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      • 지방신문의 활성화방안에 관한 연구 : 대전지역 신문기자와 독자의 의식비교

        김형중 한남대학교 지역개발대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 234383

        The present is greeting the flooded generation with the various media sorts. In the midst of diversifying mass media with on introduction of the new media, it is a reality for the newspapers to hugely struggle therein. The Korean newspapers, as with the economic crisis, arehaving a crisis due to the rapid decrease in the advertisement rate. As of this year, there has had one of the provincial newspapers requesting for the legal management and of the number of newspaper publishing companies closing down has increased. The provincial newspaper publishing companies, which are more reliant upon the advertisement than the metropolitan newspapers, are at the more critical state. It is at a point where, in order for the local newspapers to survive, it has to either create a good quality of newspaper centralized in the readers or lead the readers fitted to the editing method of the newspaper publishing company. As for the second case, the reality is lacking with the various tastes of the readers, and it seems that the readers level is not yet up to that height. Thus, it is more practical in making the good quality newspapers upon centralizing in the readers. Already in the United States of America, there are many successful stories appealing by publishing the newspapers created according by the readers. With this, there are many ongoing consciousness researches and strategic studies of the consumer, people, only to make a good quality of newspapers centralizing in the readers. Therefore, the way of activating the newspapers is to make the news oriented to the readers. It is viewed that it is rather difficult to make the new good quality of newspaper for the readers just with an ordinary newspaper publishing systems. In order to meet the needs of readers, a novel frame will be required. In order for the newspaper publishing companies to break out of the common way of thinking and the given frame and originate a new frame, they must first reform the business through such as the new minds and the bold investments. The business innovation methods are diversified as the offensive advertisement, active sales activity, reformation of newspaper delivering, and community cooperation construction. Among these, the most important thing is of how well the newspaper publisher is exactly acknowledging what the kind of newspaper the customer is satisfied and desiring. This type of recognition is becoming an essential element more so for the provincial newspapers suffering from the business operation. One of the foremost fundamental in a way of making the newspaper centralizing in the readers is that there needs to be a survey of the peoples ways of thinking. Because Unless the publishers knew what people are thinking about, it would be hard to make the newspaper satisfactory. In this research, it studies upon the idea of whether there would be a difference in thinking in between the people mostly composed of the employees (the customers) and the local reporters (the press). The customers and press thought of good quality newspapers were looked into for comparisons, then the local papers activation method was groped in grounding on the indicated. As the result of the survey, the people wanted to see the good quality newspaper that is the one with an articles digging out the bright side of the society and presenting the life of the people. In addition, the portion the local newspapers were to pay attention to be thought as the local governing as well as profoundly reporting the economic area while actively functioning for the pending problems at the local regions. Moreover, as much as the reporters producing of the articles, the qualification of the reporter was considered important. The difference in between customers and the press was that though the customers were aware of the troubling views whereas the press was more into the helping side on the local society developments. In addition, the consumer wanted the articles related to health and entertainment, when the press was leaning more towards the local government matters. Moreover, as for the local newspapers needed improvement part, on the contrast of the customers feeling that the reporters dealings about the society essential issues were shabby, the press tended to be comparatively understanding for them. In looking at the result as the above, the difference of thinking in between the customer and press has had existed and the provincial newspaper publishing companies were to spend further effort in re-training and qualification matters of the new producing reporters while working on the just criticism along with the obtaining of the positive consciousness. For the activation of the local paper, there is a necessity of lessening the gap in between the customer and the press, and focus on creating the newspaper that is made as for the people. Also there needs to be the look-over on why the U. S. newspapers are going towards the peoples favoring for the paper, and the importance of study and practice in the field was reoccurred. One could obtain the result that the only way for the provincial newspaper to survive is to convert into the showing newspapers, and customer-oriented newspapers with good qualities. These could be possible that the metropolitan newspapers are differentiated, the regional characteristics are address and the papers are required.

      • 중앙일간지 지방판의 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 : 대전·충남지역을 중심으로

        전성우 한남대학교 지역개발대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 234351

        새로운 생활양식이자 가치인 풀뿌리민주주의의 성공적인 정착과 활성화를 위해 지역언론의 중요성은 새삼 강조할 필요도 없다. 이 같은 맥락에서 그동안 지방신문을 비롯한 지역언론의 활성화 방안 등에 대한 연구와 논의는 학계와 언론계, 시민사회운동단체 등을 중심으로 활발하게 진행되어왔다. 하지만 중앙지의 지방판은 이 논의 마당에서 늘 소외되어 왔다. 그렇다고 중앙언론에 대한 연구와 논의에서 지방판의 자리가 있었던 것도 전혀 아니다. 중앙지의 지방판은 중앙언론과 지역언론의 사이에서 사각지대로 방치되어 왔다. 본 연구는 중앙지의 지방판을 이 같은 연구 논의 마당에 올리기 위한 목적으로 출발했다. 엄연히 지역의 사안만을 다루는 지면인 중앙지의 지방판은 지역언론으로서 기능하고 있다. 이는 지방판을 담당하는 중앙지의 지방주재기자들이 해당 지역의 언론인임과 더불어 부인할 수 없는 사실이다. 현재 우리나라의 지방 신문시장은 사실상 중앙지가 장악하고 있다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 이는 지방의 수많은 독자들이 중앙지 지방판을 보고 있다는 사실을 반증하며 이 같은 맥락에서 볼 때 중앙지 지방판이 지역언론에 대한 연구와 논의 마당에서 제외될 하등의 이유가 없는 것이다. 지역언론은 지역주민의 삶의 질을 높이는데 기여해야 한다. 본 연구는 지역언론에서 양적으로나, 질적으로나 적지 않은 몫을 담당하고 있는 중앙지 지방판의 기능을 활성화시키고 알찬 지면을 만들기 위한 방안을 모색하기 위해 우선 그 실태를 분석했다. 10개 중앙일간지의 지방판(중부판)의 지면 수와 기사의 양, 기사의 유형, 기사의 주제 등을 분석하고, 주재기자들과의 심층 인터뷰를 통해 각 신문사의 지역취재 및 지방판 제작시스템을 조사했다. 이 같은 연구분석 결과를 바탕으로 중앙지 지방판의 활성화 방안을 제시했다. 그 결과는‘지역밀착형 보도’‘생활밀착형 보도’ 로 압축할 수 있다. 이를 위해서는 매일 지방판을 발행하는 상시적인 지방판 제작시스템 등의 인프라가 구축되어야 하지만 조사 결과 중앙지의 지방판 발행일은 주당 3~6회로 들쭉날쭉했다. 중앙지는 여전히 지방 독자에 대한 지면 배려에 인색하고 소홀하다. 지면 분석 결과 지방판 기사는 지방행정기사가 가장 많았고 문화체육기사, 교육기사 등이 그 뒤를 이었다. 행정기사의 상당수는 보도자료에 의존하는 관급기사였다. 기사의 유형 또한 스트레이트, 박스 등으로 단순화되어 있었다. 해설, 칼럼, 투고 등은 지방판에서 거의 찾아보기 힘들었다. 따라서 지방판 기사의 주제와 유형 등을 좀더 다양화시켜 독자들의 욕구를 충족시키려는 노력이 필요하다. 최근 들어 일부 중앙지를 중심으로 지방 보도를 활성화하려는 새로운 노력을 기울이는 모습이 많이 발견되고 있다. 조선일보가 주재기자들이 편집까지 담당하는 사실상의 ‘지방 편집국 체제’를 운영하고, 중앙일보가 ‘네이션와이드’란 지방기획면을 주 1회 고정 제작하는 것 등이 그 좋은 예이다. 한국일보와 한겨레 등도 지방주재기자들이 공동 취재한 지역의 이슈를 기획기사로 과감히 키워 전국적인 이슈로 부각시키는 편집을 자주 보여주고 있다. 이는 중앙지들이 ‘지방’을 점차 중요한 분야로 인식하기 시작했다는 점에서 긍정적으로 평가된다. There is no necessity for emphasizing the importance of a local press deliberately for the revitalization and the successful resettlement of grass-root democracy that is new way of our lives and a value. In this context during that time the study and a discussion about the revitalization program of a local press including a local newspaper have progressed actively around the academic world, the press and a civil-society-movement-body and so on. However a regional edition has always kept at a distance in the ground of this discussion. And there was no absolutely the place of a regional edition in the study and a discussion about the central press. The regional edition of the central press has been left to the dead ground between the central press and the local press. This research started for the purpose of bringing up the regional edition of the central press in the ground of this discussion. Solemnly the regional edition of a central press, the paper space that deals with only plans of the region, functions as the local press. This is a plain truth with the fact that stationed reporters of the region who have charge of the regional edition are journalists of a relevant region. Now central presses actually domain a local paper market in our country. This means that many country people read the regional edition of a central press and in this context it is very important in the study and the discussion about the local press. The local press should make contribution to enhance the quality of the local people. This study analysed the reality for the purpose of revitalizing the function of the regional edition of a central press that take a great share quantitatively and qualitatively, and finding the devices of making the best paper space. This research analysed the number of paper space, quantity, types and subjects of a press news in the regional edition(the middle regional edition) of 10 central daily newspaper and investigated how each newspaper company gathers regional news, and the production system of a regional edition through an in-depth interview with stationed reporters. On the basis of the result of this research's analysis, I presented the revitalizing plan of the regional edition of a central press. The result is 'a regional-close -adhesion- type news' and 'a life-close-adhesion-type news'. For this, infra, such as an ordinary production system of a regional edition that publishes it at ordinary times, should be established. But in consequence of the research the date of issue of a central press was uneven 3 or 6 times every week. The central press is yet stingy and indifferent in the concern about the paper space for local readers. As a result of the paper space analysis, there was most numerous local administration news, next cultural sports news, then educational news in a regional edition. A large percentage of a administrative news is government issue that depends on news data. In addition the type of news was simplified with a straight-article, box-article and so on. We little found commentary, column, the reader's contribution in a regional edition. So there is a need for an effort to satisfy reader's desire through diversifying the subject and type of a regional edition news. Recently we see such aspects that try to revitalize a local news around a certain central press. Good examles : In Chosun daily newspaper's case, stationed reporters run 'a local editorial department system' in fact and In Jungang daily newspaper's case, ‘Nation Wide’, a paper space for a local planning, is produced fixedly one time each week. Hankook daily newspaper and Hangyearee showed often editing that stationed local reporters gather news together and boldly stand out into country issue from the local issue. This is affirmatively evaluated in the light that central presses begin to see 'a local' as a important field.

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