파견제도와 겸임제도는 민관동동충자사업이 자본의 공동출자일 뿐만 아니라 人才의 公同合資까지 추구한다는 의미가 있으므로, 합리적인 인사제도를 수립하기 위한 제도적인 장치가 이루어 져야 한다. 이를 위해서는 公務員의 派遣目的, 派遣其間, 派遣機關의 選定基準 등의 내용이 명시되어야 할 것이며, 公務員의 處理改善, 退織者 採用時 停年制의 채택, 專門性 確保를 위한 빈번한 人事移動의 止揚등이 이루어져야 한다. 또한 민관공동출자기업의 經營責任性을 증대시키기 위한 인센티브제도와 엄격한 경영평가제도의 실시 地方議會의 監督權 附與 그리고 민관공동출자사업의 광역화를 모색할 필요성이 크다 할 수 있다. 다섯째, 민관 공동출자사업의 통제는 원칙적으로 경영책임의 명확화와 조직의 獨立性 確保라는 차원에서 의사결정에 관한 권한은 경영자에게 전적으로 부여하고 행정의 관여는 가능한 한 배제되어야 한다. The concept of the third sector is one of the public-private partnership that includes the central or local governments(public sector : the first sector)and the private firms (the private sector : the second sector). But how do third sector organizations differ from traditional public and private-for-profit organizations? At least three differedces can be pointed out. First, third sector organizations are typically charaterized by an orientation toward social responsiveness That is they are neither public nor private in purpose or function. Second, some third sector institutions are noted for thir dependence on volunteerism third sector organizations rely heavily on donations of time, money and other services. Third, third sector institutions typically are more change-oriented and experimental than their sister organizations in the public and private sectors. Historically the third sector institutions often arose as a result of the failure of government and business to meet particular social needs. Accordingly the purpose of this study is to look for a way to improve local management and local self-financing capability by utilizing the private sector, especially the third sector that has emerged as a major concern in the field of local administration. The utilization of third sector has been spotlighted as new management technics, which can reduce the harms of monopoly systems resulted from (rigid management structure of the public enterprises and pure privatization) while increasing public interest in the public sector and also ensuring profitability and effectiveness in the private sector. The third sector takes advantage of the administrative support system of the public sector and the high-skilled manpower and management skills of the private sector through the coinvestment by the public and the private. Thereby it can reduce a financial burden and produce a higher quality of services in the public projects. The contents of this study are following : Chapter 1 Introduction 1. problem lodging 2. research purpose 3. research scope and method Chapter 2 Theoretical approach to the third sector as a local management enterprise 1. character of local management enterprise 2. drive background of the third sector 3. concept of the third sector 4. case of the third sector in advanced countries Chapter 3 Present situations and problems of the third sector in Korea 1. review of legal systems 2. present situations 3. problem Chapter 4 Ways of utilizing the third sector Chapter 5 Conclusion The success of the third sector project ultimately depends on the harmony of public interest with profitability in the practical operation. To successfully form the third sector, the following aspects should be considered; policy supporting, lodging for efficiency of organization management, rational control method etc. The researcher was tryint to explore the problems of third sector organizations in Korea and was trying to present the solutions for the problems. And the future study needs to analyze the each different situations and difine the problems in more sysmthetic and systematical manner. With clearer definition of the problem. appropriate alternatives should comeout.

      • 韓國 地方自治團體의 民官共同出資事業에 관한 硏究

        권영모 東亞大學校 1994 국내박사

        RANK : 250750

        This dissertation is to analyze the public-private joint investment enterprises with a specific focus on the third sector established by the local governments. It is assumed that this study has a significant contribution to our understanding of induction process and the actual condition on the public-private joint investment enterprises. There is an increased need to clarifying the public-private joint investment enterprises as we are facing local autonomy. In this study, the subject is dealt with six chapters. In each of them, there are some important theoretical and methodological discussions that may deserve to be fully described here. However, it is necessary to note here that the following analyses and explanations have the most significance. In the second chapter, this study has attempted to introducing several theoretical and practical perspectives on United-States, Japan and France. It is helpful to understand on the third sector or the public-private joint investment enterprises to another countries. From the above analyses, this study has been based on three phases that conception step, drafting step and induction step analysis variables were made by followings : clarifying on local subject, practical use of local resources, goal of the public-private joint investment enterprises, composition of main establishment body, allotment of the public sector and private sector, operation system and preparation of conditions. Another important discussion deals with the type of the public-private joint investment enterprises which have been 50% more invested, 25% -50% invested and less than 25% invested by the local governments. We may know the type of seven local corporations, the type of one high investment company, and the type of one low investment company. The bulk of this study focuses on the case of In-Cheon Terminal Corporation, Kwang-Ju Traffic Management Corporation, Han-Bat Development Corporation in Tae-Jeon, Kyung-Nam Trading Company, and Pusan Comprehensive Goods Terminal Company. We can find a few following important characteristics seen in the public-private joint investment enterprises : there is no clarifying on local subject, the total of administration mainly depends on the guide line of the Home Ministry the legal basis of the administrative encouragement seems lacking, the goal of the public-private joint investment enterprises is not clear, there needs a practical use of local resource, allotment of role on public sector and private sector is not plain, and there is not enough exhaustive discussion on the preparation of conditions. The points further allow us to a few final suggestions : establishment conditions and criteria must be more clarifying in order to effectively approaching the public-private joint investment enterprises in local governments. In order to policy support and maintenance of law, the new system must be made Japan have good examples about this. Japan have special law to support private corporations who have will to participate on the third sector. Actually, we have no support system on this field. If we have loan system, private sector have more concern about the public-private joint investment enterprises. To solve above problems, special law must be enactmented and we have to make an institution to assume exclusive responsibility. A final note may clear the limitation of this study. Although this dissertation tries to focus on the public-private joint investment enterprises, it should be stated here that the depth analysis on every aspect of the public sector and private sector relations and testify their idea was very difficult. Also, there are many factors such as the financial and personnal limitations. Yet the above analyses seem to have a significant relevance to the public-private joint investment enterprises on local governments in Korea.

      • 사회복지분야에 있어서 민관공동출자사업 활용방안에 관한 연구 : 대전광역시 중구 장수마을관리원 사례를 중심으로

        송정숙 대전대학교 경영행정대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 250734

        사회복지정책을 수행함에 있어 공공부문과 민간부문의 역할을 엄격히 구분하기는 매우 어렵다. 그러나 인간의 욕구가 다양해지고 민간부문이 공공부문에 비해 융통성이 있고 창의적이며 새로운 욕구에 즉시 반응할 수 있다는 것을 인식한다면 공공부문의 서비스에만 의존하는 것보다 다양한 민간부문이 서비스를 제공할 때 광범위한 인간의 욕구에 보다 쉽게 반응하고 그 충족 수준도 높힐 수 있을 것이다. 경영수익사업분야에서는 민관공동출자사업에 대한 연구가 많이 있었지만 사회복지분야에 있어서는 아직도 미흡한 점이 많다. 수익성보다는 공공성이 우선되어야 하는 사회복지사업이기 때문에 수익성을 고려해야 하는 민간부문으로서는 참여의 매력이 적었던 것이다. 사실 서구 사회복지의 역사적 전개과정을 볼 때 사회복지사업은 먼저 민간부문 위주로 성립 발전되어 왔다. 그러나 20세기에 들어와 특히 1930년대 대공황과 그에 따른 만성적 대량실업과 국민생활의 파탄으로 민간사회복지에서 공공사회복지로의 대전환을 가져오게 되었던 것이다. 제2차 세계대전 이후 복지국가로 향한 각종 사회보장제도의 실시 등으로 정부의 역할이 증대되었고 공공부문의 사회복지가 국민총생산에서 차지하는 비중이 급격히 증가되었다. 따라서 공공부문의 사회복지에의 지나친 부담으로 인하여 생기는 여러 가지 경제적 비효율성의 문제, 정부재정의 적자, 정부에 대한 신뢰감의 상실 등의 문제를 해결하기 위해서 사회복지서비스를 민간부문에서 제공하는 것이 바람직하다는 논의가 시작되었다. 민관공동출자사업이란 공공부문과 민간부문이 공동으로 출자하여 공동으로 운영하는 사업으로 공공부문에서 부족한 자본, 기술, 인력 등을 민간부문에서 도입하거나 민간부문의 활성화를 위해 공공부문이 선도 또는 지원하는 것을 말한다. 우리 나라에서는 아직까지 민관공동출자사업에 대한 인식의 부족, 제도적 차원에서의 지원미비 등으로 선진국에 비해 활성화되어 있지 못하지만 1990년대부터 민관공동출자사업에 관한 연구가 본격적으로 시작되었고 특히 지방자치단체의 경영수익사업분야에서는 민관공동출자사업이 취약한 지방재정의 확충, 전문적인 경영능력의 효율성과 기술적인 노하우 등을 보완하기 위한 방안으로서 꾸준히 증가하고 있다. 이러한 흐름에 따라 본 연구에서는 그 동안 경영수익사업분야에서 많이 연구되었던 민관공동출자사업을 사회복지정책의 수행에 도입 활성화할 수 있는 방안으로서 대전광역시 중구 장수마을관리원을 사례로 연구해 보았다. 대전광역시 중구 장수마을관리원은 핵가족화와 노령화의 추세에 따라 소외된 노인계층을 위한 미래 지향적인 노인복지정책이 절실하다는 인식하에 노인의 건강관리와 휴양, 문화, 교양시설이 완비된 노인종합복지시설을 건립함으로써 경로풍토의 확산과 소외된 노인들에게 삶의 의지와 보람의 제공을 목적으로 설립되었으나 막대한 시설 공사비와 사업운영에 따른 재정적자로 사업주체인 중구청의 재정부문에 막대한 영향을 미치고 있다. 따라서 이러한 문제점의 해결방안으로 민관공동출자사업의 도입 가능성에 대해서 알아보고자 한다. 사회복지정책의 수행에 있어서 민관공동출자사업방식을 도입하기 위해서는 민간부문이 투자할 수 있는 환경이나 여건의 조성이 필요한 데 그 첫째는, 사회복지서비스에 대한 정확한 이해가 필요하다. 즉 사회복지서비스가 단순히 비용을 받고 서비스를 제공하는 경제적인 차원의 것이 아니라 민간부문에서는 기업의 이익 등에 따른 사회환원적인 의미와 공공부문에서는 보다 건강하고 잘사는 사회를 건설하기 위한 복지국가 지향적인 차원에서 사회복지사업을 인식해야 할 것이다. 이러한 민간부문과 공공부문의 사회복지서비스에 대한 정확한 이해가 선행될 때 보다 나은 복지서비스를 제공할 수 있을 것이다. 둘째, 민간부문의 참여를 유도하기 위한 투자환경의 조성이다. 공공부문에서는 민간부문의 참여를 확대하기 위한 재원의 조달, 세제지원, 금융 및 재정지원, 제도적 지원 등을 통한 여건을 조성해주어야 한다. 수익성이 크지 않은 복지사업이기 때문에 민간부문의 투자를 유도하기 위해서는 그에 적절한 인센티브가 필요한 것이다. 사회복지분야에 있어서 공공부문과 민간부문은 상호보완적인 관계가 되어야 할 것이며 복지의식의 함양, 지방자치의 활성화, 민간부문의 자율성 제고 등 정부의 정책적인 노력이 절실히 요청되고 있다고 하겠다.

      • 民·官共同出資事業에 關한 意識構造와 評價 : 慶尙北道를 中心으로

        정홍철 慶北大學校 行政大學院 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 250719

        In the era of local self-governance, it is necessary for local governments to raise their fiscal capacity by adopting business-like managerial strategies in order to provide better public services and to meet citizens demands. A program on public-private enterprises (so-called, "the third sector") must be one of their attempts to consummate a marriage between the public and private sectors in the creation of industrial and infrastructure bases which are necessary to specific development plans. Such a public-private enterprises program could help local governments to improve the levels of their service quality, governmental performance, and regional development. The purpose of this study is two-fold: to evaluate citizens' responses to public-private enterprises and to provide suggestions for the improvement of "third sector management." A survey of 2,610 citizens categorized into three groups--residents, entrepreneurs, and governmental officials--in Kyongsangbuk-do has been conducted to investigate their thinking on 20 questions regarding public-private enterprises. The results of the survey are six-fold. First, citizens do not quite understand public-private enterprises themselves, although they are very positive to the adoption of public-private enterprises in the province. This result suggests that a variety of government programs on public information and public relations are necessary to inform local citizens about public-private enterprises. The second is concerned with the establishment and management of public-private enterprises. Local citizens must be allowed to participate in the establishment of enterprises by subscribing for capital stocks. Enterprises should be managed by both public and private organizations, whereas managerial strategies and techniques be controlled only by private organizations. Thirdly, it is recommended that enterprises should employ the current and former high-ranking persons working in both private and public organizations in order to improve the level of technical and professional specialty. The fourth is for the selection of enterprises types. The result of the survey suggests that we need to choose those enterprises which can compete with private companies and improve public interests without intervening private markets. The fifth is related to governmental policies which provide assistance and incentives for private companies to participate in "the third sector" programs. Local governments should guarantee a certain level of proper profits for private companies who participate in the programs, as well as provide either a long-term loan with low interest or tax exemption during the initial stage of establishment. Finally, public-private enterprises seem to have a bright future since the survey shows that not only citizens in the province are very concerned about such enterprises, but also a considerable number of private entrepreneurs have revealed their intention to participate in public-private enterprises programs.

      • 民官共同出資事業의 活性化 方案에 관한 硏究

        신승엽 江原大學校 經營行政大學院 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 250687

        This dissertation is a study into plans for activation of 3rd sector(Public Sec- tor and Private Sector Joint Projects) to mobilize private financing in this upc- oming era of full-fledged local self-government, in order to take action on the difficulties being faced by local governments ; said difficulties being faced by local governments because demands on administrations by people are greatly incre- sed, while financing of their administrations by local governments is scant. Interest in 3rd sector is being increased because of the trend towards small go- vernment following the introduction of management thinking and principles in loc- al government bodies. However, the reality is that there are few cases of its i- ntroduction by local governments. Therefore, this paper is about exploring ways to help local area development through activation of the tourist business as an inducement to 3rd sector ; the fact being that self-financing by Kangweon province is at a very low level in co- mparison with other provinces and cities. A summary of the essential content of the study is as follows: Chapter I, the preface, deals with research suggestions on problems, pruposes, scope and methodology. Scope of research includes local residents and enterprises, with provinces, ci- ties and counties as subjects ; and 3rd sector enterprises as objectives of this sutdy. Central government is also included, as required. Many examples from Korea are included in the scope of regional study ; but fore- ign examples are also included for referencd purposes. ChapterII. The theoretical background consists of : 1. Meaning and types Studies were performed into how concepts were formed and how 3rd sector was defined. 2. Background to introduction of examples from foreign countries, and necessity 3. Foreign examples Foreign examples from the U.S.A., England and Japan were investigated, and were analyzed to determine their relevance to our situation. Chapter III. Operational status of Public Sector-Private Sector Joint Projects and important issues l. Introduction and operational status Introduction background, systemic conditions and operational status were in- vestigated with respect to introduction and operational status in Korea. 2. Important issues of, and directions for, developmept Items to be considered, together with the issues and directions with respect to development, were presented in the establishment stage as important issues. Chapter IV. Case Study from Kangweon Province 1. Regional circumstances and prospects Tourism was focused upon as suitable for Kangweon Province, with respect to regional circumstances and prospects. 2. Introduction of necessity and present status Local-base financing capacity of Kangweon Province', example of Kyong Kang Ge- neral Tourist Development Corporation in Chunchon City, and trends towards establishment of 3rd sector were studied. 3. Activation methodology Directions for proceeding were presented with respect to introducing 3rd sec- tor to the tourist business in Kangweon province, the area having advantages in this activity over other regions, Chapter V. Conclusions As a result of this study, important issues and solutions with respect to 3rd sector involvement were set out, as follows: First, rational, objective selection criteria must be established to avoid pos- sible misunderstandings, vis-a-vis special privileges to private partners, in the selection process. Second, the private sector will display reluctance to participate in local admi- nistration projects, as their profits would be forecast to fall due to pursuit of both public- and private- interest projects. Therefore, it is recommended that the requirde cost be borne by the puiblic sector, when the public interest is to be pursued preferentially over private interests. Third, ways of introducing project financing other than those existing now have to be reviewed, for situations in which it might prove difficult to raise funds when both the 1ocal government and private sectors have weak project financing capabilities. In view of these points, many issues are expected to surface in introducing th- ird sector business; but, introduction of third sector business could prove to be a policy useful towards regional development through the resultant attraction of private sector capital, by virtue of proceeding with projects in a prudent manner, taking lessons from the experience of other countries, Korea introducing the sys- tem at a later stage than said other countries.

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